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    Mapping Vegetation Types and Land Use Dynamics in Kanyabaha Wetland from 1990 to 2021
    (Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 2024-07) Walakira, Paul; Gichuki, Cecilia; Muriuki, John; Kasoma, Pantaleon M. B.; Ndunda, Ezekiel
    Wetlands are crucial ecosystems providing essential ecological services, yet they face increasing threats from human activities. This study focuses on Kanyabaha Wetland in Uganda, examining its vegetation dynamics over three decades (1990-2021) using Landsat satellite imagery. The research characterizes land use and cover types including papyrus, grasslands, farmlands, tree plantations, built-up areas, and woodlands. Remote sensing data was processed and classified using ArcMap software, validated through field verification, resulting in high overall accuracy (>75%) across all study years. The images were analyzed using a hybrid of unsupervised (ISO data) and supervised (Maximum Likelihood) classification techniques. Findings reveal significant shifts in vegetation cover, with papyrus dominating initially but declining over time due to expansion in farmlands and settlements. Grasslands also decreased, while areas under farming and built-up structures expanded. Transition matrices illustrate these changes, highlighting stable and shifting landscape dynamics. Statistical analyses indicate a decrease in papyrus cover from 51.5% in 1990 to 39.1% in 2021, while farmland and built-up areas increased from 3.0% to 31.6% and 3.2% to 5.1%, respectively. This study highlights the vulnerability of Kanyabaha Wetland to anthropogenic impacts, necessitating targeted conservation strategies to sustain its ecological integrity amid ongoing land use changes
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    Best Practices for Acceptability of GM Crops Field Trials Conclusions: Lessons for Africa: lessons for Africa
    (Taylor & Francis Group, 2024-07) Chege, Paul; Njagi, Julia; Komen, John; Ngure, Godfrey; Muriuki, John; Karembu, Margaret
    The ability to transfer information about the performance, safety, and environmental impacts of a genetically modified (GM) crop from confined field trials (CFTs) conducted in one location to another is increasingly gaining importance in biosafety regulatory assessment and decision- making. The CFT process can be expensive, time-consuming, and logistically challenging. Data transportability can help overcome these challenges by allowing the use of data obtained from CFTs conducted in one country to inform regulatory decision-making in another country. Applicability of transported CFT data would be particularly beneficial to the public sector product developers and small enterprises that develop innovative GM events but cannot afford to replicate redundant CFTs, as well as regulatory authorities seeking to improve the deployment of limited resources. This review investigates case studies where transported CFT data have successfully been applied in biosafety assessment and decision-making, with an outlook of how African countries could benefit from a similar approach.
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    Spatial Ramifications of Dodder Infestation on Urban Ornamentals in Mombasa, Kenya
    (Scientific Research Publishing, 2020-08) Ngare, Innocent Osoro; Koske, James Kibii; Muriuki, John Njagi; Gathuku, George Njagi; Adiel, Ruth Kangai
    Dodders are cosmopolitan generalist holoparasites that forage on a commu nity of plant species ranging from shrubs, trees and herbaceous. In this study, we employ mixed method research design that involved use of questionnaires and dodder host sampling matrix. Host identification and naming was car ried out by ecological Android PlantNet Plant App version 3.0.5. Respon dents sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan sampling formula. Results show that dodder was fast spreading through spatial retrospective sat ellite Landsat imagery analysis. Dodder was known by the majority of re spondents (97.1%) where the exploratory analysis score shows that respon dents’ constituency of residence influenced their understanding of dodder (F(5, 361) = 5.329, P = 0.000). The mode of parasitism between dodder & the hosts varied as some ornamental trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants were either affected moderately or extremely. The study recommends use of bio technological dodder control approaches through transgenic plants biotech nology and plant breeding to develop resistance towards dodder plant para sites.
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    Value-Addition in Biomass for enhanced Household Energy Security in Navakholo Sub-County, Kenya
    (The Journal of Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, 2024-01-15) Waudo, Stacey; Waswa, Fuchaka
    Although firewood is still the dominant source of energy in the majority of rural households in Navakholo, its sustainable availability is threatened by a steady decline in tree cover as much land gets converted to agricultural use. Opportunities for expanding energy security in such places reside in previously untapped potential for value addition on biomass energy sources. The broad objective of this research was to enhance availability and access to biomass energy while at the same time conserving tree cover for posterity. The specific objective was to assess opportunities for energy security through value-addition on available biomass energy sources. Data was collected using a questionnaire survey and focus group discussions in each of the five Wards of the Sub-County. Descriptive statistics and content analysis of responses were used to analyse the data and generate knowledge to inform future decision-making. Although Navakholo sub county is a maize and sugarcane zone, results showed that value-addition practices on these two biomass energy sources such as through briquetting are non-existent. Much of the maize cobs are directly used as low energy fuel or simply left to rot away. Cow dung, which has a potential for energy provision through conversion into energy balls is usually used as manure in the farm. In addition, investment in biogas production is untapped because of the high initial costs. Only rudimentary approaches such as use of saw dust in cook stoves, and extinguishing firewood and charcoal after the day’s cooking are used to ease the pressure on available firewood. Although charcoal is a value-added product on wood fuel, respondents did not see it from that perspective. It was instead viewed as an energy alternative for those who could afford it. Opportunities for other value-added products like briquettes from charcoal, dust, saw dust and sugarcane cutting singly or in blended form remains unexploited. With appropriate exposure and capacity building on binder material and supply of press equipment, availability of biomass energy can be increased through the conversion of readily available maize cobs into briquettes. Secondary feedstock like cow dung, charcoal dust and saw dust may also be converted or used as binder material.
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    Consumer Willingness to Pay for Energy Efficient Refrigerators in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2023) Wahome, Alvin Kabingu; Ndunda, Ezekiel; Kirubi, Gathu
    In Kenya, consumer choices regarding home energy appliances, such as refrigerators, are crucial for enhancing energy efficiency and environmental conservation efforts. This study examined the influence of the Kenya Energy Star Rating Label on consumer preferences for refrigerators. Using stratified random sampling, 330 respondents from five constituencies in Nairobi County, Kenya, were surveyed. The research employed a combination of conditional and mixed logit models to analyse the data. The results revealed a significant positive correlation (P = .05) between the Kenyan Energy Star Rating label and consumer preference for energy-efficient refrigerators across all models. Consumers demonstrated a willingness to pay an average premium of 28,708.5 Kenyan shillings for refrigerators displaying the Kenyan Energy Star Rating label, indicating their recognition of the label's value. There was no significant relationship between consumer environmental concern and their willingness to pay for energy labelled refrigerators. These findings have notable policy implications, emphasizing the importance of educating Kenyan consumers about the environmental advantages of energy-efficient appliances. Specifically, the results underscore the effectiveness of the Kenyan Energy Star Rating Label in guiding consumer choices toward more sustainable appliance options.
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    Socioeconomic factors influencing the uptake of tissue culture banana technology in Kisii County, Kenya
    (Enviromental Challenges, 2024) Omari, Erick Nyaboga; Mucheru-Muna, Monicah; Mburu, Benson Kamau
    Many nations have worked hard over the years to provide food security for there entire country, albeit with various degrees of success. The intensification of agriculture has been significant in order to feed the growing population. The banana tissue culture technology is one of the technologies used to aid the process of agricultural intensification. Due to its long history of food production, including the cultivation of bananas, the Kisii region is a significant contributor to Kenya’s food security. However, because of issues brought on by social and economic considerations, the region’s food output has been declining. Despite efforts to distribute this technology to small scale farmers, majority of research studies in Kisii County show poor rates of technology adoption. The objective of this study was to examine the socioeconomic factors affecting implementing tissue culture bananas in Kisii County. The research used a descriptive study design. Two hundred respondents were chosen at random from the sample to participate in the study. Survey forms, interview schedules, and observation checklists were used for data collection. The means between adoption categories were declared at p < 0.05 in t-tests between tissue culture banana adoption and numerical factors. Chi-square tests were performed between adoption and cate gorical factors, and p < 0.05 was used to determine whether there were significant connections between the variables. The study adopted a logistic regression model with maximum likelihood estimation to calculate the likelihood that farmers will adopt tissue culture bananas as impacted by various socioeconomic factors. Results showed that the availability of extension services (p = 0.000), cost of seedlings (p = 0.000, x2 =79.1), ability to purchase land (p = 0.006, x2 =16.3), access to financing (p = 0.007, x2 =7.468), education level (p = 0.015), ability to afford seedlings (p = 0.000, x2 =17.6), labour availability (p = 0.005, x2 =10.735), availability of farm inputs (p = 0.000, x2 =35.9) and the size of household (p = 0.05, Std=1.8) were significant to tissue culture banana adoption. Socio-economic factors ought to be taken into account in order to assist a number of stake holders in boosting banana output and enhancing food security
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    Spatial Patterns of Solar Photovoltaic System Diffusion Kisumu County, Kenya
    (IPRJB, 2023-10) Mwangia, Joyce; Obade, Paul
    Purpose:This research aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 7, contributing to the progress outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the commitments of the Paris Climate Agreement. Specifically, thisstudy focuses on the spatial analysis of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, offering valuable insights for academic exploration and informing public policy decisions related to the widespread adoption of this increasingly vital renewable energy technology. Theoutcomes of this project transcend academic significance, extending to practical applications for energy practitioners, policymakers, academics, and future researchers. The meticulous tracking of solar PV system spatial patterns in Kisumu County yields data that not only benefits its residents but also serves as a valuable resource for the entire nation. This information will be instrumental for current energy practitioners, policymakers, academicians, and prospective researchers seeking to advance the collective knowledge in this field.Methodology:The study adopted a Quasi-Experimental research design to explore various social phenomena, aiming to identify key facts. Utilizing statistical evidence, we conducted numerical comparisons and statistical inferences to validate or refute the research questions. Locational information on households utilizing small home systems was extracted from a secondary Solar Database. This data underwent georeferencing, enhancing our comprehension of the actual geographical distribution of households and facilitating the achievement of our research objectives. Inthe process of data analysis, we employed inferential statistics, specifically regression analysis, conducted using ArcGIS PRO powered by ESRI. The utilization of ArcGIS Pro extended to the creation of an empirical model. This model was designed to probe into the factors influencing the observed spatial diffusion patterns, providing a robust analytical framework for our investigation.Findings:In the initial objective, cluster and outlier analysis unveiled a distinct low-high cluster pattern for solar home systems (SHS). The optimized hotspot analysis consistently identified SHShotspots and cold spots within the region, particularly aligning with urban areas, notably Kisumu. The second objective exposed factors influencing diffusion, revealing negative correlations with population density, household density, and poverty rate, indicating diminished adoption in densely populated and impoverished areas. Conversely, positive correlations with income, education, and electrification rates signaled heightened adoption in wealthier, educated communities. Despite consistent diffusion trends, an empirical model underscored the substantial impact of income and electricity on SHS diffusion. The third objective disclosed that between 2016-2021, SHS diffusion contributed to the mitigation of 268,581.6 metric tons of carbon emissions.Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy:This research makes a distinctive contribution to theory by delving into the impact of solar home systems (SHS) in Kenya, particularly within the context of the country's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The theoretical foundation lies in addressing the existing gap in understanding the spatial distribution and diffusion patterns of SHS and their role in GHG reduction, aligning with Kenya's focus on renewable energy adoption
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    Social Economic Challenges of Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub-County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Bosire, Douglas; Kamau, Benso; Muriuki, John
    Climate in Masinga sub-county has been changing at a momentum which is unprecedented in the recent human history. This area consists mainly smallscale farmers who depend on rain to carry out their farming activities. Coping strategies to the changing climate in the area has faced various challenges ranging from high poverty, low levels of education, age, gender among others. This study investigated how social-economic challenges affecting adaptation strategies on climate change among the households living in Masinga subcounty, in Kenya. The main objectives of the study included; 1) To examine the adaptation strategies employed by households in Masinga sub-county 2) To determine the main factors that affect household in adaptation to climate change in Masinga sub-county 3) To investigate the environmental implications of adaptation to climate change in Masinga sub-county. Essentially, variables such as education levels, age, gender, were assessed. In order to gain an understanding on adaptation strategies used by households in Masinga subcounty, the study was conducted in all six divisions. Various methods of sampling were used in the survey which included stratified random sampling based on the number of households proportionately in the six divisions. In essence, 384 household heads were sampled through stratified random sampling. The study employed specific data collection tools in order acquire data from the six divisions; structured questionnaires, interviews schedules, Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and direct observation were used. Qualitative data was collected through; interviews, Desk research, Focus Group Discussions comprising six to eight sampled through stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. The households coping strategies, influence of adaptation strategy to climate change and environmental implications of household adaptation was analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative interpretation. Data from survey was organized and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results were subjected to statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to determine their reliability. When applying descriptive statistics, the results were presented in tables, bar graphs, and charts. In this study Chi-squire was used because it was easier to compare the results from a two dimensional perspective. These results after analysis by chi-square test, the p-value was found to be .001, thus, smaller than the significance level (α = .05). Using Chi-square tests, this study established that there is strong evidence of an association between the education level and the implementation of green-house farming (Χ2 (3) = 1.064, p = 0.001). Further analysis by chi-square test indicated that the p-value was found to be .008, thus, less than the significance level (α = .05). This study established that early warning as a strategy to adaptation to climate change was not common amongst households in the area. Further research is suggested on impact of charcoal burning on climate change adaptation and cost implications in semi- arid areas. The study findings will enable the government and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that early warning system information is able to reach the local residents at all times.
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    Influence of Nutrient Management and Crop Rotation on Soil Weed Seedbank in Tharaka Nithi County
    (JMES, 2024-06) Mwangi, Obadiah; Wambui, Hottensiah; Mucheru-Muna, Monicah
    Soil weed seedbank in crop fields are largely influenced by crop rotation, farming practices and nutrient application. For a better understanding of response of various weed species to these management practices, research was conducted to assess their effect on the soil weeds seedbank population dynamics in 2017-2019. In this study, two nutrient level i.e., 225 kg N ha-1 and 125 kg P ha-1 represented high nutrient input levels applied in commercial systems (Conv-High and Org-High) and 45 kg N ha-1 and 26 kg P ha-1 was used to mimic low nutrient practices common in smallholders farming systems (Conv-Low and Org-Low) in the region of Tharaka- Nithi County. Trials were laid out in a randomized complete block design with four treatments replicated four times. A crop rotation with maize, beans, potatoes and cabbage was used with maize/cabbage 1st year, maize/beans 2nd year and maize/potatoes 3rd year were established within the four farming systems. Soil was sampled at a depth of 0-20 cm at the end of every cropping season. The sample were treated with gibberellic acid to break weed seed dormancy and seed emergency method was used to determine weed seeds in the soil sample. Results were analyzed using Simpson’s diversity index and GenStat 14th edition. From the result, 14 weed species were identified. Amaranthus hybridus, Bidens pilosa, Tagete minuta and Galinsoga parviflora increased in their density with increase in fertilizer application while Schkurihria pinnata and Portulaca oleracea increased with decrease in fertilizer application. Crop rotation resulted contributed to weed density decrease. Conventional high encouraged high weed density compared to Org-high, Conv-Low and Org-low while as Org-Low encourage high weed species diversity λ= 0.1208 compared to λ= 0.115, λ= 0.1080 and λ= 0.0901 in Org-high, Conv-High and Conv- Low, respectively. In weed management, fertility inputs and cropping system are the major factor influencing weed composition in farming systems.
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    Determinants of the Adoption of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies by the Smallholder Farmers in Hiran Region, Somalia
    (JMES, 2024-04) Odawa, A. A.; Mucheru-Muna, M.; Dominic, M.; Mburu, B. K; Omari, E. N.
    East Africa, notably Somalia, is one of the worst-affected regions by climate crises. Adaptation to climate change can be used to minimize many of climate change's negative consequences while maximizing its positive effects. This necessitated the need to; (i) identify the smallholder farmers' adaptation methods to the negative impact of the climate crisis and (ii) identify factors that affect farmers' adaptation practices in the Hiran region of Somalia. The study used a descriptive study design where a random sample of 222 farmers from the Hiran Region were involved. The research surveys among the selected farmers were conducted using a questionnaire. The Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that age, family size, marital status, non-farm income, off-farm jobs, access to credits, access to extension, and support from extension agencies were major predictors of the different climate change adaptation measures of the farmers. Therefore, the Federal government ought to review farmer extension systems and design farm management adoption programs based on the socio-economic and institutional characteristics of the farmers and create a favorable environment for the provision of agricultural credits to the farmers in efforts to boost farmers' climate resilience.
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    Factors Influencing Management of Human Excrement through Biogas Technology in Mukuru Kwa Njenga Slums, Nairobi City County Kenya
    (EANSO, 2024-05) Munyigi, Lilian; Mang’uriu, Daniel
    One of the factors influencing the achievement of sustainable sanitation is the proper disposal of human excrement. The problem is most prevalent in informal settlements, where sewerage systems are rare. One of the approaches considered sustainable is the conversion of human excrement into renewable energy via biogas technology. The purpose of the study, which was guided by Roger's theory of innovation diffusion, was to investigate the key factors that influence human excrement management through biogas technology. Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums were chosen as a study area. A sample of 100 people was selected using systematic random sampling. Data were analysed using a social science statistics package. Multiple linear regression was used to determine demographic factors that influence technology adoption. The Chi-square test was used to examine the relationship between various variables. Tables and charts were used to present the data. The study revealed that gender (p=.001) and education level (p=.000) significantly influence the use of biogas technology in the management of human excrement. Technology failure ((χ2= 10.301, p=.036) and lack of technical skills ((χ2= 7.518, p=.128) have no significant effect on the technology adoption rate. Cultural beliefs (χ2= 23.665, P=.000) have a significant effect on the use of biogas produced from human excrement. The ability of technology to prevent overflowing of faecal matter during heavy rainfall (χ2= 23.937, P=.000) and the prevention of odour from sanitation facilities (χ2=17.983, p= .001) has encouraged many residents to use the technology. The study concludes that technical and socio-economic factors, as well as its relative advantage over other excrement disposal methods, influence its adoption rate.
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    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineralization and their corresponding Monetary Values under Long‐Term Integrated soil Fertility Management Practices
    (WILEY, 2024-05) Bolo, Peter; Mucheru‐Muna, Monicah; Kinyua, Michael; Ayaga, George; Nyawira, Sylvia; Kihara, Job
    Introduction: Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential nutrients for plant growth, commonly supplied through costly inorganic amendments. However, despite the benefits of nutrient mineralisation, there is limited quantitative information on its monetary value, and the extent of associated potential financial relief to smallholder farmers, particularly in western Kenya region. Materials and Methods: This study used in situ resin core method to explore the extent of N and P nutrient mineralisation and monetary equivalents under select integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) practices in two long‐term (17 years) trials namely Conservation Tillage (CT1) and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM3). Results: FYM addition increased various soil chemical parameters while sole fertiliser (NPK) reduced soil pH and soil organic carbon (SOC). Phosphorus application was associated with increased P availabillity and its monetary value within the first month (0.29 kg P ha−1 ; USD 1.13 ha−1 ) and second month (1.22 kg P ha−1 ; USD 4.76 ha−1 ) of incubation. The quantities of N mineralised, and their monetary equivalents varied with fertiliser application and incubation times. Nitrogen fertilisation depressed P mineralisation and monetary benefits. FYM application increased P mineralisation and its monetary value within 30 (0.78 kg ha−1 ; ~USD 3.02 ha−1 ) and 60 (1.22 kg ha−1 ; ~USD 4.76) days of incubation. Residue application increased mineralised N (17.48 kg ha−1 ; ~USD 22.79 ha−1 ) after 60 days. Maize and soybean intercropping increased N mineralisation (45.81 kg N ha−1 ) and monetary value (USD 59.76 ha−1 ). SOC and other soil variables, their stoichiometry ratios and N mineralisation were significantly correlated. Combined NPK and FYM application significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased maize yields and grain prices. Conclusion: These findings reflect potential nutrient‐based economic advantages of ISFM practices to resource‐limited smallholder farmers. Combined application of NPK fertiliser and FYM is integral in not only optimising crop yields, but also driving key soil health‐related parameters and economic benefits.
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    Perception and Knowledge of Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Climate Change Mitigation by Households in Embu County, Kenya
    (JGEESI, 2024-03) Njeru, Pamella Camu; Ndunda, Ezekiel
    Climatic changes continue to impact our ecosystems and livelihoods globally. In the past few decades, have experienced an increase in unpredictable and extreme weather events, precipitating to the three planetary crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. Embu County in Kenya has not been spared from the resultant climate change impacts. Although globally solar energy is promoted as a sustainable source of energy, its uptake in Embu County remains low. The study sought to assess the uptake of solar photovoltaic technology by households in climate change mitigation and identify the determinants of solar photovoltaic technology uptake. Cross sectional data from a sample size of 395 households in Mbeere- north Sub County in Embu County was collected using data collection tools including questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Purposive and simple random sampling was employed to select the respondents for inclusion in the study. After data collection, qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to analyze the data including SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences). The results indicate an overall increasing temperature and overall decreasing rainfall in Embu County. Income demonstrated a greater influence compared to other factors in determining the decision to adopt solar appliances at p =0.397. A significant proportion of respondents (36.9%) reported having limited awareness of climate change and its impacts. Social and mass media were main sources of climate information. There was a positive significant correlation between respondents who displayed awareness of climate change and its impacts and the adoption of solar energy and awareness on solar energy adoption as a solution to climate change at p values of 0.348 and 0.140. The results assisted in assessing the uptake of solar photovoltaic in climate change mitigation in Embu County and identify the determinants driving households on the uptake of solar photovoltaic technology.
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    Rainfall and Temperature Trend Analysis using Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope Estimator Test in Makueni County, Kenya
    (JMES, 2024-03) Muia, V. K.; Opere, A. O.; Ndunda, E.; Amwata, D. A.
    This study sought to analyze annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall and temperature (minimum and maximum) trends in Makueni County from 1991 to 2020 using the Mann–Kendall (MK) trend test and Theil-Sen’s slope estimator. Data analysis was done in R software. The findings revealed a declining trend in annual and seasonal (short and long rain seasons) rainfall, albeit statistically insignificant. Similarly, monthly rainfall exhibited a downward trend in nine of the twelve months. This decline, however, was only significant in June. The findings revealed a statistically significant upward trend in the county’s annual and seasonal minimum and maximum temperatures across the study period. Similarly, monthly analysis revealed a statistically significant increasing temperature (both minimum and maximum) trend in at least nine of the twelve months. When the data was analyzed by sub county, the results revealed differing trends in annual, seasonal and monthly rainfall patterns with some sub counties experiencing increased rainfall and others decreased rainfall. However, annual, seasonal and monthly temperature (minimum and maximum) analysis revealed an increasing trend in all the sub counties with the most of the observations being statistically significant. These patterns suggest that Makueni county is already experiencing climate change. The findings serve as a foundation for sound climate change policy decisions in the county. They also suggest the need for the development of climate change adaptation strategies targeted at mitigating risks and increasing resilience to climate shocks.
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    Factors Influencing Climate Information Access of the Farmers in Hiran Region, Somalia
    (IPRJB, 2024-02) Odawa, Abdiwali Abdulle; Mucheru-Muna, Monicah; Mburu, Benson Kamau; Omari, Erick Nyaboga
    Purpose:Like other poor states and post-conflict countries, Somalia faces significant challenges in achieving the SDGs, particularly concerningfood security. Because agricultural productivity is compromised, it immediately and significantly jeopardizes the nation's food security. Adapting to climate change can maximize its benefits and lessen many of its horrendous side effects. However, Somalia does not address or cover farmers' access to climatic information, which is important when organizing policy responses. This study's goal was to assess the variables that affect farmers in Somalia's Hiran region's ability to obtain climate information.Methodology:The target population of this study was smallholder farmers in the Hiran region, particularly in the Baladweyn and Bulaburte districts. Both purposive and random sampling were utilized. A questionnaire was used to gather data from 222 randomly chosen smallholder farmers as part of a survey research design. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression were used to test the data using STATA and SPSS. The data was presented using tables and figures.Findings:Most farmers (78%) had access to climate information. The most common sources of information on climate crises were radio (95%), agricultural extension agents (80%), and firsthand observation (75%). Gender (p = 0.020), marital status (p = 0.036), education level (p = 0.047), farm size (p = 0.000), distance to the market (p = 0.000), and support from local and international agencies (p = 0.013) had a significant correlation with farmers access to climate information. The report advised Somalia's federal government and regional and foreign non-governmental organizations to proceed with intervention plans, focusing particularly on variables that were identified.Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: Study outcomes contribute significant information to policymakers, professionals, and the federal government of Somalia to develop policies and regulations that are relevant to the farmer's needs to adapt to the negative impacts of climate crises. It will also lead to necessary coordination among different climate actors, stakeholders, and farming communities in the region to fill any climate information gap. This will finally allow farmers to access well-timed and dependable information regarding climate disasters.
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    Interactive Effects of Zai Pits and Convectional Practices with Soil Amendments on Soil Physico-chemical Properties
    (Int. J. Bioresource Sci., 2023-12) Muchai, Serah W.K.; Mucheru- Muna, Monica W.; Ngetich, Felix K.; Gitari, Harun I.; Nungula, Emmanuely Z.; Baaru, Mary
    Soil fertility decline and moisture deficits are major challenges facing crop production in semi-arid areas. Soil water conservation, in combination with nutrient management, might be useful in agricultural land restoration in tropical developing countries. This study aimed to examine the interactive effect of Zai pits and conventional planting with soil amendment on restoring soil physico-chemical properties in semiarid areas. The selected physico-chemical properties were soil pH, soil organic carbon, nitrogen content, available phosphorus, aggregate stability, and soil moisture. A field experiment was carried out for three consecutive cropping seasons SR20, SR21, and LR21. Two planting techniques (conventional and Zai pit) and five soil amendment options (control, cattle manure, Tithonia diversifolia, 60 kg N ha−1, cattle manure + 30 kg N ha-1, Tithonia + 30 kg N ha-1) were tested. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with twelve treatments and three replications was used. Results revealed a significant increase in soil fertility parameter pH (p<.001), TN (p=0.003), OC (p=0.014), and Av. P (p=0.004). A significant increase in aggregate stability in Zai pits than in conventional planting was equally observed. Additionally, a significant increase in volumetric water content was observed in Zai treatments as compared with conventional treatments at a depth of 35 cm. The combination of soil amendments with Zai pits and conventional planting enhanced soil nutrient availability meanwhile improving water retention. Application of soil amendment with Zai pits and conventional planting is therefore recommended in semi-arid areas. Particularly, Zai pits would be essential for moisture retention and infiltration of water in arid and semi-arid areas.
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    Soil Bacterial Community is Influenced by Long-Term Integrated Soil Fertility Management Practices in A Ferralsol in Western Kenya
    (WILEY, 2023-12) Bolo, Peter; Mucheru‐Muna, Monicah; Mwirichia, Romano K.; Kinyua, Michael; Ayaga, George; Kihara, Job
    Introduction: Soil bacterial community structure, abundance and diversity, important in biogeochemical cycling, are influenced by several anthropogenic and edaphic factors. Numerous agronomic practices have been promoted to improve soil fertility and crop production in western Kenya, but little is known on their impacts on soil microbial diversity in the region. Materials and Methods: In this study, conducted in 2019, we assessed the influence of various long‐term (17 years) agronomic management practices, involving application of farmyard manure (FYM) either sole or under different combinations with inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), using 12 treatments, on bacterial community composition, relative abundance and diversity. The bacterial community composition was assessed through amplicon sequencing on an Illumina Miseq platform conducted in MR DNA Laboratory, USA. Results: The soil bacterial community composition and diversity were predominantly higher under management practices with application of FYM, either sole or in combination with inorganic fertilisers compared to treatments with either sole NPK fertiliser or no input application. Certain bacterial taxa, involving Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Nitrospirae, Fusobacteria, Nitrospinae and Actinobacteria predominated in management practices where FYM was added either solely or in combination with chemical fertilisers. In addition, several soil chemical parameters showed significant influences on bacterial composition, relative abundance and diversity indices. Soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), N, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe and cation exchange capacity consistently showed strong positive correlation with numerous bacterial phyla. Bacterial phyla were significantly affected by treatments. Some bacterial phyla, like Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria, were mostly dominant in treatments applied with organic inputs but were depressed under carbon‐deficient treatments (no‐input control and sole NPK application treatments). Conclusion: This study revealed that long‐term agricultural management practices that seek to improve SOC content and nutrient availability also stimulated bacterial diversity and shifted bacterial composition.
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    Influence of Farmyard Manure Application on Potential Zinc Solubilizing Microbial Species Abundance in a Ferralsol of Western Kenya
    (MDPI, 2023-11) Bolo, Peter; Mucheru-Muna, Monicah Wanjiku; Mwirichia, Romano Kachiuru; Kinyua, Michael; Ayaga, George; Kihara, Job
    Zinc is an important nutrient for plant growth and development. Its availability is influenced by zinc solubilizing microbes (ZSMs). The effects of commonly promoted agronomic practices on the abundance of ZSMs are so far not well understood. In this study, conducted in 2019, we assessed the effects of farmyard manure (FYM) application, either sole or in combination with residue and/or inorganic fertilizer inputs, on ZSM community structure using 11 treatments in a long-term (17 years) integrated soil fertility management experiment located in Western Kenya. Bacterial and fungal community composition were evaluated by amplicon sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq platform. The results showed that putative ZSMs (i.e., the ZSMs generally considered to possess the zinc solubilizing capabilities) were clustered in two major clades based on either the application or no application of FYM. Sole application of FYM significantly (p < 0.05) increased the abundance of several ZSMs under a maize–Tephrosia rotation. In addition, systems with the combined application of FYM with other inputs generally showed significantly increasing trends for some ZSMs under a maize–Tephrosia rotation. Moreover, the combined application of FYM and P rather than only P significantly increased the abundance of some ZSMs under maize monocropping systems. Furthermore, as well as affecting ZSM abundance, soil chemical variables involving soil organic carbon (SOC), total N and Olsen P significantly increased with FYM application. This study indicated that management practices such as the application of FYM that increase SOC, and other soil chemical parameters, also/concomitantly increase ZSM abundance. These results imply enhanced capacities for microbial-linked zinc availability with FYM application.
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    The Spatial Distribution of Quarry Stone Mining Sites in Igembe South Sub County Meru County, Kenya
    (JHSS, 2023) Muriki, Joseph Gitonga; Wambugu, Stephen; Obando, Joy
    The objective of this study was to develop a GIS-based spatial distribution of mining site patterns in order to identify risk-prone geo-locations in Meru County's Igembe South Sub County. Data was collected using PRA methodologies and processes, primary data was collected from participants' notes to detect mining-related problems, and an informal and formal survey and pair-wise assessment was used. There has been concern about the spatial distribution of mining in affected areas. The communities and mines in the Akachiu ward are as follows: Auki, Amwamba, Nceme, Kirindine, and Tiira. Information was obtained from 300 respondents. These issues were resolved by segmenting the target population and confirming field observations. Data were analysed using the nearest neighbour analysis method and descriptive means, median, and mode statistics. Results were then presented using tables, maps, graphs, and pie charts. Results established that mining activities have damaged land in Igembe South Sub-County, reducing food production and agricultural demands and polluting water supplies in the area, including contaminated streams. Pollution and noise are present in the area. It was affirmed that the residents know the environmental consequences of mining. In light of the County Government of Meru's efforts at restoration and intervention, such as re-afforestation, the mining companies and the County Government of Meru are reviewing their methods of operation and providing alternatives to the affected areas. Mining's environmental impact should be reduced by rethinking the environmental management strategy.
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    Adoption of Climate Change Friendly New Rice For Africa (NERICA) Varieties among Farmers in Mwea West Sub-County, Kenya
    (AJEST, 2022) Mburu, Benson Kamau; Ngucia, Christine Wanjiku
    Climate change and inefficient water utilization have led to marked fluctuations of the mean rice crop production in sub-Sahara Africa. In order to improve food security and households’ income, adaptation strategies to climate change such as the adoption of new rice varieties are inevitable. This study examined the farmers’ perception and adoption of climate change friendly New Rice for Africa in Mwea West Sub-county. The study applied the descriptive survey design with questionnaires being administered to a sample of 376 farmers. Key informants included four officers from Mwea Irrigation Agricultural Development and the Ministry of Agriculture. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences whereas qualitative data were analysed through establishing the categories and themes, relationships/patterns, and conclusions drawn in line with the study objectives. Results indicated a highly significant difference in adoption between farmers affiliated to Mwea Irrigation Scheme and the out-growers (X2 = 18.5, df =2, p= 1.67×10-6 ). The study concluded that the adoption of New Rice for Africa varieties in the Mwea West Sub-county is low and slow. This is mainly caused by inadequate information among the farmers as well as low market demand for the rice varieties. There is a need to enhance these rice varieties by intensifying efforts to sensitize farmers.