Physical security measures for computer- based information systems: a case study of selected academic libraries in Kenya
Njoroge, R. W.
Wambiri, D. M.
Ogeta, N.
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is increasingly
becoming an important facilitator of effective and efficient delivery of services in
higher education institutions (HEIs). The introduction of open, distance and elearning
(ODEL) mode of study has made it necessary for academic libraries to
incorporate computer-based information systems (CBIS) in order to facilitate easier
access to information for learning, teaching and research to all library users. To meet
this objective, HEIs need to put in place measures of securing these systems. This
study investigated the security measures employed by selected academic libraries in
Kenya. The specific objective of this paper is to address the physical measures used
by academic libraries to secure their CBIS. Data was collected through observation
and interviews and was analyzed, interpreted and presented using qualitative
methods. Results revealed the libraries studied had taken several physical measures
to protect their CBIS. Suggestions for further research are discussed.
IST-Africa 2015 Conference Proceedings, Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)
IIMC International Information Management Corporation 2015
Library Computer-Based Information Systems, Physical security Measures, Disaster Management, Academic Libraries, Digital Library Systems, IT Security