Impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on Students Performance in Biology Practical in Vihiga County, Kenya
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The study investigated impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on students’ performance in Biology
practical. Research study objective was to determine students level of mastery of Basic Science Process Skills in
learning of Biology practical. Form Three students were involved in the study. The study adopted Constructivism
theory and Quasi experimental research design. Data was collected using Biology Achievement Test. The tests
consisted of both pretest and posttest. The students target population was 4560 Form Three students. A sample size of
384 Form Three students was obtained from the target population using Yamane’s formula. Twelve participating
schools were selected by applying Stratified and Simple random sampling method. Six experimental and six control
group of schools were created using Purposive sampling method. Experimental group were taught using practical
activities while control group focused on teacher centered activities. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for
Social Science version 27. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze mean, standard deviation and median. Inferential
statistics were used to determine significance of results. Content validity was determined by piloting the study
instruments. Internal consistency reliability of the tests was determined using Kuder-Richardson 20 formula (=.978).
A two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a significant difference in learners’ performance in Biology practical in
both experimental group and control group at p<.05.
Kadenyi Mercy Osotsi, Wambasi, A., & MICHAEL MUCHOKI, W. (2025). Impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on Students Performance in Biology Practical in Vihiga County, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 6(1), 13–23.