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    Strategic Leadership and Performance of Selected Dairy Processing Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Kiende, Lucy
    The serious issue in the Kenyan dairy processing firms is poor strategic leadership in the midst of the fierce competition as organizations compete to achieve competitive advantage and market reach at through enhance performance. The fierce competition and interest for incredible initiative is emphasized by the way that just 15% of milk is offered to the perceived processors and cooperatives. As such, the general objective of the study was to investigate the influence of strategic leadership on the performance of dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives included determining the effect of organizational core competences, organizational culture, organizational processes and networking on the performance of dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. This study was anchored on dynamic capability theory, goal setting theory and resource based view theory. The study covered six dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The respondents for the study were 350 staff members working with the six active dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County. The study used a semi - structured questionnaire as the data collection instrument. Validity of the research instrument was through content validity while reliability was conducted through Cronbach Alpha with a threshold of 0.7 being the highest. Primary data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences based on the questionnaires. In particular mean scores, standard deviations, percentages and frequency distribution were used to summarize the responses and to show the magnitude of similarities and differences. Results were presented in tables and charts. Linear regression model was used to establish whether there is a relationship between the variables. From the study findings, it established that core competencies has a significant and direct relationship with core competences and performance of dairy processing firms. The study established that there is a direct relationship between organization culture and performance of dairy processing firms. The study findings indicated that there is significant relationship between organizational process and performance of dairy processing firms and lastly, majority of the respondents agreed that networking impacts performance of dairy processing firms. The management of the dairy processing firms should include core competencies in its strategic plans to ensure continued high performance. The organizational culture should be enhanced in the dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County since it enhances performance and the dairy processing firms must encourage a culture in which employees are allowed to understand how the organization operates. The organizational process must be carefully worked out and applied process in the entire organizations. This process involves determining what work is needed to accomplish the goal and assigning those tasks to individuals. This should result in a work environment where all team members are aware of their responsibilities. The dairy processing firms should focus on ways of maximizing the utilization of relational trust by cultivating trust amongst staff, relational capability by encouraging inter - organizational interactions in open forums, relational strength, and encouraging information sharing amongst their networks in order to boost performance. In addition, these dairy processing firms should create strategic networks and partnerships that are unique and inimitable by other organizations to enable them acquire innovations, resources, skills and competencies, thus improving performance. On the future studies, there is need to focus on a different geographical area to establish whether the results will be similar to the findings of the current study. The study should also cover different variables not used in the current study such as strategic thinking, competitive advantage and organizational resources.
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    Strategic Agility and Performance of Private Universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Ndirangu, Waithera Lilian
    The proliferation of private universities in Kenya has been driven by the growing demand for higher education, contributing to the country's research and development. However, despite this growth, many private universities in Nairobi have faced challenges in performance, prompting concerns about their management and the need for strategic agility to enhance their effectiveness. The main objective of the study was to examine the effect of strategic agility on the performance of private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives was; to determine of human resource agility, information technology agility, research and development agility as well as marketing agility on the performance. The study theoretical foundation was dynamic capability theory, resource based view theory contingency theory and ambidexterity theory. The research employed a descriptive research design. The study population comprised of all the 26 private universities in Nairobi County Kenya accredited by CUE. The study used census technique and the sample size was 130. Data was gathered through the use of questionnaires that were distributed to a total of 104 respondents that was chosen from sample size of 130. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used; to analyze data. Data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis and findings were displayed through charts and tables. All ethical standards for conducting research would strictly adhere to. The results of reliability Cronbach’s alpha value was aggregate score of 0.76. All necessary adjustments was also suitably integrated as result of validity. The study's results reveal that human resource agility, information and technology agility, research and development agility and marketing agility had a significant positive influence on the performance of private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research concludes that a flexible approach to managing human resources helps universities quickly adjust to changes in education, like changes in student populations, technology, and what the market wants. Information and technology agility enables these institutions to streamline their operations, enhance the quality of education, and improve overall efficiency, ultimately leading to improved performance and competitiveness in the education sector. Research and development flexibility is crucial for private universities in Nairobi, Kenya and helps them adapt to market demands and technological advancements, stay competitive, and attract students. Universities that are able to adapt their marketing strategies to meet the demands of the market are more likely to attract and retain students, leading to improved enrollment numbers and overall performance. The research recommends that Universities should focus on investing in continuous training and development programs for staff members can help them stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the education sector. Universities should seek for the implementation of advanced technology systems, such as cloud-based platforms, data analytics tools, and virtual learning environments. Universities should focus on investing in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that enable researchers to conduct cutting-edge studies and experiments. The private universities in Nairobi City County should invest in digital marketing techniques. This includes creating a strong online presence through social media platforms, search engine optimization, and targeted online advertising. The significance of the study lies in its potential to inform policy making, managerial practices, and academia by providing actionable insights and a scientifically proven knowledge base to enhance strategic agility and organizational performance.
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    Work-Life Balance and Employees’ Performance of Betting Firms in Nairobi City County; A Case of Primebet Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Munyes, A. Lilian
    Organizations from day-to-day encounter employees who have problems with the achievement of a balance between their work and the other things that they do, a situation that results in very poor employee performance due to the conflicts those employees face balancing the job and their other life demands. Despite the effort that has been made by companies to enhance the output of their personnel, many cases of poor performance have been witnessed in companies around the world. In order to address this problem, a number of studies have been done. However, no conclusive findings have been reached. Based on this background, this study was done on work-life balance and employees‘ performance of betting firms in Nairobi City County as a case study at Primebet Kenya. The following were the study objectives; to determine how flexible working arrangements affect employees‘ performance; to evaluate the effect of telecommuting on employees‘ performance; to investigate the effect of employee counselling on employees‘ performance; and to investigate the effect of community engagement on employees‘ performance at Primebet Kenya, Nairobi County. The Hertzberg Two Factor Theory was used in the study together with the spill over theory which describes the circumstances featuring an overflow between the home micro system and job micro system. The best practice model explains that employees change their mindsets and actions in reaction to how they have interacted with HR practices, which has an impact on company success. In this research, a descriptive survey approach was used. The population comprised 73 staff working in Operations, Finance, ICT, Marketing, and Human Resource. The study adopted the census approach therefore all the 73 individuals that were targeted provided data. A structured questionnaire was used, which was presented in the form of a Likert scale. A pilot study was done to test research procedures, sample recruitment strategies and data collection instruments. The face validity of the study instruments was ensured by revising any confusing or unclear portions of the questionnaire. To establish the reliability of the questionnaires, internal consistency was measured using Cronbach‘s Alpha (α) with a coefficient of 0.72. Quantitative data analysis was exclusively utilized hence SPSS version 23 was used to analyze the structured questionnaires. The study employed measures of frequency hence frequencies and percentages together with mean and standard deviation were used. According to the study findings, work-life balance is heavily correlated with employee success hence employees‘ performance varies from among individual employees. The study recommended that when working hours are not specified, companies should develop appropriate work-life balance processes to guarantee that workers' personal lives are not negatively impacted by their employment.
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    Downsizing Strategies and Performance of Finlays Tea Extract, Kericho County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-08) Mutai, Kipkorir
    Downsizing can have a significant impact on employee morale and productivity, particularly when it is executed without proper communication and support. In 2020, Finlay Tea Extract, Kenya underwent a restructuring of its operations, resulting in the elimination of certain roles to ensure sustainability amidst a challenging business environment characterized by low tea prices, decreased demand for various products, and rising external costs. Consequently, the company made the decision to reduce its workforce by 500 employees in Kenya and a 40-year-old tea extract factory as part of cost-cutting measures because the world tea market is so competitive. This research aimed to explore the effects of downsizing strategies on the performance of Finlays tea extract, Kenya in Kericho County. The specific objectives of the study focused on investigating the impact of technology adoption, job redesign, workforce reduction strategy, and systemic strategy on the performance of Finlays tea extract, Kenya in Kericho County. The study was guided by the balanced scorecard model, diffusion of innovation theory, and transaction cost economic theory. A descriptive research design was employed, targeting Finlays Tea Extract, Kenya, with a total of 66 respondents, including 6 managers and 60 support staff. A census of 66 respondents was conducted, utilizing a structured questionnaire to gather primary data. The questionnaires were pre-tested on 6 respondents within the organization, who were not part of the final study. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and its construct, criterion, and content validity were assessed. Qualitative data was narratively presented and thematically analyzed, whereas quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviations. Furthermore, inferential statistics were carried out, including regression and correlation analysis. The study found that technology adoption, job redesign, workforce reduction strategy and systemic strategy had a positive significant influence on the performance of Finlays tea extract, Kenya in Kericho County. The study concludes that enhancing an organization's performance through the adoption of technology involves leveraging various technological tools, systems, and strategies to improve efficiency, productivity, and overall effectiveness. Workforce reduction strategies can involve various steps such as conducting a thorough analysis of the current workforce, identifying areas of redundancy or inefficiency, and developing a strategic plan to reduce the number of employees while still maintaining productivity and efficiency. Enhancing organizational performance through systemic strategy implementation involves implementing strategies in a comprehensive and interconnected manner to drive overall performance improvement. The study recommends that the organization should provide employees with the necessary training and education on how to effectively use new technologies can help increase adoption rates. The organization should improve employee retention and reducing turnover rates by implementing job redesign strategies that cater to employee needs and preferences. The organization should conduct thorough assessments of current staffing levels, identifying areas where redundancies or inefficiencies exist, and implementing targeted measures to streamline operations. The organization should focus on the overall system and how different components interact and influence each other so as to identify and address any inefficiencies or bottlenecks that may be hindering performance.
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    Operational Strategies and Organization Performance of Public Hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-07) Nyaboga, Judith Maganya
    Performance of the health sector ensures that patients receive the best possible care and that healthcare systems function efficiently. But there are a number of obstacles that Kajiado County must overcome to function effectively. Public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya, were the focus of this study, which aimed to determine how operational methods affected their organizational performance. This study aimed to analyze the impact of four strategies on the organizational performance of public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya: information management, constant quality enhancement, innovation, and supervision of resources. The theories of technology acceptance, quality improvement, resource-based theory, and the balanced scorecard model provided the theoretical foundation for the research. The research strategy used was a descriptive one. The target population was 234 full time health workers among public health facilities in Kajiado CountyA total of 151 health care professionals were surveyed for the study, with a stratified random sampling technique used to choose a representative sample from each of the participating hospitals. Slovin's formula was used to arrive at this number. Important primary data was composed using a questionnaire. Using the SPSS, the researcher performed descriptive and inferential statistical analyses on data obtained by the drop-and-pick method. Statistical tools used for descriptive purposes included frequency distributions, proportions, means, and variance. The application of correlation analysis was a component of inferential statistics. Tables presented the data. The answers revealed that public hospital in Kajiado County have implemented quality of care measures which leads better organization performance. In addition, the findings revealed that innovative technologies help the healthcare providers to proactively manage patients' conditions. Furthermore, the study found out that efficient utilization of resources helps the hospital maintain financial stability. Public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya, had a favorable and statistically significant relationship with their performance when it came to information management, innovation, and continuous quality improvement. The study's results suggested that public hospitals in Kajiado County should work with hospital administration to promote the use of cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the county government and hospital management to assess the current state of public hospitals' workforces, determine where there is a need for improvement in terms of skills, offer chances for professional development, and foster an encouraging workplace culture. Lastly, the report recommended more research on the effects of patient-centered care techniques on business outcomes.
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    Intensive Growth Strategy and Performance of Cement Manufacturing Firms Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Ollonde, Joshua Oketch
    The cement manufacturing sector plays a crucial role in job creation, social and development agenda and GDP of the country. However, the sector suffers challenges including high energy costs, production inefficiencies and high competition leading to poor performance in terms of low production and consumption trends. To resolve the performance challenge, this study was forced on employing intensive growth strategies. The main study objective was assessing effect of intensive growth strategy on performances of NSE listed cement manufacturing firms. The specific objectives entailed market penetration and development, product development and diversification employed to improve performance outcomes. The study was grounded on the Ansoff’s matrix model, and supported by the dynamic capability theories and balanced scorecard model. It deployed descriptive research designs while targeting 216 employees working in the three listed companies. Stratified and simple random samplings were utilised in grouping respondents as per company and position and in selecting the respondents to take part in the research. The Yamane formula was employed to get the sample size of 139 respondents who filled the structured questionnaire as the research tool. The questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability using 13 employees from the non-listed cement companies and Cronbach Alpha was employed at a standard of 0.7. The researcher collected primary data from the respondents and produce qualitative and quantitative data. Analysis included entering the data into SPSS where descriptive statistics was done to obtain mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. In addition, inferential statistics was analysed using multiple regressions and correlation analyses to show association amongst the variables. Content analysis was also done for the qualitative data and findings were presented charts, tables and prose form. The results from the analysis were used to confirm if there is any relationship between the intensive growth strategies and performance of the firm. The study revealed that market penetration (β=0.713; p=0.00), market development (β=0.869; p=0.000), product development (β=0.681; p=0.000) and product diversification (β=0.919; p=0.000) leads to a positive and significant effects on performance of listed cement manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study concluded that market penetration, market development, product development and product diversification have significantly affected the performance of listed cement manufacturing company. The study recommended that management of NSE listed cement manufacturing firms need to implement strategic pricing strategies to facilitate market penetration. The study further recommends that management of NSE listed cement manufacturing companies needs to develop and implement comprehensive customer education programs to raise awareness about the firm's products and services. The study recommends that NSE listed cement manufacturing companies need to consider bundling similar cement products together to create value-added packages for customers.
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    Digital Marketing Practices and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Otieno, Calvin Omondi
    Small and medium enterprises serve a crucial part in any economy of creating employment and contribution to the gross domestic product. In Kenya, Small and Medium Enterprises have a significant mortality rate, with the majority failing to survive beyond their third year of operation. This has contributed to a weak base for industrial take off and sustainable development. The effect of digital marketing on success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya is not clear and most studies have presented contextual gaps, conceptual gaps and methodological gaps. The general objective was to ascertain the effect of digital marketing on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The precise objectives were to determine the influence of search engine marketing, content marketing, data-driven marketing and social media marketing on performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research was underpinned on technology acceptance model, marketing equity theory, social penetration theory and innovation diffusion theory. Descriptive research design was used where 17,116 Small and Medium Enterprises were targeted. Stratified sampling was used to cluster the Small and Medium Enterprises into seven categories. Krejcie and Morgan sampling technique was used to sample 290 Small and Medium Enterprises owners. Primary data was gathered through a questionnaire. A pilot study was done in Nairobi City County and targeted 29 Small and Medium Enterprises owners, at least five from each the seven categories. A pilot study was done to verify the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument. The research analyzed data through SPSS where descriptive and inferential statistics was generated. Data was presented in tables and figures. The study concluded that search engine marketing, content marketing, data driven marketing and social media marketing affected the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya and that search engine marketing, content marketing, data driven marketing and social media marketing all had a favorable and substantial effect on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi County. The research recommended that these organizations should prioritize achieving high search engine rankings for their website and ensuring that the website is easily accessible which would improve the overall performance of the agencies. Organizations, regardless of their overall effectiveness in content marketing, should prioritize the creation of an audience. Analyze the coherence and retention of their ideas to enhance their overall effectiveness. Businesses should give priority to conversion rather than leads. In the current market, this involves analyzing data to identify the specific locations where prospective clients allocate their time, and then tailoring relevant material to target them. Organizations should determine the social media platform on which their target audience allocates the most amount of time.
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    Strategic Orientation and Performance of Rotary Clubs in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Muchiri, Caroline Wanjiru
    Rotary Clubs are crucial for attaining social and economic development and changing people's lives in Kenya. To enhance this, clubs should be oriented to Rotary International strategy through periodical reports filing on operations and challenges, while they receive requisite guidance and support. This study examined the effect of strategic orientation on the organisational performance of Rotary Clubs in Nairobi City County. Its specific objectives were examining the relationship between strategic market direction on organizational performance; determining the relationship between strategic technology orientation and organizational performance; establishing the relationship between strategic entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance; and examining the relationship between strategic learning orientation and organizational performance. Three theories provided the theoretical background of the study: the dynamic capability theory, institutional theory, and resource dependency theory. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional study design to simultaneously investigate the research questions. The target population were the administration, members of the board of directors, and selected forty-one out of the one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine clubs in Nairobi City County. The sample size was three hundred and fourteen respondents determined by using the method developed by Krejcie and Morgan to calculate the sample size from a given population. Sampling was done using proportionate stratified and random sampling techniques to ensure all Rotarians had an equal chance to be selected. Semi-structured questionnaires and key informant interviews were used to gather primary data from the respondents after being tested for validity (content, construct and face validity) and reliability. Reliability test was done through a test-retest method during a pilot study done prior to the main study. The results were analysed using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. Interpretation of qualitative data was thematic and was used to supplement interpretation of quantitative data. To draw conclusions from the collected data, inferential statistics techniques including correlation, regression, and Analysis of Variance were used. Data presentation was through tabulation and graphics. The study revealed that there is a highly positive and statistically significant relationship between strategic market orientation (r=0.929; p
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    Knowledge Transfer and Organizational Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Kiambu County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Nduta, Benedette
    Despite consistently being Kenya’s second highest Gross Domestic Product contributor, Kiambu County’s characteristic fertile soils and abundant rainfall which traditionally anchored its great agricultural yields has taken a blow from climate hazards such as soil erosion, droughts and flooding. The ripple effect of these climate hazards has been growing youth employment, widening inequality gaps and burgeoning poverty which has contributed to alcohol and drug abuse, increased academic dropout rates, mental health challenges such as depression, despondency and ultimately social media abuse by youth amongst others. In response to this, a floodgate of about 324 non governmental organizations have been registered in the country as of the year 2023. With depleting efficiency due to donor fatigue, low non-governmental organizations absorption and reporting capacity, scholars and researchers have taken keen interest in the role of non-governmental organizations in building community resilience. However, such studies have focused on the relationship between non-governmental organizations and communities with few reflections on how internal non-governmental organizations' dynamics contribute to their inefficiency and inept community impact. This study proposed to descriptively after sampling 179 of the non-governmental organizations operating in Kiambu County assess the extent to which (in)adequate skills and capacity development opportunities contribute to non-governmental organizations' organizational performance and ultimately the quality of results and impact received by the community of non-governmental organization work. The study therefore hoped to trigger reflections amongst non-governmental organizations about how to adapt in recessive environments and the importance of knowledge transfer to organizational performance. These, the study hoped would evidence the need for government agencies to invest in youth programs designed to recalibrate youth skills towards addressing community needs and bolstering the potency of the Kiambu community of expansively performing better as a net contributor to Kenya’s economy and Nairobi’s food and agricultural consumption markets. A pilot study was conducted in Nairobi county using 10% of the sample size. Constructive validity test was used to test validity while reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The study established that community of practice (β=0.691), social networking (β=0.798), work shadowing (β=0.741) and paired work (β=0.937) have significant effects on organizational performance in NGOs working in Kiambu county. The study concluded that community of practice, social networking, work shadowing and paired work significantly affected the organizational performance in non-governmental organizations working in Kiambu county. The study recommends that management of non-governmental organizations in Kiambu county should ensure that there is training for its employees in regard to incorporating lessons learned into normal work practices. The study recommends that there is need for non-governmental organizations in Kiambu County to create online communities where stakeholders, including beneficiaries, volunteers, donors, and partners, can connect, share experiences, and exchange knowledge. The study recommends that for management of non governmental organizations in Kiambu County to determine which areas within the organization would benefit most from knowledge transfer through work shadowing.
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    Influence of Training on Performance of Employees in County Government of Laikipia, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-08) Munjogu, Ann Nyagichai
    Training deals with equipping staff with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to handle responsibilities assigned to them. By employers offering the training opportunities, employees are provided with an opportunity to create their own competitive advantage and guarantee their long-term employability. This study examined the influence of training on performance of employees at the County Government of Laikipia. The specific objectives of the study include; establishing the effect of training needs analysis, training design, delivery mode of the training and training evaluation on performance of employees at the County Government of Laikipia. The study reviewed the Human Capital theory, the Resource-Based view theory, Reinforcement theory, Social Learning Theory and Balanced Scorecard. Descriptive research design was used to gather the data required for the study. The target population for the study was 1593 staff of the County Government of Laikipia. The sample for the study was selected utilizing stratified random sampling. A sample of 159 respondents were used for the study. Questionnaires that the researcher administered were utilized for gathering data for the study. The data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaires was prepared for analysis using SPSS computer software. Microsoft Excel was utilized in conjunction with SPSS for data analysis. The analyzed data was displayed through tables and charts. A multiple linear regression model was utilized to examine how training affects employee performance. Construct and Content validity of the data collection instrument was examined to determine whether the questionnaires accurately assess the notion they are meant to test and whether they are completely representative of what they are intended to measure. The reliability of the data collection instrument was also checked by carrying out a pilot study to assess if the study tool would produce reliable results when applied to the same subject again. Ethical considerations during data collection were indicated. The study found that training needs analysis, training design, training delivery and training evaluation had a positive significant effect on the employees in County Government of Laikipia, Kenya. The study concludes that a training needs analysis creates a solid foundation of training requirements, ensuring that the training offered is efficient and effective. An effective training programme make the employees of the company work in an effective manner. Training delivery methods play a crucial role in engaging learners, enhancing knowledge retention, and ensuring effective learning outcomes. Evaluation of training gives comprehensive feedback on the value of the training programs and their effectiveness in achieving business goals. The study recommends that the organization management should compare its current training programs and outcomes with its company’s short- and long-term goals to ensure they are aligned. The human resource managers should identify what the learner needs to know in order to achieve the learning objective. When deciding on the appropriate training delivery method, consider factors such as the nature of the content, the target audience, available resources, and organizational goals.
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    Business Development Services and Performance of Youth- Owned Small and Medium Enterprises in Kigali City, Rwanda
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-03) Hakizimana, Samuel
    Enterprises are essential for the economy of Rwanda to thrive reduce poverty and create jobs, Rwanda has encountered difficulties in building their businesses due to a lack of access to business BDS and resulted from ineffective since the production of SMEs decreased from 58% in 2020 to 30% in 2021. Therefore, the study investigated the effect of business BDS on SMEs owned by youths in Kigali City, Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study were to ascertain effect of networking services on performance, to establish the influence of financial services on performance, to establish the influence of training on performance, to examine the influence of marketing services on the performance of youth-owned SMEs in Kigali city, Rwanda, and to analyze the moderating effect of government regulations on the relationship between business development services and the performance of youth-owned businesses in Kigali city, Rwanda. The study used five theories: the Resource-Based View theory of entrepreneurship and was supported by the Dynamic Capability theory of entrepreneurship and the Innovation Entrepreneurship theory. The researcher used an explanatory research design. The target population of 256 youths was dispersed over 8 sectors from three districts in Kigali City, and the sample of 156 youth-owned SMEs was selected using a multi-stage random selection technique. A semi-structured questionnaire was utilized to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in analyzing data. A multiple linear regression model was employed and data analysis was performed using the SPSS version 24 and was presented in the form of tables and figures. According to study findings, networking, financial services, training services, and marketing services, all showed an effect on the performance of youth-owned enterprises. The study recommends policy and practice ramifications that can be used to improve business development services on the performance of youth-owned businesses in Rwanda. The report suggests that to help SMEs learn more and gain critical capabilities that will help them oversee their own companies more effectively and improve their future growth and viability, youth-owned enterprises should beef up their networking, financial, training, and marketing services The results also showed that a connection between business development services and the success of Kigali city's businesses is greatly moderated by Rwandan government laws. The authorities should pay particular attention to the taxes imposed on conducting business and the application process for company licenses. Young entrepreneurs will be able to comprehend and benefit from a variety of business development services as a result, which will inevitably improve the effectiveness of their companies.
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    Prudential regulations and financial deepening among tier ii commercial banks in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Ndwiga, Wincate Wanjiru
    The ratio of bank deposits against nominal GDP is a good indicator of financial deepening among commercial banks. A critical analysis of this ratio with specific reference to Tier II banks in Kenya reveals a worrying trend. For instance, this ratio of deposits against gross domestic product of the tier II banks in Kenya has averaged at 8% from 2016-2020 as compared to an average deposits to GDP of 25% for Tier I banks. Prudential regulations have long been linked to financial deepening; however, the nature of the relationship between these two variables remains unclear. Thus, Prudential Regulations and financial deepening link among Tier II commercial banks in Kenya was explored. Specifically, capital adequacy, agent banking, corporate governance and liquidity management were studied in retard to financial deepening of Tier II commercial banks in Kenya. The agency theory, financial intermediation theory, liquidity management preference theory and the capital buffer theory anchored the study. The study used descriptive survey and correlational design with the target population being the eight Tier II commercial banks as licensed by the CBK as at 31st December 2021. Census was undertaken. Information in its auxiliary form was gathered over timeframe as from 2017 through 2021. The data analysis was carried out using both descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations as well as inferential statistics such as correlation and regression. The results were then presented through tables and figures. Diagnostic tests covering normality, multicollinearity and autocorrelation were carried out prior to regression analysis. In the course of conducting this study, all the literature and information obtained was appropriately cited and referenced as an ethical concern. The study established that liquidity management exerted the greatest significant effect on financial deepening (β= 0.657, p<0.05) followed by corporate governance that had negative and significant effect (β= -0.567, p<0.05), agent banking (β= 0.027, p<0.05) and lastly capital adequacy (β= 0.001, p<0.05) respectively all having positive and significant effect on financial deepening. The study concludes that prudential regulation is an important variable that allow banks to grow their financial depths. The study recommends that tier II commercial banks in Kenya should establish an optimal level of the equities and assets that would optimize financial depth. The marketing managers working among tier II commercial banks in Kenya should invest more in direct sales people to promote and create more awareness among customers on the need to take up agent banking services. The boards of directors working in tier II commercial banks in Kenya should strengthen and improve on their oversight role, demand for accountability on the side of management and ensure they minimize conflicting interests between managers and shareholders. The marketing managers of the tier II commercial banks in Kenya should put in place sound marketing practices for maximization of the deposits from customers which are a key indicator of financial deepening that the study built on for economic progress.
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    Grant management strategies and project performance of non-governmental organizations in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Masolo , Vincent Oduor
    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing various social, economic, and environmental challenges in Nairobi City County, Kenya. However, statistical trends analysis indicates a decline in the overall project performance of NGOs in the region over the past five years, raising concerns about the effectiveness of their grant management practices. This research examined how grant management strategies influence project performance in NGOs in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The key objective was to investigate grant management strategies and project performance in Nairobi NGOs. The study utilized a descriptive design with a sample of 60 NGOs strategically selected from the target population of 201 registered NGOs in Nairobi. This study was guided by the institutional theory, theory of change and system theory.Primary data was collected via Likert scale survey questions. Descriptive, frequency, and inferential statistics like regression and correlation analysis were used to analyze the data and determine relationships. The results demonstrated that strategic planning, grant design, funds management, and monitoring and evaluation positively influenced project performance. Correlation analysis revealed statistically significant positive associations between all four grant management variables and project performance. Regression analysis indicated positive relationships between the four factors and project performance. The findings suggest strategic planning, grant design, funds management, and monitoring and evaluation are significant predictors of NGO project performance in Nairobi. Recommendations include further research to identify additional factors, beyond the scope of this study that may determine NGO project performance. The data analysis process involved diagnostic tests, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics to explore the relationship between grant management strategies and project performance in Nairobi NGOs. Descriptive statistics provided insights into data distribution, while inferential statistics such as correlation and regression analysis examined the relationships between grant management strategies and project performance. The findings indicated positive correlations and significant impacts of strategic planning, grant design, funds management, and monitoring and evaluation on project performance. Data were effectively presented using tables and figures, with qualitative data analyzed thematically. Recommendations included enhancing communication, stakeholder involvement, and further research to identify additional project performance factors.
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    Entrepreneurial Orientation and Enterprise Performance of Selected Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-12) Marwah, Cecilia
    Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has become a focal point in entrepreneurship and strategy research, attracting considerable attention in both theoretical and empirical studies. EO is characterized by various entrepreneurial behaviors such as innovativeness, risktaking propensity, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy, that guide the pursuit of opportunities. The success of an enterprise is often assessed by the extent to which these EO dimensions are practiced. SMEs face a persistent risk of failure, with a notable proportion failing to transition into larger enterprises. The SME sector in Kenya, experiences a high mortality rate, where over 60% face closure annually, with many not surviving beyond the third anniversary. SMEs in Kenya, constitute about 80% of the manufacturing sector. However, their contribution to GDP stands at less than 20%, lagging behind larger enterprises. This poor performance is likelydue to a lack of entrepreneurial orientation. Hence the purposeof this study was to identify the EO factors that can enhance SMMEs performance, to enable them contribute effectively to economic development. The study is significant and timely, because the EAC Industrialization Policy (2012-2032) and Kenya’s Vision 2030, envision SMMEs transforming into vibrant businesses, contributing at least 50% to manufacturing sector GDP. A mandate that is unlikely to be achieved, if the current sub-optimal performance of SMMEs continues. A descriptive and explanatory survey research design was employed, with the study being guided by EO Theory, supported by Resource-Based View and Dynamic Capabilities Theories. The EO variables that were analyzed are innovativeness, risktaking propensity, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy as independent variables with enterprise performance as the dependent variable. The study targetted 309 Nairobi based SMMEs, from which 93 SMMEs were derived. A likert-type questionnaire was used for data collection and descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that all five EO dimensions had a statisticallysignificant relationship with Enterprise Performance as follows: Innovativeness (β = .148, Sig.=.006<.05), Risk-TakingPropensity (β = .167, Sig.=.020<.05), Proactiveness (β = .489, Sig.=.000<.05), Competitive Aggressiveness (β = .393, Sig.=.000<.05), and Autonomy (β = .203, Sig.=.001<.05). The study concluded that all five EO dimensions, individually and collectively, significantly influence performance among the SMMEs under study. The study therefore recommends that SMMEs embrace all EO dimensions to synergistically enhance enterprise performance.
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    Business incubation services and growth of startups in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-12) Otieno, Victor
    Startup businesses are essential for any nation's economic development worldwide. Despite the rapid growth of start-ups, their likelihood of success and viability remain low. Like Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), majority of startup businesses in Kenya fail to maintain market competition and growth. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine how the business incubation services affect the growth of start-ups in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of networking services, physical infrastructure, management advise, financial resources, and business planning on growth of startups. The study was grounded on the Firm theory, Stochastic Theory, Social Network Theory, Schumpeter theory of innovation and the Trait Theory of Entrepreneurship. Descriptive research design was used, the target population of the study was 567 startups companies that had been in an incubation process, however a sample of 227 respondents was obtained using proportionate stratified and random sampling techniques. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and regression techniques where Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was utilized in the analysis. The descriptive statistics summarized the data while multiple linear regression was conducted to determine the effect of business incubation services on startup growth. The findings indicated that there was significant and positive effect between networking services, physical infrastructure, management advice, financial resources, and business planning and the growth of startups. In order to have access to physical infrastructure, startups are encouraged to join startups associations like the Associations of Startups and Small and medium-sized Enterprises (SME)Enablers of Kenya, the Association of Countrywide Innovation Hubs and other independent incubation facilities. A clear act governing startups can offer tax incentives to startups, reducing costs in the form of financing and providing tax breaks to startup investors to improving their financial standing. Incubator owners are encouraged to take startups through business planning courses that are critical ensuring they scale- up the businesses. Finally, through the triple helix model business incubators can partner with universities especially where deep research in such specialized areas like health, agriculture and climate change is required
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    E-Procurement Practices and Organizational Performance of Kiambu County Government, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-07) Obiero, Reuben
    Businesses worldwide are increasingly utilizing e-procurement as a result of technology improvements. E-procurement is crucial to meeting organizational objectives. However, county governments face major hurdles in implementing e-procurement processes into their operations. Clearly, the benefits of establishing critical e-procurement processes are not visible in a regressive government environment. Companies that use e-procurement in their procurement operations often see cost savings, data exchange, and simplified procurement processes. This study sought to investigate the impact of e-procurement procedures on the performance of Kiambu County Government. The study's objectives were to determine the impact of e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering, and e-invoicing on the performance of Kiambu County Government. The study is based on Auction Theory, Resource Based View Theory, and the Technology Acceptance Model. The study followed a descriptive survey research design. The study addressed 216 employees from Kiambu County Government's procurement and finance departments. A stratified random selection procedure was used to choose 65 individuals. The data was collected using questionnaires. A pilot research was undertaken with seven procurement department employees. The respondents were not involved in the actual data collecting. The pilot test findings assisted in determining the validity and reliability of the research instruments. The research acquired authorization letter from Kenyatta University Graduate School and research permit from National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The evaluated data was presented using frequency tables, means, and standard deviations. Diagnostic tests were performed to assess the results' reliability, including multicollinearity, linearity, normalcy, and homoscedasticity. The study's findings demonstrated that e-auction enhances efficiency in the procurement process, saving time for both vendors and purchasers. E-bidding leads to a shorter tender invitation procedure and increased openness in the tendering process. E-ordering expedites order acquisition and delivery. E-invoicing lowers payment errors and improves accountability and transparency. The findings revealed that e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering, and e-invoicing have a considerable impact on the Kiambu County Government's performance. The study concludes that e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering, and e-invoicing considerably improved the performance of Kiambu County government. Governments save a lot of time and money by holding e-auctions, which also allow suppliers to grow into new markets. E-tendering greatly reduces expenses while improving the efficiency of public sector tendering. E-invoicing improves performance by making an organization's operations run more smoothly. The study recommends that county governments improve accounting, documenting, and reporting by implementing proper invoicing procedures. The automated procurement process should encompass requisitions, tenders, contract warding, and payment. Additionally, the county government should improve the delivery of public services by giving both the national and county governments timely, transparent, and accurate financial and accounting information. The county administration should use electronic ordering, especially for processing purchase orders electronically.
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    Innovation and Realization of Universal Health Care Coverage in Kenya by the National Hospital Insurance Fund.
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Ahmednoor, Rashid Abdille
    The National Hospital Insurance Fund fulfills the function of health funding, serving as a fundamental component of universal health care coverage in Kenya. In 2014, the Universal Health Care index in Kenya was at 52%, but in 2019, it increased to 55.0%. This signifies a modest 3% enhancement in health accessibility over a period of six years. Therefore, it is imperative to undertake significant measures to provide universal access to inexpensive and high-quality healthcare services for all individuals. While the concept of innovation has significance, there is a limited body of literature and empirical data that establishes a connection between innovation and the achievement of universal health care coverage within the economy. This study aimed to investigate the impact of innovation on the achievement of Universal Health Coverage by the National Health Insurance Fund. The study aimed to assess the role of product innovation, process innovation, technical innovation, and organizational innovation in the achievement of Universal Health Coverage by the National Health Insurance Fund. The investigation was guided by the theories of diffusion of innovation and the technology acceptability model. The research study utilized an explanatory descriptive survey approach, with a sample size of 155 respondents. A total of 112 respondents were picked utilizing a stratified random approach. Primary data were collected via the utilization of a questionnaire, including semi-structured elements. The questionnaire underwent a pilot testing phase with a group of 12 respondents who were chosen independently from the research population. The collected perspectives were subjected to both descriptive and inferential analysis. The studied results were presented using tables and figures. The findings of the research indicate a strong association between innovation and the achievement of universal health care. The research suggests that marketing managers at the National Hospital Insurance Fund should enhance their efforts in raising awareness among a larger portion of the population who are currently not availing themselves of the benefits offered by products such as Supa Cover. It is recommended that policymakers at the National Hospital Insurance Fund engage in frequent evaluations of current policies and the level of premiums paid by members, particularly those who are self-employed, to ensure affordability. Furthermore, it is recommended that information and communication technology managers employed at the National Hospital Insurance Fund allocate resources toward the acquisition of contemporary and advanced technologies while simultaneously phasing out outdated and obsolete systems. The top management team of the National Hospital Insurance Fund should reduce the number of bureaucracies, making it easy for new members to join and access cost-effective health services.
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    Universal Health Coverage Growth Strategies and Performance of National Health Insurance Fund in Machakos County Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-11) Ngina, Munyao Anne
    Health insurance programs are frequently regarded as noteworthy social advances and significant avenues for industrial expansion. Nevertheless, the task of improving NHIF coverage and performance continues to present challenges, despite the existence of several motivating considerations. Presently, the NHIF provides coverage to around 15.8% of the population in Kenya, or almost 80% of individuals who own some type of health insurance. The performance of the NHIF has been a subject of criticism, despite its extensive coverage. The1main objective1of this1study is1to1investigate1the1influence1of the1expansion strategies of Universal1Health1Coverage (UHC) on the performance and efficacy of the NHIF in Machakos County, Kenya. Moreover, as an objective, the study includes examining the effects of resource mobilization, stakeholder participation, assessment and surveillance, and growth and research initiatives on the functioning of the NHIF in Machakos County. The study used of the descriptive design. The community under consideration consisted of 93 staff of the NHIF from two of its branches and three satellite offices located in Machakos County. These branches and satellite offices include Machakos branch, Kitengela branch, Kangundo Satellite, Matuu Satellite, and Masii Satellite. The researchers employed the random stratified sampling procedure with the goal to acquire a sample size of 76 participants. Primary data was gathered through the utilization of questionaries. A preliminary investigation was undertaken to evaluate the dependability and accuracy of the research tool. This pilot study involved the participation of nine employees from Machakos County. Moreover, the application of descriptive statistics were employed to calculate the mean deviation. In this study, inferential statistical techniques such as Pearson correlation and multivariate regression was utilized. The findings of the assessment was systematically arranged, succinctly précised, effectively offered, and comprehensively comprehended through the utilization of tables that distinctly illustrate the percentages and frequency. The study established that financing of NHIF in Kenya was majorly based on premium collection, Government budget allocation, tax financing, employer contributions, public-private partnerships, donor funding and development of an efficient administration framework. Stakeholder involvement plays a vital role in shaping the performance of Stakeholder involvement plays1a1vital1role in1shaping the performance of1NHIF, M&E in the context of the NHIF involves a systematic process of data collection, analysis, and reporting to measure progress and identify areas for improvement and that R&D at NHIF provides a foundation of evidence and data to support decision-making within the NHIF. The study concludes that resource mobilization, stakeholder involvement, monitoring and evaluation, research and development strategies all have a positive significant impact on performance of the NHIF in Machakos County. NHIF should develop a long-term resource mobilization strategy that aligns with the NHIF's strategic goals and objectives. It should establish a robust M&E system that contributes to evidence-based decision-making, ensure that stakeholder involvement efforts are inclusive and equitable, reaching all segments of the population, including vulnerable and underserved communities.
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    Turnaround strategies and performance of Kenya planters cooperative union in Nairobi County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-12) Rutou, Veronica Kitilit
    The Kenya Planters Cooperative Union's performance has been influenced by various factors, including unexpected ministry splits and mergers, the emergence of new pests and diseases, the detrimental impacts of climate change, shifts in agricultural land usage, biodiversity loss, and instances of overlapping mandates and functions related to valueadded activities among state departments. As a result, the Kenya Planters Cooperative Union has kept applying turnaround techniques to address the problem. Therefore, this study sought to establish the influence of turnaround strategies on performance of Kenya Planters Cooperative Union. The specific objectives guiding the study were to assess the influence of restructuring strategy, reorganization strategy, repositioning strategy and diversification strategy on performance of Kenya Planters Cooperative Union. The resource-based view theory, contingency theory, institutional theory, and balanced scorecard theory all served as the study's guiding theories. The research design used for this study was a descriptive survey. Kenya Planters Cooperative Union in Nairobi City County, Kenya, was the study's target population. 815 people who work for the organization as a whole, drawn from every department, formed the target population. To make sure that every respondent is fairly represented, the respondents were arranged according to their respective departments using a proportionate stratified sampling technique. There were 268 responses in the sample. With the aid of semi-structured questionnaires, primary data was gathered. A pilot study with a 10% sample size and 28 respondents who did not take part in the final study was conducted prior to the actual data collection. The construct and content validity types were used to measure validity. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the internal consistency of the research tool by calculating a correlation coefficient. All variables recorded high reliability, with the respective Cronbach's alpha coefficients recorded above the 0.7 threshold. These included Restructuring strategy (.803), Reorganization strategy (.756), Repositioning strategy (.791), Diversification strategy (.831) and Organizational performance (.784). To evaluate quantitative data, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used. In the inquiry, two inferential statistics were used: correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Pie charts, graphs, and tables were used to illustrate the data. The study found that Kenya Planters Cooperative Union's performance was positively and significantly impacted by restructuring strategy, reorganization strategy, repositioning strategy, and diversification strategy. The analysis found that the organization can reduce operating costs for the business and retail network by implementing a restructuring approach. The organization can respond to the financial challenges and pressures it is now experiencing by reorganizing. Based on the study findings, it is recommended that KPCU should evaluate its strengths and weaknesses by looking at how well and how poorly the current organizational structure accomplishes business goals. When describing its plans for restructuring, the organizational management should be honest and transparent. It should also train employees for new roles or responsibilities and introduce new teams or initiatives. The management of the business should take the time to speak with stakeholders who are familiar with the operation. In-depth market research for the new product or service should be conducted, as well as a rigorous appraisal of customer needs
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    Market System Strategies and the Financial Uptake among Women-Owned Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Informal Markets in Nyeri County, Kenya.
    (2024-05) Kagiri, Regina
    Access to financial resources is crucial for business success, whether from external sources like loans and investors or internal sources like profits. These resources are essential for funding growth, managing operations, investing in innovation, and overcoming challenges. Adequate financial resources creates opportunities for growth and thriving in the market. Working capital is also crucial for smooth operations. However, female entrepreneurs in underserved markets face barriers due to limited access to formal financial institutions, making it difficult for them to secure loans or credit and hindering their business growth. A study conducted on women owned MSMEs in Nyeri County found that market system strategies significantly influence the financial capabilities of businesses. The study aimed to understand how market strategies affect MSMEs, particularly owned by women in Nyeri County. The findings can benefit policymakers, financial institutions, and business owners seeking to improve MSMEs' financial capabilities and sustainability. The study incorporated three key determinants, drawing from Ricky Griffin's model, the Theory of Change, which elucidates the rationale and process behind anticipated changes based on causal analysis, and Refinancing theory, which allows for the adjustment and restructuring of financial terms to better suit borrowers. The study utilized a descriptive research design, specifically employing a cross-sectional approach. This approach allowed for a snapshot of the current state of the businesses being studied. A proportionate stratified sampling method was approximately 30% of the total population. This sampling method targeted an overall of 890 SMEs owned by women from the informal settles of Nyeri Country with 275 having carefully been selected to represent various sectors and sizes to ensure diverse and comprehensive perspective of the study. The study then employed structured questionnaires designed meticulously to assess accuracy. To ensure the reliability of the questionnaires, a pilot test was conducted involving 10 women business owners. This pilot test helped identify any potential issues or areas for improvement in the questionnaire. The reliability of the data collected was assessed using Cronbach 's alpha, with a threshold of 0.7 considered acceptable. Mean and standard deviation statistics were used to characterize the sample population and study parameters. These statistics provided a summary of the data collected, allowing for a better understanding of the sample population and the variables being studied. Regression analyses were then conducted to examine the relationship between numerous factors (market system strategies, business readiness, financial literacy, impact investment, and investor relationships) and the financial performance. The results of the regression analyses indicated that these factors had a positive and significant impact on financial performance, with p-values below the 0.05 alpha level. The analysis shows that the correlation between these variables and financial performance is not random. The research suggests that successful marketing systems strategies lead to financial performance. Based on the research findings, recommendations made to enhance financial adoption among women entrepreneurs included, enhancing business acumen and financial understanding through business readiness and financial literacy, establishing partnerships with impact investors to promote financial adoption and support business growth and community impact in Nyeri County. Furthermore, local, and national governments can promote policies and initiate incentives for impact investment particularly those led by women and creating a supportive ecosystem for their growth and development.