Social Economic Challenges of Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub-County, Kenya
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Kenyatta University
Climate in Masinga sub-county has been changing at a momentum which is
unprecedented in the recent human history. This area consists mainly smallscale farmers who depend on rain to carry out their farming activities. Coping
strategies to the changing climate in the area has faced various challenges
ranging from high poverty, low levels of education, age, gender among others.
This study investigated how social-economic challenges affecting adaptation
strategies on climate change among the households living in Masinga subcounty, in Kenya. The main objectives of the study included; 1) To examine the
adaptation strategies employed by households in Masinga sub-county 2) To
determine the main factors that affect household in adaptation to climate change
in Masinga sub-county 3) To investigate the environmental implications of
adaptation to climate change in Masinga sub-county. Essentially, variables such
as education levels, age, gender, were assessed. In order to gain an
understanding on adaptation strategies used by households in Masinga subcounty, the study was conducted in all six divisions. Various methods of
sampling were used in the survey which included stratified random sampling
based on the number of households proportionately in the six divisions. In
essence, 384 household heads were sampled through stratified random
sampling. The study employed specific data collection tools in order acquire
data from the six divisions; structured questionnaires, interviews schedules,
Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and direct observation were used.
Qualitative data was collected through; interviews, Desk research, Focus Group
Discussions comprising six to eight sampled through stratified random
sampling and purposive sampling. The households coping strategies, influence
of adaptation strategy to climate change and environmental implications of
household adaptation was analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative
interpretation. Data from survey was organized and analyzed using descriptive
and inferential statistics. The results were subjected to statistical package for
social sciences (SPSS) to determine their reliability. When applying descriptive
statistics, the results were presented in tables, bar graphs, and charts. In this
study Chi-squire was used because it was easier to compare the results from a
two dimensional perspective. These results after analysis by chi-square test, the
p-value was found to be .001, thus, smaller than the significance level (α = .05).
Using Chi-square tests, this study established that there is strong evidence of an
association between the education level and the implementation of green-house
farming (Χ2 (3) = 1.064, p = 0.001). Further analysis by chi-square test
indicated that the p-value was found to be .008, thus, less than the significance
level (α = .05). This study established that early warning as a strategy to
adaptation to climate change was not common amongst households in the area.
Further research is suggested on impact of charcoal burning on climate change
adaptation and cost implications in semi- arid areas. The study findings will
enable the government and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that early
warning system information is able to reach the local residents at all times.
Bosire, D., Kamau, B. & Muriuki, J. (2024). Social Economic Challenges of Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub-County, Kenya African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 3(1), 284-316.
Bosire, D., Kamau, B. & Muriuki, J. (2024). Social Economic Challenges of Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub-County, Kenya African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 3(1), 284-316.