Strategic Leadership and Performance of Selected Dairy Processing Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya.

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Kenyatta University
The serious issue in the Kenyan dairy processing firms is poor strategic leadership in the midst of the fierce competition as organizations compete to achieve competitive advantage and market reach at through enhance performance. The fierce competition and interest for incredible initiative is emphasized by the way that just 15% of milk is offered to the perceived processors and cooperatives. As such, the general objective of the study was to investigate the influence of strategic leadership on the performance of dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives included determining the effect of organizational core competences, organizational culture, organizational processes and networking on the performance of dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. This study was anchored on dynamic capability theory, goal setting theory and resource based view theory. The study covered six dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The respondents for the study were 350 staff members working with the six active dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County. The study used a semi - structured questionnaire as the data collection instrument. Validity of the research instrument was through content validity while reliability was conducted through Cronbach Alpha with a threshold of 0.7 being the highest. Primary data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences based on the questionnaires. In particular mean scores, standard deviations, percentages and frequency distribution were used to summarize the responses and to show the magnitude of similarities and differences. Results were presented in tables and charts. Linear regression model was used to establish whether there is a relationship between the variables. From the study findings, it established that core competencies has a significant and direct relationship with core competences and performance of dairy processing firms. The study established that there is a direct relationship between organization culture and performance of dairy processing firms. The study findings indicated that there is significant relationship between organizational process and performance of dairy processing firms and lastly, majority of the respondents agreed that networking impacts performance of dairy processing firms. The management of the dairy processing firms should include core competencies in its strategic plans to ensure continued high performance. The organizational culture should be enhanced in the dairy processing firms in Nairobi City County since it enhances performance and the dairy processing firms must encourage a culture in which employees are allowed to understand how the organization operates. The organizational process must be carefully worked out and applied process in the entire organizations. This process involves determining what work is needed to accomplish the goal and assigning those tasks to individuals. This should result in a work environment where all team members are aware of their responsibilities. The dairy processing firms should focus on ways of maximizing the utilization of relational trust by cultivating trust amongst staff, relational capability by encouraging inter - organizational interactions in open forums, relational strength, and encouraging information sharing amongst their networks in order to boost performance. In addition, these dairy processing firms should create strategic networks and partnerships that are unique and inimitable by other organizations to enable them acquire innovations, resources, skills and competencies, thus improving performance. On the future studies, there is need to focus on a different geographical area to establish whether the results will be similar to the findings of the current study. The study should also cover different variables not used in the current study such as strategic thinking, competitive advantage and organizational resources.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of the Award of Degree in Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) of Kenyatta University, October 2024. Supervisor Janet Muthimi