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Item Psychosocial Characteristics and Service Delivery in the National Police Service in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Jelle, Ali MohamedThe National Police Service underwent significant transformation as a result of initiatives formulated by the Police Service in collaboration with pertinent agencies, therefore enhancing national stability. Transparency International indicated that the public expressed dissatisfaction with the police's management of security concerns. The populace exhibited diminished faith in the police. The volume of public complaints in Nairobi City County has increased during the past three years. The study encompasses five research objectives: to ascertain the impact of occupational stress, work environment, social support, intrapersonal qualities, and access to mental health on service delivery among national police officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research was based on the Demand-Control paradigm, the Michigan paradigm, and Herzberg's Motivational Theory. A descriptive survey research approach was utilizedThe study mainly targeted police officers within the sub-counties. The key informants of the study comprised 12 Officers Commanding Police Division and 9 Deputy Administrative Police Commandants. Data were collected from 2000 Kenya Police Service officers and 1500 Administration Police Service officers through a questionnaire, making a total target population of 3,524. Both non-probability and probability sampling techniques were adopted. The researcher reached the 374 police officers' respondents through stratified random The study on occupational stress within the National Police Service in Nairobi City County revealed significant stress levels among officers, negatively impacting their job performance and overall well-being. Descriptive statistics showed that all respondents acknowledged the adverse effects of occupational stress, such as increased anxiety, physical exhaustion, and reduced motivation. The findings indicate that occupational stress is a pervasive issue among officers in the National Police Service, significantly affecting their mental and physical well-being and job performance. Comprehensive stress management programs and improved working conditions are essential to mitigate these negative effects. The perception of safety at the workplace is crucial, and addressing safety concerns can lead to higher job satisfaction and reduced stress levels. Social support from colleagues, supervisors, and family is vital in enhancing officers' well-being and job performance. The study recommended that the national government should introduce regular mental health check-ups, access to counseling services, and workshops on stress reduction techniques to help officers manage stress effectively. The national police service should foster a supportive work culture by promoting supervisor guidance, increasing peer interaction opportunities, and facilitating family support initiatives to enhance resilience and job satisfaction.Item Role of Local Conflict Resolution on Peace Building in Mogadishu-Somali(Kenyatta University, 2024-07) Yahye, Hassan MokhtarThe need for conflict resolution and peace building in Somalia is crucial, this research is set to establish the role of local conflict resolution in peace building in Mogadishu- Somalia. The survey objectives were; to identify Conflict resolution mechanisms existing in Mogadishu; to investigate Conflict resolution mechanisms that have significance promoted in peace building in Mogadishu: to examine the structures of the peace negotiation processes in Mogadishu and to propose the most appropriate options for promoting peace in Mogadishu. The study was based on peacebuilding theory developed by Schellenberg H.J in 1996. The study employed a descriptive research design. The study targeted 300 people involved in conflict resolution. A total of 124 respondents made up the sample size of the population in this study, which was determined by applying Sloven's formula. There were 124 respondents comprising 31 Somali international University (SIU), 31 Goobjoog Media, 31 Somali MP and 31Banadir Community (BC) Through the use of questionnaires and interviews, data was gathered from primary and secondary sources. The average mean for the association between peacebuilding in Mogadishu and transparency in local administration was found in the study findings. This infers that fostering peace and openness in local governance are closely related. The study came to the conclusion that while local authorities should be able to identify the elements of a peace process that they find most appealing, they also need to be able to comprehend the myriad complexity of national politics. According to the report, local government leaders must be qualified to carry out the main provisions of any peace agreements in which they participate. The study recommends that there is a need to strengthen and formalize traditional conflict resolution mechanisms, such as the involvement of elders and clan-based reconciliation processes, by providing training, resources, and institutional support. This includes recognizing the legitimacy of traditional dispute resolution forums and integrating them into the broader legal and governance framework of Mogadishu.Item County Government Administration and the Implementation of Covid Mitigation Measures in Machakos Level 5 Hospital, Machakos County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Nguu, Carolyne NdindaThe Constitution of Kenya (2010) ushered in devolution, and the transfer of a number of services including of public health from the central government to the county with a view to putting in place interventions that best fit the local context. The onset of Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 brought uncertainty, vulnerability, and increased health care responsibility for county governments. The county governments were faced with the challenge of handling a global pandemic. This study, therefore, sought to examine the implementation of covid mitigation measures by the county government of Machakos in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to analyse how the county government prepared isolation facilities, provided medical equipment and conducted contact tracing as a Covid-19 mitigations measure. The study was guided by the agency theory, stakeholders’ theory and the theory of decentralization. It adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 128 health practitioners and management staff at the Machakos county level 5 hospital. The study utilized a census of the entire target population as it was reasonably small. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather data from respondents, while key informant interviews were conducted using interview guidelines. The statistical software for the social sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to examine quantitative data, while content analysis was used to assess qualitative data. The study findings showed that the county government did very well in the provision of isolation facilities, followed by contact tracing and provision of medical equipment while there was mitigation measures put in place including provision of isolation facilities, contact tracing and provision of medical equipment there were concerns on the timeliness and adequacy. For the readiness for future pandemics, the study recommends establishing early warning systems, creating robust and strengthening of existing healthcare systems, strengthening research and development and the legal and policy framework.Item Workforce Diversity and Its Influence in Career Development Decisions among National Police Service Officers in Laikipia County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Musau, Martin MatiThe National Police Service (NPS) in Kenya plays a critical role in maintaining law and order, ensuring public safety, and upholding justice. Workforce diversity within the NPS, particularly in Laikipia County, has emerged as a key factor influencing career development decisions. Despite its recognized importance in fostering innovation, adaptability, and improved community relations, the effect of diversity on recruitment practices, professional growth, and career trajectories among officers in this region remains unclear. To address this gap, the study assessed the influence of gender, disability, age, and education on career development decisions among NPS officers in Laikipia County. It was guided by Social Career Cognitive Theory, Similarity/Attractive Theory, and Agency Theory. Using a descriptive survey method, the study targeted all 616 police officers across five sub-counties, including seven police stations and 67 posts. A sample size of 278 respondents was determined using Naissuma’s (2000) formula, with stratification across the sub-counties. Semi-structured questionnaires were employed to gather both qualitative and quantitative data, supplemented by a pilot study in Meru County to test the reliability and validity of research tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics, including means, standard deviations, and frequencies, were used for analysis. The findings revealed that gender diversity significantly influences career development, highlighting the importance of promoting female representation in the NPS. Inclusivity for officers with disabilities was also found to be critical in fostering career progression. Age diversity played a significant role, with younger officers demonstrating notable influence on career decisions. Furthermore, educational attainment significantly effected career development, underscoring the value of academic qualifications for job performance and advancement. The study recommends implementing targeted diversity and inclusion initiatives, revising recruitment and promotion policies to prioritize merit and inclusivity, and accommodating officers with disabilities to enhance career development within the NPS.Item Dynamics of Information Flows and Public Participation in National Government Constituency Development Funded School Projects in Garissa County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Rashid, Abdirahman AliPublic participation in the delivery of government-funded projects, such as those financed by the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF), is undeniably low and presents significant challenges. To harness the benefits of public participatiouch as inclusivity, transparency, responsiveness to citizen needs, and successful project implementation. It is essential to identify the contributing factors to this situation. Reports indicate that Kenya lacks both a structured framework and policies for civic education and public involvement, which has significantly contributed to low turnout at meetings across the country. This lack of engagement has, without a doubt, resulted in poor execution of NG-CDF projects, particularly in areas like Dadaab Constituency. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the dynamics of information flow related to public participation in NG-CDF School Projects in Dadaab, Garissa County, Kenya. The research objectives include examining the influence of public awareness, citizens’ perspectives, and stakeholder capacity on public participation in these projects. The theoretical foundation of the research is anchored in three main theories: The Theory of Planned Behavior, the Cognitive Engagement Theory, and Putnam’s Theory of Citizen Engagement. A descriptive research design was employed, targeting a variety of stakeholders involved in NG-CDF education projects in Dadaab Constituency. The respondents include NG-CDF committee members, ward representatives, staff from the county's education department, project beneficiaries, and project managers, which consist of the heads of all 45 public primary and secondary schools in the constituency, along with members of parent-teacher associations. In total, 144 respondents were targeted for participation in the study. To gather both qualitative and quantitative data, semi-structured questionnaires were utilized, and the data were analyzed using thematic and quantitative techniques. The qualitative data were analyzed thematically while SPSS (Version 26) was employed to extract descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that public awareness has a positive and significant influence on public participation in NG-CDF School Projects (β = 0.166; P-Value < 0.05). Additionally, citizens’ perspectives and stakeholder capacity were also found to have a positive and significant effect on public participation, with coefficients of β = 0.625 (P-Value < 0.05) and β = 0.121 (P-Value < 0.05), respectively. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the NG-CDF board in Dadaab implement targeted awareness campaigns aimed at improving public participation and promoting better community development outcomes. Additionally, it is essential to establish transparency and accountability measures, provide regular updates, and create mechanisms for citizen feedback to rebuild trust within the community. Encouraging active citizen engagement through the formation of advisory committees and community forums can further ensure that projects are aligned with the needs of the residents. Lastly, investing in capacity-building initiatives focused on communication and project management is crucial for fostering meaningful engagement and ensuring the success of these projects.Item Inclusive Governance in Conflict Management: A Case of Marsabit County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Abudho, James IbraeInclusive constitution-building methods foster interaction between elites and constituents, ensuring both public and elite legitimacy for constitutional arrangements. Achieving a fair agreement often requires sacrifices from both parties, which highlights the essence of compromise. Over time, the roles and responsibilities of clan leaders have evolved significantly. Many clan chiefs have had to discover new ways to lead their communities while remaining true to their cultural roots. To effectively tackle the governance and development challenges facing our nation, it is crucial to actively involve clan leaders, and we urge the government and other development stakeholders to take action in this regard. Aside from a small group of peace and security experts, most Kenyans are largely unaware of these international frameworks. More importantly, the government's reluctance to integrate these guidelines into law and ensure their full implementation is concerning. Factors such as differing viewpoints, limited financial resources, and cultural variations may hinder participation in these processes. The objectives of this study were as follows: to identify the representation of clans in conflict management in Marsabit County; to establish stakeholder decision-making processes in conflict management within the county; and to assess resource distribution in relation to conflict management in Marsabit County. The study utilized contemporary theory to frame its theoretical perspectives and was conducted in Marsabit County, employing a mixed research method with a case study design. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered, focusing on all citizens residing in Marsabit County as the target population. Purposive sampling was employed to select interviewees for the questionnaires and interview guides. Descriptive analysis was conducted on the data collected through the questionnaires, while content analysis was applied during the investigation. Secondary data for this study was sourced from publications, journals, and other publicly available documents. The findings were presented in the form of graphs, charts, and visual representations that illustrate clan leadership and conflict management in Marsabit County. To ensure the integrity of the research, the researcher assured respondents of complete confidentiality and the absence of any risk of victimization based on the information they provided. The study concluded that inadequate representation and participation of clan leaders contribute to poor inclusive governance; effective stakeholder decision-making processes are essential for promoting inclusive governance and robust conflict management; and unequal resource distribution serves as a catalyst for further conflicts in Marsabit County, ultimately hindering the potential for effective conflict management. The findings of this study are crucial for policymakers, local administration and security teams, the Government of Kenya, county governments, and other stakeholders involved in conflict management in arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) areas.Item National Drought Management Authority Strategies in Drought Mitigation in Isiolo County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Huka, AbdulkarimIsiolo County is one of the 23 Arid and Semi-Arid Lands(ASAL) counties in Kenya that face perennial droughts affecting both the human and livestock populations and translating to social, health, and economic negative consequences. The problems of drought have seen several stakeholders engage in drought mitigation in the county, among them is the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), a government parastatal covering ASAL counties. However, aside from their research and reports, specific studies seeking to establish the relationship between NDMA practices and their effect on mitigation of drought are minimal. The study’s objectives focused on investigating NDMA’s coordination, risk reduction, and early warning system practices and their effects on mitigating drought in Isiolo County. The study was anchored on The APFM model and Protection Motivation Theory. The targeted population was the NDMA technical team, composed of 11 members, 9 key informants from drought mitigation stakeholders, both local and international and 58,072 household heads. A census was done among the NDMA technical team and the stakeholders while simple random sampling was done to select 100 household heads determined using the Yamane Taro Formula (1967), using a precision level of +/-10%. A preliminary investigation was conducted in Marsabit County to assess the validity and reliability of the research tools. Semi-structured questionnaires were employed as a means of data collection from the participants. The study utilized a descriptive research methodology, in which quantitative data was subjected to analysis using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Additionally, qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented in narrative form. Tables and respondent voices were used to present the data. Ethical consideration was adhered to. First, research authorization was sought from graduate school, Kenyatta University, and then a research permit from NACOSTI. Confidentiality and anonymity were adhered to throughout the research process. The findings of the study indicated that about 63.0% of the variations in drought mitigation in Isiolo County can be accounted for by the entry criterion elements. The remaining 37.0% of the variance can be ascribed to additional factors that were not included in the study; therefore, the study recommends that there is a need to strengthen the formal structure in Isiolo County to allow all stakeholders to participate in drought Mitigation and ensure that coordination of the mitigation activities is effective. Additionally, the community should be allowed to participate in each of the drought management coordination efforts and ensure the use of implementation of drought responses that are informed by research findings as these types of responses are not only effective but are also efficient. Moreover, there is also a need for NDMA to rely on historical data in providing early warning information on agriculture, livestock among others, and include increased use of other data, get real-time updates on drought conditions, and the identification of the most appropriate channel to convey any message on early warning on possible drought.Item Family Planning and Child Healthcare in Banadir Region, Somalia(Kenyatta University, 2023-06) Abdille, Abdirashid MohamedThis study investigated how family planning impacts child healthcare in public hospitals in banadir region, somalia. The study was ancored on the following specific study objectives; to determine the impact of child spacing on child health in public hospitals in Somalia's Banadir Region, to investigate the impact of a sensitization campaign on child health in public hospitals in Banadir Region, Somalia, to ascertain the impact of local family planning practices on child health in public hospital in Banadir Region, Somalia and to assess the impact of modern contraceptives access on child health in public hospital in Banadir Region, Somalia. Social Theory was used to show the interrelationship amongst variables. The study targeted three main hospitals; Banadir Hospital, Daynile Hospital and De Martino Hospital in Banadir Region. The unit of observations were Midwives, Pharmacist, Lab technician, Nurses and child specialised Doctors totalling to 120 respondents; and an additional 1080 mothers seeking maternal care. A sample of 300 respondents was calculated using Slovin's method. Descriptive research design was applied. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Data was shown as tables and charts. The researcher acquired permission from relevanr bodies, data and respondents were handled according to research ethics. The result supported that the child spacing within Banadir region was low, mothers moderately practiced child spacing and frequent reminders were done to all mothers. Family planning sensitization initiative was investigated in Banadir region, Somalia. Maternal deaths have place in developing nations almost exclusively. The results indicates that there was increased number of sensitization initiatives, various sensitization approaches were done from region to region and mothers have experienced a great chance from the increased sensitization strategies used. The findings in the study indicated that majority of family planning techniques utilized in the area were conventional ones and traditional family planning techniques cost less than contemporary ones. The study findings presents that modern contraceptives were more sure than traditional methods used by the respondents. Based on the statistical results presented, the study concludes that the child spacing, sensitization practices, local family planning practices and modern contraceptives had a significant effect on child healthcare access in Banadir region, Somalia. The study recommends establishment of effective planning across the community and the ministry of health should create public health campaigns and messaging that are targeted at all segments of the society.Item Application of Batho Pele Principles and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction at Kenya Revenue Authority, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Kiogora, BenGrowing public concern about the government's failure to deliver reliable services has led to widespread dissatisfaction. While customer satisfaction in the commercial sector has been extensively studied, the public sector requires further investigation. This study assesses how the Batho Pele Principles impact customer satisfaction at the Kenya Revenue Authority C&BCD, using Expectancy Disconfirmation theory to contrast initial customer expectations against perceived service performance. The research underscores the principles' influence in shaping expectations and experiences. Additionally, the SERVQUAL Model is employed to evaluate service quality across five dimensions, highlighting the importance of Batho Pele Principles in enhancing these areas. The New Public Governance theory further emphasizes collaboration and customer engagement in service delivery, advocating for clear service standards, innovation in public services, and thorough performance evaluation. Ethical considerations were integral to the research, including obtaining approval from Kenyatta University and NACOSTI, protecting research assistants, upholding ethical standards, and ensuring reasonable agreements with participants. Participants retained the right to withdraw at any time, seek clarification prior to publication, and uphold their privacy and confidentiality. In a study involving 461 respondents, a descriptive case study research design was employed alongside questionnaires for data collection. The researcher utilized stratified random sampling method and analyzed the data using regression analysis and SPSS, presenting the findings through charts, frequency tables, percentages, and graphs. Qualitative data was examined via content analysis and the results indicated a positive, significant, and strong linear relationship between establishing service standards, enhancing access, providing information and value for money in achieving customer satisfaction within Kenya Revenue Authority and Customs and Border Control Department (KRA, C&BCD). The study underscores the critical role of public participation in setting service standards, which enhances customer satisfaction within the customs sector. It emphasizes the necessity of ongoing training, adaptability to feedback, and advocacy for reduced tax payments to improve services. A direct link was found between better access to customs services, such as opening offices in remote areas and utilizing technology, and elevated customer satisfaction, further supported by efficient information dissemination. The analysis of value for money highlights the customs department's operations, such as cost-effectiveness and streamlined procedures, contributing positively to customer perceptions. Establishing service standards at the Kenya Revenue Authority and Customs and Border Control Department (KRA, C&BCD) is vital for client satisfaction. The findings suggest a strong relationship between updated service charters and adherence to ISO 9001 standards, indicating that public involvement is essential for meeting stakeholder expectations. Recommendations for improvement focus on facilitating online self-clearance, enhancing communication channels for tailored information, and ensuring transparency. Additionally, the study advises regular updates of the service charter, robust monitoring systems to ensure compliance, effective implementation of customer service etiquettes, and the integration of modern technology to bolster accessibility and align services with contemporary trends.Item Re-Branding and Organizational Performance at the Public Procurement and Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Maina, Judy MwihakiIn today’s Public Sector, branding and re-branding are crucial, unlike in previous years where it did not matter. Organizations worldwide have to come up with strategies to improve their day-to-day ways of doing things to improve organizational performance. The public sector has been challenged to come up with efficient service delivery to bring customer satisfaction. It has not been left behind as the world becomes a global village. Restoring customer confidence and being more customer-focused is now emerging as a major priority. The Government of Kenya has not been left behind and would want to restore the confidence in its service delivery, by coming up with ways of providing better services and service delivery to its citizens. The government over a long time has had a distorted image in the way it performed. The study examined re-branding about organizational performance of the Kenyan Public Procurement Regulator (and to understand its challenges. Re-branding is an important strategy that can improve the image of an organization and build confidence in both the internal and external stakeholders by changing their attitude and way of doing things. The Kenyan Procurement Regulator is endowed with regulating public procurement by use of procurement law with a view of improving governance, management, transparency, accountability, and quality service to the general public, to ensure fair distribution of public tenders. However, there have been several concerns raised regarding how efficient and effective the staff who work for the Authority, Kenya performs. The study sought to examine re-branding and organizational performance using the procurement regulator which is (PPRA) Kenya. A case study research design was employed. The target population was 126 employees of PPRA. The purposive sampling technique was utilized where a sample of 4 Directors, 6 Deputy Directors, 20 officers PPRA Kenya employees, and 15 external customers were chosen. Primary testing was used to check the dependability of the tools that were used. Customer switching, corporate image, and quality service explained 61.1% of performance of PPRA. The study found that quality of service (β=0.369, p=0.007<0.05) and corporate image have a statistically positive relationship with the performance at PPRA (β=0.432, p=0.003<0.05) The study also found that customer switching has a statistically negative relationship with the performance of the organization (β=-0.267, p=0.044<0.05). A conclusion is made that as the quality of service and corporate image improves the performance of the organization. The study also concludes that as customer switching increases, the performance of the organization is negatively affected. The study recommends that PPRA should do regular evaluations of the quality of service to enable it to make improvements. Customers also should be involved in rebranding to enable them to own and support the brand. Customer reviews should also be done regularly to better understand their needs and meet them effectively. Further research on other factors that might be influencing the performance of PPRA, in particular, policies should be done.Item Soapstone Industry and Its Effects on the Community in Kisii County, Kenya, 1963-2002(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Ongabi, Josephine N.Artisanal and small-scale mining is a significant sector in many developing countries, including Kenya. It involves mining activities conducted by individuals or small groups with minimal mechanization, often operating informally. Artisanal and small scale mining plays a crucial role in providing livelihoods, particularly in rural areas where formal employment opportunities are scarce. However, this study specifically investigated the history of the soapstone industry and its effects on the communities in Kisii County, Kenya, from 1963 to 2002. Although the soapstone industry has existed in Tabaka since the pre-colonial era, it has attracted little historical research. It is against this background that this study was undertaken. Three objectives guided the research: To examine the factors that led to the emergence of the soapstone industry in Tabaka up to 1963, investigate how soapstone production was carried out at Tabaka in Kisii County from 1964 to 1978 and examine how the soapstone industry in Tabaka, affected the life of the community in Kisii County from 1979 to 2002. The study used the articulation of modes of production theory to analyze the data. Primary data was collected by conducting oral interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the soapstone industry and by examining archival documents sourced from the Kenya National Archives on the artisanal and small-scale mining sector, specifically focusing on the Tabaka Soapstone industry. Secondary data was sourced from books, articles, and journals in the libraries and online sources. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population included: soapstone workers, land owners with quarries, and industry leaders. The study purposively selected respondents. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire, an interview schedule, and an observation method. The researcher analyzed the data using the content analysis method. The researcher found that several factors led to the emergence of the soapstone industry in Tabaka up to 1963; among them include the availability of soft stones in the area, the skill of using these soft stones to mold items, the available jobs to keep people committed and utilize the available resource to satisfy the basic needs. It was discovered that soapstone producers used both traditional and modern technology to produce items from 1964 to 1978. Soapstone has led to the emergence of rich businessmen in the Tabaka market who have built shops, others have been able to take their children to school, and it led to the establishment of cooperative and self help groups to benefit the community from 1979 to 2002. The study contributes to the bourgeoning body of knowledge on artisanal soapstone miningItem Organisational Development Interventions and Employee Productivity in Water and Sanitation Companies in Kenya: A Case of Kitwasco(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Mbai, MercyEmployee productivity is a critical outcome variable influenced by various organisational development interventions. High productivity is essential for any company's profitability and success. Factors such as rising costs, slowing growth, and increased financial stress have contributed to a decline in employee productivity. This study focused on organisational development interventions and employee productivity among water and sanitation companies in Kenya, a case of Kitui Water and Sanitation Company (KITWASCO). Specifically, the study focused on the effects of human process interventions, techno-structural interventions, human resource management interventions, and strategic change interventions on employee productivity. The study was guided by Kurt Lewin's Change Theory as the anchoring theory and two complementary organisational development theories, The Burke-Litwin Model, and John Kotter's Eight- Step Change Model. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design, where census survey informed the data collection process. 124 respondents formed the target population. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and interview schedules. The process of data analysis involved both descriptive and inferential analysis, and a multiple linear regression was adopted in assessing the relationship between human process interventions, techno-structural interventions, human resource management interventions, strategic change interventions and employee productivity. The study findings were presented in charts, figures and tables. Anonymity, confidentiality of the respondents’ responses were assured, and permits from Kenyatta University, and NACOSTI were processed. Study findings indicated that human process, Techno- structural, and strategic change interventions had a significant positive effect on employee productivity in KITWASCO. Nonetheless, human resource management interventions had a significant negative effect on employee productivity in KITWASCO. Thus, the study recommends for the development of tailored programs, restructuring organisational processes, and fostering a culture of change and innovation.Item Adaptive Leadership Strategies and Its Influence on Performance of Jubilee Insurance Company in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Kiarii, Zachariah KaranjaIn today’s dynamic business environment, insurance companies face numerous challenges, from increasing competition and evolving regulatory landscapes to fluctuating customer expectations. The ability to adapt to these changes is crucial for organizations aiming to remain competitive and deliver effective performance outcomes. The adaptive leadership strategies enable organizations and individuals to effectively respond to a change in different environments and lead the transitions in company goals and processes in liaison with the variations of market dynamics. This study therefore sought to determine the influence of adaptive leadership strategies on the performance of Jubilee Insurance Company. The study objectives were; to determine the influence of employee team work on the performance of Jubilee Insurance company, to establish the influence of employee mentorship on the performance of Jubilee Insurance company, to assess the influence of employee engagement on the performance of Jubilee Insurance company and to examine the influence of work delegation on the performance of Jubilee Insurance company. The study was guided by Adaptive Leadership Theory and Self-determination Theory. The descriptive research design was used. The study targeted 200 employees working at Jubilee Insurance company headquarter in Nairobi City County. Stratified random sampling was utilized in selecting 60 respondents. The questionnaires were used for data collection. A pilot study was done at Britam Insurance company enhance reliability and validity of research instruments. Data collected was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics involved percentage, mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics involved ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The analyzed data was displayed through frequency tables, percentages, pie charts and bar graphs. For ethical considerations, the researcher obtained authorization letter from the Graduate School, Kenyatta University and research permit from the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). The findings show that coefficient of correlation was 0.863, an indication that the study variables significantly influenced performance of Jubilee Insurance Company. Coefficient of adjusted determination was 0.724 which translates to 72.4%. This indicates that variations in dependent variable was explained by the independent variables (employee teamwork, employee mentorship, employee engagement and employee delegation). The findings also revealed that adaptive leadership strategies positively influence the organizational performance of Jubilee Insurance Company since the P-value was 0.004 which is less than 0.05. The study concludes that employees’ teamwork, engagement, delegation, and mentorship positively influence the performance of Jubilee Insurance Company. The adaptive leadership strategies fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within Jubilee Insurance Company. By prioritizing teamwork, engagement, delegation, and mentorship of employees, the company position itself for long-term success in the competitive insurance landscape. The study recommends that management of Insurance companies should prioritize initiatives that encourage collaboration among employees across departments and levels within the organization. This could involve implementing team-building exercises, fostering open communication channels, and establishing clear goals that require cross-functional cooperation.Item Youth Participation and Political Governance in Mandera County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Sheikh, Aliyare HassanYouth participation in political governance is a crucial component of an inclusive and dynamic democracy, as it ensures that young people are represented in political institutions and can contribute their perspectives, ideas, and concerns. This study investigated the relationship between youth participation and political governance in the County Government of Mandera. The problem addressed by the study is the limited engagement and representation of youth in governance structures, which can hinder the development of policies that are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the younger population. The specific objectives include examining the effects of social exclusionary practices, youth coordination levels, youth’s divergent views, and youth involvement in county project evaluation on political governance within Mandera County.The study employed a descriptive research design to gain a comprehensive understanding of the influence of youth participation on governance. Data was collected through questionnaires, targeting 220 respondents which included 60 County elected leaders (Governors, MPs, Senator, Women Reps and MCAs), 11 County Executive Committee Members, 56 Community Elders, 60 Youth Leaders and 33 County Chief Officers at the County Government of Mandera. To ensure the reliability of the data, the questionnaires were pre-tested to confirm consistency in responses across similar contexts, and the data collection process was carefully standardized. Validity was addressed by designing the questionnaires based on well-established theoretical models Human Capital Theory and the Civic Voluntarism Model to ensure that the instruments accurately captured the constructs of youth participation and political governance.Ethical considerations were prioritized throughout the study. Respondents were assured of confidentiality to protect their privacy, informed consent was obtained, and participants were briefed on the voluntary nature of their involvement, allowing them to withdraw at any point without any repercussions. The study’s findings, based on an analysis of a 71.5% response rate, indicated that exclusionary practices, youth coordination, youth perspectives, and feedback mechanisms are significant in enhancing political governance in Mandera County, accounting for 67.6% of the variance in governance outcomes. The study recommends that the county government should establish robust monitoring mechanisms to assess and improve youth participation in governance, aligning youth engagement efforts with the county’s broader development objectives.Item Viability of Public-Private Partnerships in Kenya: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Nairobi Express-Way(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Robi, Mwise DeborahPublic-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have gained significant traction as a prevalent approach for funding and executing infrastructure projects globally, with a particular emphasis on developing nations that may face constraints in their governmental financial resources. The utilization of PPPs in infrastructural development has gained considerable traction in Asia, Africa, and East Africa in recent years. However, PPPs are not without their challenges, particularly in balancing the interests of private partners and the public good. The Nairobi Expressway project in Kenya is a prime example of such challenges, with concerns raised about high toll fees and potential cost overruns. Despite the potential benefits of PPPs, concerns remain about their viability and effectiveness. One significant concern is the potential for private partners to prioritize profit over the public interest. The purpose of this study was to establish the viability of public-private partnerships in Kenya: a case of Nairobi express-way cost-benefit analysis. Specifically, the study examines the costs and benefit analysis of the Nairobi Expressway Public private partnership project to the government, costs and benefit analysis of the Nairobi Expressway Public private partnership project to the users and assessing how risk distribution among stakeholders affects the Nairobi expressway Public private partnership project. The theoretical basis for this study is resource dependency theory. Descriptive research methods, including the use of visual aids to clarify the data distribution, was used to collect and evaluate event data in this study. This research investigated a target population of 1200 persons. The study used a sample size of 120 people. Semi structured questionnaires were used to collect. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data is made easier with the help of SPSS. Frequency tables, bar graphs, and pie charts were used to illustrate the results. The study findings revealed that cost benefit analysis to government had positive significant effect on changes in viability of public private partnerships in Kenya. The findings also indicated that cost benefit analysis to users have positive effect in changes in viability of public private partnerships in Kenya. Again, the result indicates that risk distribution among stakeholders had a positive effect on changes in viability of public private partnerships in Kenya.Item Commercialization of Water on Private Service Delivery. Case of Nairobi City County, Kenya.(Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Mmboga, Esialila MetrinCommercialization is a concept that has been embraced in modern society to improve the economy and promote equality in the provision of goods and services. Therefore, various goods and services that would otherwise be offered by the government can now be offered by private investors, the goal being to achieve growth and development of counties and ultimately, Countries. However, there are instances to which commercialization or rather the mechanisms used in commercializing goods and services, have no or little impact to growth and development in terms of access of provision of those goods and services, and or coverage of supply versus demand by the so-called private service providers or investors. Chapter 1 provides for the background of the study, highlighting the need for commercialization of water and further states the need to have private service providers regulated by the government. It further sets out the problem that the research intends to cure. That despite having commercialization mechanism i.e., laws in place, procurement practices outlined, and private service providers regulated, there continues to be inadequate water supply coverage especially in low-income households in Nairobi. The study will address these issues that commercialization of water has brought to the fore. There also exist informal water suppliers who ought to be incorporated in the system in one way or another. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to analyze procurement practices, the level of standardization machinery, the extent of equalization and access of water, through commercialization of water and private service delivery in Nairobi City County. This was achieved through collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data. Both the Quantitative and Qualitative methodologies of data collection and analysis were used in this research. The collection of data was through key informant interviews and questionnaires. Secondary data was obtained from library research materials, internet search and document analysis. The Quantitative and Quantitative data collected was analyzed and reported in a table and narrative reports respectively. Pilot study was conducted prior to embarking on the actual research, to test on the validity and reliability of the research instruments, which outcome proved sufficient to undertake the actual research. Descriptive research design was preferred to maximize on data reliability. Descriptive and content analysis techniques were also used. The research was premised upon Stewardship theory of corporate governance. Stewardship theory has a holistic approach. It favors corporate goals as opposed to individualistic aims. The corporate institution that was the subject of the study is the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation which is tasked via Statute to ensure availability of water across the Nation. The researcher also utilized simple random sampling in selecting participants from Nairobi residents/population. This sampling method increased the probability for anyone to participate in the research without preempting the selection process. The researcher also endeavored to adhere to ethical inclinations such as, privacy and confidentiality principles, ensuring express consent is obtained from the participants, required approvals and permissions were sought from the school (Kenyatta University) and NACOSTI (National Council of Science, Technology, and Innovation) and the Nairobi County Government prior to performing the research.Item Integrated Financial Management Information System and Performance of Government Ministries in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-09) Gichuhi, Moses NdarwaThe adoption of an integrated financial management information system (IFMIS) has been promoted as Kenya’s best course of action for explaining the consequences of government embezzlements that have plagued the government’s operations since independence. Adopting the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) helps streamline financial processes, improve management and sourcing practices within the government, and provide standardized, accurate financial statements in real-time. The system seeks to reduce instances of corruption, fraud, and other unethical government behaviour by promoting accountability and transparency. However, despite its implementation, instances of improper use of public funds and subpar performance by ministries persist. This study investigates whether the adoption of IFMIS has enhanced the performance of government ministries in Kenya. Specifically, it examines the effects of staff competence, resource allocation, internal control, and system quality within IFMIS on the operational and financial performance of ministries, measured in terms of efficiency, accountability, and transparency in public resource management. The study is grounded in the Technological Acceptance Theory, Systems Theory, and Resource-Based View Theory. A descriptive research design was used, targeting six selected government ministries. Stratified random sampling gathered data from 384 participants, including operational staff, middle-level managers, and top executives. Data was collected primarily through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. All ethical considerations were followed. The findings revealed that staff competence in IFMIS significantly and positively affects the performance of government ministries. Internal control in IFMIS, while insignificant, still positively impacts performance. Additionally, system quality in IFMIS significantly enhances ministry performance. The study concludes that IFMIS has the potential to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of government ministries in Kenya. It recommends that ministries prioritize training programs to enhance staff competence in areas such as financial management, technical skills, and leadership to boost overall performance.Item Effects of E- Government in Service Delivery to Its Citizen, a Case of Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Kimutai, K. DanielTechnology-based service is now a must for both public and private enterprises in the changing, aggressive economic climate of modern globalized economy. The majority of devolved governments recently implemented e-Government platforms to enhance service delivery. These platforms enable residents, business associates, employees, other organizations and the government to receive information and services more quickly and at a lower cost. Due to the devolution of governmental duties, the County governments now have to deal with a huge debt load from former administrations as well as subpar revenue collection and service1delivery methods. The goal of this study was to determine how innovation technology had affected Elgeyo Marakwet County's use of e-government platforms. The following research objectives also served as a guide for the study: to examine the impact of information1literacy on that implementation, the impact of computers, the impact of privacy on that implementation, the effect of confidentiality on the adoption of electronic governance and services in Elgeyo1Marakwet County, and the effect of technical infrastructure. The study's direction was guided by the Social-Economic View Theory and Technological1Acceptance Model. The1conclusions of the1study were helpful to Elgeyo Marakwet County's leadership and staff by providing them with knowledge about how to oversee and handle E-Government in a manner that will improve service delivery and productivity. Academics and aspiring researchers who wish to understand more about E-Government and use the same findings to pinpoint fresh shortages that can speed up the implementation of legislation also find this study to be helpful. For the investigation, descriptive research was1employed. The1target1population for the study consisted of 479 individuals, including 20 ward administrators, 350 members of the ward planning committee, 7 public engagement officials, 50 county legislatures and executives, 5 communications specialists, 15 members of the IT staff, and 15 public administration officials. To choose study participants from each of the selected components, simple random sampling was employed. 218 respondents made up the sample. Questionnaires were1used to1collect respondents’ information for this1study. 22 questionnaires were used in a pilot study by the researcher, who then distributed the results to participants in Uasin1Gishu County. The1study's goal was to evaluate the validity and dependability of research instruments. Qualitative data were analyzed using the thematic method. Descriptive and1inferential1statistics were used to analyze1the data with1the Statistical Package1for Social1Sciences (SPSS) version 25 frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation are all included in descriptive statistics. Multiple regression analysis and inferential correlations are used to determine the change in the dependent variable caused by the independent variables. Charts and tables were used to present the analyzed data. The results of the study were useful to Elgeyo Marakwet County's management and personnel, who acquired understanding of how the county government in their area may successfully adopt and operate electronic government to enhance delivery of services and productivity. This study be valuable to the academicians and future researchers who will like to study E Government1further and, from1the same1findings, determine1further research gaps1that can be1useful in the furtherance1of policies on1E-Government s implementation.Item Corporate Governance Practices and Organizational Performance of National Referral Hospitals in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Gatimu, JohnPerformance is a vital and critical factor in the success of any organization. Corporate governance practices play a significant role in shaping the organizational performance of institutions across various sectors. In the healthcare sector, particularly within national referral hospitals, these governance practices are especially essential. The efficiency and effectiveness of referral hospitals have a direct impact on the overall health outcomes of the population. However, national referral hospitals in Kenya face numerous challenges, including financial constraints, inadequate resources, staff shortages, and bureaucratic inefficiencies. These issues hinder their ability to deliver optimal care and services. Factors related to accountability, transparency, and active engagement of relevant stakeholders continue to impede the performance and limit the output of National Referral Hospitals in Kenya. This study aimed to examine the influence of corporate governance practices on the organizational performance of National Referral Hospitals in Kenya, specifically investigating the effects of transparency, accountability, and stakeholder participation. Additionally, the research sought to assess the moderating influence of organizational determinants on the relationship between corporate governance practices and organizational performance. The study was grounded in agency theory and stakeholder theory and adopted a descriptive research design, targeting the seven National Referral Hospitals in Kenya. The research focused on various personnel, including nursing officers, clinical officers, medical officers, nutrition officers, pharmaceutical officers, records and data officers, laboratory officers, research officers, chief executive officers, hospital administrators, heads of departments, directors and deputy directors, accounting and finance officers, biomedical engineers, procurement officers, human resource officers, public health officers, board chairs, board members, and medical doctors at these facilities. A sample size of 316 was determined based on a target population of 1,764, using a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 0.05, as calculated using the Kothari (2004) formula. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select the sample. To collect primary data, the researcher utilized self-administered questionnaires, key informant interviews, and observation schedules. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, mean scores, and standard deviations, while qualitative data were evaluated through thematic content analysis. Inferential data analysis involved regression and correlation analysis, with the results presented in tabular form. The study found that hospital policies and procedures are readily accessible to stakeholders, promoting clarity and transparency in governance and decision-making processes. However, it remained uncertain whether the hospital maintains a high standard of ethical conduct and integrity across its operations. The research established that staff input is valued and incorporated into hospital governance and policy formulation processes, encouraging staff involvement in decision-making. Additionally, it was uncertain whether board meetings are conducted regularly and effectively. The research concluded that all corporate governance practices examined had a significant impact on the organizational performance of National Referral Hospitals in Kenya, although the degree of influence varied. Accountability emerged as having the greatest impact on performance, followed by transparency. Participation, while still significant, was found to have the least influence on the organizational performance of these hospitals. Furthermore, the study concluded that the interplay between organizational determinants and combined corporate governance practices explains 11.1% of the variations in the organizational performance of National Referral Hospitals. The analysis yielded an F statistic of F(4, 191) = 299.441, p < 4.35E-81 < 0.05, indicating that the overall moderating influence was significant. To enhance transparency, National Referral Hospitals should establish robust communication channels to ensure that changes and updates to policies and procedures are communicated promptly to stakeholders.Item Development Cooperation for Refugees and Its Effect on the Self-Reliance of Urban Refugee Youth in Nairobi City County(Kenyatta University, 2024-11) Wambugu, Iddah WanguiConventional forms of humanitarian aid have a limited impact on shaping refugees' independence in protracted situations. Instead, development cooperation to bolster refugees' self-reliance becomes more critical. However, fostering their self-reliance through cooperation can make it difficult since its implementation reduces the refugee's dependency on aid, which can threaten their livelihoods. Thus, the study aimed to establish how development cooperation influences the urban youth refugee's self-reliance in Nairobi City County. The objectives included determining the effect of financial literacy, social networks, human and physical capital, and legal support on self reliance. The theories of Change and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs underpinned the study. The target population consisted of 36,450 urban youth refugees but sampled a population of 276. The study adopted questionnaires that were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression and presented using means and standard deviation via tables. Still, open-ended questions were analyzed using significant themes. Descriptive results indicated that financial literacy enabled most urban youth refugees to access credit, repay loans on time, borrow money for investing, and save for the future. Social networks enabled the youth refugees to borrow money from someone they knew outside the community and participate in communal activities, thus enhancing their sense of belonging and connection to other community members. Human and physical capital through vocational training enabled the refugees to gain self-employment, credential recognition, and receive primary healthcare training that allowed them to manage their healthcare needs. Legal support enabled the refugees to be aware and exercise most of their economic, social, and educational rights. Regression results indicated that all the development cooperation variables (financial literacy, social networks, human and physical capital, and legal support) positively and significantly influenced the urban youth refugees' self-reliance. That implies that financial literacy, social networks, human and physical capital, and legal support provided by donors resulted in better refugees' self-reliance. Recommendations for donor organizations include initiating social and cultural activities between the youth refugees and the host locals and looking at how refugees engage in the savings cycle and how that builds resilience. Policymakers are advised to enact laws that provide refugees the right to work and access to higher education, creating equal opportunities for refugees to develop their desired lives.