Employee Performance Management Practices and Organizational Effectiveness
Nduati, Mary Muthoni
Wanyoike, Rosemarie
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International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration
Employee performance is a key determinant
in an organization’s success. For an
organization to achieve its goals and
objectives, employees’ involvement,
commitment and motivation plays a key
role. Literature have revealed a relationship
between performance management practices
and organizational effectiveness while many
studies have been subjective in determining
the impact of performance management
practices on organizational effectiveness.
This study adopted desk review to determine
the impact of role clarity and performance
review on organizational effectiveness. It is
clear from the literature reviewed that there
are gaps in explaining the relationship
between the two variables. Different
scholars have measured performance
management practices and organizational
effectiveness using different measurements.
The literature review carried out also
revealed that other factors including;
leadership, organizational culture and
behaviour, employee engagement, training,
top management commitment, globalization,
technological capabilities, resilience
capabilities and employees competencies
among others affect the effectiveness and
use of performance management practices.
There is need to examine the interrelation
between performance management practices
and organizational effectiveness. Managers
and supervisors should ensure that
deliverables, processes/methods as well as
goals and objectives are clear to employees.
Role content and scope should be clearly
defined to avoid role ambiguity and role
conflict. Employees’ performance should
also be reviewed from time to time to ensure
that goals and objectives are continuously
being met towards the achievement of
organizational effectiveness.
Performance management practices, Role clarity, Performance review, Organizational effectiveness, Organizational image, Customer Satisfaction
Nduati, M. M., & Wanyoike, R. (2022). Employee performance management practices and organizational effectiveness. Int. Acad. J. Hum. Resour. Bus. Adm, 3, 361-378.