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    Impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on Students Performance in Biology Practical in Vihiga County, Kenya
    (IJRSS, 2025-01) Kadenyi, Mercy Osotsi; Wambasi, Aineah Wang’anya; Waititu, Michael Muchoki
    The study investigated impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on students’ performance in Biology practical. Research study objective was to determine students level of mastery of Basic Science Process Skills in learning of Biology practical. Form Three students were involved in the study. The study adopted Constructivism theory and Quasi experimental research design. Data was collected using Biology Achievement Test. The tests consisted of both pretest and posttest. The students target population was 4560 Form Three students. A sample size of 384 Form Three students was obtained from the target population using Yamane’s formula. Twelve participating schools were selected by applying Stratified and Simple random sampling method. Six experimental and six control group of schools were created using Purposive sampling method. Experimental group were taught using practical activities while control group focused on teacher centered activities. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 27. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze mean, standard deviation and median. Inferential statistics were used to determine significance of results. Content validity was determined by piloting the study instruments. Internal consistency reliability of the tests was determined using Kuder-Richardson 20 formula (=.978). A two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a significant difference in learners’ performance in Biology practical in both experimental group and control group at p<.05.
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    Students’ attitude and its effect on academic achievement in physics among secondary schools in Narok County, Kenya
    (Online Journals Publisher, 2024-08-14) Aencha, Thomas Magati; Waititu, Michael; Ondigi, Samson Rosana
    The research was inspired by the fact that students’ positive attitude is important since attitude plays a critical role on academic achievement. The research aimed to explore the aspects of students’ attitude on academic achievement in Physics among public secondary schools in Narok County, Kenya. The study employed quasiexperimental research design with pre-test and post-test administered to control and experimental groups. The data which was generated was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The differences between the means of the two groups were analyzed using t-test. The statistical significance was tested at a= INTRODUCTION 0.05. The findings of the study indicated that the students who were instructed through various methods attained higher scores than their counterparts who were instructed through traditional methods of teaching. Inclusion, student's attitude towards physics enhanced their academic performance. Thus, the study recommends that the research be done on other locales to establish the effect of students' attitude towards learning school Physics on academic achievement.
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    Gender Difference in Academic Performance among Learners in Basic Design and Technology Sewing: A Case Study of Ashanti-Mampong Municipality
    (JETIR, 2023-10) Tsekpo, Peace Akosua; Ondigi, Samson; Oludhe, David
    A crucial part of the curriculum is Basic Design and Technology (BDT), which gives students practical knowledge in a variety of areas, including sewing. It is essential for encouraging students' creativity and invention while preparing them for professions in design and technology-related fields in the future. In numerous educational settings around the world, gender inequalities in academic achievement have been a topic of curiosity and concern. Designing successful educational practices and guaranteeing fair chances for all students require an understanding of these variances. In the Ashanti-Mampong Municipality, this case study seeks to identify the gender differences in academic performance among BDT sewing students. A descriptive survey that combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies was employed in the study. Various sampling techniques (stratified, purposive, and plain random) were used to determine the population and sample size. The researcher employed questionnaires, sewing proficiency exams, interviews, and a checklist for observing classes to obtain data. This aided in establishing the link between practical-based learning and its effect on students' academic progress. The majority of teachers employ practicalbased teaching and learning techniques less frequently than the other teaching strategies mentioned in this thesis, according to the findings.
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    Practical-Based Teaching and Learning and Its Influence on Academic Performance in Sewing among Junior High Schools Learners in Mampong-Ashanti Municipality, Ghana: A Review of Challenges Teachers Face in Implementing Practical-Based Teaching in BDT Sewing
    (IJNRD, 2023-09) Tsekpo, Peace Akosua; Ondigi, Samson; Oludhe, David
    The study made the claim that the use of practical-based teaching modes can improve students' learning experiences and result in academic success using pragmatism and ecological systems theory. A descriptive survey that combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies was employed in the study. Various sampling techniques (stratified, purposive, and plain random) were used to determine the population and sample size. The researcher employed questionnaires, sewing proficiency exams, interviews, and a checklist for observing classes to obtain data. This aided in establishing the link between practical-based learning and its effect on students' academic progress. The majority of teachers employ practical-based teaching and learning techniques less frequently than the other teaching strategies mentioned in this thesis, according to the findings.
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    Fostering Students Mastery of Culinary Competencies through Computer-Based Scaffolding in Secondary Schools in Kenya
    (Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2024-02) Lusanji, Liza Minishi; Chomba, Bernard Mugo; Nafula, Elizabeth; Abuyeka, Miima Florence
    The use of computer-based scaffolding (CBS) is one of the 21st century pedagogies being embraced in education. Home Science is a practical subject taught in primary and secondary schools in Kenya. Culinary is an area of Home science which imparts learners with knowledge and skills on methods of cooking, food hygiene, food nutrients, nutritional disorders, food preservation, flour mixtures, réchauffé cookery, convenience foods, meal preparation, management and service. The competencies mastered in Culinary in primary and secondary schools empower the learner to practice principles of good health with respect to themselves and others in their environment. Moreover, the learner is enabled to manage and improvise resources, develop artistic skills and values in making of appropriate food choices. They also learn to prepare, cook, serve food and drinks from given ingredients, adhering to the principles of nutrition and individual requirements. To meet the current requirements of the rapidly shifting culinary industry, students need to be taught using modern strategies. CBS in teaching and learning of culinary concepts and skills involves the application of computer-based technologies (CBT) to engage learners in problem-based situations, through models, simulations or visualizations to introduce new knowledge. CBS employs the use of pictorials, educational cooking videos, live streams which are accessed online and recorded cooking shows from media agencies. The purpose of this study was to establish the use of computer-based scaffolding in fostering the learners’ culinary competences in secondary schools in Kenya and the sample size was drawn from the learners and teachers of Home science and Nutrition. Quasi-experimental design was adopted and the findings showed that Computer-based scaffolding in teaching and learning yielded positive results.
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    Use of Information Communication and Technology and Its Influence on Performance in Landforming Processes among Secondary Schools in Lamu County, Kenya
    (International Journal of Scientific Development and Research, 2024) Wainaina, N. Lucy; Ondigi, Samson; Babusa, Hamisi
    Research shows that ICT can promote quality education by fostering a learner-centered environment, quality teaching-learning processes, and strategies, effectual, creative, motivated, collaborative, interdisciplinary, evaluative, and self-directed learning as well as the enrichment of basic skills. This study probed the use of ICT in teaching and learning land forming processes among secondary schools. The two major objectives of the study were: first, to establish types of ICT resources used in teaching and learning land forming processes, second, to establish factors influencing the choice of ICT used in teaching and learning land forming processes The study employed the Roger’s (2003) theory of Diffusion of Innovation. The study sought to investigate whether the form two geography teachers and students use ICT when teaching and learning land forming processes. The study involved a sample size of 121 students, 9 teachers, 6 HODs, and 6 Principals. Data collection instruments included students’ and teachers' questionnaires, a teaching observation checklist, and HODs’ and Principals’ semi-structured interviews. Data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data was analyzed by way of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The study concludes that while most schools have ICT tools that they can use for teaching and learning, most teachers in those schools are not fully utilizing these tools due to a number of factors including lack of a culture of using ICT tools and expertise. Accordingly, the study recommends that schools should work out ways of encouraging the development of an ICT culture
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    Assessment of Influence of Inquiry-Based Approach on Student’s Attitudes towards Biology in Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya
    (SARC Publisher, 2023-09-23) Doboyou, Jackson T.; Nyamu, Florence K.
    Research evidence shows that students' interest in a subject, their motivation to study, career choice, participation in extracurricular activities, teaching methods, and teachers' level of experience, are a range of variables that influence students' attitudes and performance. Use of a student-centred approach such as inquiry-based approach (IBA), will influence the development of students’ interests and attitudes in the subject, thereby improving their performance. According to research evidence, students’ attitudes are related to achievement. It was recommended that teachers should implement effective teaching strategies that influence development of positive attitudes towards Biology. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of inquiry-based approach on the attitudes of students towards Biology. The target population was 37 public secondary schools, 1,194 Form 3 students and 29 Biology teachers. The study adopted simple random and purposive sampling techniques to select 11 secondary schools, 14 Biology teachers and 344 students. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used for data collection. Data was analysed using descriptive analysis with the help of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. On the basis of the findings, it was found that implementation of IBA influenced the attitudes of Form 3 students. Students collaborated to create their own knowledge and engaged in practical activities. However, it was found that a variety of factors, including the availability of resources such as computers and internet access, are critical to assisting students in understanding challenging topics and conducting research. This will increase their interest to engage into the learning activities. It is recommended that Biology teachers implement more of IBA during teaching, since it motivates students, engages them into thinking and reasoning, and asking questions. Teachers should also engage students into more of group work, since it fosters collaboration among students and allows them to handle and manipulate apparatus during practical.
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    Strategies for Inculcating Gender Equity in Mathematics Classrooms for Enhancement of Learners’ Problem-Solving Skills
    (RSIS, 2023-08-15) Nimely, Dennis R.; Nyamu, Florence K.
    The report released in 2022 by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) shows that globally, female enrolment is at least 88% at primary and secondary school levels. The 88% is an indicator of good progress in gender equality in education. Of concern, however, is gender equity in Mathematics classrooms. Internationally set goals, Education For All (EFA) Goal 5, Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) Goal 3 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 4, all focus on gender equity. This study aims to raise awareness about strategies and practices for gender equity in teaching and learning Mathematics. The study uses inclusion and exclusion criteria, a literature review, and empirical data analysis. Evidence suggests that gender equity in Mathematics improves critical thinking skills and increases gender balance in Mathematics education. The researchers recommend further study on strategies for integrating gender equity in Mathematics classrooms.
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    Investigating teacher-learner classroom interaction and its effect on learners’ ability to solve word-problems in secondary schools, Nakuru County, Kenya
    (Research Culture Society, 2023-07-15) Nimely, Dennis R.
    The teaching and learning process in Mathematics classrooms requires teachers to use different strategies which motivate learners and develop analytical and critical thinking skills. Research findings have presented factors that influence learners’ performance and suggestions for possible solutions. Inspite of the findings, learners’ performance in Mathematics remains a global concern. This study was aimed at investigating teacher-learner classroom interaction and its effect on learners’ ability to solve word-problems in secondary schools. The objective was: to establish the effect of teacher-learner classroom interaction on learners’ ability to solve word-problems. The researchers employed the descriptive survey design with quantitative and qualitative methods. A sample of 358 participants were selected through stratified random sampling technique, comprising 10 Mathematics teachers, 338 Form II learners, and 10 Mathematics Heads of Department from secondary schools in Naivasha sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. The data collection tools for the study were: Mathematics teachers’ questionnaire, learners’ questionnaire, classroom observational checklist, and Mathematics Heads of Department schedule interview. The researchers reported the data in frequency tables and charts. The findings show that the teachers and Mathematics Heads of Department recognized the effect of teacher-learner classroom interaction on learners’ ability to solve word-problems. Thus, the study suggests that teacher-learner interaction is crucial to word-problem-solving teaching. The data also show that most schools in Naivasha sub-County had overcrowded classrooms. The researchers propose further study of how classroom overcrowding affects learners’ ability to solve word-problems.
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    Influence of using Collaborative Writing Strategy on Learners’ Performance in Functional Writing Skills in English Language in Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya
    (IJRISS, 2024-05) Juday, Jefferson Poar Wayei; Mwangi, Francis Gichuki; Miima, Florence Abuyeka
    Function writing is an essential life skill for learners. As learners reach a sufficient level of proficiency, they make maximum use of the skill to get excellent results on national exams, making them ready to enroll in postsecondary institutions to pursue further education. Developing and utilizing the skill pave the avenue for learners to demonstrate effective communication skills in the work environment. This article investigated influence of use of collaborative writing strategy on learners’ performance in function writing skills in English in secondary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was conducted in Githunguri Sub-County in Kiambu County, Kenya. Four public secondary schools were purposively selected for application of the strategy. The sample size comprised of 192 learners, 8 teachers, and 4 heads of English Language Department. The study employed the use of simple random technique to sample learners and utilized purposive technique for instructors and heads of English Language Department. Solomon four group design, a type of quasi-experimental research design, was employed to enable the researcher to apply pre-test and post-test to determine learners’ performance in the skills, and asses their entry behaviours. The study used tests and questionnaires to gather data from learners, while forms of interview schedules were applied for gathering of data from teachers and the heads of the English Language Department. SPSS version 21.0 computer software was used for data analysis. Findings of the study show that use of collaborative writing skills has a greater influence on learners’ performance in functional writing skills in English as the strategy improves learners’ critical thinking, communication, retention, understanding, collaboration, vocabulary, and grammar and writing skills through rigorous interactions during group discussions.
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    Strategies Used in Teaching English Language Oral Skills and Effects on Primary School Learner Participation in Embu County, Kenya
    (IJMRGE, 2024-03) Mugo, Tabitha Murugi; Bwire, Adelheid Marie
    English language learning is pegged on four core skills namely writing, reading, listening and speaking. Acquisition of language springs from the latter; verbal skills (listening & speaking) and ignite the learning process in totality. Teaching of oral skills is barred by hurdles like ineffective delivery strategies. This study investigates instructional strategies utilized in development of oral skills. Descriptive survey, as a research design, was adopted. The study was grounded on Constructivism Learning Theory. The target population consisted of 37 public primary schools in Embu-West, 37 language panel chairpersons, 67 grade 3 classes and 67 grade 3 teachers of English. The study sample was chosen using stratified and simple random sampling methods. The sample consisted of 10 schools, 10 grade 3 classes, 10 language panel chairpersons and 10 grade 3 teachers. For data collection, teacher questionnaires, language panel chairpersons interview schedule, classroom observation guide and focus group discussion for learners were used. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using SPSS version 25.0 and presented in form of tables and percentages whereas qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented narratively. Results revealed that storytelling, pair work, communication games, group work, role-play and songs among others form the major strategies in the teaching of oral skills. The results led to the conclusion that storytelling, pair work, songs and role-play form the common strategies used in development of oral skills. The study recommends that teachers adopt use of these interactive strategies and motivate learners to practice and develop interest in learning of oral skills among others. These findings may be beneficial to both curriculum developers and implementers for effective teaching and learning.
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    Impact of Digital Learning Tools on Student Performance in Kenya
    (IPRJB, 2024-04) Mwangi, Julius
    Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of digital learning tools on student performance in Kenya. Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of its low cost advantage as compared to a field research. Our current study looked into already published studies and reports as the data was easily accessed through online journals and libraries. Findings: Digital learning tools in Kenya enhance student engagement by offering interactive and accessible educational content. These tools enable personalized learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace. However, challenges like inconsistent internet access and limited digital literacy among teachers can hinder effectiveness. Despite these obstacles, the adoption of digital technologies has positively impacted student performance in Kenya. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Technology acceptance model (TAM), constructivist learning theory & media richness theory may be used to anchor future studies on the impact of digital learning tools on student performance in Kenya. Educational tools should be specifically tailored to align with Kenya’s national curriculum. Develop national policies that promote the equitable distribution of digital learning tools across different regions, including rural areas.
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    Opportunities and Challenges in Developing the 21st Century Teacher: Case of Kenyatta University Mentorship Programme in Matungulu Sub -County, Machakos County-Kenya
    (JAIS, 2024) Mumo, Rosalia; Mwangangi, Leonard; Warfa, Ahmed Osman; Ondigi, Samson; Bwire, Adelheid
    The purpose of this study was to identify the opportunities and challenges arising from Kenyatta University Mentorship programme in developing the 21st century teacher Practicum in Matungulu Sub County, Machakos County. In the 21stCentury, there is need to refocus the training of the teacher by shifting emphasis from training to preparing the teacher to be an educator of the 21st Century learner and not just an educator but a super educator. The study was guided by three objectives: To identify teacher preparation opportunities arising from Kenyatta University mentorship programme. To investigate challenges associated with teacher mentorship programme. To establish training strategies that can be used for the preparation of the 21stCentury teacher. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The data was generated using opinions from Kenyatta University Student Teachers who were undertaking their teaching practice in Matungulu Sub County and their Teacher mentors. They were chosen using purposive sampling .12 Student teachers were chosen for the study which constituted 30%of the target population. Alternatively, 5 teacher mentors were interviewed. Test-re-test method was used to test reliability and this was done during piloting stage which was carried in one school. The Data was collected using self-designed questionnaires for student teachers and interview guide for the teacher mentors which was administered by the researchers. Data was analyzed using descriptive Statistics that was generated by Statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS Ver 2.0) The study findings were reported using descriptive statistics, percentages and tables. The findings of the study revealed that Kenyatta university mentorship programme was an innovative and collaborative way of assessing student teachers, it was an opportunity to enhance professional growth and development of the student -teacher. The mentorship programme was cost effective; however, it had the challenges of inadequate incentives for the mentor, awarding high schools to the mentee which did not reflect the reality of their performance in the class therefore needing moderation. The study concluded that professionalism on the part of the mentor and mentee was an issue of concern as it had raised many issues. The Study recommended that all stakeholders and universities be sensitized on the importance of Mentorship programme.
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    Cross-curriculum Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School: Geography, History, Religious Education and Mathematics in Kenya’s Competency Based Curriculum
    (Kenyatta university, 2024-03) Mwangangi, Leonard
    Inadequate learners’ engagement in Geography, History, Religious Education, and Mathematics (GHREM) can lead to a lack of knowledge and appreciation for the importance of these learning areas in various careers. This has the potential to have far-reaching implications for a country’s need for well-educated graduates in Geography, History, Religious Education, and Mathematics to ensure socioeconomic, cultural, and political development. The implication is that there will be a lack of personnel to take up a career in these learning areas in the future. This study looked into the importance of GHREM in the National Curriculum as well as their relationship. The study relied on library research and a qualitative research design to examine published articles related to the research objectives from 1945 to 2023. From the over 100 articles accessed, this investigation purposefully sampled 25 published articles. Content analysis was used to validate the articles. Data was collected through documentation and analyzed through content analysis. The analysis of 25 related articles revealed that the GHREM learning areas are interconnected and interdependent. Geography teaches learners about their surroundings and helps them understand them. History helps learners understand the evolution of various human endeavors. Religious education helps learners understand various religions and their practices while also promoting tolerance and respect for diversity, as well as ethical and moral behavior. Mathematics introduces learners to concepts such as numbers, algebra, geometry, and statistics, while also encouraging abstract thinking and problem-solving abilities. These learning areas are related because they are all required for learners to understand and interpret their surroundings, as well as to succeed in a variety of careers. Overall, each learning area helps to develop a well-rounded education that prepares learners for careers and beyond. According to the study’s findings, these learning areas should be integrated across the curriculum.
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    The Application of Referent Authority by Teachers in Enhancement of Classroom Role Performance: A Case of Machakos County in Kenya
    (EdinBurg, 2024-01) Anthoniammal, Arulappan Mariapragasam; Kiende, Hellen; Nyaga, Peter
    Teachers’ classroom authority is fundamental for their successful role performance. Traditionally, teachers enjoyed legitimacy over the students, but that has been challenged by educational policy reforms and technology to a two-way social relationship with students referred to as referent authority. Unfortunately, school policies and school rules and regulations do not attract the use of personal characteristics in class as teachers are supposed to wield legitimacy. On the other hand, school curricula advocate for use of hidden curriculum as a way of achieving the whole personal performance. This article endeavored to establish the extent to which teachers used referent authority and the influence it had on their classroom role performance in Machakos County. A descriptive survey research design was employed. The target population was 369 principals, 4365 teachers, and 63973 form two and form Three students in 369 public secondary schools in the County. A total of 619 respondents were sampled using systematic, stratified, simple random and proportional sampling techniques. An interview schedule was used to collect data from the principals and questionnaires were used to gather data from teachers and students. Analyzed data from both teachers and students showed that they strongly agreed that teachers applied referent authority. Inferential statistics showed that referent authority had a significant influence on the role performance of teachers. This was also supported by head teacher responses who concluded that teachers who used referent authority in class influenced to a larger extent their performance. The study concluded that when teachers use more referent authority practices, their performance in the classroom improved more as compared to when they used the other three authority types. This study recommended that the Ministry of Education, universities/colleges and TSC need to review teacher training curricula to equip teachers in the use of practices and approaches that lead to referent authority.
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    An Exploration of the Integration of ICT in Mathematics Lessons in Secondary Schools, Garissa County, Kenya
    (EdinBurg, 2024-01) Mwaniki, F.M.; Nyamu, F.K; Waititu, M.M
    The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has brought about significant transformations in teaching and learning processes. In a mathematics classroom, ICT offers unique opportunities to enhance students' engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster conceptual understanding. This study explores strategies employed by mathematics teachers in integrating ICT into their lessons. The research design was a descriptive survey. The study was informed by the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The target population consisted of 18 public secondary schools located in Garissa County. A sample of 267 mathematics students was selected using simple random sampling, while purposive sampling was used to select 18 mathematics teachers and 10 school principals from the ten selected schools. Data were collected through interviews with school principals, classroom observations, and surveys given to Mathematics teachers and students. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Bar graphs were used to present the results. Findings revealed that projectors, printers, and smart televisions were the main ICT tools available for teaching mathematics, while GeoGebra was the most commonly used software by mathematics teachers. PowerPoint presentations and whiteboard displays were commonly used by teachers during mathematics lessons. Based on the findings, one conclusion is drawn: the scarcity of ICT resources hindered effective mathematics instruction. The study recommended the acquisition of more ICT resources for teaching and learning Mathematics. The study's findings can inform policymakers and education stakeholders to efficiently utilize ICT in the mathematics classroom and enhance students' mathematics performance.
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    Animation Integration in Teaching of Physics and Its Effect on Secondary School Learners’ Academic Performance in Makueni County, Kenya
    (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2023) Muinde, NK; Waititu, MM; Oludhe, DO
    This study investigated impact of instructional integration of animation on achievement in Physics of secondary school learners in Makueni County. Pre- and post-test quasi-experimental study design was used with two County schools, one for each of male and female students and two sub county (mixed) schools. The county schools do report better performance in Physics Kenya Certificate of secondary Education (KCSE) examination than the Sub-County schools, and generally the male students do outperform girls in the same examination in Physics. The study found that sub-county schools demonstrated comparable more gain in post-test performance than the County. It also emerged from the study that female students in county schools outshone their male counterparts by 1.827% in the post-test, while, in sub-county schools there was a 0.25% gap in favor of the girls. From these findings it is clear that the presumed underachievers, the female students, and the student in the sub-county schools gained more from instructional use of animations. However, the findings do not demonstrate any disadvantage of instructional use of animation towards county schools and the male students. Instructional use of animation therefore is useful in enhancing performance of otherwise presumed underachievers without any drawback to the presumed achievers.
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    Effectiveness of Information Communication Technology on Education in Kenyan Universities
    (EANSO, 2023-10) Kiche, Justus Odongo
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been growing faster and having influence in society and daily life. It has been a vital instrument in giving higher education to the people. Integration of ICT assisted lectures to the global requirement to replace traditional lecturing methods with a technology-based lecturing and learning tools and facilities. ICT has a major role in giving access to information. Its application and having skills, knowledge and expertise was very critical. In the 21st century, the issue of ICT has made the level of education escalate in our Kenyan Universities. ICT has been considered as one of the main elements in transforming the country to the future development. Educational Sustainable development was the development that met the education needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. As examples of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there was need to improve education status within our country. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ICT in universities of Kenya. The study was grounded on Constructivist learning theory. The researcher adopted a mixed methodology approach to carry out the study, since it had both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Concurrent triangulation design was used. The study was carried out in Nairobi County. The researcher used a questionnaire and an interview schedule to collect views on the effectiveness of ICT on education in universities of Kenya. Secondary data were obtained from books, journals, published and unpublished reports from education centres, libraries, and web-based materials. The collected qualitative data were organized into themes and contents. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the quantitative data obtained. That specifically mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistical analysis of correlation to test the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The study justified that there was an important positive association between all the measures of ICT and education in universities of Kenya. The results showed that ICT had impact on lecturers and the students. Findings further indicated that lecturers used ICT tools and facilities to lecture. The university management to provide resources to train lecturers on ICT matters.
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    Application of Audio Visual Resources in Teaching and Learning Pronunciation in Kiswahili Language among Secondary School Students in Kiambu County, Kenya
    (IJIRAS, 2023-11) Osore, Joy Lodenyi; Ondigi, Samson Rossana; Miima, Florence Abuyeka
    Teaching pronunciation entails how a sound or a word is pronounced or how a person pronounces words. Teaching pronunciation enhances students’ ability in listening and speaking. Use of audio visual resources in teaching has been regarded worldwide as an appropriate method of facilitating lesson delivery. Teaching and learning pronunciation is also a pillar for transforming language learning in schools. Teachers within and outside Kenya have been criticized for failing to include audio visual resources in teaching and learning. It is against this background that this study was designed to investigate how application of audio visual resources facilitates teaching and learning Kiswahili language pronunciations among secondary school students. This study was guided by two objectives as follows: to examine how audio visual resources are applied by teachers and learners in teaching and learning Kiswahili language pronunciations and to examine the attitude of teachers and learners towards use of audio visual resources in teaching and learning pronunciations in Kiswahili. This study was anchored on the constructivism theory advanced by Bruner (1990). Quasi experimental research design was applied and the participants were divided into experimental and control groups. The targeted population comprised of 108 Kiswahili teachers and 2150 students who were taken from 36 schools. Data collection tools included questionnaires, observation schedules, and students’ examinations. Piloting of the research tools was done and the tools were confirmed to be valid and reliable instruments for collecting data. Data analysis was done with the aid of SPSS program. Findings indicated that application of audio visual resources in teaching pronunciations in Kiswahili positively impacted the performance in Kiswahili examination among students who were in the experimental group. Teachers and students were found to have a positive attitude towards use of audio visual resources in teaching and learning. The necessary recommendations are given.
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    Utilization of Inquiry-Based Approach and its Influence on Students’ Attitudes towards Biology in Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya
    (IJRISS, 2023-10) Doboyou, Jackson T.; Nyamu, Florence K.
    Attitude incorporates beliefs and ideas, feelings and tendency of like or dislike about a subject or an object. Attitude towards Biology is related to motivation and influences performance (Diaz et al., 2021). One of the ways students are motivated to learn is when they are taught Biology through inquiry-based approach (IBA). They become interested, and develop positive attitudes towards Biology (Annan et al., 2019). The purpose of this study was to determine students’ attitudes towards Biology when using IBA in Githunguri subCounty, Kiambu County, Kenya. The research question was, what are students’ attitudes towards Biology when learning through IBA? The study targeted 37 public secondary schools, 1,194 Form 3 students and 14 teachers. Purposive sampling was employed to select 11 secondary schools with laboratories and 14 experienced teachers while simple random sampling was used to select 344 students. Questionnaires and interview were employed for data collection. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive analysis and Statistical Package of Social Sciences. Qualitative data was analysed using narratives. The findings show that most students have positive attitudes towards Biology when taught using IBA. They found Biology as requirement for careers such as medicine. Although most students have positive attitudes towards Biology, some have inadequate understanding of basic concepts due to difficult Biology terminologies. It is concluded that a range of factors including, availability of resources which include computers and internet facilities, are key to helping students understand difficult concepts and do research in Biology. Ensuring the validity of test questions in the Biology papers set for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), will facilitate the development of positive attitudes and interest in Biology. It is recommended that Teachers should be provided with more resources to simplify Biology concepts and terminologies in order to alleviate fears, thereby encouraging students’ positive attitudes towards Biology.