Adoption of strategic management practices at Kenyatta University.
Gitau, Kinuthia Nicholas
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Strategic management is a key guideline in institutions of higher learning as the quest for
higher education continues hence each university has to lay down its competitive
strategies and align them with the ever changing environment and market trends. It is on
this note that each university is striving to come up with strategic plans to guide its
operations and give it a competitive edge over others and be able to attract more students.
This is evidenced by the fact that there are 22 public universities and 14 private
universities who are competing to provide higher education. This study, therefore sought
to assess the adoption of strategic management practices in Kenyatta University. This
research study adopted a descriptive survey design which was deemed appropriate
because the main interest was to establish how strategic management practices have been
adopted in Kenyatta University. The study targeted the management staff of the
university, making 91 respondents. Primary data was gathered directly from respondents
and for this study, a semi-structured questionnaire was utilized. Secondary data was also
collected for this study. Quantitative data collected using questionnaires was analyzed by
the use of descriptive statistics and presented through percentages, means, standard
deviation and frequencies. The information was also presented by use of frequency tables
and charts. The study conducted a multiple regression analysis to determine the
relationship between strategic management and the variables as well as ANOV A model
to test for significance. The study found out that Kenyatta University is faced with
various challenges in the strategic management at the different levels. The study also
found that commitment of top management affects strategic management in Kenyatta
University. The study concludes that Kenyatta University uses communication as a
means of achieving strategic management. The study also concludes that organizational
culture has an effect on strategic management in Kenyatta University. The study finally
concludes that organizational structure influences strategic management at Kenyatta
University. The study recommends review of the strategic management practices by
Kenyatta University by making a positive contribution on communication, commitment,
creating awareness or understanding of the strategy, aligning organizational systems and
resources and better coordination and sharing of responsibilities. The study also
recommends that decision making for the Kenyatta University be based on a perception
of itself and the environment so as to detect problems, gather information, and evaluate
possible outcomes.
Department of Public Policy and Administration, 87p. 2015