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Item Impediments to accessing virtual education by learners with visual impairment in Kenyatta University(Kenyatta University, 2015-10) Kiambati, Fridah Gatwiri; Muthee, Daniel WambiriThe study was aimed at exploring the challenges that learners with visual impairment face in accessing virtual education. The specific objectives were: To find out the population of learners with visual impairment participating in virtual education, to find out the successes in using assistive technology in virtual education, to identify the challenges that learners with visual impairment face in virtual education venture, and to describe possible solutions towards achieving virtual education by learners with visual impairment. The study was carried out at Kenyatta University, and the population comprised 80 learners and 5 staff members. Descriptive survey design was adopted. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the learners while personal interviews were conducted for the staff. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data while thematic analysis approach was used for qualitative data. Tables and charts were used to present quantitative data while qualitative data was presented in textual mode. The study established that: e-learning had least enrolment of students with visual impairment, most of the students were not able to retrieve and use e-resources though their own efforts, e-learning platforms were not accessible to learners with visual impairment, more than half of the students found it difficult to use e-resources. The study concluded that: Learners with visual impairment lacked independence in using e-platforms; assistive technology is vital in accessing e-resources. The study recommended: University management to encourage independence of learners through provision of accessible e-learning platforms, information literacy and AT skills, and provision of adequate AT devices. Keywords: Impediments, virtual education, e-learning, visual impairment.Item Gender and poverty eradication in Kenya since 1983(2003-09) Wambua, Lois M.The paper attempts to assess the roles that have been played by both men and women in poverty eradication in Kenya for the last two decades. Specifically, the paper tries to show what men and women at different level of social strata in Kenya have done and are still doing to eradicate poverty in the country. It examines some of the gender issues that may have impacted either positively or negatively on the participation of both men and women in poverty eradication programs. It also examines gender- based strategies that have been used to eradicate poverty during the period. The following are some of the factors discussed: Level of education attained, Facilitation and encouragement by the government, NGOs, and the wider society, Rural-urban migration and slum growth trends in the main cities and towns, Employment/ unemployment in the public sector, Effects of structural programs (SAPS) of the eighties and nineties and Leadership roles played by both men and women at different socio-economic. Finally recommendations on the strategies that may be used to eradicate poverty in Kenya more effectively are given and the way forward suggested.Item Use of Tablets in Blended Learning: A case study of an institution of higher learning in Kenya.(2015) Maina, Muuro E.; Njoroge, Rose W.; Waiganjo, Peter W.; Gitonga, RhodaThe tablet has been introduced as a tool for learning in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya. Due to this introduction there was a need to carry out research that highlights the potential benefits and drawbacks in the use of tablets for learning in an Institution of Higher Learning. The objective of this research was to investigate the learners’ perceived benefits and challenges on the introduction of tablets in blended learning in Higher Education. Purposive sampling was used to select learners who had received their learning materials through these tablets. The findings revealed that the tablets were highly accepted as a learning device due to their convenience and it was noted that there were some learner factors such as work schedules influenced their use. It was noted that learners experienced hardware, software and instructional design challenges in their use of these tablets. Tablet features, instructor availability, the quality of learning recourses were some of the areas which needed improvementItem Physical security measures for computer- based information systems: a case study of selected academic libraries in Kenya(2015) Njoroge, R. W.; Wambiri, D. M.; Ogeta, N.Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is increasingly becoming an important facilitator of effective and efficient delivery of services in higher education institutions (HEIs). The introduction of open, distance and elearning (ODEL) mode of study has made it necessary for academic libraries to incorporate computer-based information systems (CBIS) in order to facilitate easier access to information for learning, teaching and research to all library users. To meet this objective, HEIs need to put in place measures of securing these systems. This study investigated the security measures employed by selected academic libraries in Kenya. The specific objective of this paper is to address the physical measures used by academic libraries to secure their CBIS. Data was collected through observation and interviews and was analyzed, interpreted and presented using qualitative methods. Results revealed the libraries studied had taken several physical measures to protect their CBIS. Suggestions for further research are discussed.Item Information Literacy in the 21st Century Universities: The Kenyan Experience(2011) Amunga, Hellen A.Universities are expected to play a vital role in development issues of their countries and beyond as they engage in teaching, learning and research. The world-wide recognition of information as a key resource to the development of economies in the 21st century places even more responsibility on universities as they are looked upon as major consumers and creators of information touching on all sectors of the economy. Their contribution to develpoment therefore largely depends on how applicable the information they generate through research is relevant to the needs of their immediate communities; as well as on the quality of their graduates, and their contribution towards global information reserves. The introduction of Free Primary Education (FPE) by the government of Kenya and its financial support to public secondary school students, coupled with the high demand for university education and high population growth are factors that have led to high ennrolments in the country’s universities. On the other hand, the lack of a national policy on school libraries, the general lack of information literacy programmes in universities, high reliance on the lecture method and the reading-for-exams-only culture are inter-related issues that need to be tackled if the country is to benefit from quality teaching, learning and research. Based on brief literature reviews and the personal experiences through involvement of the author as a teacher-librarian and lecturer and Secretary, Kenya Library Association, this paper gives a general picture of information literacy-related activities in Kenyan universities; and efforts by some stakeholders towards encouragement, adoption and implementation of information literacy efforts in universities in Kenya. Suggestions on the way forward are given.Item Current trends in the practice of academic librarianship in the context of university goals in Kenya(2014-10-21) Muya, Edward Waiguru