Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity for the Development Tool on Performance of Nongovernmental Projects in Turkana County, Kenya
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International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
The critical role played by Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya is to promote development and reduce poverty by implementing socio-economic programs and projects. This has seen huge investments being channeled towards NGOs based projects and therefore, their successful implementation and performance is equally critical. However, despite the significant investment that continues to be made towards NGOs based projects, most of them suffer a myriad of challenges hindering their completion within scheduled time, experiencing cost overruns, or fail to meet the required quality standards all of which are parameters of project performance. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of monitoring and evaluation capacity for the development tool on performance of nongovernmental projects in Turkana County, Kenya. The study employed both descriptive and crossectional research designs and the target population comprised of ongoing/completed 148 NGOs based projects in Turkana County, between the year 2014 and 2022. A stratified random sampling design was applied to take care of the different sectors where the NGOs based projects are being implemented. 20% of the target population comprised the sample size of 30 projects. The target respondents comprised of M&E officers, project managers, procurement officers, finance officers and development partners’ representatives, all comprising 180 respondents as unit of observation. The primary data was collected using a semi-structured survey. Construct validity was determined by matching the operationalized variables to the theoretical construct. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of internal Consistency was used to evaluate the reliability of the data. The qualitative data was examined using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The study established that M&E capacity tools development had a positive significant influence on the performance of nongovernmental based projects in Turkana. The study concluded that M&E tools help project managers to track and measure project progress toward organizational impact goals. The study recommended that project managers should select an M&E tool depending on the type of information required, the available resources, and the unique assessment goals and objectives.
Journal Article
Ekwang'a, L.M. & Mutuku, M. (2023). Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity for the Development Tool on Performance of Nongovernmental Projects in Turkana County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Vol. 11 Issue 3.