MST-Department of Security and Correction Science


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    Multi-Agencies Cooperation and Border Security along Kenya-Somalia Border Wajir County - Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Imai, Benjamin Juma
    Securing their boarders has become a concern for all countries globally. This is because unsecure boarders pose a serious threat both to national and international security of states. For instance, the porous Kenya-Somali boarder continues to pose a serious threat to the security and development of Kenya as a country. This study therefore sought to examine the nexus between multi-agencies cooperation and border security along the Kenya-Somali border in Wajir County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess how coordinated multi-agencies patrols affects border security along the Kenya-Somalia border, to determine the influence of multi-agencies intelligence gathering on border security along the Kenya-Somalia border, to examine the influence of resource sharing among multi-agencies on border security along the Kenya-Somalia border and to examine the challenges to multi-agencies cooperation in securing the Kenya-Somalia border. The study was guided by systems theory. It adopted a descriptive survey research design that used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Stratified and simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to collect data for the study. The tools utilized to get data were, questionnaires and interview schedule. Both qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated to provide robust illustrations of the key findings. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented as percentages, pie charts, and bar graphs. Qualitative data on the other hand was analyzed thematically and presented as quoted verbatim. The study found that joint coordinated patrols, joint intelligence gathering, sharing and analysis and sharing of resources among the various multi-agency teams played a crucial role in border security management. The study found that challenges such as inter-agency rivalries and turf wars for dominance of resources, effective coordination challenges in operations, cultural and institutional differences, inadequate resource allocation and operational discrepancies in the procedures, protocols and readiness negatively impacted on border security. The study concluded that, the Kenya Police Service, the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF), and local administrative bodies have made significant stride in enhancing boarder security along Kenya-Somali boarder in Wajir County. Also, by fostering a unified approach, these coordinated efforts have strengthened national defenses and enhanced responses to criminal activities. The study among other things recommended establishment of one command center for multi-agency teams and enhanced resources to bolster multi-agency efforts in boarder security.
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    Security Measures and Border Security at Namanga One Stop Border Post, Kajiado County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Oyosi, Erick Ochieng
    The border administration policies emphasize the necessity for all participants in border management to be engaged to enhance the effectiveness of border operations. Security measures are normally enhanced along the border posts to improve on the national security of a given country by preventing entrance of terrorists, illegal goods and human trafficking. These security measures ensure safety at the border. The primary objective was to evaluate the efficacy of security strategies and border security management at Namanga OSBP. The specific objectives were as follows: to determine the effects of physical patrol on border security management at the Namanga one stop boarder post, Kajiado county, Kenya, to investigate the effects of integrated scanners on border security management at the Namanga one stop boarder post, Kajiado county, Kenya, and to examine the effects of electronic surveillance systems on border security management at the Namanga one stop boarder post, Kajiado county, Kenya. The research utilized Panic Theory of Border Management and the Segmentation Theory of Border Control. A descriptive survey research design was utilised. The population comprised of the employees at the Namanga OSBP, including police officers, customs officials, immigration officers, and National Intelligence Service employees, among others. The research used stratified random sampling. The data was collected via the use of questionnaires. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and then presented using tables, percentages, graphs and pie charts. This study found out that border security is complex and it requires various interventions, which entails a combination of technology and human security personnel for effective operations. In regard to objective one, the researcher finds that physical patrol emerges as a fundamental border security management measure, and is considered essential in enhancing security at the border point by minimizing insecurity incidents and eliminating potential of border security breaches. In regard to objective two, the researcher finds that integrated scanners have been critical in the management or improvement of security at the border points. For the third objective, the researcher also finds a positive correlation between the electronic surveillance and effective border security management, hence observing that electronic surveillance is critical in the management of border security and in the improvement of services. Based on the findings, this study concluded that various security measures, including physical patrols, integrated scanning, and electronic monitoring, are essential in the management of border security and in enhancing services. A major recommendation of the study is to promote greater multi-agency and multi-stakeholder collaboration as a means of detaining individuals attempting to enter a country illegally and effectively seizing any contraband goods. This necessitates more efficient border patrols and surveillance strategies. Additionally, the study suggests exploring technologies such as Big Data and the Internet of Things to improve security, as well as examining cross-border politics in relation to border security management.
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    Police Use of Social Media and Public Trust in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Kemboy, Leonard Kipngetich
    This study investigated how public trust is affected by police usage of social media and its effects on Nairobi County's security management. The following objectives guided the study; analyzing social media platforms used by police, examining public attitudes and perceptions of the members of the public towards police usage of social media, analyzing strategies that police use on social media to enhance public trust and examining impact of the challenges police encounter in gaining public trust through use of social media. The technological acceptability model and information flow theory directed the study. The study employed survey research design, target population was 9350 and the sample size was 384. simple and purposeful random sampling approaches were used, while questionnaires and interviews were utilized as data gathering tools. Quantitative data was analyzed using the SPSS output for descriptive statistics, while qualitative data was analyzed thematically as per study objectives. The study established that Facebook and X are the most preferred social media platforms for police communication. On the same note, study found out that public perception and attitudes significantly influence public trust on police use of social media. Further the study established that the people of Nairobi are aware of the police's social media strategies and the most common strategies are incident reporting and updating, with moderate use of public relations. Community discussions are less common. On the last objective, the study revealed that police face challenges in using social media to build public trust, with false information, misuse, privacy concerns, technical issues, lack of resources, and inadequate training being the most significant issues. In conclusion, the study found that Facebook and X are the most preferred social media platforms by the Kenyan police for communication with the public. Public trust is significantly influenced by social media strategies like incident reporting and updating, but challenges such as misinformation, privacy concerns, and resource limitations hinder their effectiveness. The study recommends regular updates, transparency, and expanded use of platforms including TikTok and WhatsApp. Improved public awareness campaigns, investment in training, and technical tools are essential to overcoming these barriers and fostering trust.
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    Organized Criminal Gangs and Security in the Public Transport Sector in Embakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Naliali, Chrispo Eliasaph
    The public transport sector in urban areas in Africa plays a significant role in transporting people from one point to another. In spite of these the sector has faced challenges of control by organized criminal gangs. This happens in spite of measures taken by government to bring order to the sector. This study has examined organized criminal groups and security in the public transport sector in Emabakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya. Three objectives were formulated for this study. To begin with, this study examined the factors that influence the emergence of OCGs in the public transport sector in Embakasi. Second, this study assessed how the operations of OCGs in the public transport sector contribute to insecurity in Embakasi . Finally, the effectiveness of strategies put in place by the government of Kenya to counter the operations of OCGs in the public transport sector Embakasi was evaluated. This study was anchored on two complementary theories namely; the ungoverned spaces theory and the relative deprivation theory. The ungoverned spaces theory argued that the state's incapacity to control violence on its area of jurisdiction gives room to the emergence of OCGs. Based on relative deprivation theory this study has demonstrate how young people who have been relatively deprived from economic and social benefits of society express feelings of discontent and resentment by joining the growing number of criminal gangs in the area. This study took the form of exploratory research design. Both primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed. A field interview of 100 respondents was selected using purposive and snow balling sampling techniques. These included; current and former members of OCGs, informal transport operators, residents, security agencies and security experts. Data collected was analyzed and interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings of this study indicated that the public transport sector has been vulnerable to control and capture by organized criminal gangs. The study attributed the rise of OCGs to the inability of the government to fully govern the public transport sector where criminal gangs operate. Secondly it was noted that it was noted that the operations of OGGs has contributed to insecurity in Embakasi, In competition for money collected from transport operators, rival gangs have in many occasions clashed violently resulting in serious injuries, deaths and compromising the general security situation. Lastly, it was noted that although government has put up legislations and acts to contain OCGs, there was lack of good will and commitment from the authorities to combat OCGs in Embakasi. This study recommended that to curb the operations of OCGs in the informal transport sector in Kenya, the state must assert its authority in all sectors under its territory.
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    Kenya’s Interest in State (Re)Building of Somalia (2002-2021)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Bosh, Alinoor Moulid
    This study examined Kenya's role in promoting peace and supporting state-building in Somalia between 2002 and 2021, a period characterized by Kenya's significant diplomatic, military and economic engagement in Somalia. The specific objectives this stsudy were to analyze Kenya's contributions to peace in Somalia, examine its underlying interests in the peace process, to assess the impact of Kenya's military intervention on Somalia's state-building, and to analyse the challenges Kenya faces in rebuilding the state of Somalia. This study is based on realism and constructivism theories. This study used a descriptive survey research design with a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data was collected through surveys, while qualitative insights were gained from interviews and case studies. The study area included Somalia and Kenya and targeted a diverse group of diplomats, representatives of international organizations, local communities, civil society organizations, regional leaders and representatives of the business sector. A purposive sampling method yielded 291 participants. Data collection methods included questionnaires, interviews, observations and document analysis with rigorous pre-testing of instruments to ensure validity and reliability. The results revealed a complex picture of Kenya's involvement in Somalia. Kenya's security contributions through its role in the African Union Mission in Somalia helped stabilize the region, while its diplomatic efforts facilitated political dialogue and solutions. Economic initiatives to promote cross-border development further underlined Kenya’s commitment in state rebuilding. Despite these contributions, the study found varying public perceptions of Kenya's role, highlighting a mix of support and skepticism. Challenges to Kenya's state-building efforts included limited access to accurate data, reliance on classified information, and skepticism about the reliability of official reports. The study concluded that Kenya's involvement significantly influenced Somalia's state-building by providing stability, promoting economic development and promoting regional cooperation. However, the research also highlighted the complexity of external interventions and the need to address the underlying socio-political dynamics for sustainable peace. The findings offer valuable lessons for future state-building initiatives in the Horn of Africa and have implications for policy and academic discourse on regional conflict resolution and intergovernmental relations.
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    Cross-Border Conflicts and Social-Economic Development along the Kenya-Ethiopia Border: A Case of Turkana County
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Mwangi, K. Cheloti
    Kenya borders South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda on the western side. This border is ladened with cross-border conflict involving the Turkana of Kenya, Dasanach and Nyangatom of Ethiopia, Toposa of South Sudan, and Karamoja of Uganda. The cross-border conflicts between the pastoral communities of Kenya and Ethiopia continue to ravage the social-economic development of cross-border communities on the northwestern border of Kenya in Turkana County. Thus, this study focused on how managing the cross-border conflicts improved social economic growth in Turkana County on the Kenyan-Ethiopian border. The study was guided by three objectives: To examine the effect of cross-border conflicts on the social economic development of Turkana County on the Kenya-Ethiopia border, To assess the measures for enhancing intervention mechanisms for managing cross-border conflicts and social economic development of the Turkana County on the Kenya-Ethiopia border and to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention mechanisms for managing the cross-border conflicts and the social economic development of the Turkana County on the Kenya-Ethiopia border. The scope of the study was to gain more insight into the cross-border conflict ravaging the pastoral communities on the Kenyan-Ethiopian border, especially in Turkana County and how the social economic development of the area was affected. The study employed constructivism theory, which guided the study on the causal factors leading to cross-border conflicts to have a more nuanced approach to the factors that transcend cross-border conflict. The study was meant to give insight into the current state of affairs along the Kenyan-Ethiopian border and enable the state to initiate the suggested strategies to improve Kenya-Ethiopian relations. The study used an explanatory research design and multistage sampling. The study area was Turkana County, on the border between Kenya and Ethiopia. The researcher sampled from the targeted population of 65,218, derived from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 census of Turkana North Constituency, and by using Slovin's formula, a sample size of 392 respondents were used in the study. The study also used the questionnaire, interview schedule, focus group discussion and observation to collect primary data; the data was analysised using descriptive statistics and contend analysis. The findings indicated the effect of the high prevalence of cross-border conflicts and considerable impact on the social and economic development of the people in Turkana County. It also showed that there were various interventions measures to resolve the conflict. The measures included disarmament, arms control, managing border points and the judicial systems. Several effective intervention mechanisms were noted, such as using kraal elders and regional councils to relay information from the government to the communities and preventing cross-border conflict escalation. Concerning the management of cross-border conflicts, an intergovernmental approach was recommended that both states pool resources and enhance the livelihood of the border communities through shared facilities, which prevent one community from falling behind the other and becoming the source of continued conflict.
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    Diplomatic Relations and Its Impact on Regional Cooperation Focus on Kenya and Uganda (2002 – 2022)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Kiprotich, Joash
    The two Great Lake African countries (Kenya and Uganda) have pursued bilateral diplomatic relations in different areas after the independence. The main aim of the study was to assess the Kenya – Uganda bilateral relations and its impact on East African regional cooperation (2002-2022). The study guided by the following specific objectives which were to examine shift in bilateral diplomatic relations, analyze the impact of bilateral diplomatic relations between Kenya and Uganda on regional cooperation and to examine strategies of resolving bilateral tensions between Kenya and Uganda. The study was anchored on the Interdependence Liberalism Theory. The scope of the study was limited to the period between 2002 and 2022, which was vital to obtaining comprehensive analysis of the long-term implications of bilateral diplomatic relations between Kenya and Uganda. The study employed explanatory research design. A sample of 96 respondents was drawn from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kenya, Ugandan Embassy in Nairobi, custom officers and Immigration Officers in border point of Kenya and Uganda and Immigration officers. Semi-Structured Questionnaires and Interviews were used in the collection of primary data, while Foreign Ministry policy documents, publications, peer reviewed journals, online literal works, online journals, newspapers and websites provided secondary data. The study used inferential methods for data analysis. The qualitative data collected was analyzed using content analysis and presented in the form of charts and tables. The analysis showed a strong agreement that there has been a shift in bilateral relations between Kenya and Uganda in the areas of political relations, border trade, conflict resolution efforts, and infrastructure development.
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    East African Regional Trade on Poverty Alleviation in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Lolgisoi, Betty Naisenya
    The study sought to investigate the East African Community regional trade on poverty alleviation with a focus on Kenya. The specific objectives were; to investigate the relationship between regional trade and poverty alleviation, to evaluate the effectiveness of regional trade strategies and to find out how the East African Community regional trade policies were alleviating poverty in Kenya. The study adopted Ricardian theory of comparative advantage, regional integration theory and classical theory of poverty. Descriptive research design was used targeting all 44 staff from the State Department of East African Community Affairs, 30 staff from Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and 743 traders from City Square Centre, Starehe Sub-County. Respondents were identified using systematic random sampling from a sample that included 39 staff members from the State Department of East African Community Affairs, 28 personnel from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and 260 traders from City Square. The collection of primary data involved the use of a semi-structured interview guide. The instrument’s validity was assessed through content, face, and construct validity. To confirm its reliability, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated, yielding a value of 0.7. Data analysis included both descriptive and inferential statistics. Additionally, qualitative data, organized thematically, underwent content analysis. Ethical conduct was observed such as confidentiality and voluntary participation of respondents. The research identified a significant relationship between EAC regional trade and poverty alleviation. Regional trade strategies had a significant influence on poverty alleviation in Kenya. It was revealed that in Kenya, regional trade policies was significantly effective in influencing alleviation of poverty. The study made conclusion that EAC regional trade has a significant relationship with poverty alleviation in Kenya. It was concluded that there was a relationship between EAC regional trade and poverty alleviation in Kenya. The study recommended that Kenya should build capacities and create favorable environment for its population to enhance more exports into the EAC regional trade. A recommendation was made that there should be more accountability of public resources such as revenue generated from EAC regional trade for effective and efficient utilization in the building of public infrastructure and social amenities. It was recommended that there should be a review of EAC regional trade strategies to improve more trade in the area.
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    Non-Governmental Organizations Management of Intercommunal Conflicts through Dialogue in Marsabit County: Case of Concern Worldwide (1991-2013)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-01) Bed, Molu Amina
    Dialogue is important as humans are in constant communication with one another. As the world currently witnesses violent conflicts, how we respond to them is an infinitely important matter for human coexistence. We have the responsibility to respond with fear, hatred, and violence or with open-mindedness, acceptance, and understanding. If trauma and conflict increase, then peace goes under the fraction line and becomes negative peace (Galtung, 2012). This thesis discusses dialogue as a tool in peacebuilding. The statement of the problem raises the need for knowledge of what dialogue means, the goal is to examine the efforts made by Concern Worldwide to promote peace in Marsabit county, including identifying specific initiatives taken and analyzing the organization's role in managing inter-community conflicts in the area and finally to find out the challenges faced by Concern Worldwide in its efforts to manage inter-communal conflict in Marsabit county. This thesis argues that change and cooperation are possible effects of dialogue rather than integral parts of dialogue as a form of communication. The study was grounded in John Paul Lederach's theory (2005), and additional empirical literature was examined in this section. The survey used a descriptive research construct utilizing questionnaires and an interview guide. The data obtained was analyzed utilizing a qualitative process that deals with empirical statistics or potentially verifiable data obtained. Qualitative data was gathered using open-ended questionnaires, and in cases where respondents were illiterate, interviews were conducted. The information gathered was interpreted objectively. Primary and secondary sources were utilized to collect the data. The key findings were summarized from the statistics collected in the survey. This enabled the researcher to make conclusions and even make recommendations in keeping with the results. The survey disclosed that even though competition for resources is frequently quoted as the reason for violent fight in Marsabit County, evidence in regard to this survey show that conflict in Marsabit is now more complicated than anyone can imagine. The system of wars in this locality is dynamic. Concern Worldwide intervention techniques have had Joint Community Peace Resolution interest. Community leaders and security officials facilitated and coordinated peace committees from time to time. Findings revealed that the original pastoralist traditions and cultures that call for the resolution of conflict amicably by use of elders, dialogue, and some old-fashioned rituals have gradually been shelved. Peace resolutions between the concerned communities have mostly depended on the availability of pasture and water and are completely tied to a win-win situation. The survey also came up with other suggestions such as investment in creating awareness and elevation of peace as well as training the indigenous communities and sensitization on conflict and illegal arms. Dialogue can be a sustainable tool in peacebuilding as it can contribute to adaptability, as defined by Lederach.
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    Countering Terrorism through Private Security Guards: Case of Public Universities of Kenya (2006 -2016)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-02) Moler, Pius Pkegho
    Private security guards (PSGs) contribute to counter-terrorism in the Kenya's public universities in the last decade. The study attempted to understand the rationale for the use of Private Security Providers (PSP) services to safeguard public institutions in place of the National Police Service (NPS). The study addressed the evolving role of private security measures in countering terrorism within Kenyan public universities between 2006 and 2016. It examined strategies, policies, and challenges encountered by PSGs. The study assessed policy interventions, focusing on recruitment, training, and collaborations with national security agencies. Despite these efforts, there was a lack of comprehensive analysis on the long-term effectiveness and adaptation to evolving terrorist threats. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of PSGs in safeguarding universities against terrorism, considering challenges and perceptions of private security personnel. Additionally, it explored socio-political and economic influences on security measures during the specified timeframe. The study was guided by objectives that assessed the rationale of using private security guards in protecting Kenya Public Universities, interrogated the counter-terrorism strategies adopted by private security guards in Kenya Public Universities and analyzed the challenges facing private security guards in counter-terrorism. The study employed exploratory research design with a mixed approach on qualitative and quantitative methods, where data was quantitatively and qualitatively collected and analyzed.39 respondents were randomly selected while purposive sampling was used to select 6 supervisors and 6 heads of the respective institutions safety and security department in the study. The study investigated the rationale for using private security guards in protecting Kenyan public universities, the counter-terrorism strategies adopted by these guards, and the challenges they face in counter-terrorism efforts. The deployment of private security guards was deemed necessary due to the inadequacy of the available police force, and their presence was considered friendlier for the unique environment of learning institutions. The study found that various strategies, such as technology use, monthly rotations, and counter-terrorism rehearsals, positively contributed to the safety and security of public universities. However, challenges like human rights law restrictions, lack of equipment, inadequate training, and poor coordination were identified. The study concluded that continued deployment of private security guards in universities is justified for prompt response and maintaining the institutions' primary role. Recommendations include expediting the arming of private security guards, regulating their training, conducting anti-terrorism drills, providing necessary equipment, and reviewing their remuneration periodically to enhance effectiveness in countering terrorism
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    Application of Geospatial Techniques by Police in Crime Prevention in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-03) Wachiuri, Gichohi John
    Geospatial techniques play an important role in analysis of crime and designing of crime prevention strategies. The use of the new technological tools such as remote sensing and GIS has enhanced and improved capabilities and effectiveness of police agencies. The main objective of the research was to assess the application of geospatial techniques in crime prevention through police crime response strategies examining the technological innovations as a driving force that can lead to reform of crime prevention and control strategies. There were three specific objectives in this the study. First, is to assess the components of geospatial techniques in crime prevention through police response strategies, secondly it was to examine how the application of geospatial techniques influenced crime prevention through police response strategies and thirdly it was to determine the extent of application of geospatial techniques for crime prevention through police response strategies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was underpinned on two theories, the situational crime prevention and crime pattern theory. In this study descriptive survey research design was adopted and the methodology aimed at gathering information utilizing the questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The choice of Nairobi City County as the area of study was informed by accessibility of the essential infrastructure that Geospatial techniques innovation can ride on. One hundred and sixty-five police officers formed the sample size of the study from a target population of 206. Stratified purposive sampling was adopted for the study where each stratum consisted of relatively homogeneous sub group that was randomly selected to reduce biases. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Quantitative data was analyzed utilizing SPSS for computation of statistical summaries. The qualitative data was in the first place arranged systematically into text format and then exported into a spreadsheet. As revealed by the results of the study, the three components of geospatial techniques i.e Geographical Information Systems, Global Positioning System and Remote Sensing were being used for capturing, analyzing and storing crime data. Service delivery in terms of efficiency in police crime response strategies have improved with application of geospatial techniques in crime prevention in Nairobi City County. In order to create harmony in in dissemination of crime data obtained through geospatial techniques the study recommended for a policy to guide the sharing and protecting the information from non-intended dissemination. The researcher has recommended two studies that can be conducted in the future. One, future scholar should conduct a study on dependability of the Integrated Command and Control centre in crime prevention. Secondly, a study should be conducted on the use of Geospatial technology to identify the road traffic accident hotspots in Nairobi.
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    Al Shabaab Terrorist Attacks and Transnational Security: Case of Non-Local Employees Attacks In Mandera County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-08) Kivindyo, Justus Muithya
    The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges faced by non-local employees in Mandera County as a result of Al-Shabaab terrorist attacks. The study found that non-local employees face significant challenges in terms of their safety and security, ability to work effectively, and overall well-being. The attacks have resulted in the loss of lives, injuries, and psychological trauma. Mandera County lost many non-resident employees who were targeted by Al-Shabaab attacks while working in quarries in Mandera County in the period between 2010 and 2015. The scenario became very complicated as it was accompanied by other attacks including the stopping of buses and targeting non-Muslims, murdering them. This caused fear and panic among non-Muslim Kenyans and foreigners working in Mandera County. It led to majority of them quitting their jobs and exiting from Mandera County under police escort. This study evaluated the difficulties faced by non-resident and regional workers in Mandera County as a result of terror attacks against them. The study's specific goals included examining how terrorist attacks prevent non-indigenous workers from staying in Mandera County, evaluating cultural barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there, analysing motivational barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there, and evaluating environmental barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there. The Helzberg two-factor theory and the social control theory were both used in the study. The investigation spans the years 2010 through 2017. The study used a descriptive research design, and participants included 70 respondents forming 10% of the 709 target population as representatives from government agencies, security agencies, community and religious leaders, and NGOs. Due to the sensitivity of the subject, a purposive sampling strategy was used in the study. The study used questionnaires to gather data. A pilot study was carried out in Garissa County informing the validity of the tools that drew the findings as well as the reliability of the tools. Frequency tables and charts were used in the descriptive data analysis of the data. Reports, graphs, charts, and diagrams were used to present the findings. According to the findings, terror rather than environmental or motivational factors was the main barrier preventing non-resident workers from working in Mandera County because of attacks and the brutal murders of some of their co-workers.
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    Kenya Defence Forces Infrastructure Improvement and its Implications on Livelihoods: A Case of the Nakuru-Kisumu Railway Line Revamp
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Okwaro, Fredrick Ouma
    The military has been noted to be at the forefront of infrastructure improvement and its implication on livelihoods. This has been beyond the contemporary function of state sovereignty protection. The study had objectives that identified the contribution of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) on infrastructure improvement, examined the rationale of KDF engagement in infrastructure improvement, and analyze the implications of the KDF infrastructure improvement. The Neoclassical Approach, complemented by the Marxist Approach, served the study's theoretical foundation. The study employed a descriptive research design with quantitative and qualitative research techniques utilized in-depth and unstructured interviews. The Kenya Military Headquarters, Waterworks Camp, Hurlingham, Nairobi was the study area. The study used a questionnaire to collect responses from Second Lieutenants, Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, Lieutenant-Colonels, Colonels, Brigadiers, Major Generals, Lieutenant-Generals, and Generals. Through the adoption of Yamane's (1967) formula, a total of 265 respondents were reached, using questionnaires. The pretesting of the research instruments was done among 27 respondents who did not form part of the main study target population. The pre-testing process observed procedures designed for the collection of data with the pre-test size of 10% representing 27 sampled respondents for the pilot study, a recommended and suitable percentage. Validity was ensured by seeking assistance from the supervisor. For reliability, the research instrument was pre-tested to ascertain a Cronbach’s value of more than 0.7. Data collected was compared with government, non-state actors, and other studies' findings for authenticity. Data analysis was done qualitatively and quantitatively using SPSS version 28 for quantitative data, while summaries and triangulation for qualitative data within topical and thematic areas. Graphs, tables, and quotations were used in data presentation. The study had ethical issues consideration on confidentiality, voluntary participation, informed consent of respondents, and relevant introductory letters and research permits obtained. Findings revealed that KDF has made significant contributions to infrastructure improvement that implicates on livelihoods. They have utilized heavy machinery for disaster response and established the KDF Research and Development Center as an innovation hub. By expanding and employing non-military personnel, KDF is aligning with Kenya's Vision 2030 and facilitating the realization of the Big Four Agenda. The impacts of KDF on infrastructure improvement and livelihoods have been felt through expenditures as a percentage of GDP have decreased over time, indicating commitment to development projects. KDF's involvement in revamping the Nakuru-Kisumu Railway line has improved transportation. They have also been engaged in borehole drilling, road and bridge construction, dam construction and de-silting, and provision of medical and veterinary services. In conclusion, these initiatives have had a positive impact at various levels, from individuals and households to communities and the nation as a whole. KDF's rapid response capability has been instrumental in supporting state departments for community socio-economic development. The study recommends on expanding KDF's mandate to include infrastructure development, and the government should plan for infrastructure expansion and consider how social amenities follow when new bases are established. The military can also be assigned low-level development tasks, such as road construction, in the regions where they operate.
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    Al Shabaab Terrorist Attacks and Transnational Security: Case of Non-Local Employees Attacks in Mandera County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-08) Kivindyo, Justus Muithya
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges faced by non-local employees in Mandera County as a result of Al-Shabaab terrorist attacks. The study found that non-local employees face significant challenges in terms of their safety and security, ability to work effectively, and overall well-being. The attacks have resulted in the loss of lives, injuries, and psychological trauma. Mandera County lost many non-resident employees who were targeted by Al-Shabaab attacks while working in quarries in Mandera County in the period between 2010 and 2015. The scenario became very complicated as it was accompanied by other attacks including the stopping of buses and targeting non-Muslims, murdering them. This caused fear and panic among non-Muslim Kenyans and foreigners working in Mandera County. It led to majority of them quitting their jobs and exiting from Mandera County under police escort. This study evaluated the difficulties faced by non-resident and regional workers in Mandera County as a result of terror attacks against them. The study's specific goals included examining how terrorist attacks prevent non-indigenous workers from staying in Mandera County, evaluating cultural barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there, analysing motivational barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there, and evaluating environmental barriers that prevent non-indigenous Kenyans from working there. The Helzberg two-factor theory and the social control theory were both used in the study. The investigation spans the years 2010 through 2017. The study used a descriptive research design, and participants included 70 respondents forming 10% of the 709 target population as representatives from government agencies, security agencies, community and religious leaders, and NGOs. Due to the sensitivity of the subject, a purposive sampling strategy was used in the study. The study used questionnaires to gather data. A pilot study was carried out in Garissa County informing the validity of the tools that drew the findings as well as the reliability of the tools. Frequency tables and charts were used in the descriptive data analysis of the data. Reports, graphs, charts, and diagrams were used to present the findings. According to the findings, terror rather than environmental or motivational factors was the main barrier preventing non-resident workers from working in Mandera County because of attacks and the brutal murders of some of their co-workers.
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    African Union in Management of Transboundary Conflicts: Case of Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-05) Okech, Cornel Otieno
    Egypt and the riparian countries in its neighborhoods have been at odds for nearly a century over the utilization of the Nile's water. Several treaties made by Egypt with Britain in 1902, 1929, and 1959 guarantee Egypt's exclusive access to Nile River waters. In 1960, the struggle over the Nile River initially came to light when the Egyptian government objected to Ethiopia's plans to construct the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) dam at the meeting of the White and Blue Niles. This situation persisted until 2020, when Ethiopia expected to finish building the GERD dam and begin using it. In 2020, Egypt caused a stir when it declared it would employ "all means," including military force, to prevent Ethiopia from flooding the dam. The study analyzed the role of the African Union (AU) in mediating the GERD conflict between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan, assessed the impact of the GERD conflict on regional cooperation, sustainable development, and conflict resolution in Africa and identified potential strategies for addressing similar natural resource conflicts in the future. The origins of the conflicts, the AU's involvement, and the difficulties that have arisen as a result of that engagement were central themes in this literature study. Analysis of the dispute's participants' actions was grounded in political reality theory. The study employed qualitative and exploratory research strategies. The study used a sample size of eighty two (82) respondents but only 81 were responsive. Academics, diplomats, and researchers, among others, who are experts in the field, made up the bulk of the intended audience. Ethic concerns were explored as part of the study. Based on the objectives, the data was examined and presented thematically, and findings and recommendations were made. In conclusion, the study established that the AU's role in mediating the GERD conflict underscores the AU's importance as a mediator in complex geopolitical disputes, emphasizing the need for neutral platforms and regional organizations in conflict resolution. Despite challenges, the AU demonstrated the potential for diplomatic solutions and the capacity of African nations to address their conflicts. The GERD conflict highlighted the multifaceted consequences of resource disputes, straining regional cooperation but also showing the potential for diplomatic resolutions through the AU's efforts. It stresses early engagement, transparent data sharing, inclusive dialogue, and sustainable development in conflict resolution. The conflict offers valuable lessons and strategies for managing resource conflicts in the future, focusing on early engagement, legal frameworks, inclusivity, data sharing, third-party mediation, conflict prevention, regional cooperation, sustainability, conflict transformation, international law, scenario planning, capacity building, and public engagement. Recommendations include strengthening regional mediation mechanisms, investing in regional organizations' capacity, promoting inclusive engagement in future conflicts, and prioritizing sustainable resource management. This approach can help mitigate conflicts, promote regional stability, and ensure responsible resource utilization.
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    Women in Peacebuilding Initiatives After 2007/8 Post-Election Violence in Kibra Subcounty, Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (2024-05) Gichinga, Teresa Wangechi
    The study examined the role of women in peace processes in Nairobi City County, Kenya, following post-election violence in 2007/2008. The three main objectives of the study were to examine the role of women in peace processes in Nairobi City County, to assess the impact of women's participation in community peace processes and to examine the experiences and perspectives of women involved in peace processes in Nairobi City County. The study was guided by gender, development and conflict theories and fundamentally enabled the study of women in peacebuilding in Nairobi City County. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection and data analysis using methods and a mixed methods research design. The tools used for data collection were pre-tested in Mathare Sub-County, which is as cosmopolitan as Kibra Sub-County. The study population included women as community members who participated in peace initiatives in Nairobi City County through their households, administrators and CSOs following the 2007/08 post-election violence. The study, which involved 390 respondents, examined the role of women in peace processes in Nairobi City County, Kenya, and the impact of women-led initiatives on promoting peace and reducing violence. It found that conflict and discrimination hinder women's participation, but recognition, support and empowerment are crucial to promoting gender equality. The recommendations noted that the government should sign peace agreements, provide resources and work with civil society to include women in leadership and peace processes. Regular evaluation and comprehensive commitments are crucial. Human security and peace networks supported by civil society should include urban and rural women's organizations. NGOs and women's groups must empower women in peace and security and advocate for their inclusion in gender equality policies. Collaboration between international and local organizations with regular consultations and funding arrangements is crucial. Expanding networks through alliances helps to overcome challenges and marginalization after conflict. The interaction of different women's groups strengthens women's movements in post-conflict scenarios.
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    Inter-State Trade Agreements and Its Impact on Trade Relations: Case of Kenya and Tanzania Interstate Agreements, 2010-2020
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Mujema, Esther Ruth
    The East African Community has in the past had good relations although with occasional challenges among member states. Drawing the case of Kenya and Tanzania, trade relationship has suffered frequent challenges from economic, ideological, political, social, legal and environmental factors. Trade relations mostly depend on multiple factors such as the nature of the two countries’ macroeconomic landscape in conjunction with other factors like interstate agreements between the two countries. Nevertheless, limited information exists to substantiate the role of these factors in influencing trade relations between the two countries, therefore, making it hard for various stakeholders including the government, business society, and the scholars to project the future of the two states’ economic affairs and make viable recommendations on how the relations could be optimized. This study sought to analyse the interconnection between interstate agreements and economic relations between Kenya and Tanzania, examined the role of interstate agreements influencing trade relationships between Kenya and Tanzania and evaluated the extent to which the East African Community and other inter-state treaties have influenced Kenya-Tanzania trade relations between the period 2010 to 2020. The study employed a descriptive design, analyzing both primary and secondary data to yield qualitative and quantitative findings. Intergovernmental agreements signed between Kenya and Tanzania from 2010 to 2020 positively impacted trade relations by eliminating trade barriers, facilitating goods and services movement, and reducing border clearance time and costs. These agreements played a pivotal role in shaping trade relations. The EAC Customs Union significantly promoted trade among member states by harmonizing policies, reducing non-tariff barriers, and enhancing infrastructure for cross-border trade facilitation. Strengthening the EAC Customs Union is imperative through policy harmonization, non-tariff barrier reduction, and infrastructure enhancement for seamless cross-border trade. Encouraging private sector participation and investment in the EAC region, improving transport infrastructure, and standardizing regulations can further boost regional value chains and trade. Additionally, cross-border promotion of investment and joint ventures can foster economic growth, while nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship can spur the development of new products and services, thus advancing trade relations.
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    China’s Public Diplomacy: Citizen Engagement in Nairobi City County, Kenya (2000-2023)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Alfred, Phillip Kwoba
    Public Diplomacy is a pathway of foreign policy that has gained momentum in international Relations studies since the post-cold war period. This study examined China’s Public Diplomacy: Citizen Engagement in Nairobi City County, Kenya (2000-2023). The objectives of the study were; to assess the influence of Chinese micro and small business enterprises in Nairobi City county in promoting China’s public diplomacy towards Kenya, to discuss the roles of Chinese professionals working in Nairobi City County in advancing China’s public diplomacy towards Kenya, to examine the participation of beneficiaries of scholarships and exchange programs in China’s public policy towards Kenya. The study was premised on the increasing engagement of Chinese citizens in promoting China’s public diplomacy towards Kenya. The study was limited to Nairobi City County, in Kenya. The study was significant for it examined new forms of public diplomacy in China –Kenya relations. This study was anchored on the soft power theory. The study used a case study methodological design. The study adopted purposive sampling technique and the targeted population were Chinese business entrepreneurs, Africans employed in Chinese micro and small businesses and Chinese professionals working in service, education, construction and industrial sectors. The research used an oral interview guide to collect data. The data was qualitatively analyzed using inferences, description and logical explanation. The study found out that in Nairobi City County ordinary Chinese citizens and their African agency were proactively engaged in promoting China’s public diplomacy towards Kenya. Whereas, Africans who worked in Chinese commercial and construction enterprises had a positive image of China and thus were agents of Chinese public diplomacy towards Kenya, the majority of African micro and small scale businesses were totally opposed to penetration of Chinese citizens in micro and small scale businesses. The study established that China’s citizen public diplomacy towards Kenya has become an effective tool of Chinese soft power in Kenya.
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    Implementation of Kenya’s Environmental Diplomacy Pillar in Mitigating Air Pollution
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Kimiti, Paul G.
    Environmental challenges notably air pollution have attracted wide international attention for decades. Individual states have thus sought to address these challenges through different policy frameworks. Kenya promulgated its first ever foreign policy document in 2014 where among others, environmental diplomacy was given prominence by setting up a diplomatic pillar to address matters relating to the environment. Despite such high-level engagement, air pollution continues in the country threatening the achievement of global environmental objectives set forth in multilateral agreements. This study thus sought to evaluate the implementation of Kenya’s environmental diplomacy pillar in its earnest to address air pollution challenge as a contribution to tackling global environmental problems. The specific objectives were to examine the envisioned implementation of Kenya’s environmental diplomacy pillar under the existing environmental laws in Kenya, to assess the degree of environmental awareness and its impact in countering challenges of air pollution in Kenya and to examine the extent of research under Kenya’s environmental diplomacy pillar and its contribution to addressing air pollution in Kenya. This study was anchored on sustainable development theory supported by institutionalism theory. Sustainable development theory calls for implementation and enforcement of relevant policies to address and reverse negative environmental impacts. Institutionalism theory encourages cooperative environmental behavior among states through domestic environmental actions that align with international regimes. This study employed exploratory research design which is ideal in less studied fields. It focused on Kenya which had a relatively new foreign policy pillar on environmental diplomacy. Respondents were drawn from the headquarters of key ministries and other institutions dealing with environmental matters and environmental diplomacy in the Kenyan capital city, Nairobi. The target population comprised of 130 key informants drawn from institutions concerned with environmental matters from which a sample of 30% was selected. The study used both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using self-administered semi-structured questionnaires while secondary data was obtained through review of relevant documents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and conceptual content analysis aligned to the study objectives. The findings were presented in a narrative supported by tables. The study found that Kenya’s environmental diplomacy pillar had not been fully implemented to synergize environmental actions and a clear implementation framework for the pillar was lacking. Institutions dealing with environmental policies implementation also suffered from inadequate capacity and resources. It was further established that the level of awareness about the environment and air pollution was moderate and there were no coherent environmental awareness creation structures. The study also found that research on air pollution and related issues was low. These findings expanded the existing body of knowledge on Kenya’s environmental diplomacy pillar, established the progress made in its implementation and provided a basis for remedial measures to fully exploit the potential of the pillar. Further, this study generated new empirical evidence that could be useful in theory building and refinement. The study recommended formulation of a detailed implementation framework for the environmental diplomacy pillar, adequately resourcing implementing institutions, establishment of formal structures for environmental and air pollution awareness creation and enhancement of environmental research.
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    Implications of Protracted Kenya - Somalia Boundary Disputes on Ordinary Citizens along the Border County of Lamu, Kenya (2011-2021)
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Keriako, Paul Lemerian
    This study sought to investigate the implication of the protracted interstate boundary disputes on the ordinary citizens along the Kenya Somalia border of Lamu County in Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were; to analyze political history of factors driving the protracted boundary disputes between Kenya and Somalia and its influence on ordinary citizens of the two states, to assess the social economic effects of boundary disputes between Kenya and Somalia on ordinary citizens living along the common border and to explore how diplomatic strategies for boundary dispute resolution influence bilateral relations of ordinary citizens along the Kenya-Somalia border. A number of empirical studies were reviewed to inform the study. Two theories, the theory of realism and border theory were used to underpin the theoretical reflections and the conceptualization of this study. A mixed research approach was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The historical and exploratory research designs were used in carrying out the study whose areas of focus was in Lamu County. The population of interest in the study encompassed residents of Lamu s County who were; farmers, fishermen, teachers, businessmen, youths, women and religious leaders. This study employed mixed sampling strategies including simple stratified and purposive to select the participants of the study. Three methods of data collection were used; questionnaires, Focused Group Discussions and interviews. Primary data was blended with secondary where primary data was collected from a sample size of 500 respondents and informants and from archrival and digitalized sources. Content, thematic and theoretical analysis was used to analyze data. Qualitative data was presented in narratives and verbatim. This study concluded that Kenya and Somalia have checkered political history characterized by boundary disputes dating to colonial period. The protracted dispute has largely affected residents of Lamu County living along the border. Interplay of both historical and new emerging dynamics such as arbitrary boundaries created by colonial masters during the scramble and partition of Africa, colonialism and colonial legacies, existing cultural ties between the people of Kenya and Somalia, the Shifta War, military interventions, regional competition over resources, entry of external actors and lately the maritime dispute are the drivers of the current maritime dispute between Kenay and Somalia. The protracted dispute has both social, economic and political effects on the ordinary citizens including: continued conflict and insecurity, regional instability, Internally Displaced Persons and refugees, diplomatic spat/breaking relations, close of common border and slowed bilateral trade and investment. The following strategies for managing escalation boundary disputes have been put in place: interstate negotiations, third party mediation, multi-track diplomacy, trade and investment, cooperation on matters of security and regional integration. This study recommends that Kenya and Somalia put aside their differences; avoid adversarial position regarding existing interstate disputes and focus on pacific disputes resolution mechanism for mutual bilateral relations and her peoples.