Agricultural Transformation in Nyamira County, Kenya; 1945-2002
Motanya, Isaac
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Kenyatta university
The study focused on agricultural transformation in Nyamira County between 1945
and 2002.The study objectives included process of agricultural transformation and
policies during the onset of the Second World War, drivers of agricultural
transformation in the County since 1945.The study also examined the social economic
effects of agricultural transformation between 1979 and 2002.The year
1945 was important to the study because after the Second World War, for the first
time in history there was a deliberate attempt by the colonial government to
resuscitate agriculture following negative socio - economic effects of the war.
Therefore, it marked a watershed and provided basic historical background
information on agricultural development in Kenya and on the topic of study. The
research ended in the year 2002, when Kenya witnessed the lowest level of economic
development characterized by poor performance of the agricultural sector. The study
was guided by one, articulation of modes of production theory which explain that two
or more modes of production emerge to co-exist. The two combined to form a mixed
economy which was exploitative in nature particularly to African farmers. The other
theory used was dependency and underdevelopment which elucidate that resources
flow from the ‘periphery’ the poor and underdeveloped states to a ‘core’ of wealth
states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. Here, the poor states were
improvised by the rich as their economy was integrated into the world system. The
research adopted a descriptive design and historical approach because it sought to
probe the experiences of peasants in the agricultural sector in the area of study. The
research used primary sources of data which included use of archival and oral
evidence. The study also marshalled secondary materials in libraries and internet
sources. The study population included the five sub- counties of the County and
findings were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Some of the
key findings of the study included the confirmation that agricultural changes have
been taking place from the advent of European colonial economy. However, it was
also found that there were no special incentive packages to motivate farmers to
engage in meaningful agriculture. Weak producer cooperatives worsened the situation
on the ground because of mismanagement and corruption among other factors.
Notwithstanding that, the sector created some meaningful socio-economic impacts in
the society. The findings will be of great value to social and economic historians in
understanding trends, drivers, and socio-economic impacts of agricultural
transformation in the County.
A Thesis Submitted to School of Humanities and Social Sciences In
partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of
Arts Degree in History of Kenyatta University.
Agricultural Transformation, Nyamira County, Kenya, 1945-2002