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    Grant Management Strategies and Project Performance of Non Governmental Organizations in Nairobi City County – Kenya
    (IJARKE Journals, 2024-01) Masolo, Vincent Oduor; Sang, Paul
    The moral role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is to act in the public interest and assume responsibility for their solutions. Grant administration and management are crucial to NGOs' project success. NGO project failures are often caused by poor grant management techniques and procedures, which also hurts their performance. This study examines how grant management strategies affect NGO project success in Nairobi City County, Kenya. This study examined Nairobi City County, Kenya's non-governmental organizations' grant management techniques and project performance. Nairobi City County's 201 registered NGOs were studied descriptively. The researcher selected 30% of NGOs from each stratum for this evaluation, totaling 60 NGOs. This study employed Likert scale questions to acquire primary data. Most data analysis used descriptive, frequency, and inferential statistics. Standard deviation and arithmetic means were descriptive statistics. Regression and correlation analysis were performed to link grant management practices to performance. Results demonstrated that strategic planning, grant design, money management, and monitoring and evaluation affected project performance. Strategy, grants design, finances management, and monitoring & evaluation (M&E) were positively and statistically significantly connected with project performance, according to the correlation study. Strategic planning, grants design, money management, and monitoring & evaluation were positively correlated with project success, according to regression analysis. Strategic planning, grants design, money management, and monitoring and evaluation were statistically significant determinants of NGO success in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The report also suggested further evaluation to identify other variables that may have affected project performance in keeping with the context and scope of this investigation
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    Financial Structure and Financial Growth of Financial Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
    (Stratford, 2022-01) Kimani, Samuel w; Ndede, Fredrick W. S; Atheru, Gerald K.
    Decline in performance deter investor from investing in firms. As such, the firms struggle to raise funds for their operations. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of financial structure on financial growth of financial firms listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of short term debt, long term debt retained earnings and share capital on financial growth as well as how they are moderated by firm size on financial firms. The theories informing the study included Modigliani-Miller theory, Trade-off Theory, Pecking Order Theory and Agency cost theory. This study was guided by the positivism philosophy and a descriptive research design. The target population of the study comprised of 21 financial firms listed at the NSE for a period of 8 years from 2010 to 2017. The findings indicated that a positive and significant relationship between short-term debt and financial growth of the financial firms. Longterm debt had a negative and insignificant relationship with financial growth of the financial firms. Retained earnings had a positive and significant relationship with financial growth of the financial firms. Share capital indicated a positive and significant relationship with financial growth of the financial firms. Firm size was found to be a significantly moderator of the relationship between the financial structure and financial growth of financial firms. The study recommends that policy makers in the financial sector to embrace indicators on short term debts, long term debts, retained earnings, the share capital and firm size on their strategic decision-making. These indicators will further guide in expanding the interpretation of the financial structures in the listed firms at the Nairobi securities exchange and other related firms. Firm size is thus crucial in a finance company due to their market power larger firms are able to charge higher prices and hence earn higher profits.
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    Effects of Project Implementation Practices on Project Performance in Tanzania: The Case of Mnazi Bay Gas
    (AJP, 2023) Bitesigirwe, Neema Hakim Salim; Ndede, Fredrick W.S
    Purpose: The successful achievement of any project means that several of its perceived factors were attained. The success of projects depends on how the risks are mitigated and the way it is managed and controlled. This study examined project implementation management practices and their effects on the Mnazi Bay Gas Project Performance. Towards analysing the data, the study used the Resource Based Theory, Theory of Constraints, Management Theory, and Stakeholder Theory. Methodology: The study employed a descriptive approach and utilized primary and secondary research methods. The sample size for the study was 100 respondents which included residents around the project, local government leaders, political leaders as well as managers and officials managing the project. Out of 100 only 84 respondents were reached. This study employed simple random sampling and purposive sampling to recruit study sample. The quantitative data were collected through questionnaires and the collected data were analysed using descriptive analysis and presented through descriptive statistics. Findings: The study reveals a positive relationship between the successful implementation of the Mnazi Bay Gas project and its overall performance, notwithstanding the challenges associated with community involvement. The research significantly advances our understanding of how project management methods influence the project's success. furthermore, the study highlights the project's strengths, including effective implementation, skilled personnel, and clear communication channels, but also identifies weaknesses, particularly in community engagement. Moreover, the study underscores the impact of various management and implementation challenges, such as difficulties in community involvement, regulatory compliance, and environmental assessments, on the project's performance and ultimate success. Conclusion: The study leverages Resource-Based Theory to underscore the efficient utilization of available resources, demonstrating its impact on Mnazi Bay Gas project performance. It utilizes the Theory of Constraints to pinpoint and tackle critical bottlenecks within this resource-intensive project. Management Theory offers a comprehensive view of project management practices and evaluates diverse managerial approaches. Lastly, Stakeholder Theory provides a thorough analysis of stakeholder interests and involvement, shedding light on the intricate dynamics within Mnazi Bay Gas involving local and international stakeholders. This integration of theories enhances the study's analytical framework, enabling a multifaceted evaluation of project implementation practices and their influence on project performance. This study concludes that there is positive relationship between project implementation and the performance of the Mnazi Bay Gas project. Apart from challenges that were identified with regard to community involvement, the Mnazi Bay Gas project was implemented well. However, there are challenges which were identified during planning in so far as the indigenous or surrounding community of the project are concerned. They were not furnished with enough information about the project, their expectations were not met mainly employment to an uneducated and better life and the dissemination of information during planning was bias since the brochures and flyers used a foreign language which is English. Recommendations/Policy Implications: Theories enrich the study's analytical framework, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of project implementation practices and their influence on performance. Thus, with this achievement policymakers should consider resource allocation strategies to enhance project performance in resource-intensive endeavors and address critical bottlenecks within projects and implement measures to alleviate constraints. Practitioners involved in project implementation should focus on optimizing resource utilization. Practitioners should adopt a stakeholderoriented approach, actively engaging with diverse stakeholders and considering their interests throughout the project's lifecycle.
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    Project Staff Scheduling and Performance of Road Construction Projects in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya
    (EANSO, 2024-06) Karuga, Simon; Sang, Paul; Mutuku, Morrisson
    The performance of a road-building project is frequently measured on the basis of quality, timeliness, and cost. Various road-building projects around the world struggle to satisfy these performance standards. Road projects are intended to adjust to changing weather, site, economic resources, community, and physical variables during construction. To that end, the purpose of this research was to analyse the relationship between project staff scheduling and the performance of road construction projects in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya. The research was based on ability, motivation, and opportunity theory. The study adopted a positivism research philosophy to empirically quantify facts through statistical analysis. A descriptive design as well as a cross-sectional survey was used. The population of interest for this study consisted of 39 road construction projects being implemented by Kenya Urban Roads Authority and Kenya National Highway Authority within the Nairobi metropolitan area. The study focused on county and national government roads. As a result, 195 participants were selected for this study. To gather primary data, a semi-structured questionnaire was used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the quantitative data. For inferential statistics, multivariate regression analysis and correlation were used. The study's findings showed that the scheduling of project staff significantly and positively (β =0.806, p =0.000) influenced project performance. According to the study's findings, staff scheduling, when done correctly and in accordance with work requirements, allows employees to stay on task and know exactly what they are supposed to be doing every day. Project managers can more quickly and easily locate coverage for sick days or vacations thanks to staff scheduling. Avoiding the need to hire more employees for a brief duration, enables the company to save money. Employee flexibility in managing work obligations and timely task completion is ensured by staff scheduling, which improves project performance.
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    Financial Resource Scheduling and Road Construction Projects Performance in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya
    (IJRBS, 2024-05) Karuga, Simon; Mutuku, Morrisson; Sang, Paul
    Kenya has seen a boom in road building during the last couple of years as a result of the government's significant investments in the construction industry to upgrade infrastructure, such as road networks. Road network construction is one of the key pillars of the country long term vision 2030. However, the performance of the road projects has experienced various challenges leaving some roads uncompleted, others poorly done after huge investment of public resources. This study sought to evaluate the influence of financial resources scheduling on the performance of road construction projects in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya. The research was based on resource dependence theory. A descriptive design as well as the cross-sectional survey was used. The population of interest for this study consisted of 39 road construction projects being implemented by Kenya Urban Roads Authority and Kenya National Highway Authority within the Nairobi metropolitan area. A semi structured questionnaire was utilized to collect primary data. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study results revealed projects resource scheduling had a positive and significant effect on project performance of road construction projects in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya. The study concludes that effective financial resource scheduling enables that organization to manage risk that may occur from changes in the project’s outcome. Financial resource scheduling starts from developing the project budget which is a process for allocating administered and departmental funds necessary to build a financial foundation for producing stated project deliverables
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    Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Performance of County Funded Health Construction Projects in Kilifi County, Kenya
    (IAJEF, 2024-06) Banzi, Caroline Mbeyu; Tumuti, Joshua
    Devolution Act and Implementation Guidelines stress the need of assessing the progress of health facilities built with county funds. In Counties, the many parties accountable for project delivery are also tasked with monitoring its progress. In order to produce an accurate assessment of a project, individuals tasked with monitoring and assessing it must ask the correct questions, conduct thorough investigations of the actual problems, and gather all necessary data. Managers of public works projects are always pleased when their efforts succeed. This means completing the project on schedule and without going over budget, as well as satisfying the entire project's other stakeholders. Despite best efforts, numerous Kilifi County health building projects financed by the county have ran over budget, behind schedule, failed to meet end-product standards, failed to meet customer wants and expectations, and failed to achieve management objectives. For effective tracking and measurement of results, as well as illumination of the triggers to difficulties inherent in handling county-funded health construction projects, effective evaluation and monitoring techniques are essential. This project aimed to examine the correlation between evaluation methods with effectiveness of health infrastructure initiatives financed by the public in Kilifi County. The research focused on how elements such as stakeholder participation, budget distribution, project management skills, and assessment techniques impact the effectiveness of healthcare initiatives sponsored by the county in Kilifi County. The investigation was grounded in theories such as stakeholder, resource-based perspective, equity, and program. A crosssectional research approach was employed, concentrating on 29 county-funded health initiatives in Kilifi County. The subset of initiatives from which data was gathered was chosen using a straightforward random sampling strategy. Information was gathered through a semi-structured questionnaire. The gathered quantitative information was processed and examined using SPSS version 21. Data analysis utilized both quantitative and qualitative strategies. Descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for data interpretation.
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    E-Procurement Practices and Organizational Performance: A Case of Kiambu County Government Kenya
    (IAJEF, 2024-05) Obiero, Reuben; Ngugi, Lucy
    Businesses are increasingly using eprocurement around the world, thanks to technological advancements. The eprocurement is critical to attaining organizational objectives. However, the county governments have significant challenges in adopting e-procurement processes in their operational. Clearly, the benefits of implementing important eprocurement processes are not visible in a regressive government climate. Companies who employ e-procurement in their procurement operations, typically experience benefits such as cost reductions, data exchange, and simpler procurement processes. This survey aimed to explore the effect of e-procurement practices on the performance of Kiambu County Government. The study objectives include; to assess the influence of e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering and e-invoicing on the performance of Kiambu County Government. The study anchored by Auction Theory, Resource Based View (RBV) Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. The study utilized a descriptive survey research design. The survey targeted 216 staffs drawn from procurement department and finance department working at Kiambu County Government. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized to choose 65 participants. The data was gathered through questionnaires. The collected data were examined using SPSS v.26, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. To present the examined data, frequency tables, means, and standard deviations were used. The findings of the study revealed that E-auction improves efficiency in procurement process which involves the savings of time for sellers and buyers. E-tendering results to a shorter tender invitation procedure and resulted in more transparency in the tendering process. E-ordering enhances timely order acquisitions and delivery. E-invoicing reduces errors in payment and boost accountability and transparency. The findings revealed that e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering and e-invoicing significantly affect the performance of County Government of Kiambu. The study concludes that e-auction, e-tendering, e-ordering and einvoicing positive significantly enhanced the performance of Kiambu County Government. Through e-auctions, governments save a lot of time and money while also giving suppliers a chance to expand into new markets. E-tendering significantly reduce costs while increasing the operation efficiency of public sector tendering. E-invoicing enhances performance by facilitating an organization's smooth operation. The study recommend that county government should improve accounting, recording, and reporting through appropriate invoicing mechanisms. Requisition, tendering, contract warding, and payment should all be included in the automated procurement process. Additionally, the county government should improve the delivery of public services by giving both the national and county governments timely, transparent, and accurate financial and accounting information. The county administration should use electronic ordering, especially for processing purchase orders electronically
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    Technological Factors and Performance of Roads Construction Projects in Nairobi County, Kenya
    (EANSO, 2024-05) Kamarkor, Akuto Musaeh B. P.; Sang, Paul K.; Nzuki, David
    The successful construction of roads plays a pivotal role in driving Kenya’s economic development, aligning with the objectives outlined in Kenya’s Vision 2030. However, the suboptimal performance of road construction projects in Nairobi County can be attributed to the continually evolving environmental factors. Consequently, this study aimed to explore the relationship between technological factors and performance of roads construction projects in Nairobi County. The theoretical foundations guiding this study encompassed open system theory. Utilizing a positive research philosophy, the study adopted a descriptive and explanatory research design. This research focused on a target population comprising 176 concluded roads construction projects within the Nairobi Metropolitan Area, executed by the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA). The unit of analysis focused on the completed roads construction projects in Nairobi County. The unit of observation included road engineers, project planners, and directors associated with KERRA, along with road supervisors, inspectors, surveyors, contractors, and members of project implementation teams. Proportional stratified sampling was employed to determine a sample size of 253 respondents. Data collection involved the use of a structured questionnaire. The study embraced descriptive and inferential statistics. The results were presented through tables, and inferential statistics were carried out using linear regression. The study unveiled a positive and significant relationship between technological factors (t=2.270, p<0.05) with project performance. In conclusion, the study establishes a discernible relationship between technological and project performance. The research recommends that managers are urged to embrace digitization and automation, leveraging on technology to address complex technicalities before and during construction.
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    Influence of Information Communication Technology Infrastructure on Operational Efficiency of Upscale Hotels in Nyeri County, Kenya
    (EAJCR, 2024) Muriuki, Eric Mutugi; Tumuti, Joshua
    In the modern competitive landscape, companies must leverage key resources to enhance business performance, with the hospitality industry increasingly integrating information communication technology (ICT) to maintain competitiveness and operational efficiency. Recognizing the evident benefits of ICT investments, this study explores the influence of ICT adoption on the operational efficiency of upscale hotels in Nyeri County, Kenya. Utilizing a survey strategy, data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to three-, four- and five- star hotels in Nyeri County, with a response rate of 88.10% (37 out of 50 questionnaires returned). The study revealed a moderate positive relationship between ICT hardware infrastructure and operational efficiency (r = 0.412, p < 0.05), a significant positive relationship between ICT software infrastructure and operational efficiency (r = 0.498, p < 0.01), and a strong positive relationship between ICT network infrastructure and operational efficiency (r = 0.457, p < 0.01). These findings underscore the significant influence of ICT on the operational efficacy of upscale hotels in Nyeri County. The study recommends that upscale hotels in Nyeri County prioritize strategic investments in their ICT infrastructure, focusing on upgrading hardware, software, and network systems to enhance their operational efficiency and competitive edge.
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    An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Project Planning Management and Performance of Selected Mega-Dam Projects in Kenya
    (EANSO, 2024-04) Bongei, Michael; Sang, Paul; Mutuku, Morrisson
    The main objective of this paper was to determine the relationship between project planning management and the performance of mega-dam projects in Kenya. This study was guided by positivist research philosophy. A descriptive cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. In this study, the unit of analysis was 18 mega-dam projects launched and completed across Kenya as listed under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation (MoWSI) while the unit of observation was the respective three officials (project manager, project engineer, geospatial engineer) in the MoWSI. A Census of all mega-dams completed in Kenya was conducted. In addition, the study purposively interviewed 5 key stakeholders including the cabinet secretary, permanent secretary from the MWSI, donor, contractor, and one randomly selected beneficiary from the community with the target mega-dam. This formed a total sample size of 180 respondents. Primary data was collected using the semistructured questionnaires as well as the Key Informant Interview (KII) guide. The combination of quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources and perspectives provided a more comprehensive and robust understanding. Pretesting was done by way of pilot testing to ascertain the validity and reliability of the tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarize and describe the key characteristics of the data, as well as draw conclusions and make inferences. Correlation snalysis found that project planning management had a positive significant relationship with the performance of selected mega-dam projects in Kenya (r= 0.869, p<0.05). Furthermore, regression found that the project planning management coefficient is 0.497, suggesting that a one-unit improvement in project planning management corresponds to a 0.497 improvement in the performance of these mega-dam projects. Based on the findings, the study concluded that project planning management positively and significantly influences the performance of selected mega-dam projects in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that project managers should give priority to project planning management.
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    Investigating the Influence of Project Initiation Management on Performance of Mega-dam Projects: Empirical Evidence from Kenya
    (EANSO, 2024-04) Bongei, Michael; Sang, Paul; Mutuku, Morrisson
    Performance of large projects including mega-dams could be associated with strict adherence to project life cycle (PLC) phases while considering the risks such as displacement of people and natural ecosystem disturbance. Understanding these risks helps project managers and stakeholders make informed decisions thus creating a positive legacy for the project in the long run. The main objective of the research was to determine how project initiation management influences the performance of mega-dam projects in Kenya. This study was guided by positivist research philosophy. A descriptive cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. In this study, the unit of analysis was 18 mega-dam projects launched and completed across Kenya as listed under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation (MoWSI) while the unit of observation was the respective three officials (project manager, project engineer, geospatial engineer) in the MoWSI. A Census of all mega-dams completed in Kenya was conducted. In addition, the study purposively interviewed 5 key stakeholders including the cabinet secretary, permanent secretary from the MWSI, donor, contractor, and one randomly selected beneficiary from the community with the target mega-dam. This formed a total sample size of 180 respondents. Primary data was collected using the semi-structured questionnaires as well as the Key Informant Interview (KII) guide. Quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources and perspectives provided a more comprehensive and robust understanding. Pretesting was done by way of pilot testing to ascertain the validity and reliability of the tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarize and describe the key characteristics of the data, as well as draw conclusions and make inferences. Correlation findings showed that project initiation management and performance of selected mega-dam projects in Kenya have a strong positive and significant relationship (r= 0.874, p<0.05). In addition, regression findings showed that one-unit rise in project initiation management corresponds to a 0.433 improvement in the performance of these mega-dam projects. Based on the findings, the study concluded that project initiation management positively and significantly influences the performance of selected mega-dam projects in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that project managers should give priority to project initiation management.
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    Effect of physical resource capability on performance of road construction projects funded by embu county government in Kenya
    (Research publish, 2024-03) Tabitha, Musyoki Wayua; Sang, Paul
    In Kenya, county governments have financed road construction projects that have taken longer to complete than anticipated, with most of them going over budget and providing work of lower than expected quality. In Embu, some road construction projects have stagnated, while others are dropped before they can be completed successfully. There is an opportunity cost associated with this situation since taxpayer money was wasted when it could have been put to better use supporting the expansion of Kenya's economy overall. Concerns have also been raised regarding the lack of physical resources, misappropriation of funds, shortage of human resources, and incapacity to invest in cutting edge information and communication technologies in road construction projects funded by the Embu County Government. The purpose of this study was to determine how the performance of road construction projects funded by the Kenyan county government of Embu was impacted by the physical resource capabilities. Descriptive survey and correlation designs were used in this investigation. The seven (7) road construction projects that the Embu county government started in 2017 and that haven't finished as of 2023 served as the analytical unit.The target population consisted of 70 community leaders who were selected from particular areas within the seven (7) construction projects funded by the Embu County Government, 30 workers from the planning department of the county government of Embu, and 67 contractors and supervisors. A total of 167 respondents made up the observation unit.. Using stratified random sampling, a scientific method was used to determine the sample size of 117. Responses to the questionnaire were gathered, and data was analyzed using (SPSS) version 24 under the guidance of regression analysis, means, and standard deviations. The findings showed that the majority of respondents mentioned that the county had equipment that was only somewhat necessary to complete the construction projects in the county. According to the study, physical resource capacity should be distributed according to task and efficiency requirements, with more machines being used during peak hours and fewer machines during slower periods
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    Influence of stakeholder involvement in project planning on managed equipment services health project performance at selected level v public hospitals in Kenya
    (Research publish, 2024-04) Rotich, Kelvin Cheruiyot; Chege, Perris
    The Managed Equipment Services (MES) health project adopted in 2015 by the Kenyan government has not conclusively solved the challenge of health equipment financing and availing specialized medical care to all citizens in the forty-seven counties. It has faced a myriad of challenges with stakeholders raising many concerns such as non-delivery or late delivery of equipment, cost overruns and idle equipment. Approximately 50 percent of public projects in Kenya perform dismally due to several reasons including inadequate stakeholder participation. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of stakeholder involvement in project planning on managed equipment services health project performance at selected level 5 public hospitals in Kenya. Descriptive survey design was applied. The study was conducted in five selected level V hospital MES projects. A census of all the selected five projects was done with a target population of 90 respondents, encompassing 15 county executive members, 20 hospital administrators and 55 departmental staff heads. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires that were given to participants. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used with assistance of the SPSS software tool. Descriptive techniques that include standard deviation and mean were used. Pearson Correlation and multiple linear regression were used for inferential techniques. The study found that stakeholder participation in planning of the MES project positively and significantly affected project performance. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement is important in project performance and it should be properly done in project planning, financing, implementation and M & E. The study suggested that stakeholder analysis and participation ought to be done in complex projects undertaken by many stakeholders.
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    Sustainable Competitive Advantage as an Outcome of Strategic Thinking: Evidence from Review of Literature
    (IJERN, 2024-03) Ndei, Florence Muthoni; Kinyua, Godfrey Muigai
    In the rapidly evolving market industry of the modern business world, the concept of sustainable competitive advantage has emerged as a key determinant of the level of firms’ success. Sustainable competitive advantage grows fundamentally out of the firm’s efforts to provide valuable, rare, nonimitable and non-substitutable services with the firms having the ability to utilize the organizational capabilities and resources. In the era of constant changes in conditions of business environment, firms must implement practices that establish competitive advantage in the long run. Use of traditional methods to make organizational decisions has been deemed unsuccessful due to complexity and dynamism in the business environment. It is therefore important and potentially beneficial for firms to embrace strategic thinking as a more reliable way of making determination and charting the path for creating customer value. Indeed, strategic thinking has been praised as potentially being able to confer a firm with the ability to envision and anticipate its desired future and realistically connect this future with present state of the enterprise. This study sought to review the existing conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature in strategic thinking and sustainable competitive advantage as well as propose theoretical model that guide research in these phenomena. Through extensive review of literature, this study has clearly demonstrated that sustainable competitive advantage is among the dominant outcomes of strategic thinking. This study also adopted resource-based view and dynamic capabilities theory as theoretical underpinnings of the constructs of strategic thing and sustainable competitive advantage. A review of both theoretical and empirical literature revealed various research gaps on the construct of strategic thinking and sustainable competitive advantage. The review identified lack of consensus in conceptualization and measurement of strategic thinking and sustainable competitive advantage. A theoretical model was developed to serve as a guide for future research work seeking to provide empirical evidence of the causal link between strategic thinking and sustainable competitive advantage in diverse contexts in order to form a reliable basis for guiding policy development and practice regarding these key organizational phenomena.
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    Competitiveness of Tier three Commercial Banks in Kenya: The Role of Strategic Leadership Practices
    (IJMRES, 2024-03) Okwiri, Mark Isaac Oluoch; Muathe, Stephen Makau
    The banking industry in Kenya has been dynamic, with only eight (8) out of the forty (40) banks controlling over 74% of the market share. The tier three banks, despite being the majority (22), only have 8.8% market share. The banks have also been characterized by turbulent operating market, declining revenues and profits, and shrinking capitalization. This has seen some of these banks being held at receivership and others put under statutory management. This prompted the study to assess whether strategic leadership has been a concern in these banks, and whether this has a hand in competitiveness of third tier banks in Kenya. The study was anchored on Porter’s theory of competitive advantage and the contingency theory of leadership. A cross-sectional research approach informed collection of data though a questionnaire from 112 participants drawn from 22 third-tier banks in Kenya. SPSS was used in analysis. The findings revealed that strategic leadership practices through financial resource mobilization, human resource development, strategic innovation, strategic direction and customer focus had a significant influence on competitiveness of tier three commercial banks in Kenya. The study concluded that strategic leadership practices through financial resource mobilization, human resource development, strategic innovation, strategic direction and customer focus were instrumental in enhancing the competitiveness of tier three commercial banks. The findings from the study could be significant to strategic management practitioners, managers of tier three commercial banks, the government and policy-makers and future researchers.
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    Portfolio Composition and Financial Performance of Investment Companies Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
    (IAJEF, 2024) Solomon, Cheruiyot K.; Aluoch, Moses Odhiambo; Ndungu, Peter
    Stakeholder choices are greatly swayed by potential gains from investment. They generally lean towards opportunities that promise heftier rewards rather than those that offer lower returns. Firms in the investment sector pledged greater profits, but they have yet to uphold their commitment. The downward trajectory in performance observed in investment firms enlisted on the Nairobi Securities Exchange shoulders much of the blame for this. By scrutinizing the interplay between the fiscal performance of publicly traded investment ventures in Kenya and the makeup of investment portfolios, this inquiry sought to furnish a response to this query. The focal point of this inquiry was to assess the influence of distinct asset classes on the profit margins of investment enterprises featured on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Five investment firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange were the subjects under investigation. To ensure a holistic grasp of the topic at hand, the research melded principles from other theories, including the Modern Portfolio Theory and the Black-Litterman Theory, to appraise a company's holdings. The scrutiny adopted a theoretical model to assess a company's holdings. The examination grounded itself on positivist philosophical tenets and a causal research approach. The quintet of investment enterprises listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange constituted the intended recipients of this inquiry, which was executed using secondary data procured from the exchange and the websites of the relevant investment firm. The study was slated to commence in 2015 and conclude after an eight-year span, terminating in 2022. To ensure the research was conducted within the bounds of legality and ethics, Kenyatta University and the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation both provided their sanction for the study to gather data. In the data analysis phase, both descriptive and inferential statistics were brought into play. Descriptive statistics, including standard deviation, mean, and median, were presented in tables and charts. In terms of inferential statistics, panel regression analysis and correlation were applied. Prior to executing the panel regression analysis, diagnostic tests were administered to affirm the assumptions of the panel model. The inquiry unearthed a substantial correlation between returns on investment (ROI) and equity fund investments. Financial performance and investments in mutual funds exhibited a modest but constructive correlation. Bond and real estate investments were found to have no appreciable effect on the return on investment for listed investment enterprises. To enhance their financial performance and more effectively mitigate their firm's investment risk, the study recommended that investment company management uphold a wellbalanced portfolio of investments. In an endeavor to refine their financial performance, investment firms should give heed to equity investments. This necessitated investing in dependable counters with superior dividend payout and appreciation potential.
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    Mobile Banking and Financial Performance of Microfinance Banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya
    (IRJP, 2024-03) Kipchoge, Edwin Kibet; Mutuku, Morrison
    Microfinance banks play an essential role in poverty reduction and economic development as they enhance financial inclusion. To reduce the cost of service delivery and improve efficiency in service delivery, microfinance banks in Kenya have adopted mobile payments. Despite adoption of mobile banking as among microfinance institutions in Kenya, their performance has been fluctuating over the years. Therefore, this study examined influence of mobile banking on microfinance institutions’ financial performance in Kenya. The study utilized an explanatory research design. The target population was 13 microfinance banks operating in Kenya and covered a period of 10 years (2012 to 2021). Since the sample size of the research was small, a census approach was employed. Secondary data on mobile banking and financial performance (ROA) was gathered from the Central Bank of Kenya and from microfinance banks’ financial statements in Kenya. Secondary data was gathered using data extraction checklist. Secondary data in this study was quantitative (continuous data). Quantitative data was also edited and then coded and keyed into STATA version 14 for purposes of analysis. Panel data analysis techniques were used in data analysis. Specifically, inferential and descriptive statistics were employed in quantitative data analysis. Descriptive statistics utilized included frequency distributions, percentages, standard deviation and mean. Diagnostic tests included autocorrelation test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, linear test, nit root test and Hausman test. Regression analysis was utilized to examine the effect of independent variable on the dependent variable. The study found that mobile banking has a positive and significant relationship on financial performance of microfinance banks in Kenya. The study recommends that microfinance banks in Kenya should consider expanding their mobile banking services to reach a broader customer base. This could involve developing user-friendly mobile apps, SMS-based services, or other mobile banking channels to make it easier for customers to access their accounts and conduct transactions.
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    Knowledge Management and Organization Performance; A Critical Review of Literature
    (CARI Journals, 2024-03) Andrea, Peter Teleli; Wanyoike, Rosemary
    Purpose: The performance of any organization relies on its available human resources. Organization performance has continuously been a concerned of management teams, owners, shareholders and researchers. Globally, most of organizations are overwhelmed by various forces which affecting their capability to endure and perform as expected. Trends of the twenty first century have pressed organizations to seek the best way to survive and excel in the turbulent environment. This study aimed to examine the effect of knowledge management and organization performance. Methodology: Desktop review was used to examine empirical review associated with knowledge management practices and performance Findings: The study found that knowledge management improves organizational performance. However, there are varying relationships between knowledge management practices with organizational performance. Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study informs management and other actors of organization on the necessity of knowledge management as an important resource organization ought to have for it to have competitive advantage.
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    Digital Capability and Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium-Scale Enterprises: A Review
    (EANSO, 2024-03) Kibor, Joy
    Digital Capability is considered one of the cardinal strategies that MSMEs can adopt to enhance their competitiveness and improve performance. However, several business enterprises continue to experience various setbacks, such as poor performance and slow growth, where almost 70 percent of SMEs close their businesses before their third year in operation. This may be attributed to an unfavorable business environment and rapid technological changes, requiring an equal and efficient change in business strategy. This paper, therefore, sought to assess the effect of digital capability on the performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises. Specifically, the study aimed to evaluate the influence of digital infrastructure, organization competency, and digital operations on the performance of Micro, Small, and medium-scale enterprises. The study adopted a qualitative survey design where the scholar did a literature search on different online databases, mainly Google Scholar, EBSCO, and Science Direct. The study was desk research, which involved reviewing academic journals, scholarly articles, and published research. The findings indicated that digital infrastructure, organization competency, and digital operations significantly positively affected the performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises. The study recommended that further studies be carried out using quantitative techniques to assess further the relationship between digital capability and the business sustainability of MSMEs.
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    Project Dynamics and Performance of Fishing Project Funded by International Committee of Red Cross, Lamu County Kenya
    (IAJEF, 2023-09) Owese, Caroline Akinyi; Mutswenje, Vincent Shiundu
    Employment, economic growth, food for the populace, and foreign and domestic money all share a great deal to the industry of fishing. Performance of fishing projects is key in the growth of Kenya’s agricultural sector and by extension the entire economy. Countries with more developed economies, such as Spain and China, have conducted the vast majority of the research on the dynamics and performance of fishing projects. Previous research findings in Kenya reveal that although the fishers claimed to be experiencing low fish catches due to changes in climate, lack of advanced fishing gears and vessels, fishing remained a major livelihood source. Evidence of studies showing the linkage between project sustainability and performance of fishing remains scanty, it is against this backdrop that the goal of this project was founded to provide strategies for improving the livelihoods of Lamu fishermen such that they not only benefit local residents but also significantly contribute to Kenya's economic development. This research aimed to analyze project dynamics and performance of fishing project funded by international committee of Red Cross Lamu County, Kenya. Three variables were identified, fisher men training, monitoring and evaluation and fisheries management. The study was anchored on the following theories; Diffusion of innovation theory, Classical fisheries management theory and theory of change. An explanatory research approach was harnessed. The study population was the Fishing project funded by International Committee of Red Cross. Observation unit included 344 individuals from Lamu and International committee of the Red Cross. This research used stratified sampling technique to sample selected Lamu fishermen and management level employees at Red Cross in Mombasa. Sample size comprised of 185 respondents. Data from the study was collected using questionnaires and data from journals, books, published and unpublished thesis.18 questionnaires were used for the pilot testing that formed 10 percent of the total sample size. Reliability and validity was tested. The results of Pearson correlation revealed that fisher men training, monitoring and evaluation and fisheries management had a positive and statistical significant effect on performance of fishing project. The results support the conclusions of prior research on the topic, while also adding to our understanding of the relationship between project dynamics and fishing project performance. Organizations should think about project dynamics to boost the efficiency of their fishing projects. Thus, long-term studies are needed in the future to investigate the correlation between project dynamics and costs of performance.