Kenyatta University Repository
Kenyatta University Institutional Repository is a digital archive that collects, preserves and disseminates scholarly outputs of Kenyatta University.

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Relationship between Perceived Lack of Social Support and Self-Esteem among Adolescents with Hearing Impairment: A Case Study of Treeside Secondary School
(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Mwangwale, Philip Mbogho
Adolescents with hearing impairments are often believed to experience low self-esteem due to multiple factors. Perceived lack of social support is one predictor of low self-esteem among these adolescents. This study aimed to explore the relationship between perceived lack of social support and the self-esteem of adolescents with hearing impairment in Treeside Secondary School in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, it sought to determine the association between perceived lack of social support and self-esteem among this demographic. The research was guided by the following objectives: to assess the level of self-esteem among these adolescents; to investigate the relationship between appraisal, emotional, and companionship support from family and the self-esteem of adolescents with hearing impairment; to explore the link between informational/tangible support from close friends, significant others, and teachers, and the self-esteem of these adolescents; and to examine the association between perceived belonging and esteem support from peers, life coaches, and therapists, and the self-esteem of adolescents with hearing impairment. The study employed a correlational research design to establish connections between variables and was conducted in Nairobi City, involving a purposive sample of 62 participants. Two theories underpinned the study: the plasticity Hypothesis of Self-Esteem and Relational Regulation Theory. The Rosenberg Scale for Self-Esteem and the Interpersonal Self-Evaluation List (ISEL) were utilized to collect data. SPSS version 21 was used for data analysis, and the relationship between variables was determined using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Results revealed that adolescents with hearing impairment had an average self-esteem score of 16.56, calculated based on Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale. Moreover, perceived appraisal support, belonging support, and tangible support significantly predicted low self-esteem among these adolescents. The study found a correlation between low self-esteem and perceived social support. Policymakers should formulate policies for individuals with hearing impairment and other disabilities that foster appraisal support, belonging support, and tangible support.
Project Planning and Implementation of Health Care Projects by Nairobi City County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2024-07) Odhiambo, Perez
Kenya's Nairobi City County healthcare projects have particular requirements and difficulties. At 70% completion, these projects' progress came to a complete halt as stated in The Auditor General's Report of 2022. Therefore, in order to improve access to healthcare services, more health facilities must be built, clinics and dispensaries must become health centers, and health centers must become sub-county referral hospitals. In light of this, the purpose of this research was to ascertain how project planning influences the implementation of healthcare projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study specifically sought to investigate the effects of communication management, risk management, resource planning, and project scheduling on the successful completion of health projects. The study was guided by a number of theories, including the planning theory, theory of change, the theory of resource-based views, portfolio theory, and cybernetics theory. Employing a descriptive research approach, the study focused on analyzing 20 health projects conducted by Nairobi City County, Kenya, with a sample size of 80 respondents. An in-depth survey was conducted with 80 participants. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation, and the qualitative data, which was then presented narratively, was assessed using content analysis techniques. In addition, the study employed multiple regression analysis, a type of inferential statistics, to ascertain how one variable affected another. All participants gave their informed consent in order to uphold study ethics. The research indicated that resource planning, resource scheduling, risk management, and communication management significantly influenced the successful implementation of health care projects. It was concluded that allocating appropriate resources to specific projects ensures timely delivery within budget constraints, with the aid of an effective resource planner. Resource schedule planning involves considering capacity in the scheduling process, determining start and end dates for tasks based on resource availability. Risk management planning assists project managers in making informed decisions, while effective communication management planning establishes clear expectations for project implementation. The project managers ought to have a comprehensive understanding of project requirements and available resources within the organization. They should break down the project into individual tasks, identify potential risks, assess their impact, and understand client needs. Task management can be facilitated by utilizing professional project management software to communicate deadlines and task progress efficiently.
Influence of Parental Involvement on Academic Performance of Pupils with Learning Disabilities in Public Primary Schools in Migori County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2024-08) Oduor, Paul Omondi
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of parental involvement on academic performance of pupils with learning disability in public primary schools in Migori County, Kenya. This was a descriptive design study which sought to investigate the influence of parental involvement on academic performance of pupils with learning disability in public primary schools in Migori County, Kenya. It was guided by the following objectives; find out parents’ awareness on learning disabilities in their children and its effects on academic performances, to explore the type of activities parents engage in to get involved in the learning of their children, to assess parent-teacher collaboration in education of pupils with LD, to investigate the influence of parent-teacher collaboration on academic performance of pupils with LD and to explore factors which hinder parental involvement in learning of pupils with LD. The study was guided by Constructivist Theory developed by Jerome Bruner (1966). Descriptive research design was utilized. The target population was 47 primary schools, 1000 pupils in grade three, 113 parents of pupils with learning disabilities, 47 grade 3 class teachers and 47 head teachers in Migori County. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the primary schools. Grade three pupils, class teachers, parents and head teachers were selected using purposive sampling technique. The sample size consisted of 11 primary schools, 11 grade 3 class teachers, 11 head teachers and 55 grade 3 pupils and 22 parents. Researcher-constructed questionnaires, pupil rating scale, test and interview schedules were used to collect data. To establish the validity and reliability of the research instruments, a pilot study was carried out in one primary school in Migori County. The collected data were descriptively analyzed using means, frequencies and percentages. Pearson product moment correlation analysis was used to examine the nature of the relationships among the study variables. The results were presented using tables. The data from the interview schedule for the head teachers were analyzed thematically and the results incorporated in the quantitative findings. Findings indicated that most parents were not aware of learning disabilities in their children. Most parents do not also participate in school activities leading to unawareness of the LD in their children as well as contributing to a poor academic performance. It was further established that most parents were not collaborating with teachers in the education of their pupils with LD. The study concluded that school leaders play a vital role in educating parents about their pivotal role in their children's education, contributing to improved academic performance among pupils with LD. The study recommended that teachers and MOE officials in the county should create time and meet the parents and teachers to sensitize them about LD and their needs to improve learning outcomes of such learners.
Language Disorders and Learners’ Performance in Class Activities in Selected Inclusive Primary Schools in Kitui County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Kivelenge, Pamela Kunu
Achieving academic excellence is the aim of all learners in inclusive primary schools. However, language disorders in primary school children negatively affect their performance in class activities. This research sought to investigate language disorders and learners’ performance in class activities in selected inclusive primary schools in Mumoni Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya. The objectives for the study included: the prevalence of learners with language disorders, assessment of how language disorders influence learners’ performance in class activities and to determine the strategies teachers use to improve learners’ performance in class activities. The study was guided by the Liberal Theory of Equal opportunity which was propounded by Bryman. The dependent variables were the learners’ performance in class activities and the independent variables were language disorders. The study incorporated descriptive study design. This design for a research study was ideal in determining language disorders and learners’ performance in class activities in selected primary schools in Mumoni Sub-County, Kitui, Kenya. The study considered an entire population of 46 teachers in Mumoni Sub-County where an average of two teachers was purposively sampled as the target population from the 23 inclusive primary schools in Mumoni Sub-County, Kitui County. The study purposively sampled 26 learners for in-depth interviews from PP1, PP2 and grade 1, 2 & 3. The researcher used structured research questionnaires and interview method to aid the collection of primary data from the study respondents. To achieve adequate content validity, the expert judgmental method was adopted. Sample of questionnaires were rendered to the research supervisor who carried out an examination and later gave out feedback on the same. Test re-test method was used to determine the reliability of the research instrument. A tenth of the entire sampled population of the study was put into consideration for piloting and was not included in the actual study. The survey collected both qualitative and quantitative data. In analyzing the quantitative data, SPSS software was used and descriptive statistics was employed to report the data. Presentation of the same data was done through percentages, frequencies, tables and charts while qualitative data was written in themes and presented in narrative form. The respondents’ consent was sought and they were assured their confidentiality. The study found that the common prevalence language disorders were both expressive and receptive language difficulties, reading, writing and spelling challenges. Further, the study found that learners with language difficulties have low performance in class activities which resulted to low self-esteem. Moreover, the study found that teachers give support to learners with language disorders, however, there were no collaboration and team work with other professionals and teachers lacked in -service training. The study found that there were inadequate resources to provide services to learners with language disorders. The study recommended that TSC should supply trained teachers and in-service training to be conducted for teachers to have skills to support learners with language disorders. Further, the study recommended that the government to provide resources to inclusive schools to enable headteachers source for qualified professionals.
Project Management Practices and Implementation of Construction Projects in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2024-08) Nke, Osckin Wenceslas Gankoue
The implementation of construction projects heavily relies on the application of project management practices but there has been under utilization of project planning, risk management, stakeholder involvement plus monitoring and evaluation. Nonetheless, the existence of excessively delayed and over-budget projects serves as significant indications of insufficient project application. Management practices, alongside other challenges, are prevalent throughout the implementation phase of school construction projects. The initial understanding of the problem revealed that there was no enough emphasis on the application of proper project management practices. This consequently affected the implementation of school construction projects such as dormitories, libraries, halls, offices, classrooms and laboratories in public secondary schools in Nairobi, Kenya. This research sought to examine the influence of project management practices on the implementation of construction projects in the public secondary schools within Nairobi City County, Kenya. In particular, the extent to which project planning, risk management, stakeholder involvement and ME practices influence the implementation of construction projects. This investigation was grounded in project theory as the core theory for the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A census technique was used to consider the total population of 49 overrun public secondary schools’ construction projects in Nairobi County. The researcher used structured and unstructured questions to collect data from 196 respondents including school principals, BOMs chairpersons, PTAs chairpersons, and teachers. The respondents received the questionnaires, which they filled out and then picked up later, diagnostic test and pilot test were carried out to determine the research validity. Whereas the Diagnostic Test was utilized to test of normality, multicollinear and homoscedasticity through the use of Shapiro-Wilk test, Variance Inflation Factor, and levene’s test; Pilot Testing on the other hand, was done using the test-retest reliability techniques on a small group of 10 respondents from two overrun construction projects executed in public secondary schools located in Kiambu County. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used in obtaining the correlation coefficient of the test scores and the threshold values from 0.59 and above was considered acceptable for the reliability. SPSS version 23.0 and Excel software were utilized in entering data. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to analyse the data. Multiple linear regression was also utilized for modelling. Utilizing content analysis, qualitative data was examined. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse quantitative data. The findings demonstrated that risk management and project planning, stakeholder involvement and monitoring and evaluation practices had a significant impact on the successful delivery of school construction projects. The study concluded that effective implementation of school construction projects is mainly facilitated by the application of planning, risk management, stakeholder involvement and monitoring and evaluation practices. Project planning was recommended as the initial step in order to determine and guarantee the availability of resources and to create a schedule for timely and cost-effective project implementation. It is also recommended that particular attention be paid to risk management to avoid wasting resources and time, and that drastic measures be taken to either mitigate or minimise any risks that may arise during implementation. In order for stakeholders to take ownership of the project and encourage the success of the implementation process, it is recommended that they be involved at every stage of the project.