Analysis of Budget Planning and Performance of Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions (TVETIS) in Kiambu County, Kenya
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Reviewed Journal of Social Science & Humanities
PerformingPublicTechnicalandVocationalEducationTrainingInstitutions(TVETIs)area boon to society as they impart hands on skills through which individuals can contribute to personal andnationaldevelopmentindiverseway.ForalongtimeperformanceamongthesepublicinstitutionsisfarfromwhatisexpectedamidstquestionsraisedontheireffectivenessincontributingtowardsKenya’s development through skilled labour. To deliver on their mandates, public TVETIs are required to implement practices that ensure that resources are efficiently and effectively utilised. Towards this end, this study sought to analyse the effects of budget planning on the performance of TVETIs in Kiambu County, Kenya. The theory guiding the investigation was the economictheoryofbudgeting.Adescriptivedesignwasappliedtomeetthestudyobjectives,whichentailed the collection of primary data using questionnaires from a population of 41 public TVETIs in Kiambu County, Kenya. Reliability and validity of the data collection instrument were done through the Cronbach Alpha tests and content validity assessments. The data was analyzed through descriptive and regression analysis and the results were presented in Tables and Figures. The study’s descriptive findings indicated that budget planning was moderately implemented in public TVETIs in Kiambu County. The results indicated that budget planning had a positive and significant effect on the performance of TVETI institutions. The study recommendedbudgetplanningthattheministryofEducationshouldincreasethebudgetfortheTVETIStocreateimpacton the results of the courses trained to a learners. Furthermore, it was recommended that similar tertiary institutions in other Counties also implement regular budget reviews to ensure theirmonitoringsystemsarereliableandtransparentsothattheymayattainpositiveperformances.Thestudy also recommended that personnel allocated duties related to budgetary practices in public TVETIs seek to adhere to legislative and best practices guidelines. Future studies should be done to investigate the implementation of budgeting practices in both public and private TVETIs inother Counties in Kenya.
Somba, S., & Njoroge,J. (2024).Analysisofbudgetplanningandperformanceoftechnicalandvocational education training institutions (TVETIs) in KiambuCounty,Kenya.Reviewed Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 5 (1), 658–674.