Animation Integration in Teaching of Physics and Its Effect on Secondary School Learners’ Academic Performance in Makueni County, Kenya
Muinde, NK
Waititu, MM
Oludhe, DO
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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation
This study investigated impact of instructional integration of animation on achievement in Physics of secondary school learners in Makueni County. Pre- and post-test quasi-experimental study design was used with two County schools, one for each of male and female students and two sub county (mixed) schools. The county schools do report better performance in Physics Kenya Certificate of secondary Education (KCSE) examination than the Sub-County schools, and generally the male students do outperform girls in the same examination in Physics. The study found that sub-county schools demonstrated comparable more gain in post-test performance than the County. It also emerged from the study that female students in county schools outshone their male counterparts by 1.827% in the post-test, while, in sub-county schools there was a 0.25% gap in favor of the girls. From these findings it is clear that the presumed underachievers, the female students, and the student in the sub-county schools gained more from instructional use of animations. However, the findings do not demonstrate any disadvantage of instructional use of animation towards county schools and the male students. Instructional use of animation therefore is useful in enhancing performance of otherwise presumed underachievers without any drawback to the presumed achievers.
Physics education, Animation integration, Teaching, Learners, Performance
Muinde, N. K., Waititu, M. M., & Oludhe, D. O. (2023). Animation integration in teaching of physics and its effect on secondary school learners’ academic performance in Makueni County, Kenya.