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    Enhancing Data Protection in Healthcare Information Systems Using Cryptographic Algorithm with Base64 512 Bits
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-10) Muthaura, Agnes Kairuthi
    To avoid information leakage in healthcare information systems, patient data which is very confidential must be protected at the application level and at the data level as leakage of this information leads to serious medical legal issues. As the number of medical records stored electronically increase, enhancement of how this data is secured must be considered. Cryptographic algorithms are the most preferred data protection techniques for protection of sensitive and critical data such as health care data at the data level. Criminal assaults in social insurance have exponentially increased and are now the leading cause of medical data breaches. About all healthcare organizations have encountered no less than one data breach, costing million dollars on average per healthcare organization. In this study, design science research methodology was used to design and develop a cryptographic algorithm with Base64 512 bits to enhance health care data protection at the data level. The developed algorithm was tested and piloted in a healthcare facility through experiments and simulations by Senior Database Administrators, Senior Security Officers and System Administrators. The source of data for this study was obtained from secondary sources which involved collection of data from extensive literature review on the existing cryptographic algorithms. Analysis of the existing cryptographic algorithms were evaluated in depth and a criterion was obtained that determined how the most preferable cryptography algorithm would be improved to enhance data protection. The security parameters identified from the existing cryptographic algorithms were further classified and used as the inputs for the study. The outcomes of the developed cryptographic algorithm were interacted several times until the desired results were obtained. The performance of the developed cryptographic algorithm was evaluated for security measures such as brute force attack, known plain text vulnerability, database performance and use of private key. The results of the observations showed that the developed cryptographic algorithm with Base64, AES with fixed length of 512 bits achieved optimal performance on brute force attack, known plain text vulnerability and database performance. Thus, the addition layer of Advanced Encryption Standard with a fixed key length of 512 bits on the developed cryptographic algorithm enhanced on the data protection at the data level. In conclusion, to ensure improved data protection in healthcare information systems cryptographic algorithms at the data level should ensure proper encryption and decryption of data and appropriate access control. The cryptographic algorithms must meet the mandatory security features such as low Known plain text vulnerability, use of private key, strength on brute force attack and ease of decryption and encryption.
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    Drivers of Digital Transformation and their Effect on Policy Making: A Case Study of the Fintech in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023-10) Macharia, Jacqueline
    One of the most significant transformational changes to the economy from the beginning of the twenty-first century has occurred in the digital space. Infrastructure, enabling platforms and services, policy and regulation, human capacity, governance, and business and innovation have been identified to be drivers of digital transformation. Building strong foundations in crucial policy areas including digital networks, online services, digital facilitators, and digital protections is necessary to develop a thriving digital economy. Kenya boasts to be among one of the world's most rapidly developing digital economies. The digital revolution of financial services is gaining traction as a result of the growing adoption and use of technology-enabled innovative digital financial services. Regulatory bodies have described the difficulties they are encountering in the digital economy. These include keeping up with the rapidly changing environment, dealing with financial restrictions, lack of knowledge, and handling pressure from traditional institutions to lobby on their behalf. Studies have shown the drivers of digital transformation globally and the role of government and organizations in driving digital transformation. Some of the studies have focused on the need for policy change that is driven by digital transformation. The study looked at digital transformation drivers and their effect on policy making in Kenya. The study intended to determine how development in ICT infrastructure, change in human capital needs brought about by digital transformation, increased competition from new digital products and services, and progress in technologies in the digital economy influence policy change in Kenya. The study was guided by the Digital Transformation Ecosystem Model, the Digital Transformation Model, and the Digital Economy Ecosystem model. The research was undertaken using the descriptive research design and a case study approach was used. The population of the study was the 65 registered members of the Association of Fintechs in Kenya. A total of 10 startup founders who are members of the association and two management members took part in the study. Data was collected through carrying out of interviews with the founders of the 10 startup fintech companies. The study results indicated that ICT infrastructure and progress in technologies have had a significant influence on policy making and development in Kenya. ICT infrastructure especially the use of mobile services and digital payments provides opportunities for the development of new products and services which have required new regulation. These new products have also increased competition with legacy products that have dominated that market over the years. There is not enough information, however, on whether this competition has led to changes in competition policy. Human capital needs, have also significantly changed with the demand for digital skills rising for both service providers and users. Emerging technologies have led to new trends in services which have necessitated new skills development and retraining of employees. The study however noted that there is little information on the macro policy changes for skills development in the country. It was noted, however, that human resource policies within organizations were changing to accommodate these new skill requirements. Among digital service providers, the adoption of accessible new technologies like online platforms such as App marketplaces is popular. The usage of these new technologies has expanded significantly but has not been accompanied by adequate regulations to control their use. The government was noted to have made some effort in driving policy change, but a lot was still required to be done especially to support technology entrepreneurs. The study recommends that the government puts more effort into including relevant stakeholders in policy change for the digital economy to allow for digital economy policymaking. Clear guidelines on institutions responsible for industry-specific policies need to be clear in order to properly guide technology entrepreneurs.
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    An evaluation of information literacy promotion programmes in academic libraries: a survey of Nyeri County
    (Kenyatta University, 2015-09) Joseph Kamau Migwi
    The purpose of this study was to carry out an evaluation of information literacy promotion to find out the gains so far realized and also chat a way forward. In line with this the researcher looked into the promotion methods employed in academic libraries such as user orientation, seminars and workshops, library website, library open day, printed materials and library taught unit. The research explored the promotion strategies and the challenges associated with them. The research adopted a descriptive research design and the population was one hundred and fifty (150) academic librarians from both middle level colleges and universities located in Nyeri County. The study incorporated all the academic librarians from the region. This enabled the researcher to ensure all the colleges and Universities in the region were adequately represented as the study population was not so large. Data were collected by use of questionnaire method which had both closed and open ended questions. At the end of this study the researcher hoped to find out how promotion would be carried out to effectively realize full utilization of the library resources. The study findings show that, lack of information literacy instruction and inadequate internet access points are the difficulties faced by librarians at a great extent while giving services to users. Majority, 80.1 percent of the libraries engage in information literacy promotion activities. All the librarians felt that making information literacy a policy is ideal. Further majority of the librarians are in the forefront to enhance information literacy in their respective academic libraries so as to ensure that users are in possession of the right information on their academic and research needs. The study concluded that information literacy is an important component of any academic library system because of its role in users academic achievement and lifelong learning. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the study made the following recommendations; that Information literacy should be incorporated in the university curricular in such a way that every student of the college would undergo such a program. It is also recommended that management of university colleges and middle level colleges should influence attitudes, policies and methods which foster information literacy education. In other words, management should commit itself to providing the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of information literacy program on academic institutions. Finally, a study to be carried out on the correlation between library instruction and research skill improvement during four years of undergraduate education
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    Management of information literacy programmes in selected technical training institution libraries in Nairobi County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Mogere, Nyakerario Vennah
    Information literacy (IL) skills are crucial for navigating the ever-changing social and economic phenomena of the world. These skills give information users the ability to critically deliberate and make informed decisions concerning the information they find and utilize. At the moment, information literacy is among the most valuable and relevant services within learning institutions, the job market, and the world. This calls for an increased demand for information literacy programmes. Yet, technical institutions are facing various setbacks in managing these programmes to ensure they are effective and efficient in their roles. This study, therefore, sought to determine the management of information literacy programmes in selected technical institution libraries in Nairobi County. The aim of the study was to establish the implementation strategies for information literacy programmes, and the frequency at which they were reviewed, to determine the users’ perceptions of the implemented information literacy programmes, and to identify the major setbacks to the implementation of information literacy programmes in selected technical training institution libraries in Nairobi County. The Information Search Process (ISP) paradigm served as the study's direction. This research study adopted a descriptive statistical method. Krejcie and Morgan sampling method was applied in coming up with the total sample size. A total of 500 respondents, comprising 5 head librarians, 278 teaching staff, and 217 students from five of the selected technical training institutions, constituted the subjects for this study. Questionnaires and the interview schedule were used for data collection from the respondents. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used to descriptively examine the data from the questionnaires that constituted statements written on the basis of a 1-5 Likert scale to measure different aspects of information literacy programmes (ILPs). The thematic analysis assessed qualitative data, which was then presented through written narratives. Quantitative data was represented in figures and tables. The reliability and validity of the instruments were tested through a pilot study that was conducted at Nakuru Training Institute (NTI) and the university supervisor assisted in properly framing questions and realigning them according to the objectives of the study and refinement of the instruments to eliminate ambiguities. A sample size of 50 respondents was used in the pilot study. The study established that technical institutional libraries were implementing various forms of strategies for IL; the IL programmes were reviewed after every orientation process; important skills were acquired by library patrons during IL training; and the library was facing a number of challenges as it implemented ILPs. The study concluded that technical institution libraries have instituted several programs that are currently running; the ILPs are reviewed after every orientation process using a feedback form; and information literacy is a good way of creating awareness of the library resources and services. The study recommended that the libraries need to identify various information literacy programmes that can work for them and customize them according to their environment; the ILPs needed to change with the changing times and needs of users; the libraries needed to focus more on the users than on the service when implementing ILPs; and that stakeholders’ collaboration is required if the ILPs are to be effectively implemented
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    Knowledge Management Practices in Enhancing Service Delivery at the National Land Commission Nairobi County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Oduli, Susan Chebotip
    Efforts to address the ongoing problem facing Kenyan communities may be summed up by the National Land Policy and the National Land Commission. The issue has exacerbated by the rapid transition from the traditional method of land ownership in Kenya, where land is held in common, to a scenario in which land is held by few individuals who could gain advantage over the poor without their knowledge. This study focused on the use of Knowledge Management Practices in Kenya by the National Land Board with a view to ensuring that such practices and services provided to the public are improved. Specific objectives for the study were to analyse the impact of knowledge creation techniques, share sharing practice strategies and a role played by knowledge management practices in improving service delivery. A descriptive survey methodology was used for this study. The sample size was 150 people including NLC managers, customer service representatives, secretaries and customers and it was selected using stratified random selection to ensure that it is representative of the institution as a whole. The study was able to gather both primary and secondary information through conducting. Cronbach's alpha was utilized to determine the reliability of the research instruments in the Test-retest technique. Means, percentages, standard deviations, tables, and figures were used to display the findings of inferential and descriptive statistics performed on the gathered data in SPSS (version 23). The study has shown that the National Land Commission in Nairobi County is having a significant positive impact on improving service delivery by adopting knowledge creation, sharing practices and role of Knowledge Management Practices to improve services. The study concludes that knowledge creation facilitates and encourages knowledge sharing, creates an appropriate working environment, provides systems to support the work process and provides knowledge workers with timely, relevant information and data. Sharing of relevant knowledge and expertise among staff and teams in an organization is made possible by the Knowledge Sharing Strategy. In order to conduct activities such as solving problems, dynamic learning, Strategy Planning and Decisions Making, the role of Knowledge Management practices enables organizations to gather, collect, organize, distribute or transmit essential information and expertise. Awareness, time and culture are the most detrimental obstacles to implementing a knowledge management system. Because they don't sell themselves in ways that cut through noise and appeal to employees, a lot of KM programs are difficult to get traction. The study suggests that organizational management must be able to identify where knowledge exists and what forms it comes from. In order to provide employees with the means and resources needed for sharing knowledge through tools such as Knowledge Management Systems, Training Programmes and Communication channels, organizations need to establish a culture in which they value and reward mutual exchange of information. The organization should enable and promote a culture of learning and development, create an environment where employees are encouraged to share information to improve the collective workforce, talk about knowledge management, and a motto that is in line with the organization’s culture and values, in order to achieve the objective of knowledge management practice.
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    Postgraduate students perception and attitude on antiplagiarism software use to control plagiarism in JKUAT and United States International University-Africa, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2019-11) Mutiso, David Kyalo
    Antiplagiarism software use to control plagiarism by universities is on the increase in the developing countries including Kenya. The study sampled JKUAT and USIU-A universities. The objectives of the study were; to describe the types of plagiarism that postgraduate students are aware of, to identify postgraduate students’ perceptions use of antiplagiarism software to control plagiarism, to justify postgraduate students’ attitudes on antiplagiarism software to control of plagiarism and to relate postgraduate students’ level of awareness of plagiarism control to institutional plagiarism policy. Documented research showed that uncertainty and resentment arose due to suspicions of using the software as a deterrent and punitive measure for plagiarism. Data collected and analyzed within the sampled universities indicated that some students were positive about use of plagiarism control software while a few were still negative about its implementation. This study established that, there has not been adequate research on students’ perception and attitude towards antiplagiarism software use to control plagiarism among postgraduate students justifying the undertaking of the research. The study findings can help to address issues related to students' perception and attitude towards plagiarism control through use of a software. The beneficiaries of the study are university policy makers, lecturers supervising students and the students themselves. This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research designs. It utilized purposive sampling method and applied a descriptive cross-sectional study design. A Cronbach’s alpha test was carried out to test and determine the reliability of the research instruments which yielded a .807 score. Data was coded and entered in Statistical Computer Package, IBM SPSS software which was also used to check and clean errors or discrepancies. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to obtain means, frequencies and percentages. This study concluded that perceptions and attitudes on antiplagiarism software use among postgraduate students can only be managed through human intervention and not by use of text matching software.
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    Internet-Based Information Technologies Access and Use by Postgraduate Students for Information Provision: A Case of Kibabii University Library, Bungoma County, Kenya.
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-04) Wamalwa, Lucas Wanangeye
    The study focused on access and use of Internet Based Information Technologies (IBITs) for information provision by postgraduate students in the School of Education (SoE) at KIBU library. The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the postgraduate student’s utilization of IBITs at KIBU Library and propose new model to improve access and use. The following were the study’s objectives: to assess the internet-based information technologies available at KIBU library; to determine perceptions and attitude of postgraduate students towards internet-based information technologies at KIBU library; to determine the awareness of training programs at KIBU library in assisting postgraduate students to access and use internet-based information technologies and to examine postgraduate student’s information needs on the internet-based information technologies at KIBU library. The study was informed by the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), introduced in 1989 by Davis. The methodology of descriptive research and quantitative approaches were adopted in this study. Simple random sampling was deemed appropriate while the right 316 respondents from the target population was chosen using Slovin’s Formula. Direct approach and assistance from librarians were methods used to administer questionnaires while data was collected through structured and semi structured questionnaires complimented by observations. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using frequency distribution in form of graphs, tables and charts. The findings revealed that KIBU library has IBITs that are easily accessible, positive perception among postgraduate students towards IBITs was good if only supported, availability of training programs designed to provide students new skills, the majority of respondents' major information needs are primarily for academic purposes hence instruction and direction were needed to help access the IBITs more effectively from a variety of devices, further study revealed that the university administration did not adequately encourage postgraduate students to take part in library orientation or training programs for effective IBITs utilization. The study concludes that; postgraduate students were not making the best use of IBITs at the KIBU library; there was generally low awareness of IBITs availability in the university library and low consumption, as well as an overall favorable view of these tools; KIBU library's training programs are ineffective in assisting students in developing the skills needed to successfully access and streamline IBITs usage and findings further indicated that insufficient supporting conditions prevented postgraduate students from using IBITs to access and utilize information from the KIBU library. Recommendations made were as follows: awareness and publicity of IBITs by library management; user education programs to be increased, marketed through school media and tailored towards IBITs access and use; library evaluation in order to closely monitor, increase knowledge of, and evaluate the quality of library services and patron satisfaction and provision of adequate ICT infrastructures; tutors/lectures to enhance marketing through lectures.
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    Effectiveness of Social Media in Information Dissemination in Public Universities: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-06) Mugazia, Habert Minzuni
    Social media has become an indispensable aspect of modern communication, with platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn dominating the landscape. Corporations worldwide are leveraging these platforms to engage with their target audiences and promote their objectives. However, there's a risk that information shared by organizations on social media may be perceived solely at face value. Recognizing the significance of social media, Kenyatta University, a prominent public institution in Kenya, has incorporated these platforms into its communication strategy. By embracing social media, the university aims to effectively engage with its staff, students, and the wider community. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of social media in information dissemination within public institutions, focusing on Kenyatta University in Kenya. Utilizing a mixed-method research approach and drawing on persuasion theory, social cognitive theory, and the theory of social presence, the study investigated the connection between social media usage and the distribution of information to Kenyatta University students. A sample size of 100 undergraduate students was selected from the university’s main campus using Slovin’s formula due to the large student population. Data collection involved a systematic questionnaire. Statistical techniques such as correlation and regression analysis were employed to determine the relationships between variables. The findings revealed significant effects of students’ reliance on social media, satisfaction with social media, and social media engagement on information dissemination within public institutions. Specifically, students’ reliance, satisfaction, and engagement with social media were positively associated with the effectiveness of information dissemination. The study concluded that social media platforms provide a convenient and accessible means of communication, allowing users to engage with one another irrespective of geographical constraints. Through social media, individuals can establish new relationships, learn about others, and expand their social networks. However, the study also highlighted the potential superficiality of social connections formed through these platforms, suggesting that they may not always foster deep emotional attachment. In light of these findings, the study recommended a critical examination of the depth and meaningfulness of social connections facilitated by social media. While acknowledging the benefits of social media in communication and networking, the study emphasized the need to ensure that these platforms contribute to genuine emotional connections and support networks. This entails promoting more meaningful interactions and fostering a sense of community and belonging among users.
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    Land Records Management System and Service Delivery in the Ministry of Lands in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2024-05) Tarus, Eunice
    The Kenya Ministry of Lands has been plagued with rampant delays in accessing land records, registry services and numerous clerical errors that have affected service delivery. It is evident that service delivery problems within the department have been problem for most policymakers which resulted in the launch of the National Lands Management Information System geared towards improving service delivery. The impact of land records management systems on Kenya's Ministry of Lands has not been adequately explored in research. Therefore, this study examines how the system influences service delivery. This study investigated the relationship between land records management system and service delivery. Specifically, the study examined the quality level of services at the ministry, the effect of the land records management system on service delivery and the challenges faced when integrating land records management system at the Ministry of Lands in Kenya. The records continuum theory and the technology acceptance modelformed the basis of this study. A descriptive approach was employed, and the population targetedofstaff at the Ministry of Lands main registry at Ardhi House. The study sampled 154 officials within the headquarters at the Ministry of Lands who are involved in the lands records management system.Primary data was sourced using structured questionnaires developed under the guidance of the study objectives. Google forms supplemented the physical data to enhance the response rate. A pretesting was caried out on 10% of the sample participants to determine the research instruments’ validity and reliability. Data analysis focused both descriptive and inferential analysis.Findings were presented using charts and tables.The findings of the correlation tests established there is a strong positive and significant relation between quality of service offering (r = .631**, sig = .000<.05), digitization of land records (r = .806**, sig = .000<.05), records management policies (r = .581**, sig = .000<.05), records management staff competencies (r = .733**, sig = .000<.05) and the service delivery at the Ministry of Lands in Kenya. This implies that a unit change in these variables resulted in a unit change in the service delivery. The regression analysis showed that that independent variables had explanatory power on level of service quality at the Ministry of Lands in Kenya linked to as they accounted for 77.7% of its variability (R Square = 0.777) hence the model was a good fit for the data.The study concluded that the Ministry’s quality level of service delivery is very low and services are offered slowly and there is a lot of delays in giving services to customers. The implementation of land records management system provides a technique and method for land planning, management quantification and rationalization together with quick inquiry, analysis and innovation of land information, provides supplementary support for decision making and improves the traditional land management system through computer technologies and communications network. The study also concluded that the dynamic nature of the land resource in Kenya poses numerous and complex challenges which call for clearly articulated management tools. The study recommended that the Ministry should put up appropriate training programs to keep its employees updated with the current job requirements and training should be geared to all employees regardless of their gender and job category. According to the study, security should be the top priority while developing software and processing data for the land records management system. It is imperative that all employees working in the Ministry are made aware of the importance of security policies, and they should be instructed to abide by them. Furthermore, the study recommended the implementation of a Land Information Management System. Consequently, services were delivered to clients according to their expectations.
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    Information-Seeking Behaviour and Productivity of Smallscale Poultry Farmers: A Case of Kabaa Sub-Location, Machakos County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2023) Riithi, Caroline Wanjiru; Grace Kimani
    Information is important for decision-making, personal development and day to day endeavors. The correct information-seeking behaviour will assist the user in finding the required information. This study sought to investigate the information seeking behaviour for small-scale poultry famers. The study was guided by four objectives as follows; to establish information literacy of small-scale farmers, to establish sources of poultry information, establish how Kabaa small-scale farmers seek information and to establish challenges of accessing information by Kabaa smallscale poultry farmers The study was guided by Wilson's 2007 model of information-seeking behaviour. The target population for the study was 86 farmers and 2 livestock officers. Data was collected from all 86 farmers and the 2 livestock officers. A pilot study was carried out at the neighboring Yatta sub-county since they had similar agricultural activities and both were semi-arid .This helped the researcher determine the validity, reliability, and suitability of the research instruments. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview schedule and analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 27 of 2020. It was later presented using tables, charts, and graphs. The study established that Kabaa poultry farmers have very poor information seeking behavior and they were not able to seek or access the most current and up to date information about poultry keeping. This was because most of them could not be able to use a computer or an android phone to access information, which is mostly found in soft copies. A big number of farmers also had resistance to change, such that they did not embrace the new technology in poultry keeping. The study recommend that, the livestock officers should organize for seminars to educate the farmers on the new technologies and their benefits as well as how to use computers and android phones to access current information on poultry.
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    Knowledge Management for the Efficiency of Service Delivery in the Hospitality Industry within the Five-Star Hotels in Naivasha, Nakuru County
    (Kenyatta University, 2023) Asami, Godian Mabindah; Peter Wamae
    The hospitality industry in Kenya has been facing significant economic challenges, ranging from poor accommodation to service quality. The challenge may be due to COVID-9, which has shut down the hotel industry. The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of knowledge management on the effectiveness of hospitality services in a five-star hotel in Naivasha, Nakuru County. The main objective is to generate information, share knowledge, apply knowledge and identify knowledge retention that affects the efficiency of service delivery in the hotel industry. This study is based on the knowledge-based type theory. This research uses a descriptive research design and a semi-structured questionnaire to collect primary data. This study targeted 250 management staff of 3 five-star hotels in Naivasha. Stratified random sampling was used to select 54 respondents for research. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the characteristics of the data. Correlation and regression analysis were used to assess the relationship between the study variables. Graphs and tables are used to present the results. The results show that knowledge creation and service effectiveness have a positive and significant relationship (β = 0.340, p < 0.05). The last result shows that knowledge sharing and service delivery effectiveness are positively and significantly (β = 0.297, p < 0.05). In addition, the results show that the utilization of knowledge and the effectiveness of service delivery have a positive and significant relationship (β = 0.97), p < 0.05). The last result shows that knowledge retention and service effectiveness are positive and significant (β = 0. 43, p < 0.05). According to the study, it creates opportunities to increase the capacity to improve services. In addition, seeking external knowledge helps to improve knowledge creation and service delivery. According to the study, the knowledge sharing policy and the use of institutional knowledge in hotels help to improve hotel services. In addition, research papers have shown that service can be improved through document retention, data management, data classification, and training. According to the research, hotels should develop knowledge creation policies to improve service delivery efficiency and encourage employees to develop new innovations and develop new products and services using the knowledge they gain from service delivery. It is important for policy makers in fivestar hotels to develop reliable and committed knowledge management skills. Therefore, knowledge management leads the hotel to expand internationally and improve service in the process. The subject of knowledge management has been greatly enriched by this research. This informs the changes that must be made in the hospitality industry regarding the implementation of knowledge management.
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    Strategies of Facilitating Usage of County Assembly Libraries: A Case of Kakamega County Assembly Library, Kenya.
    (Kenyatta University, 2023) Rapando, Victor Aswani; Daniel Wambiri Muthee
    The strategies adopted by a library to promote and enhance the usage of its information resources are critical in ensuring that its target in terms of mission and vision is achieved. Usage of libraries in legislative settings has hardly been examined in the mainstream literature prompting this study. The purpose of the study was to assess the strategies of promoting and enhancing the usage of county assembly libraries with particular reference to Kakamega County Assembly Library in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to; determine the extent of usage of Kakamega County Assembly library and services by MCAs, find out the perception of MCAs towards Kakamega County Assembly library and services, find out promotional strategies by Kakamega County Assembly to enhance usage of the library by MCAs and to establish the challenges encountered in enhancing the usage of Kakamega County Assembly library and services. The study was ground upon access, capacity and environment framework and adopted a descriptive research design. The target population was 91 MCAs, 3 library staff and the clerk of the county assembly whereas the sample size was 77 respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select MCAs whereas purposive sampling was used to select the library staff and the clerk of the county assembly. Questionnaire was used for data collection from the MCAs and the library staff. Interview technique was used to collect data from the clerk of the county assembly. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences and presented graphically and in tabular form. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented through narrations. The findings established that while the general perception of the MCAs towards library services and resources at KCA was not favourable, they acknowledged the importance of the library. It was also revealed that the library was underutilized as only 12 MCAs had patronized the library and this could ostensibly be attributed to the location of the library which is not within the same precincts where main activities related to functions of MCAs occur. Further, the findings revealed that the preferred sources of information for the MCAs who patronized the library were government documents, legislative documents and newspapers. In addition, the study established that promotional approaches or strategies that are in form of events are considered as the most effective strategies for enhancing usage of the library. The study recommended that KCA should ensure all services are centrally provided within the same precincts for ease of MCAs to patronize the library for the resources and services. The study also recommended that KCA should engage in rigorous marketing strategies for library services including but not limited to opportunistic approach, presentations, library tours, producing a leaflet or a guide about services in the library and induction programme for new MCAs. Lastly, the study recommend that KCA should consider rolling out remote access services to facilitate the technologically savvy MCAs to patronize library resources and services without necessarily being physically present in the library. This study contributes to the body of knowledge particularly in as far legislative libraries in the county assemblies in Kenya is concerned. Furthermore, the study makes a significant contribution to the literature on parliamentary and legislative libraries that is very limited.
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    Strategies for Implementation of Disability Mainstreaming Policies in Public Libraries, in Reference to Kenya National Libraries,Meru,Kisumu and Nakuru Branches
    (Kenyatta University, 2022) Onchagwa, Dorine Mogoi; Daniel Wambiri
    Persons living with disabilities numbers (PWDs) is growing globally (WHO, 2011). According to research conducted by Kenya National Survey for people with disabilities, indicate prevalence of disability as 4.6 percent. Visual, physical, hearing, and mental disabilities are the most common. In 2008,the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was enforced as disabled persons were experiencing discrimination in absorption to employment and promotion rates, remuneration, access to training, credit facilities and other resources which led to their rare participation in decision making for economic concerns. With the provision of a paradigm shift by UN Convention's, PWDs are now seen as persons capable of asserting their rights, making decisions based on free and informed consent, and participating fully in society. Disability mainstreaming issues have recently gained more attention around the world, with efforts to integrate people with disabilities critical to achieving the United Nations SDG and Kenya Vision 2030. Despite Kenya Government’s efforts in developing policies, constitution and regulations provisions in protecting persons living with disabilities, they still face problems associated with marginalization in Kenya. Many public institutions’ areas of service are not disable friendly facilities. The crux of this study therefore is to investigate strategies for implementation and mainstreaming of disability policies in public libraries. The study shall investigate existing government policies, management commitment, resource allocation, challenges experienced and possible solutions. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected using descriptive research design. The study was carried out at the Meru, Kisumu and Nakuru, Kenya National Library Services branches. Stratified and Purposive sampling was used in selecting respondents from different sections and departments. Questionnaires were used as data collection instruments, as well as document analysis and observation schedules. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used in analysis and graph generation. The study findings established there were government policies that were in place and had been fully implemented although with challenges.
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    The Effectiveness of Records Management Practices at the Judiciary: A Case of Eldoret High Court Registry, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
    (2022) Mwangi, June Wanjiru; Grace Kimani
    Efficiency in managing court records has been a key issue of concern for the Kenyan Judiciary. Good records management practices are vital for timely administration of justice. This study addressed the key issues related to records management. They include missing and misplaced files, incomplete files and poor physical state of the files that hindered the administration of justice for the parties seeking justice and backlog of cases. Records management practices have been put in place to streamline these issues. The study sought to assess effectiveness of records management practices in place at the Eldoret High Court. The study was guided by research objectives and sought to assess the policies and procedures in place at the Eldoret High Court; the disposal procedures, compliance and accountability procedures that are in place at the high court. The study used descriptive research design, and data was collected using questionnaires. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample for this study. There were 27 respondents selected for the purpose of this study since they are the personnel that handle records and are knowledgeable on records management practices. Pilot study was carried out at the Nakuru High Court registry staff. Validity was ensured by administering the questionnaires to the Nakuru high Court to assess ambiguity and relevance of the questions in the questionnaires. The reliability of the research tools in the pilot study ensured that gaps, ambiguous statements and errors in the questionnaires were identified. The validity also sought to establish if the questionnaire would collect the intended data. Data analysis was by use of SPSS and descriptive statistics and represented using graphs and charts. The findings revealed that there is a records management program in place and the classification system enhances ease of retrieval of the files. Despite having records management measures in place, the issues of missing files, poor state of records is still prevalent. The major recommendation was ICT adoption in the management of records to achieve efficiency in handling court records. The significance of this study was to provide guidelines understand their roles and responsibilities in handling records and ensure efficient records management practices in managing the case files at the Eldoret high court registry.
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    Disaster Preparedness and Planning for Service Sustainability: Case of Egerton University Digital Library, Main Campus
    (Kenyatta University, 2022) Oketch, Linet; Peter Wamae
    The most important aspect of digital libraries is planning and preparing for disasters. It is also one area that is understood the least. Occurence of disasters is tied to the general history of information and library science. Disasters are events that no library wants to happen to them, yet they do. The Egerton University library, which serves as a study place, has seen disasters such as unruly students disrupting services and fires. The goal of this study was to assess how sustainability of services in digital libraries were being influenced by planning and preparedness of disasters. The objectives considered were as follows: determining the level of disaster preparedness and planning; finding out about the training of the digital library staff; and determining the amount of planning and preparedness on disaster; looking into the digital library's readiness in regards to disaster planning equipment's, as well as the problems experienced in the planning and preparedness for disasters. The Theory of Planned Behavior served as the foundation. The study used a descriptive research methodology and a census method to gather data from 68 library staff members. A self-administered questionnaire on a five-point Likert scale was used to collect primary data. In order to meet the study's aims, the quantitative data was evaluated inferentially. This data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS. For ease of interpretation, the results were presented in tables as frequencies and percentages. The instruments' validity was established with the help of experts who aided in the right framing of questions in the questionnaire. They also aided in recalibrating it in accordance with the study's aims. The study found that Egerton University's digital library had a low level of disaster preparedness and planning, putting the it at a disaster risk; just a few of the staff in the digital had received sufficient training on disaster planning and preparedness; equipment related to planning and preparedness of disasters were not adequate within the digital library; challenges associated to planning and preparedness for disasters were also being experienced at the digital library. This digital library study concluded that disasters were not exempted from occurring there just as it wasn’t in any part of other organizations; training on members of staff within he digital library was not keenly addressed in regards to planning and preparedness of disasters; equipment’s for planning and preparing for disasters were not adequate within the digital library; and some of the things hampering the planning and preparedness of disasters included inadequacy of equipment’s and funds. The recommendations are that the management of the digital library together with the institution make available necessary support and training be accorded to staff manning the digital library on planning and preparedness of disasters; a policy on planning and preparing for disasters be well developed and captured in relation to digital libraries and be part of the overall institutions policy on planning and preparedness of disasters; and training on planning and preparedness of disasters be developed in a mechanism that is regular, systematic and structured.
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    Assessment of Library Services to Children in Rural Areas: A Case of Kenya National Library Service Kangema, Murang’a County, Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2022) Nyambura, Wangui Monicah; Daniel Muthee
    Public Libraries located in rural areas are established and designed for the purpose of providing information services to all groups in the community including children and stimulate reading for fun that promote reading culture among children and in the process ensure user satisfaction. This study was an assessment of children library services provided in rural areas a case of Kenya National Library Service, Kangema, with an aim of establishing whether they satisfy children information needs that will lead to lifelong reading. Objectives that guided the study included to establish the perception of library services in rural areas, identify strategies used in providing information in a rural public library, determine the information needs of children living in rural areas, to assess whether the children library services provided satisfy their information needs, and to determine the suitability of children library services provided in supporting reading for life. Different literatures was reviewed. Descriptive research design a case study approach was used. Target population included all the children registered as library members (642), teacher librarian of all the schools that had registered as institutional members (9), and library staff (4). Purposive sampling was used to sample a sample size of 64 children, 9 teacher librarians and the entire population of library staff. Questionnaires, interview, focus group discussions were used to collect data. Collected data was presented and analyzed data in form of tables and pie charts. Computer based statistical package for social science was used to analyze quantitative data. Qualitative data collected from interviews and FGD was presented in a narrative form, and where necessary the voices of the participants was cited and where possible organized thematically. The study established that libraries were perceived as a place for books and study and library services were essential and important. The library used a variety of strategies such as policy, dedicated children spaces, host reading related activities, the library had a variety of books and other information materials , integrated ICT in children library activities, they engage users in children library activities.. Children were aware of their various information needs majority of them identified education need as the major information need. Other include current awareness, entertainment, personal problem and personal development information need. Further the study found out that children used the information obtained for academic purposes. Library services were accessible to all children however majority of children visited the library weekly. The finding revealed that the library had inadequate information resources. There were various kinds of services that may be utilized by children, the junior section was well ventilated with proper lighting. Users were satisfied with the furniture available, all children activities were conducted by competent librarians, services to children provided were suitable to support a reading culture. However, a percentage of users were dissatisfied with the service due to inadequate Information materials, few computers, book borrowing fee, and unattractive library wall. The researcher recommends that the library should involve more stakeholders whenever they have reading related activities for children. Do a benchmarking with other libraries. More programs should be added to stimulate reading for life through attractive, fun library activities and encourage children to frequently visit the library. To capture children’s imagination, library wall should be made more attractive by adding educational pictures and murals. To promote reading culture, financial support from the government is key. Therefore, the library should lobby for enhancement of budget allocation from the County governments for an effective library service to children living in rural areas.
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    Information Dissemination by National Farmers Information Service to Cereal Farmers of Maeni Ward, Kimilili Sub-County, Bungoma County, kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2019) Mwanzi, Rachel Andisi
    The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of information dissemination on cereal farmers activities in Maeni Ward, Kimilili Sub-County Bungoma County in Kenya. The objectives were to find out if cereal farmers were aware of National Farmers Information Service and if they were benefitting from the same. Societies have adopted information as a key factor to achievement of development goals. Information is adding value to productivity. The integration of new technology has made it possible for societies to access any required information cheaply and within a short period of time. Developing countries have not been left out in this era of information society. Such countries are making efforts to ensure there is ease of access to information by providing cheap internet connectivity and electrification in most regions. Agriculture is the main stimulus of Kenya's economy. However, the growth of agriculture has been on the decline causing food insecurity in the country. Through research conducted by Kenya government, National Farmers Information Service was initiated. The main purpose was to serve farmers' needs throughout the country including the rural areas, where internet access was linked to enable farmers get critical extension information. A mathematical theory of information communication by Claude proves there are challenges in communicating of information from the source to the intended recipient. The current study used descriptive research design. The sample size consisted of 284 cereal farmers and two NAFIS field officers. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary sources were used to collect datil. Reliability and validity of the instruments were tested through a pilot study that was conducted in Navakholo Sub-County that is not factored in the main study report. Data was analyzed and generated via SPSS and presented in form of table
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    Determinants of Utilization of Local Research Content by Graduate Students for Academic Purpose in Selected Universities in Kenya
    (Kenyatta University, 2019) Mugo, Monicah Mukami
    Research is a major component to national development. Local research content is closer to most of the problems affecting the society and the people. The government of Kenya has continued to support research activities by allocating a lot of resources towards research and universities and other research institutions are daily engaged in carrying out research. However, evidence as indicated from citation and referencing of research by graduate students shows overreliance on research content of foreign origin. The purpose of this study was therefore to establish the state of utilization of local research content by graduate students in Kenyan universities. This study was guided by the following research objectives: to establish the level of utilization of local research content amongst university graduate students, to examine the various platforms hosting the local research content, to investigate the accessibility and use of local research content to university graduate students, to find out challenges to the utilization of local research content amongst university graduate students. A descriptive study was conducted where simple random sampling was used to select a sample population consisting of 608 graduate students from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and 54 graduate students from United States International University. Data was collected using a questionnaire comprising of both closed and open-ended questions. The researcher also conducted document analysis through the institutional repositories of the two universities under study in order to determine how much of local research content is cited by graduate students during thesis writing. Quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis were used to analyze the data collected using SPSS software. Data was then presented in form of frequencies, percentages, narrative reports, pie-chart, tables, percentages and graphs. The study indicated that local research is found in various formats in Kenya. Much of the research generated locally is not utilized by researchers. Barriers to use of this research ranged between poor communication channel, lack of awareness, low internet connectivity, poor accessibility and non-availability to researchers. Solutions to low utilization of research lies in digitization of local content, acquisitions of databases rich in local content, online communication of local research and user education programs to train users on appropriate retrieval skills for local contents. Based on these findings, the study recommends that more sensitization on use of local research content for national development should be done by all stake holders. Policies pertaining to local research should be put in place to enhance use of local research content. Deliberate effort should be made in acquisition and communication of local research in our information centers. Graduate researchers should be trained and encouraged to use and reference local research more to increase local research visibility.
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    Marketing Strategies Used for Promotion of Library Informaton Services in Kaduna State Public Library, Nigeria
    (Kenyatta University, 2019-04) Nazifa, Bawa Yusuf
    This study focused on marketing strategies for information service in Kaduna state public Library. The study was basically narrowed to only public libraries in Kaduna State Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to identify the type of marketing strategy adopted by Kaduna state Public Libraries, to assess the marketing strategies adopted by Kaduna State Public Library, to investigate the level effectiveness of the strategy in marketing information services to library users, to identify the challenges militating against effective marketing in Kaduna Public Library, to assess the problems of poor dissemination of library services to the users due to lack or inadequate marketing strategies used to promote the library and its services. The study considered one theory and compliments it with a model to be able to up with a conceptual framework for the study. A descriptive survey research design has been employed for the study, applying the qualitative method. The target population comprises of all 87 librarians in the three libraries and 400 library users. Literatures are reviewed base on the sub-heads, objectives and conceptual framework of the study. Gaps in empirical review of the literatures have also being established. Interview schedule and Questionnaire was used for collecting data. A Pilot study was conducted in a library which has similar characteristics to the Public library in order to ascertain the validity and reliability of the instruments to be used for data collection. Data collected has been sorted and analyzed. Tabulation and presentation of data has been done using Descriptive statistic methods which includes tables, frequencies and percentages. Piloting has been conducted in the National library in Kaduna state which shares with similar characteristics; validity and reliability of the instruments were found to be consistent with the study. Key findings from the study where strategies adopted in the libraries show how ineffective the strategies are to the promotion of library services. Solutions have been provided to the challenges affecting promotion of library services in Kaduna state public libraries.