Kenyatta University Institution Repository

The Kenyatta University Institutional Repository is a digital archive that collects, preserves, and disseminates scholarly outputs of Kenyatta University.

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Tathmini ya Uamilifu wa Kiswahili Nchini Uganda: Mintarafu, Ueneaji wa Matumizi Yake Kwenye Asasi ya Uchapishaji
(ENSO, 2022) Rais, Abdu Salim; Onyango, Jacktone; Mbaabu, George Ireri
Kwa muda mrefu, Kiswahili kilifundishwa nchini Uganda kama taaluma ya Kigeni, licha ya kuwa lugha rasmi ya pili, baada ya Kiingereza (GoU, 1995). Hata hivyo, Kiswahili kina dhima kubwa katika asasi za muziki, ulinzi na elimu ambako Uamilifu wake unadhihirishwa na ueneaji wa matumizi yake (Mbaabu, 1991na Mlacha, 1995). Ingawa Kiswahili kilienea nchini Uganda, kabla ya kufikia mwishoni mwa wakati wa kukamilisha utafiti huu, viwango vya Uamilifu wake vilikuwa havijatathminiwa kitaaluma kupitia asasi ya uchapishaji. Madhumuni ya utafiti huu yalikuwa, kutathmini Uamilifu wa Kiswahili kutokana na ueneaji wa matumizi yake kupitia asasi ya Uchapishaji. Uamilifu wa Kiswahili ulichunguzwa kwa kutumia Nadharia ya Uamilifu iliyoasisiwa na Wanasosholojia Auguste Comte (1787-1857), Herbert Spencer (1830-1903), Vilfredo (1848-1917) na Emile Durkheim (1857-1917) na kuendelezwa na Mesthrie na wenzake (2004). Nadharia ya Uamilifu iliangazia jukumu lililotekelezwa na fani katika jamii mahsusi(Mesthrie et al., 2004).Kiini cha Uamilifu ni uwezekano wa kuweko kwa fani yenye vijisehemu mahsusi ambapo kila kijisehemu huchangia maendeleo kwa kutekeleza jukumu mahsusi katika fani hiyo (Mesthrie et al., 2004). Nadharia hiyo ilisaidia kutathmini dhima ya ueneaji wa matumizi ya Kiswahili kupitia Asasi ya Uchapishaji nchini Uganda. Istilahi Ueneaji hutokana na kitenzi enea chenye maana ya kuwa kila mahali. Kuenea katika muktadha huo, kulimaanisha kusambaa kwa matumizi ya Kiswahili nchini Uganda kwa kupitia asasi ya uchapishaji. Ueneaji ni hali ambapo fani fulani husambaa ijapokuwa muundo huweza kubadilika kulingana na mazingira. Wataalamu wa Ueneaji walishikilia kwamba, fani huweza kupenya kuta za kikabila na kuzagaa zaidi kutoka jamii zilizoendelea, kuelekea zisizoendelea (Buliba et al., 2014). Ithibati ni kwamba, fani za lugha za Watawala Wakoloni zinapatikana
Executive Reward Structure and Financial Performance of Listed Companies in the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
(Stratford, 2022-07) Nzunga, Dennis Joseph; Koori, Jeremiah; Kimutai, Caroline
Studies have reported positive and significant relationship,that is, positive relationship between executive fixed pay, cash bonus, stock options and company’s financial performance; others negative and significant relationship, while others no significant relationship. In view of...
Strategic Implications of Carrying out Public Sector Reforms in a National Police Service Organization: An Empirical Investigation of National Police Service in Kenya
(Science and Education Publishing, 2022) Awino, Philip Ouma; Kilika, James M.; Muathe, Stephen M.A
The study reports the findings of an empirical investigation on the experience of carrying out a public sector reform program in the National Police Service (NPS) in Kenya. The study conceptualized the reform program as an aspect of Organization Development (OD) process and anchored it on the aspects of strategic change. A representative sample of 294 senior officers in the NPS was drawn from the Nairobi Metropolitan Region and a structured questionnaire used to obtain the data. Data was obtained on the extent of implementation of four components of the OD process and the level of performance attained. The findings indicate that the police reforms anchored on the OD model were implemented to a moderate extent and that the corresponding level of performance was at the level of low extent. The four components of OD adopted in the study explain a relatively low percentage of the variation in performance of the NPS (Adj R2 =0.35) and while three of the components have a positive effect, OD Diagnosis has a significant negative effect on NPS Performance. The study explained both the level of variation and direction of effect to be associated with the lack of embracing a strategic orientation in designing and implementing the reforms. The findings confirm the theoretical and conceptual literatures advocating for integration of OD and strategic management and identifies the relevant implications for strategic management theory and practice.
Fiscal Decentralisation and Public Service Delivery: Evidence and Lessons from Sub-National Governments in Kenya
(cjlg, 2023-09) Mwangi, Justa; Naituli, Gitile; Kilika, James; Muna, Wilson
This paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of fiscal decentralisation on public service delivery in devolved systems of government in Kenya. A qualitative study interviewed 126 respondents and held two focus group discussions with key stakeholders from within two of Kenya’s 47 counties: Kiambu and Nairobi City. The paper focuses on key elements of fiscal decentralisation, namely: expenditure responsibilities, revenue autonomy and borrowing powers. Public service delivery was examined using affordability as a key measure of the quality of services. Results show that fiscal decentralisation did not necessarily lead to more affordable public services as there were significant contextual factors such as corruption, legal structures, cultural values, belief systems, pressure to conform and change agents that moderated this relationship. Corruption made public services less affordable in both counties, while Nairobi Metropolitan Services emerged as a change agent that improved the affordability of specific public services within Nairobi City county. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for further research into implementation of fiscal decentralisation in Kenya and elsewhere, especially in Africa, and calls for more qualitative studies, especially longitudinal studies, case studies and ethnographic approaches to enrich knowledge in this field.
An Exploration of Academic Library Involvement in the Adaption of Open Educational Resources
(East African Journal of Information Science, 2014-02-09) Mutwiri, Caroline; Muhinja, Salome
Library involvement in the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OERs) is critical to their development, use and sustainability in higher education. Academic librarians’ position at the core of higher learning in educational institutions makes the right go between for effective OERs adoption. OER users need to be equipped with information literacy skills such as assessing the quality of the material, its origin, currency, and fit with the students ‘current learning patterns Libraries can offer advice to institutions, academic staff, and students as they engage with OERs. This paper presents an exploration of academic libraries’ involvement in OERs adoption