Correlates of Secondary School Students Participation in Competitive Sports in Nairobi City County, Kenya
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Kenyatta University
Motivation from social environment, playing experience and socio-economic background
are the key components to participation in competitive sports among students. The
purpose of this study was to examine correlates of secondary school students’
participation in competitive sports in Nairobi City County Kenya. The objectives of the
study were to examine influence of significant others on involvement in competitive
sports and to determine the influence of gender, playing experience and household
income level on involvement in competitive sports. Cross-sectional descriptive research
design was utilized. The target population were students in secondary schools in Nairobi
City County. 1,271 student athletes participated in term 1 and term 2 national sports
competitions. The researcher sampled 382 students’ athletes who comprised of (191 girls
and 191 boys). This represented 30% of the entire population.A questionnaire was used
to collect data from students which was analysed through use of Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25.0). Descriptive statistics such as frequencies,
percentages, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of multiple regression
analysis were used to test the hypothesis of the study. The study found that there were
more male, (64.0%) than female (36.0%) participants. Football (21.6%) and volleyball
(11.9%) were the most represented sports while badminton 2(0.7%) and racquet games
2(0.7%) were the least represented sports. The null hypotheses stating that there is no
significant influence of significant others (p-value=0.030<0.05),1 gender (p value=0.001<0.05), playing experience (p-value=0.000<0.05) and household income
level (p-value=0.008<0.05) on student involvement in competitive sports in public
secondary schools in Nairobi City County Kenya, were rejected. The study concluded
that gender had the greatest correlation on participation in competitive sports among
students in public secondary schools in Nairobi City County, followed by significant
others, then playing experience while household income had the least effect on
participation in competitive sports among students in public secondary schools in Nairobi
City County. To encourage sports participation by students, the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology and the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage should make
sure that all secondary schools have the most basic sports facilities and equipment.
A Research Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science (Physical Education) in the School of Health Sciences of Kenyatta University October, 2024
1.Elijah Gitonga Rintaugu
2.Mugala Bulinda