MST-Department of History, Archaeology and Political Studies
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Item Trends in Women Participation in Political Affairs in Mandera County, Kenya 1890 -2017(Kenyatta University, 2022-11) Hothan, Ibrahim HusseinPolitics is central to human interactions. Human beings as social and political animals cannot do without society and politics. In modern liberal democracy representation remains the yard stick for participation in political affairs. Participation of men and women in political affairs has dominated contemporary intellectual debates worldwide in general, and Africa specifically. Concerns have been raised on gender parity in participation in political affairs. Men have an advantage over women when it comes to participating in political issues in patriarchal African societies. Women are underrepresented and are absent in decision making positions which ultimately affects their participation in policy formulation. This picture is replicated in Kenya where men tend to dominate in political representation. Women make up barely 0.03% of elected leaders in Madera County and 9.8% of the total representation in parliament in the country. This situation persists in spite of the promulgation of the Kenya constitution 2010 that aimed at bringing about gender parity in political representation. This study examined the participation of women in political affairs of Mandera County, Kenya from 1890 to 2017. This study was guided by three objectives. The study began by interrogating the nature of gender relations in the Somali society in the pre-colonial and colonial periods. Secondly this study assessed the level of women participation in political affairs in Mandera County between 1963 and 2010. Lastly the extent to which the promulgation of the 2010 Constitution impacted on the participation of women in the political affairs in Mandera County from 2010 to 2017 was evaluated. To achieve its objectives, the study relied on both primary and secondary data collection methods. Stratified purposive sampling and snow balling was used to select 75 respondents. These included women and men voters from Mandera County, women political leaders, leaders from selected women groups and male elders. Collected data was analyzed and interpreted qualitatively. Anchored on the social relations gender theoretical approach this study argued that patriarchy and the social construction of gender in African societies have apportioned men and women in Mandera County sex specific roles. Women have been socialized into the domestic sphere while men to the public sphere, leadership included. This social construction of gender roles it is argued militates against women participation in political affairs in Mandera County.Item Perspectives on Security Agencies’ Counter-Terrorism Strategies and Human Rights Safeguards in Kenya (1998-2020)(Kenyatta University, 2024-04) Sandra MakayotoThis study aims to explore perspectives on security agencies’ counter-terrorism strategies and human rights safeguards in Kenya (1998-2020). Specifically, the study sought to: evaluate the effectiveness of various security agencies counterterrorism strategies in Kenya between 1998 and 2020, assess effects of security agencies counter- terrorism strategies on human rights violations in Kenya between 1998 and 2020 and investigate the challenges faced by security agencies counterterrorism strategies in combating threat of terrorism and protection of human rights in Kenya. The study draws on both Deterrence and Liberalism Theory to inform its analysis. The research utilized a descriptive research design, and the target population consisted of 420 civil society groups, human rights organizations, security agencies, and counter-terrorism agencies (CSOs). A sample of 150 respondents who were given a questionnaire and an interview schedule was obtained through the use of two-stage purposive sampling technique. The collected numeric data were analyzed with the assistance of SPSS software version 26.0, while the collected qualitative data were processed thematically through the utilization of content analysis. The analyzed data was reported in the form of narrative and displayed on tables, charts and bars. The study findings revealed that government of Kenya has deployed a number of security agencies counterterrorism strategies between 1998 and 2020 among them being, arrests, prosecutions, detentions, multiagency approach, using security forces, educating the public, fighting terrorism through creation of income generating activities, enactment of the anti-terrorism act, monitoring and interception of money transactions and regulating the media. According to the findings of the study, the majority of the counterterrorism strategies implemented by Kenya's various security agencies have been ineffective in accomplishing the country's overarching objective of eradicating terrorism. In addition, the study discovered that the most common challenges faced by security agencies counterterrorism strategies in combating the threat of terrorism and protecting human rights in Kenya include insufficient funds, inadequate training, increased youth radicalization, and a lack of support from the general public. The study comes to the conclusion that government security agencies and international entities have a responsibility to take all necessary steps to protect human rights both within and outside of the jurisdiction of the country against extremism.Item Regional Integration and Free Movement of Persons and Labour in the East African Community.(Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Ole-Sein, NairimasThe Protocol on the EAC common market in 2010 provides for unrestricted flow of persons within the region. According to this protocol nationals of member states have the right to travel, reside, work and trade freely within the region. This is expected to happen under the full protection of the domestic laws of the host country without any discrimination or restrictions based on nationality. However there appears to be a discrepancy between what has been agreed on by member states, and the actual practice in some of these countries. This study examined how regional integration within the EAC has effected the free movement of persons and workers. This study set three objectives. To begin with, this study examined how the East African Community through the Common Market, has affected the free movement of persons and workers within the member states. Second, the extent to which East African integration has affected the access of Business licences for citizens of the member states was analysed. Finally, the challenges faced by citizens of the East African Community member states in accessing work permits were evaluated. Anchored on Andrew Moravcsik’s theory of liberal intergovernmentalism and Kenneth Waltz’s neorealist theory, this study argued that the state, being the most important actor in global politics, influences the foreign policy of states, in pursuit of its strategic interests. In this study, the target population was made up of businesspersons within the EAC and involved in cross-border trade, government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Department of Immigration and Citizen Services, State Department for East African Community, and the East African Community Secretariat. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The researcher purposively selected 110 cross border traders and an additional 50 Government officials from the above-mentioned Government Departments and the East African Community. The respondents were selected based on their experience in the movement of persons across the borders of EAC member states, either as policy makers, policy implementers or individuals affected by the policies. Data from government officials was collected through oral interviews using an interview guide, while data from traders was collected through structured questionnaires. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis, while quantitative data was analysed through tabulation of the mean and standard deviation. The study established that the East Africa Community through the Common Market has made it easier for citizens of EAC member states to travel to other member states as indicated by 70.9% of the respondents. Most of the respondents, 51.6% identified the abolition of visas and visa fees, had the greatest effect in making the free movement of people easier. The study also found that because of the EAC integration, business licences are easily accessible to citizens of EAC member states. The study found that the acquisition of Work Permits by citizens of EAC member states remains a challenge with 34.9% citing the high cost of documents, and 30.2% citing long tedious processes. The study recommends continued implementation of the visa-free regime for citizens of the East African Community as a way of encouraging the free movement of persons, the set-up of simplified and standardised procedures for application of business licenses and the full adherence by all member states to Article 10 of the East African Common Market Protocol on the Freedom of movement of Labour. The study suggests further research to examine how the movement of persons and workers has affected the growth of cross-border trade between the EAC member states.Item Efforts by the Government of Kenya in Combating the Trafficking of Karamoja Women and Girls from Northeastern Uganda into Nairobi(Kenyatta University, 2023-11-01) Susan, Gachoki Beth; Oduor Isaiah OtienoAbstractItem Symbolism in the Manufacture, Use, Change and Continuity of Tiriki Circumcision Material Culture (Idumi), 1850 – 2014.(Kenyatta University, 2023) Sandula, Benjamin; Henry Mwanzi; Lazarus K.NgariEvery society manufactures cultural material for both practical and ideological utility. In this study, I examined the symbolism in the manufacture, use, continuity and change in Idumi material culture among the Tiriki of Hamisi sub - county, Vihiga County. This thesis also investigated the origin of the circumcision (Idumi) material culture. Idumi designates the whole series of ceremonies performed to initiate adolescent boys into an age group (likhula) Sangree (1966:20).This research was guided by the premise that the Tiriki have unique symbols used in idumi .The study was based on functionalism theory. I used Bascom and Herskovits ‘change and continuity’ concept to stress that Idumi material culture is subject to change in the process of use as culture is dynamic.The study adopted descriptive design which involves interviews, question guielines, participant observation, and focus group discussion.The research utilized qualitative methodology that involved description of what I went to find out in the field. Snow ball type of purposive sampling was used since renowned custodians of idumi material culture are few. Midrash approach was used to infer meaning in idumi symbols. The study found out that, idumi and its material culture owes its origin on the Terik. Some of the material culture in idumi still undergo the manufacturing process while some have been discarded.The cultural material integrated in idumi reinforce the desired traits the Tiriki ascribe to manhood. Though Change has caught up with material culture used in idumi, certain aspects persist. I recommend that circumcisers’ should use disposable gloves as well as sterilize their hands after every operation to protect initiates. Future scholars should examine how circumcision material symbols of other ethnic groups transform the initiates into the men society desires.Further, scholars should explore the evolution of idumi as an education institution in the transmutation of adolescent boys among the Tiriki.Lastly, since HIV/AIDS is still a pandemic, there is need to study on how circumcision or lack of it inhibits or contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS.Item The Kenya Red Cross Society and Peacebuilding Initiatives amongst Pokot and Tugen Communities in Baringo County, Kenya, 1978-2013(Kenyatta University, 2023-07) Mueni, Wambua Grace; Gordon Onyango OmenyaThe study focused on the peacebuilding initiatives of the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) among the Pokot and Tugen communities in Baringo County, Kenya, from 1978 to 2013. Despite the efforts made by various stakeholders, conflicts in the region have persisted. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the social, economic, and political factors contributing to conflicts between the Tugen and Pokot communities, assess the effectiveness of the KRCS peacebuilding initiatives, and analyze the challenges faced by the KRCS in their peacebuilding efforts. The study adopted a transformative approach to peacebuilding, which emphasizes the importance of reflecting the interests, identities, and needs of local actors. The research was anchored within the structural violence theory, which explores how social, economic, and political structures can perpetuate harm and inequality. A qualitative descriptive survey design was employed for this study. The target population included KRCS officials, government officials (Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs), community leaders, religious leaders, and local community members who were beneficiaries of the peacebuilding initiatives. Purposive sampling was used to select key informants, while simple random sampling was employed to select specific respondents from the local community. Both questionnaires and interview guides were used as research instruments, and focus group discussions were utilized to gather data from secondary sources. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques were employed for data analysis. The study found that conflicts between the Tugen and Pokot communities escalated during dry seasons when there was competition for grazing land and water resources. Additionally, the proliferation of small arms contributed to the conflict in the study area. Although the KRCS has made efforts towards peacebuilding, it has faced significant challenges from both the county and national governments, as well as infrastructural and logistical limitations. Based on these findings, the study concludes that there is a need for equal distribution of food and non-food items, as well as the establishment of boreholes, dams, and irrigation schemes within the areas occupied by the two warring communities. These measures would contribute to long-term peacebuilding efforts and address the underlying causes of the conflicts.Item The Transformation of Sports Culture among the Keiyo and Marakwet of Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya, C. 1850-1964(Kenyatta University, 2023) Kimaiyo, Lorna Jepkoech; peter wafula; Vincent ownyweraSport is an integral part of human culture that is deeply embedded in the social values of societies across the world. As an aspect of social life, sport is entrenched within the matrix of culture and shares in the general trends of cultural change. Since time immemorial, Africa's indigenous populations have incorporated different forms of sporting activities into many facets of their daily lives. These included running, wrestling, climbing trees, high jumping and shooting range. The Keiyo and Marakwet, just like other communities, had developed elaborate indigenous forms of sports which not only promoted the physical and mental growth of the youth but served as worthwhile pastime activities. With the establishment of British colonial rule, however, these indigenous sporting activities were significantly transformed. This change is what concerns this study. It examines the historical development of the sports culture among the Keiyo and Marakwet in the period between 1850 and 1964. This study is based on three objectives; that is, to describe the indigenous sporting activities of the Keiyo and Marakwet from 1850 to 1894, to examine the colonial transformation of the indigenous sporting culture of the Keiyo and Marakwet from 1895 to 1945 and lastly to demonstrate how the adoption of modern sports between 1945 to1964 marked a watershed in the transformation of the Keiyo and Marakwet sporting history. The study is premised on the view that the indigenous sporting culture of the Keiyo and Marakwet was significantly changed by Western cultural intrusion. The indigenous Kalenjin warrior spirit embodied in African sporting activities was harnessed by the British and channeled into Western sports, mainly athletics. This study was guided by two theoretical frameworks; functionalism and antidialogical action theory. The former was used to analyze how sports were an integral part of the cultural structure of the Keiyo and Marakwet during the pre-colonial period. While the theory of antidialogical action was used to analyze the contact between Western sports culture among the Keiyo and Marakwet during the British colonial rule. In terms of methodology, this study utilized primary sources of data, mainly archival material and oral sources, and secondary sources to construct the history of sports in Elgeyo Marakwet County. In short, this study was an attempt to tell the story of the encounter and interaction between the Keiyo and Marakwet and European sporting culture. Our findings indicated that during the colonial period the Keiyo and Marakwet warrior spirit was channeled to the field and track which led to the emergence of modern athletics. This study is significant as it makes a case for the important contributions the topic of sport can make to understanding of history of colonialism in Africa.Item Ethnic Relations and Peacebuilding Amongst Communities in Nakuru County, 1992 – 2017(kenyatta university, 2023) Wamae, Samwel Macharia; Felistus KinyanjuiThe political dynamics brought political realignments heightening tensions that culminated in ethnic violence within the area in the period 1992, 1997, 2007/8. The Post-Election Violence (PEV) of 2008 was the deadliest resulting to over 1,200 deaths and 350,000 displacements in the entire country. The study was guided by the following objectives; to review the ethnic relations among communities living in Njoro Sub County of Nakuru County; to examine the ethnic violence among communities living in area; and to evaluate the initiatives in peace building and social cohesion among communities. The study is anchored on the Protracted Social Conflict (PSC) theory by Azar. Literature was thematically reviewed in the study. The researcher used descriptive survey targeting members of the community, elders, County administrators, religious leaders and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that were selected using multi-stage sampling techniques to attain a sample of 185 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the household heads in the communities while interview schedules gathered information from the Key Informant (KIs). Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The study findings revealed that communities living in Njoro are highly ethnic as in terms of use of different languages, interests and associations, ethnic geographic boundaries, cultural heritage and practices as well as ethnic political regrouping. Njoro was found to have frequent conflicts due to land, livestock and political differences leading to organized gangs destroying property, killing and maiming subjecting victims to psychological trauma, interrupting the education for children and mass displacement from the ethnic animosity. Various peace building and social cohesion initiatives in Njoro namely the constitution reviews, peace accords as well as the involvement of NGOs and establishment of commissions were considered to be effective. The study recommends that political leaders should stop dividing communities based on their ethnic orientation and community members should be sensitized on the benefits of peaceful coexistence with each other regardless of their ethnic background. All agencies of peace building should be encouraged to spear head effective peace building activities. Local administrators have the capability to enforce the law and retain normalcy in case of ethnic conflict before it can result in violence that can lead to destruction of property or loss of life.Item Implications of Xenophobia on Relations between Kenya and South Africa; 2008-2018(Kenyatta University, 2022) Ruto, Philip Kipngeno; Susan Waiyego MwangiThe impact of the various social ills breaks the bonds that anchor bilateral engagements between nations. With the countries involved in the engagement having a set of diverse social ills that would be deemed dangerous to their bilateral relationship, there has never been an adequate focus on how xenophobia has influenced bilateral dealings between South Africa and Kenya. Although it is not a new phenomenon, xenophobia has proved to be one area that determines the standing of bilateral dealing between other African countries and South Africa. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of South African xenophobia on its relationship with Kenya between the years 2008 and 2018. Specifically, the study examined the causes of xenophobia in South Africa, analysed effects of xenophobia on citizens from countries neighbouring South Africa between 2008 to 2018, assessed the effects of xenophobia on the Kenya nationals wishing to work or study in South Africa and examined xenophobia effects on political and economic relations between Kenya and South Africa. The research used descriptive research design. Primary data and secondary data were used. The secondary data included the information extracted from existing written sources. Raw data were gathered by scheduling interview with officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassies. The gathered data were analysed qualitatively as well as quantitative by examining the interrelationships among factors and the obtained data. As per the research findings, it was clear that xenophobia is a matter that affects bilateral relations between countries. Despite the existence of minimal instances of xenophobia in Kenya, there is a growing feeling about it in South Africa due to increased influx of foreigners into South Africa and subsequently taking up jobs that would ordinarily be done by the locals. The study recommended that the message of African unity should be spread across African states to include Kenya and South Africa. The civil society and the media should pursue this agenda so that citizens of the two countries can realise the importance of unity and benefit from the same by way of achieving cohesion and economic integration and development. South Africa government should deal decisively with the perpetrators of violence in their country to deter the youth from engaging in killings and disruption of business and tarnishing the image of one of Africa’s economic giants. This will be achieved through the development of domestic laws and strengthening of police and justice response to xenophobic violence.Item The Contribution of Traditional Elders in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Banadir Region, Somalia 1991 - 2016(Kenyatta University, 2022) Abukar, Abukar Sayid Ali; Julius Simiyu NabendeIn Somalia, the phenomenon of conflicts has been persistent since the collapse of Siad Barre regime in 1991. Peace building initiatives by international, national and local actors have intervened at different levels to address these conflicts. Existing research into peace building and reconciliation has marginally discussed roles of traditional elders in the Banadir region of Somalia. This study examined the contribution of traditional elders in conflict resolution and peace building in the Banadir region, Somalia, 1991 - 2016. The main objectives of the study were to examine the role of elders in the reconciliation and mediation process in the Banadir region of Somalia, 1991 - to 2004, to discuss peace-building initiatives led by elders in the Banadir region, Somalia, 2005 - 2016, and finally, to assess the challenges faced by elders in conflict resolution and peace building in Banadir region of Somalia, 1991 - 2016. Mediation theory and conflict transformation theory were used to analyze and present data. The study used a descriptive research design. The target population of this research were; traditional elders, religious leaders, civil society leaders, youth and government officers. In this study, the respondents were chosen based on non-probability sampling procedure, notably purposive sampling. The study established that since 1991 traditional elders immensely contributed to peace building in Banadir region, Somalia. The study established that the greatest challenge traditional elders experience in peace building was the inability of the elders to enforce agreements reached during conflict reconciliation among groups who were in conflict. This study recommends that the federal government of Somalia develop and enact a policy and or legislative framework that provide enforcement mechanisms for peace building processes enacted by Traditional eldersItem Multi-Agency Approach and International Boundaries Security in Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2022) Kirimi, Joel Mugambi; F. K. Kinyanjui; L. NgariThe international boundaries in Kenya are generally porous and they have their fair share of challenges and disputes. With regards to this, Kenya recognizes the centrality of international boundaries as a means to securing sovereignty and has therefore appointed different security agencies to achieve this. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between multiagency approach and international boundary security in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To examine the structure of multiagency approach in international boundary security in Kenya; To assess the effectiveness of the multiagency approach in international boundary security in Kenya; To analyze the challenges faced using multiagency approach in international boundary security in Kenya. The study was anchored on two theories namely; the systems theory and the realism theory. A descriptive study was applied. The target population was composed of officers from; the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and the National Police Service (NPS). The study used convenience and stratified sampling techniques. Primary data for the study was collected using both key informant interviews and a survey questionnaire. The collected quantitative data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Both descriptive and inferential analyses was used to analyze quantitative data. These statistical results were presented in form of tables. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The qualitative data analyzed was presented in narration form. The study found that a multiagency approach was essential in securing international boundaries of Kenya. The findings indicated that the multiagency approach was effective in securing Kenya’s international boundaries by promoting inclusivity, cooperation, coordination, training and support among the security agencies in the efforts of securing the international boundaries. The challenges of multiagency approach included; unstructured reporting lines, lack of integration of the civilians, decentralized expenditure of resources that is not responsive to operational needs, turf wars among the security agencies and budgetary constraints to undertake daily operations. The study recommends enhancement of multiagency approach initiatives by the government aiming at securing Kenya’s international boundaries. The study suggests that further studies be conducted focusing on the use of a multiagency approach in solving other problems in Kenya such as internal administrative boundary disputes in various counties.Item Somali Diaspora and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Process: A Case of Wadajir, District, Mogadishu, Somalia, From 2004 -2016(Kenyatta University, 2022) Ibrahim, Ahmed Mohamed; Gordon Onyango OmenyaThis study sets out to interrogate Somali diaspora and post-conflict reconstruction process a case of Wadajir, district in Somalia, from 2004 -2016. It was guided by three objectives, one to examine the emergence of Somalis’ in the diaspora; to evaluate the contributions of diasporic Somalis’ on the economic reconstruction of Wadajir district in Mogadishu; and lastly to examine the involvement of Somali diaspora in the reconstruction of political processes in Wadajir district of Somalia. This study was undertaken using both qualitative and quantitative research methods and its findings presented in terms of pie charts and tables. The research instruments used were questionnaires and interview schedules where key informants were interviewed. These informants were chosen through both random and purposive sampling procedures. Theoretically, the analysis of the data was done using the postcolonial theoretical framework and the post-conflict reconstruction theory. The major outcome of the study is that the Somali diaspora have contributed immensely to the reconstruction process of Wadajir district in Somali and their contribution should not be overlooked. The study has also revealed that apart from clan conflicts, other factors that led to the emergence and creation of Somali diaspora included, the need for western passport because of the non-recognition of Somali passport, desire for western education, Islamic awakening and consciousness, and the need to have foreign education and more so higher education. This is because, certificates from institutions of higher learning out of Somali are highly recognized by employers and international agencies working not only within Wadajir as our study area but also within entire Somalia. This study also found out that, Somali diaspora have also contributed in the political processes in Wadajir district and most of the representatives at the legislative level and administrators in government bodies are mostly Somalis from the diaspora. However, it was also evident that relationship between the locals and some of the Somali returnees from the diaspora in Wadajir was both conflictual, indifferent and mutually beneficial. This study therefore recommends that there is need to enhance policy framework on the integration of Somali diaspora and returnee into the society for purposes of ensuring mutual cooperation with the locals for the economic, political and social reconstruction and development of Wadajir district. The study also recommends that equal employment opportunities should be provided for both locals and Somali returnees. Further, the study recommends that comparative study should be done on the role of Somali diasporic community in the reconstruction process in other regions and districts of Somalia.Item Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons on Security of Hodan District in Banadir Region, Somalia 2006-2017(Kenyatta University, 2022) Khalif, Hassan Bedel; Gordon Onyango OmenyaOver many years and decades, Somalia has been in the limelight and has experienced civil strife internally. These actions have been attributed to the easy access to small arms and their proliferation within Somalia. This study revolves around three objectives: It examines the sources of illicit small arms in Hodan district of Somalia; examine the impact of the spread of light weapons in Hodan district of Somalia and lastly, it assesses the mitigation measures against the spread of small arms and light weapons in Hodan district. In terms of methodology, this study uses a descriptive research design. Similarly, in order to collect data, research instruments such as questionnaires, interview schedule as well as observation schedule were used. The study also relied on purposive sampling technique in order to get key informants. Nevertheless, random sampling method was also used in order to ascertain the extent to which light weapons and small arms have proliferated in Hodan district region. The study uses small arms demand theory and conflict theory as theoretical tools for analysis of the data. The study has demonstrated that the fragile nature of Somalia state, clan conflicts, existence of militia and terrorist group, the porous borders closer to Hodan district as well as illegal arms markets within and outside Somalia are the main sources of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in Hodan district. This has led to insecurity, violation of people’s rights and more so women and the rights of children. Additionally, the proliferation of SALW has impacted negatively on the security and has also undermined sustainable economic development of Hodan district. Consequently, the study is of the view that there is need for multi-sectoral approach towards solving the problem of the proliferation of SALW in Hodan district. This study expects to inform policy on how states can monitor and control accessibility of firearms by unauthorized personnel for purposes of ensuring the security of citizens not only in Hodan district but also across Somalia as a state with a view to stabilizing the wider state of Somalia politically. In conclusion, therefore, the study recommends that there is need for interventions in capacity building in the security sector as well as sensitization and awareness creation among the civilians on the need to disarm. Moreover, the study further recommends that there is need to engage technology for purposes of keeping electronic records of arms while at the same time destroying obsolete stock of arms belonging to the government so that these arms do not get into the hands of civilians and militia groups.Item Women in Peace Building Initiatives in Mogadishu City, Somalia 2006-2018(2022) Hared, H. Osman; Julius Simiyu NabendeMogadishu City in Benadir region of Somalia has been adversely affected by inter clan conflicts and warfare since the collapse of the state in 1991.Elders, Youth, women, international agencies and foreign governments have played significant roles in conflict resolution and peace building in Mogadishu City. This research specifically confined itself to interrogating the role of women in peace building in Mogadishu City,Benadir region,Somalia,2006-2018. The study was guided by the following objectives:to discuss the activities carried out by women that enhanced conflict resolution and peace building in Mogadishu city, 2006-2018, to examine the methods used by women in peace building in Mogadishu City, Somalia, 2006-2018 and to assess challenges women faced in peace building processes in Mogadishu City, Somalia, 2006-2018.The study used the social feminist theory to analyze the findings .The study employed a descriptive research design. It used purposive sampling technique and confined itself to oral interview guide as main research instrument. The findings of the study were analyzed qualitatively using simple graphs and pie charts.The study observed all the necessary norms of ethics. The study established that women in Mogadishu participated actively in conflict resolution and peace building. The findings of the study were presented in sub themes of women peace building activities, women peace building strategies and challenges women encountered in their pursuit for resolving conflicts and peace making. The study recommended that policy and legislative instruments be enacted by the regional government of Benadir, Somalia to sustain the activities of peace building conducted by women.Item Politics and Nationalism in Colonial Kenya: The Case of Babukusu of Bungoma District, C. 1894-1963(Kenyatta University, 2010) WEKESA, PETER WAFULAThis study focuses on politics and nationalism in Kenya with special reference to Babukusu of Bungoma District in the period between 1894 and 1963. It examines the place of Babukusu in Kenya's politics of decolonisation by demonstrating their contribution to the emergence and development of nationalism. Using an integrated approach, the study examines the growth of political consciousness among the Babukusu in the light of the changes in their material conditions posed by the colonial political economy. It has been deduced herein that since the inception of colonialism, Babukusu like other Kenyans elsewpere, offered a concerted political challenge to its existence. This challenge, as we have shown, can only be adequately explained by taking into account the fundamental social, economic and political changes, which were introduced during the colonial period. It was out of their sense of self-realization that a political consciousness grew, which in essence was a reaction to the unfavourable structures of the colonial political economy. This political consciousness created a new necessity, namely, decolonisation that finally led to the liquidation (?f colonial~sm in 1963. For a clear insight into the theme of politics and nationalism, aspects of the Bukusu pre-colonial history that are important for understanding their participation in Kenya's nationalist politics during the colonial period are discussed. It has been demonstrated ' that the people's social, political and economic structures on the eve of the colonial rule laid an important basis for understanding the phenomenon of colonial politics and the nationalist struggle. In discussing the method and. nature of the establishment of the colonial administration among the Babuktisu, their initial reactions between 1894 and 1918 to the setting up ~f colonialism are noted. It is obser~ed that' the' initial wars of resistance . impacted heavily qn the development of the Bukusu nationalism within this period. The wars together with the social, economic and political changes introduced by the colonialists' impacted greatly, on the people's traditional values and institutions. The Bukusu response, therefore, towards this potent new political force is highlighted. ' During the . inter-war period, Babukusu continued to participate in Kenya's nationalist politics. Here, the central role the unfair colonial policies continued to play in I increasing the people's · political activity is emphasized. Other factors like their experiences in .the First World War, the ~conomic hardships arising from it and the world depression are highlighted as equally important in unleashing all sorts of hardships within the period.· As such, both official and non-official avenues adopted by Babukusu in challenging' the colonial· state and the latter's response to such initiatives are demonstrated. Unlike the inter-war period, it is indicated that during and after the Second World I War the Bukusu nationalist politics intensified both in strength and purpose. The period became a critical one not only in the Bukusu history but the whole of Kenya in general. It was within this period that the seeds of African nationalism that were sown before and during the inter-war years matured with rapid speed into the decolonisation drama and eventually independence. It is demonstrated that just like the First World War, the Second World War became an important precipitate in fuelling nationalist unrest among the Bukusu. The war and post-war time circumstances specifically created the conditions favourable in shaping local, national and international politics. It was with the convergence of the foregoing actors that the reality of independence became feasible in Kenya in 1963.Item Evolution in the Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Abamarama of Kakamega County, Kenya, C. 1850–1960(Kenyatta University, 2022) Otswondo, Wilberforce William; Gimode A. Edwin; Enock AkattuThis study is a historical analysis of the evolution of religious beliefs and practices among the Abamarama of Kakamega County who belong to the larger Abaluyia ethnic group. The study traced the evolution and development of religious beliefs and practices of this community as occasioned by decades of encounter and interaction with Christianity. This study makes a contribution to our knowledge from a historical perspective of the Abamarama culture and the Christian missionary enterprise. Among the objectives addressed in this study were, to: analyse the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Abamarama from c. 1850-1885; examine the response of the Abamarama to mission Christianity, 1885-1930; establish the extent of adoption of western Christian beliefs and practices by the Abamarama 1930 to 1960. Literature on the cultural history of the Abamarama and other related studies were reviewed for purposes of establishing gaps of knowledge in this study. The research was informed in the Symbolic Interactionism theory and the Conflict theory of religion. The study employed qualitative research design in gathering data for this theses. The study used purposive-stratified and snowballing sampling techniques to select the informants. The study used both primary and secondary sources to gather information. Primary sources included oral interviews and archival sources from the Kenya National Archives and the Christian mission archives in Butere. Focus Group Discussions (hereafter FGD) and oral questionnaire for the interviews were employed as research instruments that assisted in gathering primary data. The data was analysed qualitatively because of the qualitative nature of this study. Data from the archives, oral interviews and library was analysed in corroboration with that from secondary sources. The research begun upon receiving authorization letter from Kenyatta University. Research permit was issued by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation. The study acknowledged all the authors that were cited in this research. Names of informants were not shown on the interview guide sheets for purposes of confidentiality. From the study findings; Abamarama had developed social, economic and political organization in the pre-colonial period. They had well-established religious beliefs and practices based on ancestor veneration and the belief in the Supreme Being. The interaction between Abamarama and Christianity caused resistance from Abamarama who later accepted and blended Christian values with their indigenous culture and formed a new hybrid religion. The Christian community that was formed among the Abamarama by 1960 was not pure Christianity but a syncretic religion. The findings of the study may be used by other scholars to conduct studies on transformation of culture among other ethnic groups within Kenya.Item Nigeria -Cameroon Border Disputes on Bakkassi Peninsular and Implication on International Relations, 1999-2015(Kenyatta University, 2022) Abubakar, Umar Faruk; Wafula Peter Wekesa; Susan MwangiConflict in common border areas is a major threat facing not only Nigeria and Cameroon but the world at large. The issues that shape the origin of these conflicts vary from one country to another. The impact of the Nigeria and Cameroon border conflict has been witnessed not only by the two countries but also by their neighbors. This research examined the border relations between Nigeria and Cameroon in the period 1999 to 2015. The study interrogated the changing nature of the border conflict in Nigeria and Cameroon in the period 2008 to 2015 and also identified ways of improving border relations between Nigeria and Cameroon. The study was guided by two theories: Rational choice and securitization theories. The theories analyzed the reasons why actors make claims over borderline areas as well as use the security threats to actualize their goals. The study focused on inhabitants on both sides of the disputed areas in the Bakassi peninsular. The study employed a qualitative approach to research using both primary and secondary sources of data. Thus data was collected from the field, library and archives. The data collected was analyzed thematically and chronologically. Ethical considerations were adhered to during the study. The findings established that oil discovery in Bakassi was the cause of the border conflicts. Another study finding was that since the current Cameroon and Nigeria boundary was established by their respective colonial masters, the signing of the accord or agreements was done without prior consultation of the African people. It was further noted that there was external control of Bakassi in Cameroon by her former colonial power, France. It was observed that the Cameroonian and Nigerian mixed commission helped in bringing about peace to the two countries despite the fact that the agreement was not fully implemented. The study concludes that the withdrawal of Nigerian troops from the disputed Bakassi was an indication that Nigeria was in agreement with the court’s verdict therefore, Cameroonian government has no body in the disputed land. This study recommends that the two countries should embrace community participation in their discussions or agreements over the disputed border area. Also, there is potential for good relations, if the settlers/indigenes voted in a referendum. This research work Targeted 1600 out of it 100 people were selected for interview Bakassi peninsular of Cameroon 50 people and the newly created Bakassi community in Nigeria 50 peoples well as Government officials from both sides.Item The Changing Patterns of Land-Use among the Kabras of Kakamega County, Kenya c.1963-2010(Kenyatta University, 2021) Andanje, Indeche Fridah; Peter Wafula Wekesa; Pius Kaikai WanyonyiThis study investigated the transformation in land-use patterns among the Kabras of Kakamega North Sub-County of Kakamega County between 1963 and 2010.The initiatives and the struggle of the Kabras for the betterment of their economic status through the application of various land-use patterns is at the core of this study. The research examined and analysed various land-use patterns adopted by the Kabras of Kakamega North Sub-County at independence. It also investigated the emerging trends that dominated Kabras system of land-use between 1963 and 1978. The study focused on establishing the causes of these changes and their impact on the Kabras livelihoods between 1979 and 2010. Other studies carried out on the Kabras have been pegged on other aspects of the Kabras’ livelihood other than land-use system. The need to fill this gap is what necessitated having this study. The year 1978 is viewed as a watershed in which a comparison is taken between president Kenyatta’s and president Moi’s periods of leadership on how land was utilized by the Kabras. The theory of articulation of modes of production is an analytical perspective which conceives modes of production as an abstraction which links the material realities to the society in which they occur. This theory, therefore, appealed in examining the link between the Kabras and their source of wealth, which is mainly land. Apart from articulation of modes of production, the other theories that were used in this study are dependence, underdevelopment and post-modernism. Both primary and secondary sources provided the necessary data for this study. The secondary sources of data included published books and journals. The respondents interviewed were selectively sampled to identify the group considered as knowledgeable about the research area. The data collected was carefully interpreted, based on the objectives of the study. The research findings revealed that external socio-economic interests were forced on the Kabras by the colonialists without due consideration of their way of life and that the changing systems of Land-Use among the Kabras was a continuous process which had its roots in the past agriculture was accorded the highest priority in the Kabras land-use system. Also, interaction between the Kabras and their neighbours led to the transfer of iron working knowledge from the neighbours to Kabras, and as the Kabras people evolved, they systematically developed unique characteristics that defined their identity. This research is of great value to stakeholders and government officials in designing more effective strategies or interventions to improve land utilization in the Kakamega North Sub-County.Item Young Initiates Involvement in Inter-Clan Conflict Management and Resolution in Todonyang Sub-Location, Turkana County, 2013 To 2017(Kenyatta University, 2021) Ongaga, Jeremiah Nyandigisi; Isaiah Oduor Otieno; Edward Waswa KisianganiGlobally conflict has been part and parcel of human interactions since time immemorial. Thomas Hobbes in his hypothetical state of nature argues that human are bound to conflict due to pride, passion and competition. Since conflict is inevitable in life, human beings must come up with strategies towards resolving disputes whenever they arise. Conflict resolution remains a crucial asset for peace and stability. Inter-clan conflicts have at best prevented people from developing their bountiful human and natural potential. Conflicts have given rise to conditions of near hopelessness. Communities in Kenya have co-existed peacefully since their migrations and settlement. The youth constitute 60% of the world population. By virtue of their numerical superiority the youth are both the greatest victims of war and the greatest beneficiaries of peace. Their involvement in peace building and resolution cannot be underestimated. This is especially true among pastoral communities. This study examined the role played by young initiates in Todonyang’ sub-location Turkana County in conflict resolution and management between 2013 and 2017. The target population were the new initiates who are transiting to adulthood through a rite of passage known as Atapan ceremony in Turkana community. The study sought to establish the level of young initiates’ participation in conflict resolution and management in Todonyang sub-location in Turkana County between 2013 and 2017. The first objective of this study was to trace the root causes of inter-clan conflicts in Todonyang’ sub-location. The nature of young initiates’ involvement in inter-clan conflict resolution was assessed. Finally this study analyzed the challenges faced by the young initiates’ in inter-clan conflict resolution in Todonyang sub-location in the period under study. To achieve its intended objectives the study consulted both primary and secondary data. This study was conducted using descriptive survey design to establish the role of young initiates’ in peace and conflict management in Turkana County. Using simple random sampling technique the researcher interviewed 300 respondents from the area under study. The study made use of questionnaires and interview guide in data collection. The researcher employed both quantitative and qualitative method of data analysis. This study was anchored on the social identity analytical approach.Item Changes in Trade Practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga, Siaya County Kenya; 1850 - 1999(Kenyatta University, 2021) Okello, Okal Elias; Susan W. Mwangi; Julius NabendeThe Luo of Alego Usonga, like any other African traditional society in the world, depended on trade and exchange as one of the ways of earning their livelihood. This study is an analytical product of archival, oral and library research focussing on changes in trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga.The study examines the trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga between 1850 and 1999. It assesses the nature and impact of British colonial rule on trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga and interrogates how Africanization of the economy policy changed their trade practices. The study revolves around three fundamental questions. First, how was trade practised among the Luo of Alego Usonga from 1850 to 1899? Secondly, what was the nature and impact of British colonial rule on trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga between 1900 and 1963? And thirdly, how did the Africanization of the economy policy change the trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga between 1964 and 1999? The study argues that during the pre-colonial period the Luo of Alego Usonga had a regular intra and inter-community trade network with their neighbours involving exchange of different items of trade in various designated places. The mode of exchange was mainly barter. However, the advent of colonialism and the inauguration of economic structures affected the nature of trade by restructuring and modifying the pre-existing trade patterns and exchange to align with the new mode. New needs especially European merchandise was created as new market systems based on monetarised exchange modes were brought forth. Trading centres therefore became the nodal points of trading activities among the Luo of Alego Usonga. The study also highlighted the role of European and Indian merchants in the post 1900 history of the Alego Usonga which gradually affected the realm of trade and exchange. Although some earlier forms of traditional economy were witnessed at the onset colonialism, a fresh orientation towards the market emerged and this acted as a turning point for the economy of the Luo of Alego Usonga leading to the monetization of trade and exchange. After independence new economic policies such as Africanization of the economy were introduced to enhance economic equilibrium in Kenya. This enabled the local traders from Alego Usonga to take advantage of the existing trading opportunities as they started to operate businesses which were initially controlled by non-Africans. To deeply interrogate the integration of the traditional and capitalist economy of the Luo of Alego Usonga, this study employed Articulation of Modes of Production theory as a major tool of inquiry. The pre-capitalist mode of production of Alego Usonga was articulated and modified to capitalist mode of production forcing it to align with the colonial economy. The two modes of production continued to co-exist even during the independence period. Target population was 2240 people of the Luo residing in Alego Usonga. Key informants especially those who were above seventy years were identified through purposeful non-random and snowballing sampling techniques. Both Primary and Secondary data employed provided epistemological and empirical evidence to support the dicussions. Descriptive and historical design was used. This enabled the researcher to reach out for more key informants. Qualitative approach of synchronizing, analysing and interpreting historical data was adopted. The study concluded that the penetration of colonial rule in Alego Usonga had a great impact in changing the trade practices among the Luo of Alego Usonga. The main contribution of this study is two-fold. First, it provides overdue analysis of the significant changes in trade practices which took place among the Luo of Alego Usonga over a period of time. Second, it has disclosed information about the economic aspects of the Luo of Alego Usonga and their reaction towards colonial economic policies during the colonial period. This study recommends that changes in trade practices among other communities in Kenya need to be conducted to build on the socio-economic history.