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Item Correlates of Secondary School Students Participation in Competitive Sports in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Munyua, Jedidah GathoniMotivation from social environment, playing experience and socio-economic background are the key components to participation in competitive sports among students. The purpose of this study was to examine correlates of secondary school students’ participation in competitive sports in Nairobi City County Kenya. The objectives of the study were to examine influence of significant others on involvement in competitive sports and to determine the influence of gender, playing experience and household income level on involvement in competitive sports. Cross-sectional descriptive research design was utilized. The target population were students in secondary schools in Nairobi City County. 1,271 student athletes participated in term 1 and term 2 national sports competitions. The researcher sampled 382 students’ athletes who comprised of (191 girls and 191 boys). This represented 30% of the entire population.A questionnaire was used to collect data from students which was analysed through use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25.0). Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of multiple regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis of the study. The study found that there were more male, (64.0%) than female (36.0%) participants. Football (21.6%) and volleyball (11.9%) were the most represented sports while badminton 2(0.7%) and racquet games 2(0.7%) were the least represented sports. The null hypotheses stating that there is no significant influence of significant others (p-value=0.030<0.05),1 gender (p value=0.001<0.05), playing experience (p-value=0.000<0.05) and household income level (p-value=0.008<0.05) on student involvement in competitive sports in public secondary schools in Nairobi City County Kenya, were rejected. The study concluded that gender had the greatest correlation on participation in competitive sports among students in public secondary schools in Nairobi City County, followed by significant others, then playing experience while household income had the least effect on participation in competitive sports among students in public secondary schools in Nairobi City County. To encourage sports participation by students, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage should make sure that all secondary schools have the most basic sports facilities and equipment.Item Factors Affecting Acceptance of Electronic Medical Records System in Murang’a County Referral Hospital in Murang’a County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-01) Muiruri, Geoffrey KaranjaThe acceptance of Electronic Medical Records systems deployed at healthcare facilities by the government, private institutions and Facility Based Organizations is paramount in achieving the intended outcomes of the systems. However, many systems face acceptance barriers. Many studies have been conducted in other countries to study the factors influencing acceptance and utilization of EMR technology, but still a few number of studies exist in Kenya. This study will seek to find out factors influencing acceptance of electronic medical records system in public health facilities using a case study of Murang’a County Referral Hospital in Murang’a County. Several literature pieces of the works of widely published scholars formed the basis of this study. In this study, the target population was 217 employees on permanent, contract and temporary terms at the Murang’a County Referral Hospital. These were selected from a population of 500 staff. The study objectives in this research was to establish the extent to which; knowledge capacity of staff on ICT, perception of users on Electronic medical Records, availability and status of Electronic medical Records infrastructure and workload influence the acceptability of Electronic Medical Records by users. To choose the participants, Stratified sampling method was used. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire. Both structured and unstructured questions were used. A Pre-test was conducted at Kenneth Matiba Eye and dental Hospital in Kenol Murang’a. The filled questionnaires were first edited for completeness and clarity. Quantitative data analysis was used in the study. The data collected was coded and analyzed using SPSS v20 and Microsoft Excel 2019. Descriptive Statistics using cross tabulation was used to describe the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The findings showed that majority (61%) of respondents had diploma qualifications as their highest level of education and huge number of respondents (76%) had comparable work experience ranging between 1 and 5 years. The study findings showed that 85% of the respondents were in agreement that EMR quickens clinical decision-making process and another 92% agreed that EMR makes it easier to retrieve medical records. The key finding was that majority of the respondents (81%) felt that it was difficult to create time to study EMR system with (M=1.2). As such, so as to enhance acceptance of EMR, Adequate staffing and adequate incentives to Acceptance of EMRs ought to be explored. This research recommends that future endeavors should explore more issues that may encourage the acceptance of EMR.Item Menstrual Hygiene Management among School Going Adolescent Girls in Kibera, Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2023-07) Mokaya, Joy Nyanchoka; Mary GitahiEach and every girl needs to have access to resources for learning, health, and future menstrual forecasts, as well as guidance on how to manage menstrual hygiene effectively. In line with this, the crucial stages of intellectual and social-emotional development in a person's transition from dependence to interdependence in society oceur during puberty. Some teenagers experience worry and panic during transition due to inadequate menstruation information and ineffective resources to manage the physical changes. The overall objective of the study was to assess the menstrual hygiene management among the school going adolescent girls in Kibera. The study was conducted at Kibera which is located in Nairobi City County among 442 school going adolescent girls who were residing within the area when the study was carried out. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. This study used cluster sampling in selection of schools and purposive sampling was used to recruit respondents for the study. The study instrument used was a self-designed structured questionnaire, interview study guide and an observation checklist. The data findings were analyzed using SPSS version 23 and the results were presented in form of graphs, pie charts and tables. 80% of the school going adolescent girls in Kibera have the general knowledge on menstruation being a normal process for every girl’s transitioning into womanhood. 98.8% of the adolescent girls use some form of menstrual absorbent material with 86% using a sanitary pad during menstruation. Majority of the schools the toilets for boys and girls were separated. However, 18 out of 22 of the schools had no provision of water for menstrual hygiene. The findings of the study in Kibera recommends the Nairobi county public health office needs to train teachers on reproductive health and the school administrators should incorporate the MHM study guide for teachers in coordination with MOE.Item Association of Prolonged Sitting, Physical Activity and Muskoleletal Disorders among Taxi-Cab Drivers in Nairobi City County(Kenyatta University, 2023) Luganu, Brian; Lucy Joy Wachira; Luca WaiganjoAbstractItem Comparative Analysis of High Volume and Sports Specific Training on Vo2peak and Lactate Threshold of Kenyatta University’s Blakblad Rugby Players(Kenyatta University, 2023-06) Onyango, Okoth Elvis; Jane Wanjiku Kamau; Gitahi TheuriAbstractItem Efficacy of Ten Weeks' Unstructured Physical Activity on Enhancing Health-Related Fitness of College Trainees in Meru County Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022-12) Kimathi, Jane Ellah Makandi; Lucy Joy Wachira; Yasmin GoodwinAbstractItem Effectiveness of An Eight-Week Fundamental Skills Intervention Programme on the Motor Skills of Children with Visual Impairment in Nairobi County, Kenya(kenyatta university, 2023) Githinji, Judy Muthoni; Jane Mwangi; Goodwin YasminPhysical activity has been included in early intervention programmes involving fundamental motor skills among children with differing abilities. Though research has documented improved motor skills performance generally, few have focused on intervention programmes as a means towards improving motor skill performance in children with visual impairment. This study sought to bridge this gap by determining the effectiveness of an eight-week fundamental skills intervention programme on motor skills among children with visual impairment in Nairobi County, Kenya. The variables investigated included hopping, running, leaping, horizontal jumping, sliding, kicking, stationary dribbling, catching, overhand throwing, and underhand rolling. The study utilised one group pre and post-test quasi-experimental design. The study targeted children aged six to 11 years with visual impairment. Kilimani Primary School was purposively selected because it has an exclusive special unit for children with visual impairment. Purposive sampling was done in grades one and two because most children aged between six to 11 years are in these grades. Twelve out of the 20 targeted children with visual impairment in grade one and two met the inclusion criteria representing a sample size of 60%. Out of these, twelve children (100%) successfully completed the eight-week fundamental motor skill intervention programme. A pre-test was conducted to determine the base motor skill performance levels of the group. A post-test was administered after the eight-week intervention programme to determine the effects. The TGMD2 (Test of Gross Motor Development) tool was used as the main instrument for data collection. A reliability index of 0.78 was obtained using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha. Data collected was cleaned and coded for analysis using Statistics Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the measures of central tendency, variability and frequency of the score. Paired sample t-test was used to determine the influence of the intervention programme, independent t-test was used to compare group means and Spearman’s rank correlation was utilised to determine relation between visual acuity and motor skills. The significance level was set at 0.05. The results revealed significant difference in locomotor skills t (11) =5.40, p<0.01 and object control skills t (11) = 5.38 p<0.01 after intervention. Independent t-test showed no statistically significant difference in performance of motor skills between boys and girls in locomotor skills at t (10) = -1.5343 p=0.156; and in object control skills at t (10) =0.1656, p=0.872. Among the children with visual impairment in both, locomotor skills t (10) =0.810 p = 0.437 and object control skills, t (10) =0.810, p= 0.764. There was no significant difference in performance of motor skills among younger children aged 9 years and below and older children aged 10 years and above. At t (10) = -2.82 p< 0.017. There was no significant relationship between motor skill performance and visual acuity in both, locomotor and object control rs (10) = -0.470, p=0.123 and rs (10) =0.074, p=0.820 respectively. It was concluded that the fundamental motor skills intervention programme improved the motor skills of children with visual impairment. It is strongly recommended that fundamental motor skill intervention be started early enough for children with visual impairment in school setting. The study, therefore, recommends development of more motor skills intervention programmes among children with visual impairment.Item Efficacy of eight week soccer training programme on muscular fitness and cardiovascular endurance: case of Strathmore school, Nairobi city county, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Abuto, Brian Ochieng’; Gitahi Theuri; Nkatha MuthomiMuscular fitness and cardiovascular endurance training plays a key role in adding value to the overall performance of soccer players. However very few soccer players especially those of high school going age have embraced muscular fitness and cardiovascular endurance training. The study assessed the efficacy of an eight-week soccer training programme on the muscular and cardiovascular fitness of Kenyan high school soccer team. The Strathmore school student’s soccer team was the target population. The sample size consisted of 30 male respondents who underwent a before and after test. The programme involved their normal skill work plus the muscular fitness and cardiovascular endurance training routine. STATA version 16 (IBM limited, UK, 2016) was used for processing data. To obtain means, percentages, standard deviations and frequencies, descriptive statistics was calculated to analyze the status of the athletes after the training period. A paired T-test was used to test the hypotheses. The results of the study indicated that a substantial portion of the participants experienced significant change after the duration of the strength and conditioning program. All the parameters that were being tested showed a significant improvement (power; broad jump t(29)= 8.70, P < 0.05; cardiovascular endurance; shuttle run t(29)= 4.093, P < 0.05 ; muscular strength; pushups t(29)= 21.49, p = p-value; pull-ups t(29)= 16.38, P < 0.05; muscular endurance situps t(29)= 8.7,P < 0.05 , side bridge t(29)= 11.34, P < 0.05). The research findings act as a future point of reference in the field of strength and conditioning with the findings contributing to the body of knowledge on muscular and cardiovascular fitness training in Kenyan soccer. The study recommended that sports coaches in youth soccer teams should in-cooperate strength and conditioning in their training routine. The study also recommended that the fitness status of the athletes should be determined in a bid to make informed decisions when creating programmes for the athlete.Item Physical Activity, Gender, Socio-Economic Status and Diet of Students in Private Boarding Secondary Schools in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Rotich Jepkorir Noelle, Jepkorir Noelle; Lucy Joy Wachira; Yasmin GoodwinPhysical activity is crucial to an individual’s health at all stages of life. Regular physical activity provides numerous health related benefits to adolescents. A person’s gender, socio-economic status (SES) and dietary habits may influence participation in physical activity. This study, therefore, sought to assess physical activity and its association with factors such as gender, SES and diet among the students aged 14 to 18 years in private boarding schools within Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. The dependent variable examined was participation in physical activity, whereas the independent variables were gender, socio-economic status, and diet. The study used the cross-sectional research design. The study’s target population were the 936 students registered in private boarding schools in Uasin-Gishu County. The Fisher’s formula was used to determine the sample size. Stratified sampling procedure was used to select the schools. Random sampling was then used to select the 196 participating sample. The Physical Activity Questionnaire for adolescents (PAQ-A) and diet questionnaire was used to collect data from the participants. Data on Socio-Economic Status and diet was obtained using SES and diet questionnaires. Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) software version 22.0 was used in coding and analysing the collected data. The reliability of the instrument was determined using the Cronbach’s reliability coefficient. With a score of 0.7 , the instrument was deemed reliable. Descriptive statistics such as standard deviations, frequencies and percentages were used to obtain descriptive results. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to test the relationships between variables. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results revealed that the parents’ socio-economic status has no influence (r =.009, p=0.903) on the students’ level of participation in physical activity. The results showed that gender has a significant effect (r = .204, p =0.007) on the level of participation in physical activity. The study also established that the students’ diet has an influence (r = .546, p=0.208) on their participation in physical activity. The results of the study suggest that private boarding schools need to prioritize policies that promote PA among adolescents in schools. There is special need to increase physical activity, especially among girls because cultural and particular gender norms prevent them from participating in PA.Item Management Practices of Injury Risk in Sports among Secondary Schools in Homa-Bay County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Ndiege, John Kweri; Yasmin Goodwin; Francis Mundia MwangiSports risk management to a great extent focuses on the physical safety of all sports participants – athletes, coaches/teachers and spectators. Sports encompass a significant part of learning experiences for students in schools. Though sports bestow great health benefits on the participants, could also expose participants to risk of injury with short term or permanent consequences. For this reason, schools are duty-bound to identify potential risks within their sports concomitant with guidance to participants and coaches on how best to contain or manage the risks within an acceptable level. Sports associated risk management in school is crucial to reducing chances of injury. Responsibility for the successful completion of sporting events lies with the teachers and coaches to ensure safety for all participants– players/athletes, officials, spectators and supporting staff. Compared to the developed countries, there is paucity of empirical evidence-based information about the safety of students when participating in sport activities in Kenya, specifically in Homa Bay County. This study sought to assess risk management practices during secondary school sports in Suba. The objectives of the study were to evaluate facilities and equipment as predisposing factors for management risk during sports participation; to examine strategies employed by the coaches and captains in managing the risk of injury to students participating in sports; and to determine the risk management plans that public secondary schools have in place to protect the participants from injury during sports. The study adopted the analytical survey research design. Since the target population of 33 public secondary schools in Homabay County was very small, it used the G-power sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview schedule. Based on the responses from the 91% (30) coaches constituting all the schools, the study revealed an evident lack of preparedness against risk of injury in schools. Most of the coaches. 91% (30) had no written injury risk management plans [70.6 % (36)] suggesting that because they lacked time to develop and implement them or there was no perceived need and insufficient budgetary allocations. All 91% (30) coaches agreed that most schools lacked adequate or appropriate sporting facilities. At the same time 69.0% (20) indicated that the sporting facilities were never inspected leaving them in very poor state. This exposed participant to several risks during training and competitions. At 65.5 % (19) majority of the schools coaches confirmed that they did not have physical barriers between spectators and players. At the same time, 58.9% (30) informed that playing fields lacked adequate care, thus exposing participants to accidents. Most playgrounds do not meet the recommended standard for sports activities. The finding of the study also revealed that sport facilities and equipment were in poor state; thus, unsuitable and exposed players to high risk of injuries during trainings and competitions. From these study findings, critical knowledge is a prerequisite in conducting a comprehensive injury risk management challenges in schools. Those involved in sports and physical education in schools, should receive comprehensive training in injury risk management and appropriate management of injuries when they occur. This calls for development of policies and guidelines due to knowledge diversity that exists amongst the coaches.Item Efficacy of Carbohydrate Sports Drink as an Ergogenic Aid in Competitive Male Cyclists in Kiambu County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2021) Kung’u, Moses Gicharu; Gitahi Theuri; Francis MwangiThe competitiveness of professional sports has forced athletes to find all mean possible to outperform their rivals. One of such ways is the use of carbohydrate sports drink to refuel and hydrate before, during or after high endurance competition. This study aimed at ascertaining the efficacy of carbohydrate sports drink (CHO 6g, and Na 51 mg in 100ml) as an ergogenic aid in male cyclists aged 18-30 years at Kikuyu in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study objectives were to establish the effect of using 200ml carbohydrate sports drink after every 20 minutes for 60 minutes, on; aerobic threshold, aerobic power, blood lactate threshold, speed, distance and glucose level in male cyclists. The study involved twelve male cyclists sampled through purposive and census sampling. The average age of the cyclists was 20.9 ± 2.39 years with average body mass of 63 ± 9.99 kg and average experience of 3.8 ± 1.8 years. A cross over experimental design was used; the dependent variables were blood lactate threshold, peak aerobic power and aerobic threshold. Independent variable was use of carbohydrate sports drink in cycling exercise. Data of the study was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Independent t-test was used to establish the difference between effects of carbohydrate sports drink and placebo on blood lactate, aerobic threshold, aerobic power, speed and distance during the sixty minutes of cycling test. Pearson’s correlation was used to test the relationship between aerobic threshold and aerobic power generated during the 60 minutes cycling test. Cyclists on carbohydrate treatment demonstrated a high level of blood lactate at p<0.05 level of significance. However, there was no significant difference between blood lactate accumulation when cyclists were on placebo or carbohydrate-based treatment p = 0.902. There was no significant difference in aerobic threshold between placebo and carbohydrate-based treatments of male cyclists during the sixty minutes trial p = 0.799. A significant difference in peak aerobic power at p = 0.004 when cyclists were treated with carbohydrate 86.1± 33.41 to 74.3± 33.42 watts than when on placebo 74.1± 28.67 to 62.3 ±27.73 watts was noted. There was no relationship established between lactate produced and speed generated by cyclists during the 60 minutes cycling experiment p = 0.244. There was a constant blood glucose level recorded when cyclists were given a carbohydrate drink however, blood glucose irregularly fluctuated when cyclists were on placebo. A significant difference in blood glucose levels when cyclists were on placebo treatment compared to carbohydrate-based treatment p = 0.001 was noted. The study concluded that 6% carbohydrate sport drink was not effective in improving aerobic threshold and blood lactate threshold. However, 6% carbohydrate sports drink was effective in improving aerobic power. It is recommended that cyclists can consume 6% carbohydrate sports drink during endurance exercise with an aim of improving aerobic power.Item Factors Influencing Uptake of Alternative Rite of Passage Among Teenage Girls in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2021) Mutiria, Ben Kinyua; Albert Gachau; KiprutoTuitoekARP is a strategy to ensure girls transit from childhood to adulthood without the harmful effects of FGM. There has been a slow uptake of Alternative rite of passage (ARP), 200 per year on average among girls aged 12-18 years (1.4%) in a region with high prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 68%. The study aimed at assessing factors influencing the uptake of ARP among girls in Tharaka Nithi County. The specific objectives were to find out knowledge on ARP, to determine social cultural factors that influence uptake of ARP, to determine the perception on ARP among girls in Tharaka Nithi County. A cross sectional analytical study was carried out in Tharaka Nithi County Kenya. The study targeted girls aged 12-18 years who were 24,458. A sample of 349 girls was selected using proportionate sampling method. Data was collected using questionnaire and key informant interviews that yielded both qualitative and quantitative data. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and presented in pie charts, bar graphs and tables. Chi square was used to establish relationship between variables and a P value of 0.05 was considered significant. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to establish the strength of the linear relationship between the variables under study. The study showed that most girls had not undergone any rite of passage 309(88.5%) of those that had undergone a rite of passage 65% had undergone FGM. The study found out majority of the girls would want to undergo ARP 265 (75.9%). It was evident from the study that those who had knowledge on ARP were more likely to undergo the rite a P value of <0.001. It was also established that the social cultural environment influenced uptake of ARP with those that had friends who had undergone ARP more likely to undergo the rite a P value of <0.001, parental support of ARP with a P value of <0.001 and leadership support of ARP with a P value of <0.001. Most girls felt that ARP is a better rite of passage 203 (58.1%) but felt that girls do not have to undergo any rite of passage148 (42.2%). The study concluded that knowledge of the girls was low, the support of the peers and leaders and their family influenced the uptake of ARP. The study recommended that more information should be given to the girls to increase their knowledge. Involving local leaders and cultural custodians in the ARP will increase acceptability of the rite.Item Influence of Competitive Co-Curricular Activities on Self Concept, Deviant Behaviour and Academic Performance among Secondary School Students in Central Region, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2021) Kamau, Agnes Wanjiku; Elijah G. Rintaugu; Mugala Hannington BulindaCo-curricular activities enhance attainment of the curriculum goals and objectives. A number of researchers have established positive effects of participation in co-curricular activities on student academic achievement and social aspects. Other studies have shown that participation in co-curricular activities is detrimental to academic performance. In cognizance of this discrepancy, the current study based on Zero-sum model and Developmental theory, sought to examine the effects of engagement in competitive co-curricular activities (Sports, Music and Drama) on the self-concept, deviant behaviour and academic performance of secondary school students in Central Region, Kenya. The study objectives were to determine whether the effects were dependent on type of school, year of study, socio-economic background and gender of the students. Alongside the objectives, an Ex-post Facto design formulated hypotheses to test the variables under study. The independent variable was participation or non-participation in co-curricular activities; and the dependent variables were self-concept, deviant behaviour and academic performance. The study population comprised of all Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 students in public secondary schools, who qualified for regional championships in the Central region, Kenya. The total sample size comprised 1,408 participants. Purposive sampling was used to identify participants in this matched-pair designed study. The initial 704 ‘participation’ participants, comprising 128 from sports, 240 from drama and 336 from music were identified with the help of respective teachers. Subsequently, each of these identified a matching friend to constitute the group of 704 non-competing participants. . Questionnaires and document analysis provided data for the study. The data collected was quantitative in nature and was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics included percentages, means, frequency counts, and standard deviations; whereas, inferential statistics included Independent t-test, Two-way ANOVA, Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Post hoc test of Tukey’s HSD. All statistical tests were carried out at p<0.05 level of significance. The study found that participation in co-curricular activities had a positive impact on students’ self-concept (957) <0.001, p<0.001, deviant behaviour (958) <0.001, p<0.001 and academic performance, t (919) =0.023, p<0.001. Participants in co-curricular activities had higher self-concept, better academic performance and rarely engaged in deviant behaviour as compared to non-participants. The study therefore, recommends schools’ encouragement of student participation not only in sport, drama and music, but also in alternatives such as debating, science, , and religious clubs in the schools. Such participation help them develop self-confidence, gain skills for solving own problems, learn to work as a team, learn leadership skills and help avoid engagement in risky behaviour. The study also suggests that school administrators organize seminars and fora for all school stakeholders to disseminate the powerful effect of involvement in co-curricular activities on students’ educational, self-concept and behaviour outcomes. This study further recommends the replication of the current study in primary schools and universities in Kenya. Such replication would broaden and deepen the body of knowledge concerning the advantages or disadvantages of students’ involvement in co-curricular activities, especially with regard to students’ self-concept, deviance behaviour and academic performance.Item Motivation for competitive soccer among players in public secondary schools in Nairobi City and Kakamega Counties, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2018-07) Andanje, Nancy YvonneThe purpose of this study was to find out if soccer players in public secondary schools in Nairobi City and Kakamega Counties are motivated for competitive soccer by the desire for success, personal fulfillment, social interaction and/or personal image. The study adopted cross sectional analytical research design. The target population included schools that participated in the 2015 season of the secondary school games at zonal level in both Nairobi City and Kakamega Counties. Stratified random sampling was used to ensure proportionate representation of both male and female soccer players from the two counties. All the 11 (eleven) top soccer players from each of the schools were included in the study as respondents. The sampled respondents were 542 (50%) out of the target population of 1001. The Sport Motivation Scale was used to collect data. Data was summarized in percentages, mean values and standard deviations. Hypotheses were tested using t-test (gender and county) and One-Way ANOVA (across respondents’ class levels) at 0.05 level of significance. The post Hoc Tukey test was used to trace the source of the significant F ratios. Results revealed that a slightly higher proportion of the respondents were male than the females, a higher proportion were in Form three class level followed by those in Form 2 and 4 who had equal proportions and those from Kakamega county were 347(64.0%) while 195 (36.0%) were from Nairobi City County .Findings revealed that Players in Form Two were more motivated by the need for personal self-achievement than those in other classes. However, there was a significance difference in self-achievement motivation on the class level of the players with differences between responses of Form Three and Form Four soccer players. This implies that soccer players in Form two were significantly more motivated for soccer by self-achievement motivation than those in form three and four class level. Soccer players in Nairobi County were significantly more motivated for competitive soccer by personal fulfillment than those in Kakamega County. The male soccer players were more motivated by the need for personal fulfillment than the female soccer players. Soccer players in Nairobi County were more motivated for competitive soccer by the desire for social interaction than those in Kakamega County. Soccer players in Kakamega County were more motivated for competitive soccer by the desire for personal image than those in Nairobi County. In conclusion, all the players from Nairobi and Kakamega Counties were highly motivated on self- achievement motivation, social interaction and personal image as opposed to personal fulfillment where the male were much more motivated than the female based on gender. In relation to class level, all the soccer players were highly motivated in personal self-achievement motivation and lastly, in Personal self-achievement motivation all the soccer players were motivated in the two counties as opposed to the other three motivation factors. From the findings, it is recommended that, Games teachers and coaches of soccer in secondary schools in Kakamega and Nairobi Counties should consistently design soccer training program that promote mastery of skills, physical fitness, and interaction and make the players feel importantItem Female Teachers’ Participation in the Management of Competitive Sports Programmes in Secondary Schools in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2017-07) Ngeti, Robert NdamboThe purpose of the study was to assess the female teachers’ participation in the management of competitive sports programmes in secondary schools in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The specific factors that were investigated included; type of school, age, education level, marital status, facility availability and psychosocial factors. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study target population was 175 female teachers from 61 public secondary schools selected through stratified random sampling procedure. The schools were divided into single sex (boys and girls only) and mixed schools. The questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection. Using Alpha Cronbach, its reliability was obtained to be α=0.732. A total number of 108 questionnaires were administered to the Secondary school teachers in the County as the selected sample. 90 teachers responded giving a response rate of 83.3%. The data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Descriptive statistics frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the characteristics of the respondents, while hypotheses were tested using chi-square and ANOVA. The ANOVA results revealed that there is no statistically significant difference between participation of the female teacher in sports and the type of school they teach. Age yielded χ2 =2.443; df = 4; p =0.295, an indication that age had no influence on the frequency of female teachers’ participation in competitive sports management in Taita Taveta County. Marital status of female teachers in Taita Taveta County did not significantly influence their frequency of participation in the management of competitive sports programmes. Level of education and Type of school did not have significant influence on competitive sports management. Moreover, adequacy of sports facilities and equipment yielded χ2= 1.00, df = 4 and P value 0.262, an indication that facilities did not significantly influence the female teachers’ participation in competitive sports management in Taita Taveta County. It was, therefore concluded that Age, Marital status and Education level of the female teachers did not affect their participation in sports management. The type of school did not affect participation in the management of sports among female teachers in Taita Taveta County. Availability of facilities and equipment had an impact on female teachers’ participation in sports management in Taita Taveta County. The study recommends that the school administrations and managements ensure that schools have basic sporting facilities which are well maintained to encourage the female teachers to get involved. A need for equal chances in the sports programmes management by female teachers since demographic characteristics do not affect sport participation. The ministry of education should also formulate policies that will ensure that female athletes, teams and competitions are managed by female managers. Further research on motivation and measures to improve women participation in sports and a comparative study on male and female teachers should be conducted in the county.Item Determinants of participation in sports among students with hearing impairement in secondary schools for the deaf of Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2016-11) Moseti, Moraa ZipporahEffective engagement of sports among students with hearing impairment has physiological, psychological, intellectual and societal benefits (Riungu, 2002; Smith, 2004). Although there has been great emphasis on sports and health related activities among students, there is a general concern that students with disabilities do not frequently participate in such activities. This study proceeded from the assumption that students with hearing impairment have no visible disability and therefore should participate in sports like their hearing counterparts. The study, therefore, sought to evaluate determinants of participation in sports among students with hearing impairment in Kenyan secondary schools for the deaf. The specific objectives of this study were to: establish the effect of gender on sport participation among students with hearing impairment; identify the type of sports in which most of the students with hearing impairment participate; establish the most commonly available sports facilities in secondary schools for the deaf, and establish the extent of participation in sports among students with hearing impairment in term one and two. Anchored on a descriptive research design, the study targeted 574 students with hearing impairment and 88 teachers in 7 public secondary schools for the deaf. Purposive sampling was used to select all Form 2 and 3 students as well as 3 teachers from the 7 schools translating to a total of 21 teachers and 327 student respondents. Two questionnaires; one for students and another for teachers were used in data collection. Data collected from the field was processed and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Qualitative data generated from open-ended questions using grouped into themes and analyzed according to the research objectives. Frequency tables and bar graphs were used in data presentation. Cross-tabulations and Chi-square (χ 2 ) tests were used to test the association, if any, of variables such as gender, sports preference and sports participation. The study established that gender was a significant variable to sports preference and participation among students with hearing impairment. The findings revealed that more male students participate in sports than female students. Majority of these students were motivated to participate in sports for fun. Football was the most preferred sport type by male students while female respondents had a strong preference to volleyball and netball. Most commonly available sports facilities were football and volleyball pitches. Majority of the students with hearing impairment actively engaged in sports in term one compared to term two due to the scheduling of national competitions for SNE in term one. The study concludes that gender, sports preference, availability of sports facilities, competitions and, internal and external drives were significant determinants in sports participation among students with hearing impairment. The study recommends that simple and easy-to-use sports facilities should be provided as an enabler for more students with hearing impairment to participate in sports, and a safe and supportive environment be established to facilitate active sports engagement among female students. Special schools should provide adequate facilities for a variety of sports in line with different kinds of sports. Insights from these findings will be helpful to stakeholders in making informed decisions, and in availing sports facilities for students with hearing impairment not only in secondary schools but also in other institutions of learning such as primary schools and tertiary institutions.Item Status of resources for teaching physical education in secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County, Kiambu county Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2015-11) Muriithi, Daniel Wambugu; Mwisukha, Andanje; Muniu, Robert K. (Late)The purpose of this study was to assess the status of resources for teaching Physical Education (P.E) in secondary Schools "in Thika East Sub-County, Kiambu County. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The target population of this study comprised ofP.E teachers and form two and three students in secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County. All the 19 secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County were included in the study where twoschools were used for pre-testing and 17 were used in the actual study. A sample size of 731 respondents was targeted, by the study out of which 645 responded (constituting 600 students and 45 teachers) giving a response rate of 88%. SPSS was used to analyze the quantitative data where frequencies and percentages were "used to analyze the data. On the adequacy of teachers, the study found that 81% of the respondents indicated that the number of P.E teachers were inadequate. Regarding the perceptions on the adequacy of time allocated for the teaching of P.E the study found that 69% of the respondents indicated that they consider the time allocated for the P.E. to be inadequate. On the availability of P.E equipment, the following equipment was available: balls 82.5%, games kits (40%) and footwear (37.5%). On the availability of P.E facilities, the following facilities were available football fields as indicated by 89.6%, volley ball courts (81.3%), netball field (60%~ and handball field 57.6%. On the adequacy of physical facilities, the study further found, that all the respondents (100%) indicated that hockey courts were inadequate, 50.8% indicated that volleyball field was inadequate and 50.7% indicated that basketball court was inadequate. Finally, on the availability of text books and reference materials, the study found that most of the respondents (80 %) indicated that there are no books and reference materials for teaching P.E and that where text books and reference materials were available; the materials were inadequate as indicated by the respondents. Chi-square showed that teaching and learning of P.E in schools was affected by professional qualification of teachers, availability and adequacy of equipment, facilities, funds and text books and reference materials. The study concluded that there was shortage of equipment, facilities, P.E teachers and text book and reference materials which affects teaching and learning of P.E in schools. The study recommended that the government through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology should" ensure that there are adequate facilities and equipment for teaching and learning P.E in schools. P.E teachers should be trained and be prepared to handle Physical Education in schools. The study finally recommended that another study on teaching and learning ofP.E in secondary schools in other districts.Item Effects of participation in competitive sports on school connectedness among public secondary school students in Murang’a County, Kenya(2015) Kamau, Agnes Wanjiku; Rintaugu, Elijah G.; Muniu, Robert K.School connectedness is the feeling of closeness to school personnel and the school environment.The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between competitive sports participation and school connectedness among secondary school students in Murang’a County. The study intended to establish the effects of: gender, age, class, school type, school status and athletic status on school connectedness. The study employed a descriptive survey design. It targeted all the 98,200 students from 257 public secondary schools in Murang’a County. The study employed stratified random sampling to select 26 schools while simple random sampling was used to select 384 students. The study used a questionnaire to collect data. Data that was collected was coded and entered into an SPSS program for analysis. Data was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics that were used included frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations whereas inferential statistics used included two-way ANOVA, Tukey Post hoc test and T-test. The results were presented in frequency tables. The study established that there were no significant differences in school connectedness between boys and girls, t (340) =.647, p = .518 at . The study also established that younger athletes ( = 86.131.35) and non athletes ( = 87.672.37) were more connected to their schools compared to older athletes ( = 85.57 1.91) and non-athletes ( = 85.002.000). This means that there was a significant difference in school connectedness and age of the athletes. The results findings also revealed that class level did not have any effect on students’ connectedness to school, t (340) = 1.255, p = .210 at α= .05. Further, it was found out that there was a significant difference among students from National schools, County schools and District schools on the school connectedness. The study finally concluded that students in National schools ( = 86.77) were more connected to school compared to those in County ( = 85.43) and District schools ( = 85.06). The study recommends that: Ministry of Education, through the County Director of Education should ensure that all secondary schools have basic sports facilities and equipment in order to promote sports participation hence, school connectedness; schools principals should ensure every student identifies themselves with a particular sport. This can be done by requesting that each student register and participate in sport while in school, among other recommendations.Item Gender representation in sports participation and leadership in teacher training colleges in the eastern zone - Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2015-04) Wamaitha, Kariuki JoyceThe purpose of the study was to investigate gender representation in sports participation and leadership in Teacher Training College in Eastern Zone of Kenya. The study was guided by the hypothesis that participation in sports and leadership in sports is not based on gender. Random sampling was used to select the students‟ respondents of the study. Purposeful sampling was also used to identify the coordinators, P.E teachers. Five colleges in Eastern zone of Kenya were used for the study. A total of 523 student respondents took part in the study and other respondents were 5 sports coordinators, 16 coaches and 23 P.E teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. The resulting data was analyzed using chi-square which indicated that the X2 values were significant (X2 = 5.839, df = 1p<0.05) which shows that there was differences in the participation of both public and private colleges. Athletics and soccer were the most popular games at the three levels i.e. primary, secondary and colleges. The hypothesis that there is no significant difference in representation between public and private colleges in the Eastern zone in Kenya was rejected. In leadership representation, the hypothesis was rejected as the results indicated that there was a significant difference in leadership representation in sports in Teacher Training Colleges (TTC‟s). The findings on gender participation and sports indicated that more males participated in sports than women in TTCs. From the findings, it was recommended that funding should be improved in primary schools as they are the foundation for participation in sports in other levels.Item Incentive Rating among Selected Kenyan Male Athletes(Kenyatta University, 2015-01-20) Mukhwana, Kizito OngaloNot much is known about incentives value rating in team and individual sports and how they affect sports performance in Kenya. In the presence of wide spread reinforcement initiatives, there is need to effectively scrutinize incentive value rating in the diverse Kenyan sporting populations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in responses among Kenyan male athletes in team, individual and combat sports on the selected incentives and their value. The major hypothesis of the study was that there would be no significant differences in incentive value ratings on employment opportunities, public recognition, material and monetary rewards scholarship awards, free medical care and insurance coverage by Kenyan male athletes in team, individual and combat sports. A survey research design was utilized. 120 athletes were sampled hence 40 athletes were selected from each sport (individual, team and combat sport). Simple random sampling was done for the sample selection for each sport. The fish bowl technique was employed.The study employed an extrinsic reinforcer value-rating questionnaire which gathered data on the value rating by the subjects on employment opportunities, public recognition, material and monetary reward, free medical care and insurance coverage. The data obtained were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. The statistical analysis techniques used was one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), where rejection of null hypotheses was set at p<.05. A Tukey post hoc test (HSD) was conducted to ascertain the source of the difference. The results of this study revealed significant differences amongst Kenyan male athletes in team, individual and combat sports athletes incentives‟ value rating on employment opportunities F (2,118) =26.482 p<.05 , public recognition F(2,118) = 3.771 p<.05 material and monetary F(2,118) =96.204 p<0.5, free medical care F(2,118) = 17.485 p<0.5, insurance coverage F,(2,118) = 5.643 p<.05. With 2 and 118 degrees of freedom equal to 3.07, these values are significant at .05 alpha level (p<.05). Findings on scholarship awards showed no significant differences F (2,118) =1.204 p<.05. A Tukey test (post-hoc) was then conducted to establish the source of the differences. Based on the findings of this study it was concluded that the type of sport was a major determinant of incentive value rating. It was recommended that the government should formulate a sports policy in which sports performance incentives should be spelt out. The relevant government authorities in liaison with sports federations should have some in built performance reinforcer provisions in athletes‟ contracts for potential national and international athletes.