MST-Department of Business Administration

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    Strategy Implementation and Performance of Insurance Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-06) Kipyegon, Vincent; David Kiiru
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    Strategy Implementation Practices and Growth of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Embu County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Wangari, Mourine Celina; Paul Waithaka
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    Resource Management Practices and Performance of Livelihood Projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023) Kibiti, Kawira Loise; Kinoti Kaburu
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    Performance Appraisal System and Employee County Government of Kilifi, Kenya.
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Mumba, Gideon Chilumo
    he use of performance appraisal to evaluate employee performance as well as enhance employee performance in the public sector has been faced with so much resistance from the employee, which casts doubts on whether the perfonnanc_e appraisals have the desired influence of driving employee performa.\_'nce in the public sector, more so the public administration where the desire for high standards of service delivery is high, thus the need for this research. This study investigated the influence of performance appraisal on employee performance in the public sector in Kenya, more so on the County Governments and with a specific focus on The County Government of Kilifi. The study’s specific objectives were to determine the influence of performance appraisal training, performance appraisal frequency, objectivity of performance appraisal, and performance appraisal feedback on employee performance in the County Government of Kilifi. This study employed the use of descriptive research design and the target population comprised of all the head of departments, and their assistants in the twelve administrative departments in Kilifi County, who are forty in number. The data was collected through a questionnaire structured to suit the study objectives. The questionnaires comprised of both open and closed ended questionnaires. Data validity and data reliability was verified, where the validity of the questionnaire was sought through two different techniques, namely face validity and content validity. The researcher checked for the face validity of the research by reviewing the questionnaire to establish its overall look and feel, and ease of readability and comprehension. Content validity was conducted by the researcher through scrutinising and appraising the questionnaire to establish the efficiency of the questionnaire in fulfilling its intended measuring objective, and a cross-check was done by five experts in the field study to establish validity. A pre-test validity test was also done on three head of departments to establish validity and amendments done before presenting the final questionnaire to the final respondents. Reliability of the questionnaire was established through two methods. Firstly, the questionnaire was shared during pilot testing to 10% of the target respondents, in this case four respondents that is two departmental heads and two assistant departmental heads at the Kilifi County, who were randomly selected and not be included in the final research. The results from their responses during pilot study were checked for consistency among the respondents’ responses using a Cronbach Alpha test, which was established to be 0.857, which meets the minimum threshold value of 0.7. The data analysis involved data presentation and interpretation. The questionnaires and interview schedules’ responses were tabulated, coded and processed by use of a computer Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0 which is programmed to exami:.le the data. Data analysed was presented using tables and grapf}s. T}"ne §Eudy findings established that in general, performance appraisal has a positive significant effgct on employee performance at The County Government of Kl?l[‘l,. Kenya. Regression analysis indicated that performance appraisal training, Ob_](-?C'Ilvlty of performance appraisal and performance appraisal feedback had a positive effect on employee performance at The County Government, of Kilifi, Kenya, whereas performance appraisal frequency had a negative influence on employee performance at this County Government. The study recommends that this C(_)upty Government enhances on their performance appraisal as it is influential in driving employee performance.
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    Managerial Capability and Firm Performance of Absa Bank in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Mbogo, Irene Karimi; Godfrey Kinyua
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    Strategy Implementation Practices and Performance of Selected Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Nakuru County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Kuyuti, Kennedy; Janet Muthimi
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    Organization Innovation and Performance in Licenced Logistics Sector in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-09) Ndegwa, Rosalind; Anne Muchemi
    The success or failure of a corporation is largely determined by its organizational performance. The Kenya logistics sector has grown steadily in recent years, but some players in the industry are hesitant to adopt new technologies, while others have failed to fully integrate technological advancements into their business operations, resulting in inefTiciencies in service delivery and a negative impact on performance. Many areas of the economy can benefit from the dissemination of innovation in the logistics industry. The purpose of this research is {o delermine the impact of organizational innovation on the performance of Nairobi City County's licensed logistics industry. The impact of product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, and technical innovation on the organizational performance of logistic firms in Kenya will be studied in this work. The study was guided by innovation diffusion theory balanced scorecard, and institutional theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of 45 logistics firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. The research participants were chosen using a proportionate random selection method with a sample ratio of 30%; hence, the sample size of 141 managers was considered representative. Primary data was gathered using self-administered semi-structured questionnaires. To validate the research instruments, a pilot study was conducted. The Cronbach Alpha statistical test, with a threshold of 0.70, was used to determine the research instrument's reliability. A draft questionnaire was pre-lested with a small sample of respondents to assess content and construct validity. A double-check technique was also used to confirm content legitimacy. Descriptive statistics were computed 1o describe the characteristics of the variables in the study while multiple regression analysis was used to establish the nature and magnitude of the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The study findings established the existence of a positive and significant relationship between organizational innovation and the organizational performance among logistics firms in Kenya. The study reached the conclusion that taking into account product, process, marketing and technological innovation does positively influence the firms' performance. According to research, marketing innovation has the biggest impact on the performance of the organizations. However, since there are no tumkey or universal applications for organizational innovation organizations should take all factors (i.e., product, process, marketing and technological innovation) into account collectively rather than singly. Based on this conclusion, in order to improve organizational performance and success chances, the study recommends that logistics companies invest more in research and development to ensure that new items are introduced to the market more consistently. The study also recommends that managers consider implementing organisational innovation techniques as a competitive stralegy by rewarding employees whenever they develop new products in order to promote product innovation in the firm.. .
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    Strategy Implementation Drivers and Performance of Kenya Airport Authority: A Case of Moi International Airport Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-12) Mwangi, Nahashon Mwaura; Njeri Njuguna
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    Strategic Response and Performance of Sameer Africa in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Mengo, Doris Mueni; Eliud Obere
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    Corporate Growth Strategies and Performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Abdulla, Ibrahim Issack; Shadrack Bett
    Consistent and continuous threats from the environment has been the order of the day in the corporate world and therefore businesses need to adjust accordingly in order to survive. Just like is the case in other organizations, there is a need for SACCOs to be ina position to respond strategically to the turbulence and environmental changes they operate in. SACCOs have made little effort to master corporate growth strategies for the changes in the environment. This study therefore interrogates the influence of Corporate Growth Strategies on performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenya. The specific objectives are to establish the influence of Product Development Strategy on performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenya : to assess the effect of Market Development Strategy on performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenya ; to determine the role of Divestment Strategies on performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenyaand to explore the extent to which Diversification Strategies influences performance of Savings and Cooperative Societies in Mandera County, Kenya. The study is anchored on the Porter’s Competitive Advantage Theory, the Dynamic Capability Theory and Resource Based Theory to help explain the concepts from a theoretical point of view. An explanatory research design was adopted to achieve the objectives. Targeted population for the present survey was the four active SACCOS in Mandera county according to the Mandera County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017). The plan indicates that the county has five registered SACCOs but only 4 with a total membership of 100 are active. Focus for the study was on the four SACCOs which are active. A quantitative method was adopted whereby data using structured questionnaires was collected. However, before using the questionnaire, its reliability was tested using a Cronbach Alpha Coefficient at a threshold of 0.7. Additionally, the quality of the content of the questionnaire was checked to make sure there are no typographical or form problems. Both descriptive and inferential analysis were used to examine the quantitative data. Correlation and regression analysis were the inferential methods used. Multivariate regression is the best option. Finally, tables and figures were used to present the study's results. The results of this study.are anticipated to help the management of SACCOS select the most ef.fective tactics for r;.iising performance. The findings from the survey are to be used in developing strategies to address the problems caused by environmental change._The results f’f this study w?ud greatly advance our understanding of corPora'te strategies that consider the constraints posed by environmental change on organizational performance. Furthermore, the. gaps i lier and current research of the approach would be filled by scholars in the present and the future thanks to the findings.
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    Competitive Advantage Practices and Performance of Commercial Banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Kinoti, Purity Karwitha; Shadrack Bett
    Over llht‘ recent years, competition in the Kenyan banking industry has increased, resulting to various banks adapting key practices to increase their competitive adv;}nlugu‘. Ilcn‘cc, this research focused on the competitive advantage practices and p_crlornmncu of commercial banks, in Nairobi County Kenya; a case of Equity Bank, l\cn:vn Commercial Bank, Absa and Family Bank. Over the recent past, the p_cr!gr'nmncc 9f commercial banks has been influenced by different factors such as hq_‘“dl‘()’, capital inadequacy and the efficiency of operational costs. The study’s objective was; to find out how differentiation strategy, innovation, focus strategy and cost ]ca'dcrshlp Some of the theories applied include porters five forces, resourcebased view, stakeholder, and balanced scorecard model. The research applied a case s(udx method, with detailed questionnaires which examines the respondents on practices used by Commercial banks in Nairobi County. Also, it examined on how such practices enhance performance in the county. The summary of the regression model correlation coefficient explains the interdependence between the independent variables, - differentiation, focus strategy, cost leadership, innovation and the dependent variable, which is performance. Key respondents of this study were employees and customers of the sampled Commercial banks in Nairobi County, with a focus of Branch managers, regional managers and departmental managers. Data was collected using questionnaires, with open ended questions. Reliability test was undertaken, and analysis done through multiple regression and inferential statistics. The expected outcome is that the four main practices would become useful to Equity Bank management, future researchers, and the government. Differentiation strategy, innovation, focus strategy and cost leadership was found to have a positive significant influence on the performance of commercial banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study concluded that commercial banks uses differentiation strategy to provide customers with something unique, different and distinct from items their competitors may offer in the marketplace. Innovation plays a key role in introducing novelty to existing product lines or processes, leading to increased market share, revenue, and customer satisfaction. Focus strategy identifies the market segments where the bank can compete effectively. Implementing Cost Leadership Strategy creates a different market size for each product and each industry. The study recommended that the commercial banks needs to produce or design extremely unique or distinctive products or services that create increased value for the consumer. Commercial banks should ensure that they truly understand their customers’ needs; establish collaborative relationships with their business partners, allocate resources for training and development etc. The commercial banks should use customer satisfaction ratings from past months what led to high scores, and what could use improvement 50 as to develop a proper focus strategy and also consider the demographics of thgir current clientele.
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    Knowledge Management Practices and Performance of Price Water House Coopers Audit Firm in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-07) Sang, Simon; Rosemarie Wanyoike; Felistus H. Makhamara
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    Knowledge Management Strategies and Performance of the National Police Service in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Njoki, Teresia; Priscilla Ndegwa
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    Strategic Management Practices and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Kajiado County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Saruni, James; John Mutinda
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    Strategic Innovation and Operational Performance of Kenya Breweries Limited, Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-12) Imathiu, Michael Muriuki; Hilda Felistus Makhamara
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    Data Analytics and Organizational Performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023) Odula, Linda Apondi; Perris Chege
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    Strategic Capability and Firm Performance of Microfinance Banks in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-12) Kinyua, Mary Nyaguthi; Godfrey Kinyua
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    Turnaround Strategies and Performance of Kenya Planters Cooperative Union in Nairobi County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-12) Rutou, Veronica Kitilit; Jane Wanjira