Risk Mitigation Practices and Performance of Road Construction Projects in Garissa County, Kenya
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Kenyatta University
Road construction projects are key pillars to achieve Vision 2030 and form essential
components of the economic growth of the country. The study focused on the effects of
risk mitigation practices on performance of road construction projects in Garissa County,
Kenya. Though there exist studies that have found risk mitigation ideal and brings
efficiency, this study looks deeper into the effect of such on roadway building and
construction jobs which is the niche regarding previous studies. The gap between
performance of road construction projects with a success rate of 20.8 % and a failure of
70.2% further brought out the gap to be filled. The specific objectives of the study included
to examine the effect of risk identification on performance of road construction projects in
Garrisa County, Kenya, to establish the effect of risk evaluation on performance of road
construction projects in Garrisa Count, Kenya, to determine the effect of risk handling on
performance of road construction projects in Garrisa Count, Kenya, to examine the effect
of risk control on performance of road construction projects in Garrisa County, Kenya. The
study was grounded on the Contingency Theory Modern Portfolio Theory, Prospect
Theory, Systems Theory, and Theory of Triple Constraints. The study intended to use
descriptive research design and targeted 8 road construction projects within Garissa County
comprising of 14 road engineers, 4 road supervisors, 8 road inspectors, 12 road surveyors
and 146 contractors. The study sample size was 145 respondents as achieved by Slovin
sample size determination formular. The study adopted a stratified random sampling
technique to determine a sample size distribution for the respondents. The researcher
administered questionnaire as the data collection tool for primary data collection. The data
collection instrument was pilot tested to confirm whether it was valid and reliable for data
collection before carrying out the actual study. The study collected both qualitative and
quantitative data. The qualitative data was subjected to thematic analysis while descriptive
and inferential analysis was used to analyze the quantitative data. The study carried out
diagnostic tests before inferential analysis to fit the conditions, assumptions and expected
models. The study findings indicated that there existed strong positive relationship
between the indepedent variables and depedent variable (performance of road projects in
Garissa County, Kenya) as shown by R value (0.895). The coefficient of determination
) was 0.801. It showed that the independent variables (risk identification, risk
evaluation, risk monitoring & control, risk handling) in the study were able to explain
80.10% variation in the performance of road projects in Garissa County. It was concluded
that there is a significant relationship between risk mitigation practices (risk identification,
evaluation, handling and control) and performance of road construction projects in Garrisa
Count, Kenya. The study recommends that management in road projects should increase
level of project risk identification as it enhances the risk mitigation activities on each
significant risk. Project risk management should become part of the culture in project
management activity and routine component in any project plan and review activity in the
road projects.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration (Project Management) of Kenyatta University. April, 2024
Dr. Perris Chege,
Department of Management Science,
School of Business, Economics and Tourism
Kenyatta University