Analysis of Cost Associated with Treatment of Road Traffic Injuries among Victims at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi City Kenya
Lipule, Zablon.anyenda
Yitambe, Andre
Rucha, Kenneth
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Background; Previous studies have pointed out that road traffic
injuries (RTIs) as a leading cause to fatalities of over one million
victims globally per year which bears negative impact on health,
economy and development of the society as a whole.
Furthermore, young men and women at their most economic age
group have been identified as the most vulnerable group to road
traffic injuries (RTIs) resulting to mortality and very severe
morbidity due disability. However, there is little or no published
evidence on healthcare resource allocations and utilization after
RTIs, especially in developing countries that include those in
Objective: The main objective of this study was to analyze the
total hospital cost related to RTI (Road traffic injury) victims
admitted for a period of 3 months. The study demonstrated
effects of direct and indirect medical cost , productivity loss and
hospital length of stay on total cost of road traffic injuries of RTI
victims at KNH.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study design done at the
Kenyatta Hospital Nairobi, surgical wards and Accident &
Emergency. A sample (n=124) consisted of new victims admitted
to the Hospital due to RTI from January 25th 2019 to 24th April
2019., this was two thirds of the sample size at 74% respondent
rate who gave consent and all ethical approvals granted. The
data collection of direct and indirect medical cost was by data
extraction tool, testing of the tools was done at the surgical ward.
Productivity loss of the victims was calculated by use of Work
Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire (WPAIQ).
SPSS version 22 was applied and descriptive statistics to show
frequencies and Percentages for categorical variables (victim’s
unique individualized characteristics). Multi Linear Regression
Model Test was used test the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables.
Results: The study results indicated that direct cost factors
(laboratory cost, A&E Charges and Diagnostic Cost) (X1: β1
=.199, P<. 047), (X3: β3 =.469, P< .037), and (X4: β4 =.029, P< .048)
had a significant influence on the overall cost of treatment of RTI
victims seeking treatment at the KNH, there was no significant
relationship between Bed Charges (X2: β2 =.117, P>.689) and the
cost of treatment of RTI victims seeking treatment at the KNH.
The findings of the study also indicated that Y= 7.949+.001X1+0.
458X2+0. .239 X3+ 0. .305X4+e where a .199 change in direct
cost, .117 changes in indirect cost, .469 change in total
productivity cost and .029 changes in duration of stay in hospital
influenced a unit change on the cost of treatment of RTI victims
seeking treatment at the KNH. Most distribution of injuries was
lower limbs at 51.6%
Conclusion & Recommendation: The study concludes that Road
traffic accident is an economic burden to individual, family and
country at large. The study recommends, need for an awareness
on importance of National Hospital insurance fund (NHIF) as a
universal health coverage fund for people at an affordable cost,
there is need to reduce the indirect cost of treatment associated
indirect cost of treatment, support to from one person or two
further increasing productivity time associated with the injury.
Further motion study on cost analysis will give a detailed insight
on these area of study.
Cost Analysis, Road Traffic Injuries, Road Traffic Accidents, Direct medical cost, Indirect medical cost, Productivity cost, length of stay
anyenda Lipule, Z., Yitambe, A., & Rucha, K. (2022). Analysis of Cost Associated with Treatment of Road Traffic Injuries among Victims at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi City Kenya. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 6(5), 581-588.