PHD-Department of Foreign Languages

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    Teaching of Japanese as a Foreign Language in Tertiary Institutions in Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges
    (Kenyatta University, 2021) Wamuti, Lydia Wangu; Vincent Were; Adelheid M. Bwire
    Japanese is one of the foreign languages taught in tertiary institutions in Kenya. However, a majority of the learners of the language do not progress beyond the basic level. This research explored the status of the teaching and learning of Japanese language in tertiary institutions in Kenya. The objectives of the research were to: establish the preparedness of the teachers of Japanese language in tertiary institutions in Kenya; examine the methods used to deliver the Japanese language course content; investigate the availability and use of resources in teaching and learning of Japanese language; find out how learners of Japanese language are evaluated; examine the perception of learners and teachers of the language and explore the opportunities and challenges in the teaching and learning of Japanese language. The research applied exploratory survey research design and involved a target population of 644 Japanese language learners, 18 Japanese language teachers, a staff of Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and a staff of Japanese Information and Culture Center (JICC). The students were selected using systematic random sampling technique while a census was done for the teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules, and classroom observation schedules. The validity of the research instruments was evaluated by lecturers who are experts in foreign language education. The reliability of these instruments was pretested through a pilot study. Cronbach's alpha method was used to determine internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaires while scores inter-rater was used to establish the reliability of the observation schedule. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel® 2016, software, in form of percentages, frequency, correlation and means, and presented in narrative, frequency distribution tables, graphs and charts. The study revealed that the teachers have the requisite training and experience to effectively deliver the Japanese language course content, but they require deeper knowledge of Japanese culture. During instructions, they incorporate technology in form of audio and audio-visual media with authentic content. Some teachers do not consider Kanji as necessary for learners, and some institutions do not teach Kanji. Further, learners of Japanese language perceive the language as a tool for socialization and a means for professional advancement. The main factors that hinder progression of the language learners to advanced levels were found to be lack of emphasis on Kanji, perceived difficulty of the language, and the perception that the language is a tool of socialization of which basic level is sufficient. It was also seen that learners are evaluated using both selected response and constructed response methods, but there are no standardized evaluation guidelines. It is recommended that a programme for training teachers of Japanese language locally be developed, a common national curriculum be designed, and students exchange programmes be encouraged.
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    Problématique De L’intégration Des Tic Dans La Didactique Du Fle Au Kenya: Le Cas Des Centres De Ressources Pour Le Français
    (Kenyatta University, 2018) Nkezabera, Dismas
    This thesis focuses on the issue of the ICT integration in the teaching and learning of French as a Foreign Language (FFL) in Kenya: the case of Resource Centers for French (RCF). It is designed to find answers to the following questions: what are the obstacles faced by learners in their learning of French mediated by new technologies? What are the challenges faced by teachers in their teaching of French using the RCF digital tools? What are the restraints to the integration of ICT in learning and teaching practices related to this device? Does the RCF device have any impact on FFL learners and teachers? In order to propose practical solutions, a field based survey was conducted by way of two sets of questionnaires, one administered to eighty-five high school students and fortyfive third-year undergraduate students, and the other to six secondary school teachers and nine university lecturers who spoke about their learning and teaching experiences and practices aided by the French Resources Centres. The data collected was thematically analysed using Collin and Karsenti's (2013) theoretical model for integrating technology in education and presented in tables and graphs by help of the Statistical Package for the Social Software (SPSS). Overall, the results obtained showed that although learners and teachers have wide access to the resources available at the CRF facilities, the frequency and versatility of the use of ICT tools, involvement of school leadership, teachers training and their techno-pedagogical skills remain the major obstacles to the optimal use of the resource centers for French as well as integration of ICT in the learning and teaching of FFL in Kenya. This research recommends a number of measures that would go a long way in reversing this trend for the better. It is hoped that these findings and recommendations will be useful not only to learners and teachers of FFL, but also to policy makers, education partners, institutions involved in teacher training, researchers and other stakeholders in the area of French didactics in Kenya. Key words: ICT integration, teaching/learning practices, teaching/learning of FFL, Resource Centres for French.
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    Difficultés liées à la prononciation du français au Kenya : le cas des apprenants des écoles secondaires des comtés de Nairobi et Bungoma
    (Kenyatta University, 2016-11) Mulama, Hillary Shitambasi
    Plusieurs recherches montrent qu‟actuellement l‟enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) continue à marginaliser la prononciation malgré les difficultés qui abondent chez les apprenants à l‟ égard de cette discipline. Depuis dix ans, le Conseil National d‟Examens au Kenyan (KNEC en anglais) dans ses rapports annuels portant sur les examens de la fin du cycle secondaire (KCSE), a constamment signalé des difficultés de prononciation chez les candidats aux examens nationaux oraux du français. C‟est ce contexte qui a suscité l‟intérêt de la présente étude à la problématique de la prononciation chez les apprenants de FLE à l‟école secondaire au Kenya. L‟étude a été menée dans trente écoles secondaires kenyanes, systématiquement choisies dans les Comtés de Nairobi et Bungoma. Ainsi, notre corpus d‟analyse a compris les enregistrementsd‟exposés en français par 90 apprenants de français en quatrième année en 2015, trois séries de manuels et les cassettes-audio connexes utilisés pour l‟enseignement de françaisà l‟école secondaire au Kenya aussi bien que les réponses de 30 enseignants de français ayant répondu à notre questionnaire. Lesdits enregistrements ont été analysés selon le cadre de l‟Analyse de l‟Erreur alors que les ressources pédagogiques ont été soumises à une analyse phonétique et prosodique. Les données en découlant ont été présentées sous forme des fréquences et pourcentages, et par moyen des tableaux et graphiques. Nous avons recouru aux tests statistiques Chi-square et Ttest à l‟aide du programmeSPSSpour la vérification des hypothèses de l‟étude. En général, l‟étude a constaté que la majeure partie des difficultés en prononciation chez les apprenants provenaient des sources intra-linguales. Il a également émergé que les ressources pédagogiques analysées étaient déficitaires mais améliorables. Enfin, nous avons constaté qu‟il parait que les principaux défis entravant la didactique de la prononciation comprenaient l‟inadéquation des ressources pédagogiques, l‟incompétence des enseignants en la discipline aussi que l‟insuffisance de temps pour enseigner la matière. Face à ces défis, nous avons recommandé la révision des ressources pédagogiques actuellement utilisées, le renforcement des capacités des enseignants quant à la phonétique du français et à sa didactique et enfin, l‟augmentation des heures imparties à l‟enseignement du français à l‟école secondaire au pays. Nous espérons que les résultats et recommandations de cette étude seront utiles aux différentes personnes et institutions impliquées dans la didactique du français au Kenya surtout les apprenants et les enseignants de la matière, les formateurs des enseignants, les décideurs politiques et les chercheurs dans ce domaine.