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Item Socio-Demographic Factors and Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in Kajiado County, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 0024-04) Gekura, Samson TuguroGender mainstreaming focuses on gender equality by emphasising that women's and men's problems, interests and viewpoints are taken into account during policymaking. Locally, there is limited exploration of the socio-demographic factors and implementation of gender mainstreaming. In Kajiado County, gender inequality is a persistent challenge with several concerning manifestations. They include high rates of sexual violence against women, a high prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM), high rates of adolescent pregnancies and early marriages, low rates of girls transitioning to secondary and tertiary education, limited access to land ownership for women, limited economic empowerment opportunities, and a lack of women's participation in family planning decisions. This study examined socio-demographic factors and the implementation of gender mainstreaming in Kenya's Kajiado County Government. The survey specifically examined how education level, family dynamics, and affirmative action influenced the implementation of gender mainstreaming in Kajiado County Government, Kenya. The survey was anchored on the feminist theory and social role theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design targeting 1,500 employees of the County Government of Kajiado in various departments. A stratified random sampling procedure was utilised to select a sample of 150 participants. A questionnaire was employed to gather primary information. The collected data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis involved descriptive and inferential statistics that led to multiple linear regression modelling. Qualitative analysis involved thematic narration for the open-ended questions in the research tool. Data results were presented using frequency tables, percentages and a regression equation. The study obtained appropriate authorisations from the University, NACOSTI, the County Government of Kajiado, and the respondents’ consent. The results revealed that educational level, family structures and affirmative action were significantly affecting the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the County Government of Kajiado. Educational level and family structures had a negative effect (β=-.038, p=.033; β=-.007, p=.031) while affirmative action exhibited a positive effect (β=.073, p=.005) on the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the County Government of Kajiado. This study recommends a paradigm shift in educational reform, the development of family-centred policies and the enhancement of affirmative action in Kajiado County to promote gender mainstreaming in the county.Item Maendeleo ya kimaudhui katika tamthilia tano za Ebrahim N. Hussein(1985) Mutegi, Mukobwa J. N.; Kitsao, Jay; Bakari, MuhamedItem The location and structure of manufacturing industries in Thika.(1987-04) Kinyanjui, Mary NjeriThe present study investigates the location and structure of manufacturing industries in Thika. Questionnaires and interviews were used to obtain information for the study. Location was investigated at two levels: first, the factors that motivate entrepreneurs to establish industries in Thika, and s~cond, the factors responsible for the spatial distr2bution or intra-urban location of industries. With respect to structure, the focus of the investigation was the spatial linkages of manufacturing industries. The analysis was carried out in three stages. Factor analysis was used t.o determine the factors that motivate entrepreneurs to establish industries, both in general and by scale of en~erprise, in Thika. Multiple regression analysis employing the stepwise selection technique was used to determine the areal association between manufacturing and the quantifiable independent variables. A limited input - output technique was used to examine the spatial linkage characteristics. The factor analysis revealed that the primary factors motivating entrepreneurs to establish industries in Thika are: (a) availability of land and access to business information, (b) accessibility to supplies of raw materials and (c) availabilityItem Usawiri wa wahusika makahaba katika riwaya za Said Ahmed Mohammed(Kenyatta University, 1990) Muindi, Augustine; King'ei, Kitula Osore, MiriamUtafiti wetu unahusu suala la ukahaba katika riwaya nne za Said Ahmed Mohamed. Tunahakiki usawiri wa wahusika makahaba kwa madhumuni ya kubainisha sababu za kuwepo kwa ukahaba katika jamii. Aidha, tunatilii namna ambavyo mwandishi anawabadilisha wahusika wake kutoka kwa maisha ya ukahaba na kama mabadiliko hayo yanatoasuluhisho halisi kwa jamii ya makahaba. Sura ya kwanza ni utangulizi wa utafiti. Hapa ndipo tunapojadili tasnifu kwa jumla, mada ya utafiti, madhumuni ya utafiti wetu, upeo wa utafiti wetu. Vile vile, tunajadili baadhi ya kazi nyingine zilizowahi kuandikwa na ambazo kwa namna fulani, zinahusiana na utafiti wetu. Aidha, tutasema machache kuhusu nadharia tunayotumia katika utafiti wetu. Kisha tutatazama sababu za kuchagua mada hii na njia tutakazofuata katika kutafiti juu ya mada yetu. Katika sura ya pili na ambayo ndiyo nguzo ya tafiti, tunaelezea dhana na nadharia za ukahaba. Dhana na nadharia hizi zinatusaidia katika kubainisha vigezo mbalimbali vinavyotambulisha kahaba katika jamii. Tunafikia upeo wa utafiti wetu katika sura ya tatu na nne. Katika sura ya tatu, tunanuia kubainisha sababu mbalimbali ambazo zimewavuta baadhi ya wahusika katika maisha ya ukahaba. Sura ya nne, tunajadili namna ambavyo mwandishi anawaondoa wahusika wake kutoka kwa maisha hayo. Sura ya tano ni ya hitimisho. Tunatoa muhtasari wa kazi tuliyoifanya. Kisha, tunatathmini kama tumefikia malengo ya utafiti wetu. Mwisho-kabisa, tunatoa marejeleo ya utafiti wetu.Item The Acquisition of Gikiiyu Syntactic Structures by- Gikuyu Children aged Between 3 and 5 Years.(Kenyatta University, 1991-09) Ndung'u, Ruth WangeciThis study was carried out on the acquisition of Gikuyu syntax by Gikuyu children. These children were at a critical stage of speech development, that is, between three and five years. The study was prompted by the general observation of 'fluent 'children of a tender age. The aim was to test this 'fluency' by conducting a field research. This study is an attempt to describe the syntax of Gikuyu children between the age of 3 and 5 years. It gives a descriptive analysis of their sentences. The study looks into the rules and the level of complexity of the childen's syntax. The study was prompted by general observations of 'fluent' children aged 5 years or below. The question was, how 'fluent' are they? This could only be answered by looking at their syntax and analyzing it. The study was influenced by readings on child /language learning, for example, that of Carol Chomsky (1969. Chomsky, (ibid), says that people assume that children have mastered the syntax of their first language by the age of 5. In this work we wanted to find out whether it is just an assumption or a fact that children master syntax by age 5. A field research was conducted on six Gikuyu children between the age of 3 and 5 years. The children's utterances were tested using interviews and the participant- observation method. These were recorded on tape and in writing. After analysing the data, it was evident that the children's syntax was complex. They used complex rules which can be found in the syntax of adult Gikuyu speakers. The analysis showed that the children had mastered the syntax of Gikuyu. They had learned and internalised the syntactic rules of Gikuyu. They used these rules in both experimental and spontaneous situations. Therefore, the children did not just seem 'fluent', they were fluent.Item Agronomic and socio-economic factors influencing the variation of smallholder brinjals and okra yields in Kibwezi and Yatta Divisions, Machakos District, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 1992) Wambua, Boniface N.Item A political history of the Meru 1750-1908(1992) Njogu, Peter MbaeItem Social Concepts in the Initiation Rituals of the Abatachoni: A Historical Study(Kenyatta University, 1992-10) Kakai, Pius Wanyonyi.The study discusses the social concepts articulated in initiation rituals among Abatachoni between 1750 and 1946.An examination and analysis of some outstanding concepts is made with respect to ritual practices pertaining to circumcision, Okhulichana, age-set systems, post initiation nomenclature, symbolism, militarism and smithing. In treating the movement of the above concepts from clan to clan and region to region, an attempt is made at tracing the Origin, development and eventually spread of such concepts among Abatachoni and their neighbours. Furthermore, the study argues that the changing times,human agency and the natural environmental factors affected the movement and function of the concepts in initiation Rituals. It also illustrates the mutuality of influences among Abatachoni and their neighbours. These influences engendered various cognitive and speculative dimensions in the communities.This work contends that in the colonial era initiation ritual ideas obtaining among Abatachoni got disrupted. As a Consequence, certain ritual concepts dwindled while new ones emerged.The examples of those whose values and applicability dwindled include militaristic and pre-colonial nomenclature systems. But those values which emerged include the Circumcision concept of olupao and Christian nomenclature Systems. In going about the analysis, the study examines the data procured from the field and libraries within the structural- functionalist theoretical paradigm. It is the contention of the thesis that such paradigm is apt because of its provision for ritually based models. These models facilitate the thesis' treatment of religious, ritualistic and symbolic Structures.Item The Place and Role of Women in the S.D.A. Church in Kenya (1911-1990)(Kenyatta University, 1994) Okemwa, Pacificah FlorenceThis study examines the place and role of women in the S.D.A. Church in Kenya. The theoretical framework used in this study examines patriarchy as the basis of women's subjugation. This is because the patriarchal society clearly defined what women should do, say and how they should behave. Women's sphere of influence was the home. The basic argument in this study is that women have been relegated to a subordinate position. Consequently, these women only play minor roles in the church. Chapter One outlines the procedure that used in investigating and analysing data. It also lays out the methodology used. Chapter two describes the traditional Gusii society. It uncovers some of the subtle aspects of this society plus some practices and beliefs that are oppressive to women. This information is used as a basis for analysis in later chapters. Chapter three examines Adventist missionary education. This discussion shows how the missionary education contributed to the subordination of women in the S.D.A. Church in Kenya. The missionaries trained men to become evangelists while women were encouraged to get married to the mission boys. Chapter four , examines the factors influencing the place and role of women in the S.D.A. Church. These include the white missionaries who have been serving the S.D.A. Church in Kenya since its establishment, the Bible, the teaching of Ellen G. White and the culture of the Abagusii. This chapter also analyses the ordination practice In the S.D.A. Church. Attempt is made to show how ordination has been used to keep women out of the leadership positions and decision making in the church. In Chapter five, the roles of women in the S.D.A.Church are described and interpreted. Here, it is observed that women play only minor roles. Finally, we conclude that the S.D.A. Church has hampered the wholistic development and participation of women in church affairs. Therefore, it is suggested that the S.D.A.Church has to open all ministries to women in order for it to adhere to the authentic christian principles.Item The Style and Performance of Kenyan Somali Oral Poetry(Kenyatta University, 1994) Barre, Aden Muktar Haji; Austin BukenyaThis thesis investigates the style and modes of performance of Kenyan Somali oral poetry. Several aspects of the oral poetry of this community are discussed, including both verbal and non-verbal elements. In addition, the study identifies the relationship between poetic •• performance and social life. Some of the activities linked to oral performance which are discussed in the thesis are: pastoral duties, co rting, wedding and marriage ceremonies, child care and clan feuding.The main proposition of the study is that there is a close link between oral poetic composition and performance and a community's way of life. In the Kenyan Somali context, the performance of ral poetry derives 9irectly from the people's way of life, their everyday experiences in the vast arid environment of the North Eastern Province, their nomadic, pastoral actiVities and their Islamic faith. Conversely, the performance of the poetry and the community's response to it contribute significantly to the sustenance, enhancement and promotion of the community's activities and experiences.Based on field material collected in the North Eastern Pro vince of Kenya in 1991 and 1992, the study endeavours to interpret the oral poetry from the point of view of the people who perform it and among whom it is performed. Apart from locating the poetry ;within the geographical and socio-historical context of Kenyan Somali society, attempts are made• to identify its main categories,,' j ts recurren t topics and themes and t e major occasions of its performance.The study uses a composite stylistic and socio psycho!ogical theoretical framework to analyse the language, structure and techniques of performance of the poetry. It suggests that the community's response to the poetry is closely related to the stylistic and performing devices.Item Conflict between self and otherness in selected writings of Nadine Gordimer(1997) Mbugua, Wa Mungai; Imbuga, F.; Mpesha, N.The problematics of this study hinge primarily on the relationships, in literature, between characters whose interactions are mediated by their colour. The focus is on what happens to the individual within the confines of a value system woven around race and how the overall conception of the self influences his/her perception of those that belong to different racial categories. The study is specific to the South African situation and analyses the effects of apartheid both as an ideology and system of (mal) government on human relationships at the individual and collective levels in the spheres of economics, political and social associations. These effects are studied in the dominant black and white groups. The origins of the self other conflicts are traced with a view to assessing how present interactions between black and white in South Africa adopted as the trope for race, influence character portraits in Nadine Gordimer's selected short stories. In this study, Gordimer's vision for a future post apartheid and multi racial South Africa is analysed. The aim is to establish whether as an artist she offers viable alternatives through which South Africans of all shades of colour can surmount the inter racial antagonism that has been uncalculated in them by apartheid. This has necessitated an exploration of the ambivalences inherent in the term ''white'' since it is the colour that forms the foundation of apartheid as an ideology. Where all issues have to be evaluated vis-ŕ-vis the colour white it is because ''white'' is the defining point in apartheid South Africa. Finally the study examines the factors that militate against the possibilities of white black cooperation that suggests themselves in Gordimer's selected writings. This is done in an attempt to assess whether the various races are either willing and eager or reluctant and unprepared for the challenging process of coming together as a unified society. The attention of the study is Gordimer's selected short stories and one of her novels. Where other writers are mentioned, and material other than her short stories cited, their relevance lies in how they help buttress the arguments and sharpen the focus of the present work.Item The status of children’s theatre in Nairobi(Kenyatta University, 1997) Kabui, Elizabeth WatetuThe overall objective of the research was to establish the status of children's theatre as an art form in Nairobi. The study reveals the forms in which children's theatre in Nairobi is manifested and critically examines the plot, characters, theme and style of plays perform ed for child audiences to determine whether they are suitable for them. Previous research has put more emphasis on the analysis of adult theatre hence the endeavour to open up the field of children's theatre in this study. The main assumption is that the value of children's theatre as a tool for education and entertainment has not been appreciated by artists in Nairobi. Data for the study was obtained through observation of plays performed for children and by children, questionnaires to primary school children from within Nairobi, interviews with theatre artists and through library research. Chief among the findings is that although children, through their participation in dramatic play reveal that they would enjoy theatre, only 1 out of 5 theatre groups in Nairobi perform plays for children, and this being only on festive seasons such as Christmas time. Thus much of what children are exposed to as theatre is not suitable for them in terms of plot, characters, theme and style. I have therefore made some recommendations on how to make children's theatre more relevant to the children.Item Archaelogical evidence regarding diet on the North Kenyan Swahili Coast between ca. 8th and 17th centuries A.D.(1997-09) Otieno, Okelo DavidThis thesis examines the archaeological evidence on the Swahili people dietary practices between Ca. 8th and 17th centuries. The study analyzes the extent to which the environment influenced the procurement of food on the north Kenyan Swahili coast. The study adopts a model which relates the Swahili dietary system and economic strategies to the local environment based on culture history. Evidence for this study draws From the 1987-88 excavations carried out at lngwana by George Abungu as well as the 1980-84 excavations at Shanga by MarkIlorton. Data from ethnographic observations and documentary accounts were also examined. Au in-depth study of the ecofact from Ungwana and Shanga was carried out. Further, Faunal analysis of the excavated materials from the aforernentioned sites was undertaken. Evidence adduced from the research carried out indicate that there was lack of direct floral remains. However, ceramic and non-ceramic finds offered" indirect" yet worth evidence of the use of crop Foods in the Swahili dietary system. In most cases, the inferences made from the floral evidence about the existence of certain foodstuff among the Swahili concurs with similar assertions of the early historical accounts and ethnographic observations. There are however, discrepancies in some of the type, quantity and place where the Foods are reported. The study Further asserts that, the Swahili dietary system was a blend of agricultural, pastoral, marine and game resources. Therefore. the Swahili can no longer be seen narrowly as being either of agricultural or pastoral origin only. Evidence yielding from this study indicate that protcinous foods like fish which were hitherto considered an insignificant component of the Swahili diet were indeed popular among the community. The presence of certain types of foods probably not eaten by the Swahili communities but within Swahili ettlement confirm the coast-interior interaction thesis in terms of economic symbiosis and social intercourseItem Le transcodage comme strategie d'enseignement du Francais langue entrangere dans les ecoles secondaires au Kenya(Kenyatta University, 1998) Ngugi, Mary Mwihaki,Dans cette recherche, il s'agit de la juxtaposition de parties de discours dans un enonce d'une langue differente - ou Ie transcodage, et cela dans Ie contexte de I' enseignement du francais langue etrangere dans les lycees publics kenyans. Elle a pour but de montrer les langues affectees, les classes dans lesqueIIes la pratique est repandue, Ie niveau de transcodage Ie plus frequent (inter- ou intra-phrase) ainsi que les situations dans lesquelles les enseignants se sentent obliger de passer par cette pratique. L'hypothesc est que les professeurs de francais langue etrangere (FLE) transcodent plus dans les , classes inferieures que dans les classes superieures uniquement dans Ie but d' assurer la comprehension chez les apprenants devant une situation ou le sens est bloque. Qu' en pensent les professeurs? Quelles sont les attitudes et les pratiques des apprenants eux-mernes vis a vis cette pratique? Quand les enseignants transcodent, risquent-ils d' entrainer inconsciemment les apprenants a transcoder et a la tin d' ernpecher la maitrise de la langue etrangere? Dans ce cas, quel serait I' equilibre entre ameliorer I' enseignement et a Ia fois ne pas empecher la maitrise de la langue, tout en se servant du transcodage? Autrement dit, comment peut-on adapter Ie transcodage a des fins utiles dans I'apprentissage du FLE? Nous nous sommes servie de 4 methodes pour collecter nos donnees: questionnaires (un pour les enseignants de FLE et un deuxierne pour Ies apprenants), I'enregistrement et la transcription des cours de FLE dans Ies classes de premiere et quatrieme annees des 4 eccles secondaires choisies, observation et interview. Apres I'analyse des donnees obtenues, nous avons pu conclure que Ies professeurs de FLE transcodent en c1asse; qu'ils transcodent plus en premiere qu' en quatrieme annee; et qu' ils transcodent plus au niveau des phrases (transcodage inter-phrase) qu'au niveau des mots (transcodage intra-phrase). D' ai IIeurs, nous avons pu observer qu' en gros, Ies professeurs se servent du transcodage pour donner des instructions, pour expliquer des points importants de grammaire parfois en comparant les structures des langues diffcrentes pour bien souligner une structure donnee. II Ya egalernent des cas de traduction. Le transcodage Ie plus frequent c ' est francais <> anglaItem Aspects of orature in selected Gikuyu pop songs(Kenyatta University, 1998-10) Wainaina, MichaelThis study is premised on the notion that Orature is dynamic and that it adapts to changing historical and social realities mediating that reality based on keen observation and interpretation of phenomena. By taking cognizance of this, we sought to investigate the relationship that exists between Orature and forms of contemporary verbal expression particularly the pop song. Our task was to investigate how, why and with what effect aspects of Gikuyu orature have been reappropriated in the Gikuyu popular song. Aspects of orature, delineated as texts, style, technique and function have been identified in twenty Gikuyu popular songs and discussed in terms of their artistic, aesthetic and communicative significance. The process of change on the Gikuyu orature forms and ways in which these traditional oral forms adapt themselves to the new modes of thought through the pop song are also discussed. The study demonstrates that, while operating in contemporary situations and committed to, though sometimes limited by, contemporary imperatives, popular music is firmly tethered to a recognisable body of artistic resources in orature which serves as its inspiration and guide. In showing the crucial role that orature occupies in the Gikuyu popular song, this study has in effect reaffirmed the dynamism of orature forms and thus refuted the popular notion that orature forms are disappearing. In addition, this study demonstrates that, popular song is neither a departure nor necessarily a corruption of the traditional folk forms; rather than corrupting orature, the popular song breathes new life into it so that orature becomes relevant and potent in the contemporary society.Item Adoption of computer technology and its impact on organizational performance and labour requirements: a case of three organizations in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 1999) Ogolla, Jemmima Wanja Gatumu -; Rono, H. K.; Ahmed, S.This study was carried out to examine the nature of adoption of computer technology among Kenyan organisations with different ownership and management practices, and to identify the impact of computerisation on the performance and on labour requirements. Existing literature with observations made in other countries have argued that while there are fundamentally positive aspects on adoption and use of computer technology some of the impact have to be negative, particularly with respect to displacement of labour and centralisation of operations. The principal hypothesis was that organizations with different ownership and management practices will influence the nature of computerization, thrbugh adopted policies and strategies, which in turn will influence the impact on performance and labour requirements. To examine this hypothesis, three organizations were selected, namely the Ministry of Finance, National Social Security Fund, and Barclays Bank on the basis of their computerization initiatives since 1970s and varied ownership and management practices. The impact of performance was examined in terms of duration in processing critical tasks and the extent to which computerization has enhanced realisation of the missions and objectives in these organizations. The impact on labour was examined in terms of changes that have occurred in various staff categories: i.e. senior management, supervisory cadre and operational cadre. The study found that in the Ministry, computerization was in response to expanded public service and the need to process salaries and development expenditure efficiently. In the Fund, the aim was to develop systems for efficient registration of members (employers and their employees) as well as to process and reconcile their contributions. While the Bank had undertaken gradual computerization since 1970s, intensified and expanded computerization was carried-out in 1990s in response to increased competition in the financial sector particularly in terms of efficiency in customer services and to allow management to make prompt decisions. The data indicated that while the Ministry was the first to carryout computerization, both the Bank and the Fund have carried-out more intensive and extensive computerization in the last five years. Between 1990 and 1995, the computing capacity of the Bank increased from a total to 197 Gigabytes (GB) to 6045 (GB), the Fund 2.6 GB to 19.7 GB, and the Ministry remained relatively stagnant form 5.28 GB to 5.34GB. During the same period the Bank increased its expenditure on computerization by a factor of 43.3, the Fund 2.5 and the Ministry 15.11. Further the data indicated that the Bank and the Fund have achieved substantial computerization involving network and real-time processing respectively while the Ministry still carried out substantial batch processing. Furthermore the Bank has computerized and integrated 70% of its functions, the Fund 50% and the Ministry 40%. The computerization efforts were found to have had an impact on the nature and duration of processing critical missions, data entry and reconciliations. In the Ministry, duration of processing accounts data was reduced from 30 to 7 days; at the Fund, registration of members from 120 to 20 days; at the Bank, banking transactions from one day delay to on-line. Furthermore, the computerization efforts had impact on labour structure in the Bank and at the Fund. In the case of the Bank, operational cadre decreased from 83% to 79% and the supervisory cadre increased from 8% to 14%. Interestingly in the case of Fund, operational cadre tended to remain the same at 44% but supervisory cadre increased from22% to 26%. In both organizations the recruitment of operational cadre also decreased as supervisory cadre increased. The decrease of operational cadre and the increase of the supervisory cadre indicated that computerization at least in the two organizations has had an impact on enhancement of administrative capacity. The situation in the Ministry remained the same. Further, computerization in the three firms led to increased training among senior management, middle and supervisory cadres. In the Ministry, the percentage of senior staff trained rose from 24% in 1990 to 27% in 1995, the Fund from 10% to 14% and the Bank from 47% to 54%. While it was not expected in the case of the Ministry, the negative impact in-terms of displacement of staff was found to be negligible in both the Fund and the Bank because of adopted policies and strategies, including retaining, and redeployment. The study concludes that computerization in private sector is substantially intensive and tends to have greater impact as compared to computerization in the public sector. Further, the study concludes that computerization in private sector, and to some extent state corporations, has increased efficiency and also enhanced administrative capacity. In addition, the study concludes further that the anticipated negative impact of computerization was minimised by adopted strategies and policies that encourage retraining and re-deployment of the staff.Item The penetration of Islam among the Babukusu:1904 - 1998(Kenyatta University, 1999-04) Kassilly, Janet NasambuThis study examines the penetration of Islam among the Babukusu from 1904-1998. The persistence of Islam among a predominantly rural people coupled with stiff competition from Christianity and resistance by the indigenous religion provoked this research. The study aimed at investigating the agents and factors that facilitated and those that hindered the penetration of Islam among the Babukusu; the socio-cultural impact of Islam on the Babukusu; and the factors behind the persistence of Islam among the Babukusu. The study is based on the premises that: First, Muslim traders and Babukusu concept of Supreme Being (Wele) influenced the penetration of Islam among the Babukusu; second, Christianity and Westernization are some of the factors that hindered the penetration of Islam among the Babukusu; third, Islamic manner of dressing, greetings and language are some of the socio-cultural impact of Islam on the Babukusu; and finally, the interrelationship between faith and practice, and Da'wah are the main factors behind the persistence of Islam among the Babukusu. These four premises have been positively confirmed from our research findings. The enquiry is guided by the theoretical framework of Islamization which has incorporated aspects of "Change and Continuity" concept. The theory states that Islamization depends entirely on the contact-situation between the Muslim and the non-Muslim. Similarly whenever new influences impinge on any society, some of the pre-existing body of customs and beliefs are discardedr modified or retained. Since our study deals with the interaction of two cultures, this theory provided a model of thought to address the objectives of the study. Basically I the central contention of this thesis is that Islam has persisted among the Babukusu up-to-date despite competition from Christianity and resistance by the Babukusu indigenous religion. It is observed in this thesis that when Islam reached Babukusuland around 1904, its adoption depended on the similarity between some of its beliefs and practices and those of the indigenous religion. However, certain aspects of Islam were resisted by the people. Inheritance rules are an immediate example. After Islamr Christianity coupled with Western education was introduced by missionaries and later by British colonial administrators. Western education as a means of economic prosperity attracted many Babukusu to Christianity than Islam. Consequently, only few people adopted Islam. Despite the interplay of the above factors in the arear Islam has persisted among Babukusu up-to-date. This therefore reveals that the contact - situation between Islam and Babukusu indigenous religion was one of penetration and not conquest.Item Towards the Use of Integrated Approach in the Conservation of Nairobi River Basin(Kenyatta University, 2000) Kwena, Z. A.This study investigated the potential for integrated conservation in Nairobi River basin. Emphasis was on contributions and perception of stakeholders towards collaborative conservation of the basin's environment. Specifically, the objectives ofthe study were to: • establish level of natural resource use and environmental degradation awareness among residents of Nairobi River basin • identify various groups of stakeholders in the conservation of Nairobi River basin • establish the role and perception of stakeholders in the conservation of Nairobi River basin • determine the potential of integrated approach in the conservation of Nairobi River basin Data was collected by use of questionnaires, interview schedule and observation. The questionnaires contained both open-ended and structured questions, which targeted primary and secondary stakeholder. Primary data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, totals, percentages and cross-tabulations) before being subjected to chisquare test and factor analysis to test for independence between observations made and patterns of association, respectively. SWOT analysis (which is analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the conservation team) was performed to identify key critical areas to guide in strategic management of the entire river basin. This study revealed that stakeholders in the conservation of Nairobi River basin broadly include government agencies, non-governmental entities and individual members. Awareness on environmental degradation among stakeholders was high (93.7%) with 85.5% being aware of river/water pollution, air pollution (54.4%), uncollected solid wastes (80%) and soil erosion (50%). These stakeholders make use of various natural resources such as water, vegetation and geo-rnaterials, which often result in environmental degradation due to unsustainable use. The study further showed that conservation efforts by stakeholders are inadequate due to apathy caused by inadequate co-operation. Institutions involved in conservation of the river basin were reported neither to co-operate amongst themselves nor with the public. The study, however, revealed that there is unutilized high potential for integrated conservation of the river basin as expressed by the willingness of both primary and secondary stakeholders to co-operate. Statistical tests using the chi-square technique revealed that the differences observed in responses pertaining to 'aspects of environmental degradation known, natural resource use, conservation activities undertaken and rating of the current level of cooperation are significant at both 0.05 and 0.01 levels of signific~. Factor analysis showed that there is a pattern of association in the rating of factors that hinder implementation of conservation efforts. Supportive and enabling environment factors stand out as important determinant factors compared to policy and institutional arrangements. In conclusion, there is high awareness of environmental degradation among stakeholders in Nairobi River basin, although the efforts by various stakeholders to conserve their environment are inadequate as exemplified by state of apathy expressed by a good number of respondents. There is high potential for integrated conservation of the river basin although this potential has not been utilized. This study recommends that all stakeholders should be involved in the conservation of Nairobi River basin. This can be achieved with the formulation of an integrative, focused and unambiguous environmental policy pillared on deterrent and properly enforced legislative structures.Item The Relationship between Grammatical Ability and Poetry Interpretation Skills among Secondary School Students in Nyeri District(Kenyatta University, 2000) Mwaniki, Wanjohi P.Item Uchanganuzi wa usemi katika sajili ya dini: sifa bainifu za lugha ya mahubiri(2001) King'ei, Kitula Osore, MiriamKatika tasnifu hii, tumechunguza sifa bainifu za lugha ya mahubiri kama zinavyojitokeza katika sajili ya dini katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Tumetumia data kutokana na mahubiri mbalimbali na kuyachanganua ili kudhihirisha sifa zake. Utafiti huu ulikuwa na malengo mawili ambayo ulitekeleza. Kulikuwa na utambuzi wa sifa bainifu za lugha ya mahubiri na utambuzi wa aina za mshikamano na jinsi zinavyounganisha. mahubiri. Katika kufanya hivi, mtazamo wa kimtindo na wa mshikamano katika nadharia ya uamilifu wa lugha ilitumika. Sura ya kwanza ambayo ni utangulizi wa tasnifu imeshughulikia swala la utafiti, sababu za kuchagua swala lenyewe, madhumuni ya utafiti, upeo wa utafiti, misingi ya kinadharia, yaliyoandikwa kuhusu somo lile na mbinu za utafiti. Ni katika sura ya pili ambapo tumejishughulisha na baadhi ya sifa bainifu katika lugha ya mahubiri kama vile jinsi wahubiri wanavyoanza mahubiri yao, njia wanazoturnia kuendeleza ujumbe, na namna wanavyohitimisha. Kutokana na uchunguzi wetu tuligundua ya kwamba kuna mianzo maalum ya kuanza mahubiri. Kwa jumla wahubiri huanza kwa maamkuzi na pia kutaja kiini cha ujumbe wao.Wahubiri hutumia njia nyingi kuendeleza ujumbe kama vile matumizi ya mifano takriri, kubadilisha sauti, maswali na kadhalika. Pia, kuna njia maalum za kutamatisha mahubiri. Katika kila ruwaza iliyojadiliwa, maelezo ya kiisimu yametolewa. Sura ya tatu yaonyesha kuwa mahubiri yana sifa ya kuchanganya msimbo. Kuchanganya msimbo kumeshughulikiwa kama mojawapo ya sifa bainifu katika kuendeleza ujumbe. viii • Aina muhimu za kuchanganya msimbo na JlOS1 zinavyojitokeza katika matini za uchanganuzi zimejadiliwa. Sura ya nne yaonyesha kuwa lugha ya mahubiri ina aina mbalimbali za mshikamano. Kwa mfano, kuna mshikamano wa kimsamiati, urejeshi, uunganishi, ubadilishaji na udondoshi. Sura ya tano na ya mwisho inajumuisha muhstasari na matokeo ya utafiti kwa jumla. Mapendekezo ya utafiti mwingine unaoweza kufanywa katika uwanja huu pia yamewekwa katika sura hii