Land Records Management System and Service Delivery in the Ministry of Lands in Kenya
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Kenyatta University
The Kenya Ministry of Lands has been plagued with rampant delays in accessing land
records, registry services and numerous clerical errors that have affected service delivery.
It is evident that service delivery problems within the department have been problem for
most policymakers which resulted in the launch of the National Lands Management
Information System geared towards improving service delivery. The impact of land
records management systems on Kenya's Ministry of Lands has not been adequately
explored in research. Therefore, this study examines how the system influences service
delivery. This study investigated the relationship between land records management
system and service delivery. Specifically, the study examined the quality level of services
at the ministry, the effect of the land records management system on service delivery and
the challenges faced when integrating land records management system at the Ministry of
Lands in Kenya. The records continuum theory and the technology acceptance
modelformed the basis of this study. A descriptive approach was employed, and the
population targetedofstaff at the Ministry of Lands main registry at Ardhi House. The
study sampled 154 officials within the headquarters at the Ministry of Lands who are
involved in the lands records management system.Primary data was sourced using
structured questionnaires developed under the guidance of the study objectives. Google
forms supplemented the physical data to enhance the response rate. A pretesting was
caried out on 10% of the sample participants to determine the research instruments’
validity and reliability. Data analysis focused both descriptive and inferential
analysis.Findings were presented using charts and tables.The findings of the correlation
tests established there is a strong positive and significant relation between quality of
service offering (r = .631**, sig = .000<.05), digitization of land records (r = .806**, sig =
.000<.05), records management policies (r = .581**, sig = .000<.05), records management
staff competencies (r = .733**, sig = .000<.05) and the service delivery at the Ministry of
Lands in Kenya. This implies that a unit change in these variables resulted in a unit change
in the service delivery. The regression analysis showed that that independent variables had
explanatory power on level of service quality at the Ministry of Lands in Kenya linked to
as they accounted for 77.7% of its variability (R Square = 0.777) hence the model was a
good fit for the data.The study concluded that the Ministry’s quality level of service
delivery is very low and services are offered slowly and there is a lot of delays in giving
services to customers. The implementation of land records management system provides a
technique and method for land planning, management quantification and rationalization
together with quick inquiry, analysis and innovation of land information, provides
supplementary support for decision making and improves the traditional land management
system through computer technologies and communications network. The study also
concluded that the dynamic nature of the land resource in Kenya poses numerous and
complex challenges which call for clearly articulated management tools. The study
recommended that the Ministry should put up appropriate training programs to keep its
employees updated with the current job requirements and training should be geared to all
employees regardless of their gender and job category. According to the study, security
should be the top priority while developing software and processing data for the land
records management system. It is imperative that all employees working in the Ministry
are made aware of the importance of security policies, and they should be instructed to
abide by them. Furthermore, the study recommended the implementation of a Land
Information Management System. Consequently, services were delivered to clients
according to their expectations.
A Research Project Submitted In Fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Science (Records Management and Archive Administration) in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University, May 2024.
Peter Wamae