Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting as Adaptation to Climate Change: the Case of Murang'a East District Primary Schools in Murang'a County, Kenya

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Wahogo, Purity Mumbi
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Climate Change has a wide range of impacts and exacerbate existing poverty related problems such as availability of fresh water in developing countries. Kenya is onesuch country that experiences ramifications of climate change which heavily impact on the populace. This research was conducted in Murang'a East district in Murang'a County in Kenya. The study was primarily to establish the level of awareness on climate change and Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRwH) in public primary schools. The main objective was to find out factors affecting the adoption of RRwH with a focus on level of awareness on climate change issues, awareness of RRwH among decision makers, sources of water supply and the constraints against adoption of RRwH. Using a descriptive survey design, a sample of 384 respondents was randomly selected. Data obtained from constructed questionnaires was collated and statistically analysed by use of SPSS. Results showed that there was a correlation between level of climate change awareness, economic activities, at (rs = -.181, P = .000), and leadership the calculated statistic l = 7.890 was found to be less than the tabled critical value of,l = 8.132 at a 0.080. Sources of water were significant to the assurance of supply i ;,45;.48;1; df= 44.916, p= 2.6t'. The study found out that, lack of funds-was-the major hindrance to the adoption ofRRwH in all the education zones. Lack of awareness and low education were other major factors contributing to non adoption of RRwH. The study concluded that the media was the leading medium of climate change effect information dissemination Climate change effect has been felt on the ground with the respondents confirming that they had been affected. Climate change had affected water supply to schools leading to disruption of supply leading to increased waterbeme.diseases, lower standards of hygiene-and reduced learning time. This study recommends that a multi-prolonged approach which entailed incorporation of climate change awareness into the education curriculum, greater sensitization, exploitation of church and the involvementof community leaders would serve the purpose of awareness creation. There is also a need to develop and to legislate for a framework for buildings to include provisions for RRwH.
Department of Environmental Education, QC 903.2 .K4W3