PHD-Department of Management Science
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Item Macro environment and performance of roads construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2025-08) Kamarkor, Akuto Musaeh BPDespite being critical for Kenya's economic development, road construction projects in Nairobi City County frequently experience significant performance issues. These challenges are largely due to a variety of environmental factors that disrupt project success. Consequently, this study aimed to explore the relationship between the macro environment and the performance of roads construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives included establishing the connections between socio-cultural factors, economic factors, technological aspects and political factors with the performance of roads construction projects in Nairobi City County. Additionally, the research aimed to assess the moderating impact of government policies on the relationship between macro environment factors and project performance. Furthermore, it aimed to evaluate the mediating influence of project stakeholders’ involvement on the connection between macro environment factors and project performance. The theoretical foundations guiding this study encompassed Systems Theory, stakeholder theory, upper echelons’ theory, and contingency theory. Utilizing a positive research philosophy, the study adopted a descriptive and explanatory research design. Nairobi City County, in this context, referred to the five counties in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area: Nairobi County, Kiambu County, Kajiado County, Machakos County, and Murang’a County. The target audience comprised the 176 completed roads construction projects in Nairobi City County executed by the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA). The unit of observation encompassed road engineers, project planners, and directors (KERRA), road supervisors, road inspectors, road surveyors, contractors, and members of project implementation teams (KERRA). The unit of analysis focused on the completed roads construction projects in Nairobi City County. Proportional stratified sampling was employed to determine a sample size of 253 respondents. Data collection involved the use of a structured questionnaire, with reliability tested through the split-half method and content validity employed for validity. Descriptive statistics1 were produced, including frequencies, percentages, mean scores, and1 standard1 deviation. The study carried out diagnostic tests, including normality test, heteroscedasticity test, linearity test, and1 multicollinearity test. Multiple linear regression, an inferential statistical technique, was1 utilized1. The results were displayed through tables. The study unveiled a positive and significant relationship between socio-cultural factors, economic factors, technological factors, and political factors with project performance. Furthermore, it identified that government policies exerted a moderating effect on project performance and project stakeholder involvement played a partial mediating role in project performance. In conclusion, the study establishes a discernible relationship between socio-cultural, economic, technological, and political factors and project performance. The research recommends that project managers and policymakers collaborate with local communities to integrate their cultural practices and lifestyle patterns into project planning and execution. The research recommends that project planners and financial institutions implement robust mechanisms for interest rate management to minimize financing risks. Project managers are urged to embrace digitization and automation, leveraging on technology to address complex technicalities before and during construction. To maintain adequate government funding, the study advocates for continued advocacy efforts to highlight the positive impact of infrastructure projects on local development. Furthermore, ongoing efforts to streamline procurement processes and eliminate corruption are encouraged to ensure a conducive environment for successful project outcomes. The outcome of the study would be useful to scholars, policy makers, and project management experts and stakeholders. The study suggests1 that macro environment factors1 not considered1 in the current study can be studied in other studiesItem Project Life Cycle Management and Performance of Selected Mega Dam Projects in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Bongei, MichaelPerformance of large projects including mega dams is strongly correlated to strict adherence to project life cycle (PLC) phases, while considering the risks such as displacement of people and natural ecosystem disturbance. Understanding these risks helps project managers and stakeholders make informed decisions thus creating a positive legacy for the project in the long run. The main objective of the thesis was to determine theiinfluenceiofiprojectilifeicycleimanagementioniperformanceiofitheimega dam projects in Kenya, moderated by risk management practices and mediated by technological innovationicapabilities.iTheispecificiobjectivesiincluded:itoiassessihow project initiation management, project planning management, project implementation management and project monitoring influences performance of mega dam projects in Kenya. The study was was founded on Theory of Change, Resource-Based View Theory, Agency Theory, Risk Management Theory and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. This study wasiguided byipositivistiresearchiphilosophy.iAidescriptiveicross-sectional survey research design was adopted. In this study the unit of analysis was 18 mega dam projects launched and completed across Kenya as listed under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation (MoWSI) as at September 2023while the unit of observation was three officials (project manager, project engineer, geospatial engineer) in the MoWSI. A Census of all mega dams completed in Kenya was conducted. In addition, the study purposively interviewed 5 key stakeholders including the cabinet secretary, permanent secretary from the MWSI, donor, contractor and one randomly selected beneficiary from the community with the target mega dam. This formed a total sample size of 180 respondents. Primary data was collected using semi structured questionnaires as well as Key Informant Interview (KII) guide. Combination of quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources and perspectives provided a more comprehensive and robust understanding. Questionnaire pretesting was done by a way of pilot testing to ascertain the validity and reliability of the tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse, summarize and describe the key characteristics of the data, as well as draw conclusions and make inferences. Based on the findings, the study concluded that project initiation management positively and significantly influences performance of selected mega dam projects in Kenya. In addition, the study concluded that project planning managementipositivelyiandisignificantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselected mega dam projects in Kenya. Further, the study concluded that project implementation management positively andisignificantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselectedimegaidamiprojects in Kenya.iBasedionitheifindings,itheistudyiconcludedithatiprojectimonitoring positively and significantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselectedimegaidamiprojects in Kenya. The study alsoiconcludesithatiriskimanagementipracticeihasisignificantimoderating effect on the relationshipibetweeniprojectilifeicycleimanagementiandiperformanceiof selected mega dam projects in Kenya. Further, the study concludes that technological innovation capabilities hasisignificantimediatingieffectionitheirelationshipibetweeniproject life cycle management and performance of selected mega dam projects in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that project managers should give priority to project initiation management, project planning management, project implementation management, project monitoring, risk management practice and technological innovation capabilities.Item Effects of Government Policy on the Nexus between Project Management Practices and Sustainability of Agribusiness Projects in Kenya(AJEST, 2024-05) Kabethi, Joseph Miano; Ngugi, Lucy; Maingi, JamesThe study sought to establish the effects of government policy on the relationship between known project management practices and sustainability of Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Projects(KAPAP) in selected Counties in Kenya. The predictor variables were capacity building practices, stakeholder management practices, project design practices, and monitoring and evaluation practices, while project sustainability was the response variable. Descriptive and explanatory designs were utilized both in the study. The population comprised of 6,401 KAPAP projects implemented between years 2012 to 2015. A sample of 376 respondents was selected through multistage random sampling methods. A semi-structured questionnaire whose reliability was tested through Cronbach alpha coefficient at 0.7 threshold was used for data collection. Multiple linear regression models were applied in data analysis after testing for normality, linearity and multicollinearity. From the findings, each of the four project management practices had a statistically significant influence on the sustainability of KAPAP projects. There was 71.8% joint influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The proportion of joint explanation improved by 6.9% on inclusion of government policy as a moderating variable. This confirmed that government policy statistically and significantly moderated the relationship between project management practices and project sustainability. The study recommends that project management practices should be closely integrated with government policies to significantly enhance the sustainability of projects, particularly in the agribusiness sector. In addition, project managers and other stakeholders should proactively align their project strategies with current and emerging government policies to enhance sustainability. It is also recommended that policymakers should work collaboratively with project management teams to develop and nature a supportive policy environment for projects. The collaborative approach would lead to development of policies that are both practical and beneficial, ultimately contributing to the achievement of sustainable project objectives.Item Project Management Practices and Sustainability of Agribusiness Projects in Selected Counties in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2023) Miano, Kabethi Joseph; Lucy Ngugi; James Njatha MaingiConcerns abound on the sustainability of most agribusiness projects a few years after implementation. Without sustainability, the projects do not attain the desired objectives while the resources expended in such endeavours are wasted or lost. Various authors opine that the attainment of project sustainability requires integration of sustainability aspects in project management practices. However, the effect of such practices on sustainability of agribusiness projects in Kenya remains unknown. Through multiple linear regression model, the study was set to look at the effect of project management practices on the sustainability of Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Projects (KAPAP) in selected Counties in the country. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of; project design practices, project capacity building practices, project stakeholder management practices as well as project monitoring and evaluation practices on sustainability of KAPAP, where government policy was considered as a moderating variable. The inquiry adopted a pragmatism research paradigm with descriptive and explanatory research designs. The study population comprised of 6,401 communities of interest groups under which KAPAP projects were implemented from year 2010 to 2015. A sample of 376 projects was selected by stratified multistage random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire and captured through SPSS software. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. Qualitative data was subjected to content analysis. The study findings were presented using tables and charts. From the findings, the four project management practices had a positive significant effect on the sustainability of KAPAP projects while government policy significantly moderated the effect of the relationship between the variables. The research recommends for consideration of various project management practices collectively rather than each in isolation to improve on project sustainability. On capacity building practices, enhanced practical oriented project activities are necessary to impart hands on skills relevant for project sustainability. Inclusion of project beneficiaries from the beginning of a project is important for project ownership and sustainability. Government officers should avoid micromanaging the projects and allow project beneficiaries some latitude in decision making for project ownership and sustainability. There is also need for proper coordination of national and regional/county government activities pertaining to agricultural productivity projects in the country to ensure the stakeholders get essential services relevant for project sustainability. In addition, the monitoring and evaluation systems should provide feedback in a timely manner to allow for effective corrective measures to be undertaken in time further promoting the prospects of attaining project sustainability.Item Information Technology Capability and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Gitau, Lucy Muthoni; Felix Musau; David M. NzukiAlthough manufacturing firms support economic development, wealth creation and poverty alleviation, a dismal performance has been reported. In Kenya, the share of gross domestic product (GDP) to manufacturing sector has remained below 10 per cent while its growth rate remained at about 5 percent in the last 10 years. This has been attributed to low innovation and technology diffusion. This study examined the effects of IT infrastructure, personnel, management and reconfiguration capabilities on firm performance. Further, the moderating effect of firm size and the mediating effect of competitive advantage, were explored. The study was anchored on Resource Based View, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, knowledge based and Dynamic Capability Theory and the balanced scorecard. Positivism philosophical approach, descriptive and explanatory research design were adopted. Using stratified and random sampling techniques, a sample of 222 manufacturing firms from Nairobi City County, was obtained from a target population of 526 firms. A semi-structured questionnaire was prepared and used for data collection. The internal consistency test on the data collection tool yielded a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient >0.7 affirming the reliability of the study instrument. Research experts confirmed validity of the study instrument. The data was analysed through descriptive statistics to condense the survey data. To test hypotheses, inferential statistics was used. The results showed a positive significant effect of IT infrastructure capability (β=0.231, p=0.005 < 0.05), IT personnel capability (β=0.165, p=0.044 < 0.05), IT management capability (β=0.183, p=0.018 < 0.05) and IT reconfiguration capability (β=0.288, p=0.001 < 0.05) on performance. The study findings also exhibited a 49.2 per cent explanatory power of IT capability on firm performance. From the study findings, the interaction between IT capability and firm performance was partially mediated by competitive advantage. Firm size did not moderate the relation between IT capability and firm performance. Study findings provide knowledge in IT investment and configuration of IT capability. Subsequently, firms’ IT managers and personnel should proactively build relationships with business functions and promote effective use of information technology through shared insights on business-related knowledge. Firm managers should also invest in building IT capability through planning, organizing, coordinating and control of IT use. Such interventions will lead to enhanced firm competitiveness and performance.Item Project Management Practices and Sustainability of Food Security Projects in Counties within Arid Lands, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Nyaga, Juster Gatumi; Lucy Ngugi; Franklin KinotiDespite the staggering economic, social and ecological costs of meeting food demand, the expected impacts of implementing food security projects have not been felt. Although inclination with execution related to food projects in many regions has displayed substantial improvements, the trends with sustainability is relatively unsatisfactory, as less projects show continuity. Upon realizing their importance, the Government of Kenya has put measures by creating partnership to implement food security projects towards improving its accessibility in low-income communities. However, their sustainability has been a challenge in the sense that some projects remain partially operational five years after the withdrawal of the main donor while others become defunct. Despite of numerous projects implemented in Counties within arid lands approximately 50% are unsustainable as indicated by the majority having short life-span, stalled, never impact on community and other collapse. Past related studies have presented conceptual, contextual and methodological gaps. This study aimed to examine the effects of project management practices on the sustainability of food security initiatives in Counties within arid lands in Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of project leadership, stakeholder engagement, project monitoring and evaluation and capacity building strategies on sustainability of food security projects. In addition, this study investigated the effects of enterprise environmental factors on the association between regressor and regressed variables. The study is anchored on resource-based view theory, contingency theory and project management competency theory. Positivist viewpoint was deemed appropriate in this investigation. There was use of descriptive and explanatory research designs. The investigation targeted 413 food security projects implemented between the year 2014 and 2017 and within eight Counties in arid lands in Kenya with a sample of 203 food security projects. The respondents were 243, consisting of project group leaders, UN agencies representatives and County government representatives. We employed stratified random sampling to obtain proportionate trials from each of eight Counties and primary data were gathered using a self-administered survey. Explaining the characteristics of the distribution, the study used means and standard deviation, while to assess the strength and direction of association Pearson’s correlations coefficients was used. Multiple regression models assisted to assess the cause effect relationship in study variables. Findings indicated that project leadership, stakeholder engagement, project monitoring and evaluation and capacity building strategies had significant effects on sustainability of food security projects. The study concludes that project leadership, stakeholder engagement, project monitoring and evaluation and capacity building strategies improves the sustainability of projects. Also, the study concludes that EEFs do not have moderating effects on the relationships between PMPs and projects sustainability. Therefore, the analysis suggests that project leaders ought to suggest clear guidelines which ensure they have the required qualifications to direct the project operations and resources. Stakeholders should be engaged at all stages of the projects for their commitment towards the projects. Projects should be continuously monitored and evaluated to pick on the issues affecting project and more strategies for capacity building should be embraced for project sustainability.Item Knowledge Transfer Strategy and Performance of Medium Size Family Owned Businesses in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Kaibung’a, Joseph MworiaFamily owned medium businesses contribute significantly to Kenyan economic development. Despite this vital contribution, family owned medium enterprises have been performing poorly. Profits, sales growth, intergenerational transition and family members’ satisfaction has been proved to be low. Extant literature shows that knowledge transfer strategy may influence performance of businesses. This study therefore sought to establish the effect of knowledge transfer strategy on performance of medium size family owned businesses in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to assess the effect of organizational learning strategy, codification strategy, personalization strategy and mentorship strategy on performance of medium size family owned businesses in Kenya. The study further sought to establish the mediating effect of human resource competences and the moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between knowledge transfer strategy and performance of medium size family owned businesses in Kenya. The study was premised on social exchange theory, learning organization theory, knowledge based view theory, institutional theory, balanced scorecard theory and resource1based1view1theory. The philosophy used was positivism while the research design was descriptive and explanatory approaches. The study targeted four senior managers of 320 mid-size family businesses in Kenya. Proportionate stratified sampling of the manufacturing, service and trade sectors were used to establish a representative sample of 560 respondents. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data, and a document review guide was used to obtain secondary data. Face, construct, and content validity were all ensured with the help of experts and supervisors, as well as confirmatory factor analysis with factor loadings of 0.4 or above. Cronbach's Alpha was used to measure reliability, and a coefficient of 0.7 was found to be satisfactory. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Inferential analysis examined knowledge transfer strategy effect on medium family1owned1businesses performance in Kenya through the use of multivariate analysis and hypothesis testing. Results were presented using charts and tables. Content analysis was used in analysing qualitative data. The study concluded that organizational learning strategy, codification strategy, personalization strategy and mentorship strategy positively and significantly affects performance of medium size family owned businesses in Kenya. The study also established that human resource competences have a significant partial mediating effect on the relationship between knowledge transfer strategy and performance of medium size family owned businesses in Kenya. In addition, it was established that firm culture has positive and significant moderating effect on the relationship between knowledge transfer strategy and medium size family owned businesses performance in Kenya. The study recommends management of family owned businesses to initiate reforms aimed at achieving better performance though adoption of effective knowledge transfer strategies in this modern era. The study is significance since it provides insights to family business owners, management and the government on how to improve performance of family owned medium size businesses.Item Risk Management and Performance of Information Technology Projects by Commercial Banks In Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Okong’o, Ouma Fredrick; Paul Sang; Franklin Kinoti KaburuUndertaking an information technology project in a banking environment is a complex task. Studies globally and locally indicate a problem of high failure rate of information technology projects. Standish group report 2019 states that 83.9 percent of information technology projects partially or completely fail. Majority of the projects, 52 percent were over budget, overdue, or lacked promised functionality. Previous studies indicate information technology projects by commercial Banks in Kenya experience the same project performance variations, as projects are either delayed, over budget or have issues with functionality. Risk is a factor that challenges project performance. Project risk management includes risk identification, analysis, response, and monitoring and control of risk in a project. The goal of project risk management is to reduce the likelihood and/or severity of unfavourable risks. The overall goal of this study was to examine the relationship between risk management and performance of information technology project by commercial banks in Kenya, taking into account the moderating effect of project complexity and the mediating effect of risk culture, both of which had been largely overlooked in previous research hence filling a research vacuum. Unit of analysis was thirty six selected IT projects. Questionnaires were used to collect the data from the targeted one hundred and eight respondents. The instrument was tested for reliability by use of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal consistency test and validity by use of selected information technology project professionals’ review. Based on a survey, the research used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. The influence of risk management on performance of information technology projects by commercial banks in Kenya was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis model software tool SPSS Version 25. The study adopted empirical model of least squares method while testing the hypotheses. The researcher conducted diagnostic tests of Normality, Linearity, Homoscedasticity and Multicollinearity to see if the data conforms to the basic assumptions of linear regression. The findings were presented using statistical parameter estimates.Tables and figures were used to present data, and supported by explanatory annotations. The results indicated that risk analysis, risk responses and risk monitoring and control had significant effects on the performance of information technology projects in the banking sector. Risk identification was not significant. The study also found out that project complexity had a moderating effect on the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The results indicated that risk culture had no mediating effect on the relationship between risk management practices and performance of information technology projects. The study recommends that banks should consider implementing and fully operationalize risk management practices in information technology projects. The Central Bank of Kenya should also consider putting in place an information technology projects risk policy framework to aid the banks in project undertakings.Knowledge gap is addressed by scholarly work and findings that has resulted from this research by providing statistical data analysis and explanations given on the relationship between risk management and Information Technology project performance undertaken by commercial banks in Kenya.Item Business Intelligence Capability and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Wamai, Muiga John; Rosemary James; Joshua W. TumutiThe banking sector in Kenya has continuously invested in business intelligence capability for growth, improved efficiency and financial performance. During the last seven years, returns on assets of commercial banks has been diminishing despite the adoption of business intelligence capability. In reference to this context, the study intended to evaluate the effect of business intelligence capability on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Specifically, the study investigated how infrastructure, data integration and organisational capabilities influence the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study further assessed how competitive advantage mediates the association between business intelligence capability and performance of commercial banks. The main theory anchoring the study was resource-based view supported by DeLone and McLean‟s model and dynamic capability view theory. An explanatory non-experimental design was employed to conduct a census involving the 43 commercial banks in Kenya. The respondents were 129, made up of the heads of information technology, operations managers and credit managers drawn from the commercial banks. Both primary and secondary data were applied. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data on business intelligence capability whereas secondary data on bank performance was gathered from audited financial statements using data collection sheet. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were affirmed. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for analysis. Means, standard deviation and frequencies were used. Ordinary list squares model was also used in analysis. Diagnostic tests of normality, linearity, autocorrelation, homoscedasticity and multicollinearity were conducted to ascertain conformance with assumptions of linear regression. The main beneficiaries of the study were the commercial banks management, academia and policy makers. The main results of the study revealed that commercial banks in Kenya had various business intelligence capabilities such as infrastructure, data integration and organization capabilities which positively and significantly affect performance. The study also found that competitive advantage does not mediate the association between business intelligence capabilities and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study concluded that commercial banks in Kenya had business intelligence capabilities which included infrastructure, data integration and organization capabilities which have an effect on commercial banks performance. It was recommended that the leadership of commercial banks and other stakeholders should embrace business intelligence capability as it is an effective performance management strategy.Item Project Governance and Sustainability of Youth Empowerment Projects in Makueni County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2021) Kaumbulu, Ambrose Kyalo; Stephen Muathe; Rosemary JamesThe youth empowerment projects have been a strategic asset towards the growth of the economy as the youth constitute the most productive resource in the near future; Kenya has or will ever have. The Kenya vision 2030 recognizes the importance of youth empowerment in its socio- economic pillar through several implementations to empower the youths. However, in Makueni County concerns have been raised concerning the sustainability of youth empowerment projects as most of the projects fail to live up to their expectations. Hence, this study sought to examine the effect of project governance on sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Makueni County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of stakeholder management, governance structure, and project team diversity on sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Makueni County, Kenya. Further, the study set to examine the mediating effect of project quality and moderating effect of project operating environment on the relationship between project governance and sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Makueni County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Systems Theory, Resource Based View Theory, Dynamic Capabilities Theory, Agency Theory, Contingency Theory and Stakeholder Theory. The study was steered by Positivism Philosophy whereas both descriptive and explanatory research designs were employed. The target population was 28 youth empowerment projects in Makueni County. A sample size of 196 respondents was computed by use of Krejcie and Morgan Formula, a census and proportionate stratified random sampling techniques were employed to pick an appropriate and representative sample from each sector of the youth empowerment projects. To gather data from respondents, a self-administered questionnaire was utilized, which was then analysed through both descriptive and inferential analysis. The descriptive statistic was utilized to explain and outline the characteristics of the data from the survey, and inferential statistics through multiple regression analysis was employed to test the nature and magnitude of the hypothesized relationship between the project governance and project sustainability. The findings were summarized in figures and tables for clear comprehension and interpretation. The study findings indicated that stakeholder management; governance structure and project team diversity positively and significantly affected sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Makueni County. Project quality partially mediated the relationship between project governance and sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Makueni County, Kenya. Project operating environment was also found to moderate the relationship between project governance and sustainability of youth empowerment projects. The study concluded that effective project governance in regard to stakeholder management, well incorporated governance structures and effective project team diversity affects project quality positively and significantly thus, affecting project sustainability. The study recommends project management to consider involving all stakeholders throughout all the phases of project initiation and implementation. The study also recommends that to enhance project sustainability, need arises to put to place effective governance structures. Moreover, there is need for project management to strive to accommodate diversity within the project team. The project management should also enable a stable project operating environment for the youth projects to achieve the sustainability benefits of being economically, environmentally and socially stable.Item Managerial Processes and Performance of Rural Electrification Projects in Kitui County, Kenya.(Kenyatta University, 2021) Mueni, Kathongo Stellah; Mary Ragui; Caleb Kiruigovernment invests in rural electrification projects to boost the country's socioeeconomic development and growth. However, despite the efforts put by the government, performance of the projects remains to be poor in terms of projects efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction of the customer‟s needs. The study sought to establish the effect of managerial processes on performance of rural electrification project in Kitui County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the influence of monitoring and evaluation, risk management, stakeholder management and resource mobilization on the performance of rural electrification projects. In addition, the study sought to establish the moderating effect of regulatory framework and mediating effect of organization structure on relationship between managerial processes and performance of projects. The study was underpinned by resource based view theory and supported by stakeholder theory and management competency theory. The study was guided by positivism as a philosophical foundation. To achieve the study‟s objectives, descriptive and explanatory research design was used. The study target population was 125 rural electrification projects in Kitui County. The study targeted 75 respondents and census approach was used. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was analysed by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data by use of content analysis. The diagnostic tests undertaken by the study were multicollinearity, homoscedasticity, linearity and normality test. Multiple regression analysis established the effects of managerial processes on performance of RE projects. SPSS software was in analysis of quantitative data. The study findings showed that monitoring and evaluation, risk management, and resource mobilization had positive significant effect on the performance of projects while stakeholder management had insignificant effect on performance. Further, the study results indicated that regulatory framework and organization structure had moderating and partial mediating effects on the relationship between managerial processes and performance of the rural electrification projects. The study recommended that the government to get more organizations to help in implementing rural electrification projects, ensure compliance of polices and electricity regulation and finally ensure frequent review of policies to be in line with vision 2030. Further, the study recommended organization to get other independent bodies to conduct monitoring and evaluation of the projects.Item Governance and Resilience of Project Networks among Agricultural Innovation Platforms in Central and South Western Uganda(Kenyatta University, 2021) Mugarura, Yosamu; Paul Sang; James MaingiForming agricultural innovation platforms (AIPS) provides a key attempt at integrating stakeholders into project affairs in order to achieve resilient project networks. However, in majority of the AIPs, innovations have either collapsed or not moved beyond locality borders with reported incidents of corruption, resignation of leaders, and conflicts between key sets of actors. The study therefore investigated how governance affects project resilience networks for (AIPS) in the Central and the South western parts of Uganda. Specifically, the research assessed the effects of management practices, network composition, and cultural attributes. Further the study investigated the mediating effect of network interactions as well as how policy framework moderates the relationship between governance and resilience of project networks among AIPS. The study was underpinned by systems theory, stakeholder theory and social network theory. The study used positivism research philosophy with explanatory research design. The participants of the analysis were 220 individuals in 22 AIPs in Central and South Western Uganda. We surveyed 132 actors through stratified sampling techniques in the 22 AIPs in Central and South western Uganda. Semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection in each of the AIPs in the analysis. From the 132 actors visited, 103 were sampled making up a representative index of 78%. The analysis was performed using a mathematical statistical program SPSS. Both research variables were validated at a 95% degree of trust. The results revealed that management practices and network composition were moderately exhibited while cultural attributes, network interactions, and policy framework were more exhibited. The study concluded that cultural characteristics, network structure, and management activities have a strong impact on the sustainability of project networks in central and the South western Uganda. The study concludes that network interactions partially mediated the relation between governance and resilience of project networks. Policy system proved to have the most important impact on project networks' durability. Cantered on these findings’ conclusions, the study suggests the following recommendations: First, AIP leadership should emphasize coordination, accountability, as well as monitoring and evaluation framework. Secondly, management of AIPs should put mechanisms in place that encourage AIP members to embrace network composition. Thirdly, AIPs should put in place strategies that promote proper practice of network norms, values, and power distance. Fourthly, AIPs should embrace common understanding, cooperation, trust and capacity building and learning. Finally, AIPs should encourage involvement of government representatives and align AIP activities with government policies. The study recommends an empirically tested governance framework that articulates clear management pathways of governing AIPs and ensuring their resilience. The study also successfully introduced and validated project network concepts into AIP context. The study successfully tested a combined effect of different governance components on resilience of project networks. Finally, the study validated the application of systems, stakeholder and network theories in project networks that exist in agricultural sector (AIPs).Item Wellness Programs and Employee Performance in Commercial Banks, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2020-05) Ng’eno, Weldon KThe objective of the study was to analyse the effect of wellness programs on the performance of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine the extent to which employee counselling programmes, drug and substance abuse cessation programmes and provision of recreational facilities affected employee performance within the commercial banks in Kenya. The study was guided by 3 theories namely, social comparison, social exchange and hierarchy of needs theories. The study was guided by a positivist philosophy and used descriptive research deign targeting 30,903 employees of the 43 commercial banks in Kenya. Proportionate stratified sampling combined with purposive sampling was used to identify 395 respondents for the study. Pilot study was done to check on the reliability and validity of the instrument using Cronbach alpha (α) and expert opinion respectively. Structured questionnaires was used to source for primary data while other studies, libraries, worldwide web and organizational reports provided secondary data. Descriptive statistics and regression model was used to analyse quantitative data while content analysis was utilized to anlayse qualitative data. A response rate of 71% was achieved and employee performance was found to be affected positively by the wellness programs provided by the banks. Recreational facilities had the highest effect (76.9%), employee counselling programmes (61.8%) while drug and substance abuse cessation programs (46%). The findings also found that employee performance was mediated by employee job satisfaction while employee characteristics also moderated the relationship between employee performance and wellness programs. The employees who would be satisfied with utilizing wellies programs would perform better evidenced by the reduced absenteeism levels, enhanced punctuality, enhanced morale, and reduced stress and anxiety among the employees. The moderating variable of employee characteristics affected employee punctuality, influence the speed at which the employees performed their assignments, helped in reducing employee stress, enhanced teamwork and ultimately improved the productivity and output levels. The study recommends that the employee counselling programmes should be enhanced, recreational facilities play a critical role in enhancing performance among employees and should be provided for the employees. The facilities should be accessible to most of the employees and appropriately flexible. The study also recommends that the commercial banks should endeavour to make employees be satisfied with their work so that they can enhance output, which can be done through job enlargement, enrichment and even rotation which ultimately enhances employee engagement. There is also need for commercial banks to consider the characteristics of the individual employees in its human resource practice. On policy level, commercial banks should consider policy changes on how wellness programs are considered in workplaces, either public or private and that there would be need to incorporate wellness programs and utilization as a measure to manage medical costs through the incorporation of the same in the Employment Law of Kenya. The study suggest that further studies be conducted on the cost benefit analysis of the wellness programs so as to demystify the “high” costs implication of the wellness programs regardless of the benefits out of it; on the impact of employee attitude on successful implementation of the wellness programs with the organizations and on the impact of employee counselling on employee performanceItem Macro Environment and Performance of Donor Funded Health Projects in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2020-05) Mobegi, Jones Ong’eraProjects have become an integral part of organizations’ strategy. Health projects in particular, have been found to carry out a critical function in enhancing the well-being of society. In Kenya, many health projects are funded by donors. Although the amounts of funding from donors have been rising over the years, most donor funded health projects in Kenya are not performing well. According to the World Health Organization, almost 50 percent of health projects in Kenya do not achieve the performance measures of cost, time and quality. Recent studies have demonstrated that the macro environment comprising of the economic, social-cultural, political, technological, legal and the physical environment has a significant effect on the performance of government funded projects. However, there is scanty information on the effect of the macro environment on the performance of donor financed health projects in Kenya. This study specifically sought to determine the effect of social- cultural, economic, technological and political environments on the performance of donor funded health projects in Kenya. The moderating effect of top management support and the mediating effect of project risk management on the relationship between the macro environment, and the performance of donor funded health projects in Kenya were also investigated. The research was anchored on The Theory of Constraints and supported by Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory and The Goal Setting Theory. The study was guided by the positivism philosophy and it adopted an explanatory and descriptive research designs. A census of all the sixty-nine donor funded health projects initiated between 2008 and 2018, and were ongoing was conducted. Six section heads for the donor financed health projects at the Ministry of Health were also included in the study. Primary data was gathered by administering semi-structured questionnaires to identified respondents after seeking official authorization from relevant entities. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied in the analysis and presentation of data. Quantifiable data was examined using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software while qualitative data was examined by content analysis based on patterns and themes. A multiple regression model was used to explain how the macro environment affects the performance of donor funded health projects in Kenya and to test hypothesis.The study found out that social-cultural, economic and political environment had a significant effect on the performance of donor funded health projects. The study further established that top management support moderated the relation between the macro environment and the performance of donor funded health projects. The research also determined that project risk management had a partial mediation on the relationship between the macro xix environment and the performance of donor funded health projects. Consequently, the study recommended that the government of Kenya should develop policies and frameworks that will minimize the negative effects of the economic environment and maximize the positive effects of the social-cultural and political environments on the performance of donor funded health projects. The study also recommended that all decision makers and other donor funded health project stakeholders should devise strategies for enhancing the performance of their projects within their macro environment.It is also imperative for the government and other stakeholders in the donor funded health projects to embrace project risk management practices to ensure the projects are successful. Furthermore, the donor funded health projects top management should provide the needed support in the initiation, planning, and execution of the projects to enhance the performance of the projects.Item Information Technology Integration and Performance of Selected Public Hospitals in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2019-12) Iloka, Kenneth MalongoKenya’s health sector is faced by inefficiencies and ineffectiveness that deters the achievement of its citizens goals of universal health, faireness, cost effectiveness, acceptance and sustainable development. Kenya’s Vision 2030 outlines provision of healthcare as key to improving the quality of life for all Kenyans while public hospitals guarantee improved citizens’ wellbeing. Universal health coverage is one of the pillars in the Big Four Agenda to be achieved by the Government of Kenya by the year 2022. The Ministry of Health has underlined Information Technology Integration as one of its reform strategies to ensure public health institutions perform better. Despite the increasing demand and need for healthcare, performance of public hospitals has been crippling. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of information technology integration on performance of selected public hospitals in Kenya. The specific objectives were to: establish the effect of humaninformation technology integration on performance of selected public hospitals; determine the effect of organizational information technology integration on performance of selected public hospitals; analyze the effect of information technology infrastructure integration on performance of public hospitals; analyze the moderating effect of organizational characteristics on the relationship between information technological integration and performance of selected public hospitals; analyze the mediating effect of user perception on the relationship between information technological integration and performance of selected public hospitals in Kenya. This study was anchored on Technology-Organization- Environment Model, Technology Acceptance Model, Diffusion of Innovations Theory as well as Dynamic Capabilities Theory. The study was guided by positivism research. An explanatory and cross-sectional survey research design were utilized. The target population of the study included ninety-eight, public hospitals in Kenya which have integrated managed equipment services, comprising ninety-four from the forty-seven counties and four national referral hospitals. A sample size of 294 respondents was drawn using proportionate stratified random sampling. The study used primary data collected using self-administered structured questionnaire. To analyze the features of the surveyed public hospitals and the respondents, descriptive statistics were used. Multiple regression analysis was carried out to determine the effect of information technology integration, organizational characteristics and user perception on performance. Results from the study showed that integration of human-information technology, organizational information technology integration and infrastructure flexibility had a significant positive impact on the performance of public hospitals in Kenya. The study further found that the characteristics of the organization and the perception of the users respectively moderated and mediated the relationship between the integration of information technology and the performance of public hospitals in Kenya. The study concluded that the integration of information technology in public hospitals plays an important role in increasing hospital efficiency, relevance, effectiveness and financial viability. The study recommends enhanced use of integrated information technology by public hospitals in Kenya for improved performance hence better service delivery.Item Resource Isolating Mechanism and Competitive Advantage Among Commercial Banks in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2019-07) Ndegwa, Purity WairimuCommercial banks in Kenya are facing intense rivalry within the industry. For these banks to survive, it is important that they respond to the changes in the external environment. Competitive advantage which has become the core focus of corporate strategy, has increasingly gained much attention in strategic management and is a concept which enables organizations to survive in the long-run. Studies done on competitive advantage show a number of empirical and theoretical gaps as they concentrated on the resources a firm should have to create competitive advantage but lacked explanation on which resource isolating mechanisms a firm should adopt to sustain the competitive advantage. The main purpose of this study was to establish the effect of resource isolating mechanism on competitive advantage among commercial banks in Kenya. The specific objectives in this study were to determine the effect of economic deterrence, identification of rival competitive advantage and exploitation of opportunities on competitive advantage among commercial banks in Kenya. This relationship was mediated by organizational capabilities and moderated by management characteristic and external environment. Descriptive and explanatory research design was employed in the study. The research population was all 40 commercial banks in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 160 respondents from the key departments of Finance, Sales and Marketing, Strategy and Operations of all the 40 commercial banks’ headquarters in Nairobi. The data collection instrument used was semi-structured questionnaire. The variables characteristics were summarised using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses testing was done to determine the effect of the resource isolating mechanism on competitive advantage. The study found that economic deterrence was not significant and had negative effect on CA, identification of rival competitive advantage was significant and had positive effect on CA and exploitation of opportunities was significant and had positive effect on CA. There exists a significant partial mediation by organizational capabilities on the relationship between resource isolating mechanism and competitive advantage. The moderating effect of management characteristics was significant, whereas external environment was found not to have moderating effect on the relationship between RIM and CA. The study concluded that there exists a positive effect of resource isolating mechanism on competitive advantage. The study contributes to the body of knowledge as well as policy in terms of understanding the effect of resource isolating mechanism on competitive advantage. This study recommends that it is important for the commercial banks management to implement strategies that reflect the changes in the external environment and appropriate allocation of resources. Commercial bank should also effectively position the banks’ products, build strong customer relationships and focus on competitive activities which create and sustain competitive advantage. Further, the researcher recommends a similar study could be conducted to other sectors other than commercial banks for generalization purposesItem Technostructural Interventions and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2019-04) Marwa, Moses SiruriItem Operations Strategy and Performance of Management Consultancy Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2019-05) Wandiga, Eunice Ngina,Competition in the modern world requires consultancy firms to adopt operations strategies that will ensure superior performance. Previous studies have identified challenges facing consultancy firms which have led to their poor performance such as uncertainty of returns, poor reputation, development of sustainable strategies and inadequate resources. Strategic management literature has not addressed performance dimensions of these firms and the dimensions used by practising firms have not been tested empirically. Previous research on operations strategy has concentrated on manufacturing sector through conceptual reasoning and at aggregate levels only. There is lack of empirical investigation linking operations strategy with performance among management consultancy firms. Therefore, this research aimed at investigating the effect of operations strategy on performance of management consultancy firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. More specifically, it assessed the effect of resource management strategy, facility strategy, value proposition strategy and knowledge-based value chain strategy on performance of management consultancy firms in Nairobi City County. The study also sought to establish the mediating and moderating effect of organizational competences and regulatory framework respectively on the relationship between operations strategy and performance. This study was anchored on resource-based view theory, knowledge value chain model, social capital theory, Hayes and Wheelwright four stage model and the institutional theory. The study was founded on positivism philosophy and adopted a descriptive and explanatory research designs. Target population for the study was all the 227 management consultancy firms in human resource, marketing, accounting and finance and operations management in Nairobi City County out of which 144 were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Primary data was collected using semi structured questionnaire. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Hypotheses testing was carried out at 5% significance level and F-statistic was used to test the significance of the model and computed at 95% confidence level. Quantitative data was presented in form of tables and charts. Qualitative data collected through open ended questions was analysed using conceptual content analysis. The study found that resource management strategy, value proposition strategy and knowledge-based value chain strategy have a significant positive effect on performance of management consultancy firms in Nairobi City County while facility strategy has no significant effect. Organizational competences have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between operations strategy and performance of management consultancy firms in Nairobi City County while regulatory framework has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between operations strategy and performance. The study recommends that the management of management consultancy firms in Nairobi City County should focus on deploying resource management, value proposition and knowledge based value chain strategies in a more strategically aligned manner in order to gain value, rarity, inimitability, organization specificity and non- substitutability. They should focus on building competences such as allocated, administrative, transactional and technical competences to guarantee sustained performance through maintaining their staff for a longer period of time, organising training seminars, meetings and encouraging information sharing. They should also develop and implement strategies to minimize the effect of the regulatory framework on the performance of consultancy firms and the government should come up with policies that are not punitive to the consultancy firms so as not to negatively affect their performance. The study called on future research to investigate the effect of operations strategy on performance in other service oriented organisations.Item Project Management Practices and Performance of Road Infrastructure Projects Done By Local Firms in the Lake Basin Region, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2018-11) Ochenge, Maendo DensfordEfficient performance of road infrastructure projects is essential for economic growth and development. Performance of road infrastructure projects in the Lake Basin Region constructed by local firms is poor in terms of completion of the projects within the budgeted cost, time schedule and attaining the desired quality. This study therefore, sought to establish the effects of project management practices on the performance of road infrastructure projects in the Lake Basin Region constructed by local firms. The study was guided by four specific objectives: determine the effects of project resource mobilization, project monitoring and evaluation, group dynamics management and project risks management on performance of road infrastructure projects. The study employed both the descriptive and explanatory research design based on a survey. The target population comprised of 41 road infrastructure projects in the Lake Basin Region constructed by local firms between 2011 and 2016. The study targeted 95 respondents who comprised of project managers, project contractors, monitoring and evaluation officials from the government and elected local leaders. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Construct validity was achieved by ensuring that the relationship between the operationalized variables was in accordance to the represented theoretical construct. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal consistency. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the project management practices on the performance of road projects constructed by local firms. Prior to multiple regression analysis, diagnostic tests were carried out. The findings were presented using statistical parameter estimates. The results indicated that project: resource mobilization, project monitoring and evaluation, group dynamics management and project risks management had significant effects on the performance of road infrastructure projects. The study also found out that government policy did not have a moderating effect on the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The results confirmed that organization structure had a mediating effect on the relationship between project management practices and performance of road infrastructure projects. The study recommends that government should consider setting aside a fund from which local firms can access cheap loans. The government should also consider putting in place a monitoring and evaluation policy framework.Item Project Management Practices and Performance of Agricultural Projects by Community-Based Organizations in Bungoma County, Kenya(2018-10) Simiyu, Nalianya RemmyKenya‟s economy is heavily dependent on the performance of agriculture which provides the basis for the development of other sectors. However, the performance of many agricultural projects in Kenya is still being challenged in the sense that some projects remain stalled while others get completed late with low returns. Previous studies have dwelt on isolated cases of project management like market access in the agriculture sector, Information access using mobile and M&E in projects. Given that a project performance is influenced by many management practices jointly then many studies fail to provide a holistic assessment of all the project management practices jointly that influence performance agricultural projects. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the influence of project management practices on the performance of agricultural projects by community based Organizations in Bungoma County. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine how project planning, project implementation, project communication, and monitoring and evaluation influence the performance of agricultural projects in Bungoma County. The study additionally evaluated the moderating role of environment enablers on the relationship between project management practices and agricultural project performance. The study was based on five theories which included the theory of constrains, management theory of project management, resource based theory, social information theory and communication accommodation theory in the theoretical review. The adopted positivism philosophy where scientific processes were followed. The study used descriptive and explanatory research designs. It targeted 138 community project groups carried out by CBOs registered in Bungoma County. The study used stratified sampling to select 61 project groups from the target population. Primary data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Interviews were also conducted on 15 field officers. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages, mean and starndard deviation were used to describe the characteristics of the variables whereas multiple regressions model was used to establish the relationships between the variables. All the analysis was done using SPSS version 22. Qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. The results showed that all the variables, project planning, project implementation, M&E and project communication were significant on project performance. Environmental enablers (moderating variable) were found to have an influence on the relationship between project management practices and project performance. The study recommended that in order to have the desired project performance the government should ensure that there is well outlined planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and communication methods. The study also recommended that the management of agricultural projects at the County level should not be limited to only office planning but involve stakeholders like farmers and local leaders. The management should also ensure that field officers easily access farmers by developing better transport systems and communication and the use of modern methods like emails and research tools like Google. Finally, the findings of this study can be used to guide the ministry of agriculture to increase their interaction time with the farmers and expose them through bench marking, baseline survey and issues of product marketing through advertisement apart from field visits and training don.