Gender and poverty eradication in Kenya since 1983

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Wambua, Lois M.
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The paper attempts to assess the roles that have been played by both men and women in poverty eradication in Kenya for the last two decades. Specifically, the paper tries to show what men and women at different level of social strata in Kenya have done and are still doing to eradicate poverty in the country. It examines some of the gender issues that may have impacted either positively or negatively on the participation of both men and women in poverty eradication programs. It also examines gender- based strategies that have been used to eradicate poverty during the period. The following are some of the factors discussed: Level of education attained, Facilitation and encouragement by the government, NGOs, and the wider society, Rural-urban migration and slum growth trends in the main cities and towns, Employment/ unemployment in the public sector, Effects of structural programs (SAPS) of the eighties and nineties and Leadership roles played by both men and women at different socio-economic. Finally recommendations on the strategies that may be used to eradicate poverty in Kenya more effectively are given and the way forward suggested.
Fourth international conference proceeedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya chapter
Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender, Vol. 1