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Item A Comparative Study of the Occupational Aspirations of the Physically Handicapped Secondary School Students and the Actual Job Placement of these Graduates(Kenyatta University, 1986) Kamau, M. N.This study examines the occupational aspirations of the physically handicapped secondary school students and compares these aspirations with the actual job placement. It also examines possible social factors such as sex, parental background, curriculum, self-concept and societal attitudes as they affect the occupational aspirations. The study aimed at investigating whether-the society considers the occupational aspirations of the physically handicapped persons while placing them in jobs. The population was drawn from physically handicapped persons from both secondary schools and from those graduates already in employment. A total of eighty one (81) students from two special secondary schools were sampled. Also in the sample, thirty (30) physically handicapped persons in employment in both public and private sectors were included. A questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to elicit the pertinent data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics in form of percentages and frequencies and Spearman's Rank correlation co-efficient were used in analysing the data. The study found among other things that the physically handicapped persons were discriminated in job placement, their aspirations were stunted by the society's stereotyped decisions. The society was found to readily offer menial occupations such as weaving, basketry, leather work, copy-typing, telephone operating and clerical jobs: The physically handicapped persons were found to have a high self-perception, willing to contribute and compete with others. Majority aspired for higher education, skill training and professional jobs such as teaching, medicine, nursing as well as self-employment and secretarial/clerical jobs. It was noted that none of the subjects aspired for begging. The curriculum offered in both secondary schools and vocational and rehabilitation centres was found to be unrelated to the job realities in Kenya. The findings of this study seem to agree with various studies in the literature review. Recommendations from this study concludes that the physically handicapped persons' aspirations should be considered in job placement, vocational or occupational training should be integrated., Further recommendation point out that there is need to create social awareness as to what the physically handicapped can contribute.Item A study of the parents' attitudes towards their disabled children's education in Wundanyi Division in Taita/Taveta District(Kenyatta University, 1987) Kazungu, Theresia WakeshoIn this report, the research presents the results of a study intended to find out the attitude of the parents of the disabled children towards the education of their disabled children in Wundanyi Division in Taita/Taveta District. The study used a sample of 30 parents with children having the following disabilities mental retardation physically handicapped hearing impaired and visually impaired. The respondents were selected using stratified random sampling procedure. The Likert type scale statements were used to assess the attitudes of the parents. There were also other statements which sought the general attitude of the parents towards their disabled children. The study found out that parents had a general positive attitude towards their disabled children and towards their education. However, it was noted by the study that lack· of special schools in the division is the main problem facing special education of the disabled children in this division.Item A study of some of the factors affecting the level of group cohesiveness in secondary school science clubs in Machakos District.(Kenyatta University, 1987) Kivilu, Joseph MbithiThe success of a group a measured by its outcome is determined by how cohesive the group is in perusing its goals. The cohesiveness of a group is influenced by various group properties or processes and certain characteristics of the members. There has been little research done locally on the various factors which influence group cohesiveness in school clubs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence of relationships between the levels of group cohesiveness and those of some of the factors which influence it, such as, interpersonal attraction, risk taking and the instrumental value of the group to its members. The study also tried to establish whether there were differences among the three types of clubs as regards the levels of group cohesiveness, interpersonal attraction, risk-taking and the instrumental value of the club to its members. Responses on a questionnaire administered to 309 science club members from 8 secondary schools in Machakos District provided the data for the study. Various statistical techniques used to analyses the data revealed that there were statistically significant relationships between the levels of group cohesiveness and the three factors. It was also shown that there existed significant differences among the three types of clubs as concerns the levels of cohesiveness and instrumental value among the three school categories. However, no significant differences were found to exist among the types of clubs as concerns the levels of interpersonal attraction and risk-taking. From these results, it was suggested that the level of group cohesiveness could be improved through the creation of conditions which could enhance the degree of interpersonal attraction, risk-taking and instrumental value. Secondly, the sex composition of the club should be taken into consideration when creating these conditions. Recommendations were made hoping that, with the findings of the study, they might be of value to educators and school administrators in improving the calibre of the educational services offered to the youth of this country. It was also hoped that, the findings would give directions for further research in the forces operating in school groups.Item Sex and School Differences in Self Concept and Academic Achievement: A Study of Pupils from Marginalised and Non-Marginalised Urban Schools(Kenyatta University, 1998) Maina, Ngesa RachelItem An Investigation of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools in Mathioya Division of Murang'a District, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2002) Njagi, Daniel IreriThe main purpose of this research project was to investigate guidance and counselling services secondary schools Mathioya Division of Murang'a District. It was investigated by looking into the following aspects. a. Who conducts guidance and counselling secondary schools. b. Do we have trained counsellors in secondary schools c. Schools administration involvement in guidance and counselling. d. Willingness of students to seek help from Help givers. e. Location of guidance and counselling office. The study was conducted in Mathioya Division where 10 secondary schools were selected. Only form 3 and 4 students were used in the study and in total there were 300 students. There were 40 teachers from the selected schools 10 counsellors and 9 head teachers were used. Four questionnaires were developed, one for students, teachers, counsellors and headteachers. The questionnaires were administered and collected by the researcher personally.The findings arrived at after conducting the study are given below: (a) Most of the students were aware of guidance and counselling in their schools, although some of them were unable to express it in writing what guidance and counselling is. (b) Guidance and counselling is provided by several people within a school. These are: counsellors, subject teachers, class teachers, headteachers and invited guests. (c) Majority of the school counsellors are not trained to do the work of counselling. (d) There are more students willing to seek academic help from teachers than they are willing to seek help when faced with personal problems. (e) Students who go to the counsellor for help, only half of them do so voluntarily the rest are either sent by the teachers or the headteacher. (d) Guidance and counselling programme III school faces a number of problems such as: Lack of trained counsellors, lack of time, indifference of the' students towards the programme and many more.Item Assesment of Guidance and Counseling Services in Kenyan Secondary Schools with Special Reference to Bureti District(Kenyatta University, 2004) kemei, ChepkiruiThe study's intention was to find out the image of the provision of Guidance and Counseling Services in Kenyan Secondary Schools with special reference to Bureti District. Principally, the study assessed the prevailing situation in the provision of counseling programs. The specific areas that were assessed included Human and Material resources, attitude of the students and the teachers, the type of Counseling Services accorded to students, and, the support system available in these schools. Literature review was done on related studies from examples outside Africa, Africa itself and Kenya, with special emphasis to learning Instititutions. Studies outside Africa revealed that guidance and counseling has been started in most of the countries. In these countries it is organized by the Ministry of Education or Ministry of Labor. Some of these countries have conducted an Evaluation of the Guidance and Counseling programs. There were four theories which demonstrated the fact that Counseling Services at the moment is faced with several challenges but the effort of all the school stakeholders will help alleviate and improve the programs. The methodology of the study mainly consisted of survey design which employed random and purposive methods of sampling. Research was carried out in eight Secondary Schools of Bureti District. Three research Instruments were used in the study. A pilot study was carried out in a Girl and a Boy School to test the validity of the Instruments. Both descriptive and statistical methods of data analysis were used. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data. The findings of the study showed that Guidance and Counseling programs have been established in most of the schools in Bureti District. It was shown that there is a shortage of human and material resources in these secondary schools and that all the stakeholders of the school do like and support counseling services but their degree of support varies. Parents and Agencies are the ones that give least support. The study concluded that much work that is evaluative-oriented should be carried out by every individual secondary school so that areas to be improved may be unveiled for better Guidance and Counseling Services.Item Relationship between peer attitudes towards school, selected peer group activities and academic achievement of secondary school students in Nairobi(Kenyatta University, 2004) Mukolwe, Asakhulu NewtonThe study was designed to investigate the relationship between peer group attitudes towards school, peer group activities, and academic achievement of secondary school students in Nairobi urban area. Rapid socio - cultural situation in Nairobi, and the nature of the adolescence period itself, are among factors that have predisposed students to peer group influence more than before. Gender and residential status of the students (that is, boarder and day scholar), as categorical variables, were also investigated in relation to peer influence on academic achievement. Eight public and eight private secondary schools - Single sex and Co - educational, and, Boarding and Day schools - were selected using purposive, stratified and random sampling techniques, in that order. A sample of 240 randomly selected form four students from these schools completed the peer effect questionnaire. The students' mock examinations marks were also collected and used as a measure of their academic achievement. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and summarize the data. Pearson Product Moment Correlation at P<0.05 was used to test the hypotheses related to peer group attitudes towards school, selected peer group activities, and students' academic achievement. Hypotheses on gender and students' residential status at school, were tested using the Kruskal - Wallis Non Parametric test at P<0.05 The statistical analyses indicated a significant relationship with regard to peer group attitudes towards school, selected peer group activities and students academic achievement. A statistically significant difference was also found in the selected peer group activities between borders and day scholars. However, no statistically significant differences were found between boys and girls in relation to peer group attitudes towards school and selected peer group activities. Likewise, there was no statistically significant difference between borders and day scholars in relation to peer group attitudes towards school. Nonetheless, the results indicate that the incidence of students peer group relationships' at school is a significant variable in their academic achievement. Hence, recommendations were made such that both Students, Teachers, Parents, School Counselors and Education Planners, should be aware of the role played by peer group relations in students, and how this role can be manifested in to positive outcomes in students' academic achievement at school, in particular, and school life, in general. Further research is recommended with respect to factors such as age, socio - economic class, race, introversion and extroversion; which may bring variations in peer group influence in students. Research is also recommended in different geographical settings to bring harmony in the understanding of the phenomenon of students peer group influence.Item Development of Signs for Scientific Terms in Schools for the Hearing-Impaired(Kenyatta University, 2005) wanjau, Agnes Wanja; E.B. Alade; H. GatumuThis study was designed to specifically develop signs for scientific terms commonly used in the teaching and learning of science in primary and secondary schools for the hearing-impaired in Kenya. The greatest problems faced by the deaf individuals continue to be related to matters of communication with the predominant society. Hearing impairment interferes with both reception and production of language. Because language influences practically every dimension of development, inability to hear and speak is a critical deficit that may have an unfavorable social and academic adjustment. In order to alleviate the communication handicap amongst the deaf learners, the Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E) has so far developed a sign language textbook with a vocabulary covering various fields of knowledge. However, signs to represent scientific terms important to the subject matter in primary and secondary schools have not been included in this book. Consequently, communicative interchange between teachers and the learners has been difficult during science lessons. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to develop signs to represent scientific terms that will make communication during science lessons easy, fluent and accurate. The design that was used is descriptive survey to find out the scientific terms, important to the subject matter, for which signs would be developed. The population of study was drawn from two schools for the hearing-impaired in Nyeri District. A purposive sample was selected from the two schools for the hearingimpaired in the district. Study subjects were randomly selected from forms two, three, and four and standards six, seven and eight. A' total of thirty-three participants were involved in the study. Twenty-eight out of the 33 participants were pupils and five science teachers. A checklist of scientific terms and a videotape were used to collect data. Two hundred terms were nominated from the chosen terms and signs developed for each of them. The collected data was later analyzed linguistically. Each new sign was judged as appropriate on the basis of clarity, appearance and cultural acceptability, and then presented in simple descriptions and illustrations by a fine artist.Item Factors Influencing Marital Conflict among Church Wedded Couples in Pentecostal Churches in Masinga Division, Machakos District, Kenya(2005) Ojowa, M.O.According to Walker (1979), marriages in Kenya are failing at a rate of one out of two. One of the main reasons for high divorce rate is that married people do not know the reason for their marriage; most people marry for selfish reasons. They marry because they believe marriage will satisfy some need in their lives. They want the security of marriage, the sexual pleasure, the companionship, to be affiliated to an influential family, to have children with an individual of a certain status, to earn child support and many other reasons. Getting into marriage with ill-motivated reasons leads to frustration and a lot of stress hence most marital conflict that continue to negatively affect institution of marriage and family. Literature reviewed suggests that marital conflict is a universal phenomena, couples cannot be productive when they are not sound in body, mind and spirit. The family which is the basic institution of society should not be neglected. The proposed study seeks to investigate factors influencing marital conflict. The study takes the form of case study design and qualitative research design. An Interview schedule and focus group discussion used to obtain data. The target group for this study were wedded couples in Pentecostal churches in Masinga Division, Machakos District, Kenya. All the wedded couples formed the study sample. Description data analysis was done by the use of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), frequencies and percentages were used to present data. It is hoped that results of this study will shed more light on the causes and factors responsible for marital conflict among some wedded couples in Masinga Division, Machakos District. This study is expected to assist couples to improve on their marriage and family relations. The first chapter presents introduction and background to the study, the problem statement. Chapter two presents theoretical models guiding the study as well as a review of related literature. Chapter three dealt with the methodology of the study including such areas as study area, study sample, data collection and data analysis. Chapter four presents the results of the findings, while chapter five provides a discussion, summary, conclusions and recommendations based on the findings.Item Extent of drug and drug abuse in selected public boarding secondary schools in Kitui District, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2005) Oyugi, Lilyann NdanuA lot of research work and investigations have revealed the prevalence of drug abuse in most secondaryschools in Kenya. The vice is currently a topic that has continued to generate a lot of interest to the Government, Educationists, Parents and the other Educational Stakeholders. It has been blamed for mass indiscipline, destruction of properties and poor performance in both curriculum and co-curriculum activities in our schools and institutions of higher learning.The primary purpose of this study was therefore to investigate access and use of drugs in public secondary schools in Kitui district. To realise the purpose of the study, a descriptive survey design was adopted. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. The questionnaires contained both open ended and structured questions, which targeted students, teachers and the head teachers. Infonna1 discussions were held where necessary to seek clarification and ad?itional information from the respondents. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data processing and analysis. The first stage of processing and analysis involved computation of frequencies, and percentages. The second stage involved testing of hypotheses by use of chisquare to test for independence between observation made and patterns of association, respectively. The study revealed that the prevalence of drug abuse in secondary schools in Kitui District is high. It also showed that there was a significant difference in the prevalence of drug abuse on thebasis of gender, age, and the person a student lives with. The most common types of drug abused by the students were cigarettes, alcohol and bhang. It further showed that the main sourcesof drug to the students were from friends and through the school fence. The major influencesto drug abuse were friends, drug abusing parents and siblings. The study revealed that themost common method used to discourage drugs in schools was through guidance and counselling. In conclusion, it was evident that the problem of drug abuse in the schools was far from being solved. However, means exists of effectively using guidance and counselling to discouragedrug abuse. The study recommends that professionally trained teacher counsellors should be posted to the schools to assist in counselling. There is also need to in-service schooladministrators and guidance teachers on new trends in counselling.Item Assessmentof Counselling Needs among High School Students in Nyamira Division, Nyamira District, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2005) Orinah, Mong’are EvansThe current study was carried out to explore and assess the counselling needs of high school students ill Nyamira Division, Nyamira District, Kenya. The chief aim was to classify the categories of problems that are faced by these students and the strengths or limitations designed to meet them. The current study was designed to assess the counselling needs of' high school students, The research was designed to find out the types or counselling needs high school students had and the extent the counselling services in the school managed to attend to these needs, Seven mixed secondary schools were selected using random sampling and one single sex girls school was purposively selected, 80 students were randomly selected who took part in the study, The study sample also included 8 teacher counselors and 8 head teachers in the schools studied, The researcher employed a survey descriptive research design and made use or the questionnaires, interview schedule and an observation checklist to collect data, The findings show that indeed high school students had counselling needs that ranged from family to personal problems, It was also established that although all schools had counselling rooms and some resource materials, these were rarely utilized in most cases to meet the students' needs. The implications of these findings were examined and recommendations were made to improve the counselling services in schools.Item A study of some factors contributing to poor KCSE examination results in Lamu district as perceived by students, teachers, and parents(Kenyatta University, 2005) Keino, Josephine; Okatcha, F. M.This study aimed at establishing some factors contributing to poor KCSE results in Lamu District as perceived by students, teachers and parents. -- Lamu District in coast Province consists of seven divisions. The district was selected due to its long record of poor KCSE results. The sample for the study consisted of three hundred and six people, among them two hundred students from three sampled schools; fifty parents, forty seven teachers and six ministry of education officers from divisional and district levels. Data was collected by use of students' and parents' questionnaires, focused group discussions with teachers, interview schedule for head teachers and ministry of education officers and observation of records. Data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive and qualitative statistics was used to describe and summarize the data. Pearson product moment correlation was used to enable comparison and analysis of relationships between variables. The findings showed different causes and emphasis by different groups as per the core cau~ of poor performance. ~ \VCf issues that all the groups pointed out unanimously. The students, teachers and parents observed that student indiscipline is a problem in many schools. Other issues noted included rampant use of vernacular language, lack of foresight on the importance of education and; passive participation in the learning process by students. Time management by students and teachers, inadequate resources and learning materials, student absenteeism, and lack of motivation among teachers and students were strongly cited as causes of poor performance in KCSE examination, The local community was seen as carrying little weight on education matters, while some cultural practices such as attending "madrassa "exhausts students because of the rigorous nature of the classes. In brief the researcher concludes that the manner in which the students use time, the group and activities he or she engage in and the seriousness with which he take education playa great role in determining examination results. However, left on his own, the student cannot achieve much. He relies on the indispensable guidance, commitment and active participation of their subject teachers and good administration. The material support, encouragement and active participation of parents in all school matters is crucial in contributing toward the creation of conducive learningenvironment. The researcher recommendsthat students need to be sensitized by their teachers and parents on the importance of education and the need to prepare continuously for national examinations. This should lead them to take personal responsibility in academic matters. Parents and teachers should step up efforts and commitment in all student academicendeavors. This study aimed at establishing some factors contributing to poor KCSE results in Lamu District as perceived by students, teachers and parents. -- Lamu District in coast Province consists of seven divisions. The district was selected due to its long record of poor KCSE results. The sample for the study consisted of three hundred and six people, among them two hundred students from three sampled schools; fifty parents, forty seven teachers and six ministry of education officers from divisional and district levels. Data was collected by use of students' and parents' questionnaires, focused group discussions with teachers, interview schedule for head teachers and ministry of education officers and observation of records. Data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive and qualitative statistics was used to describe and summarize the data. Pearson product moment correlation was used to enable comparison and analysis of relationships between variables. The findings showed different causes and emphasis by different groups as per the core cause of poor performance. VCf issues that all the groups pointed out unanimously. The students, teachers and parents observed that student indiscipline is a problem in many schools. Other issues noted included rampant use of vernacular language, lack of foresight on the importance of education and; passive participation in the learning process by students. Time management by students and teachers, inadequate resources and learning materials, student absenteeism, and lack of motivation among teachers and students were strongly cited as causes of poor performance in KCSE examination, The local community was seen as carrying little weight on education matters, while some cultural practices such as attending "madrassa "exhausts students because of the rigorous nature of the classes. In brief the researcher concludes that the manner in which the students use time, the group and activities he or she engage in and the seriousness with which he take education playa great role in determining examination results. However, left on his own, the student cannot achieve much. He relies on the indispensable guidance, commitment and active participation of their subject teachers and good administration. The material support, encouragement and active participation of parents in all school matters is crucial in contributing toward the creation of conducive learningenvironment. The researcher recommendsthat students need to be sensitized by their teachers and parents on the importance of education and the need to prepare continuously for national examinations. This should lead them to take personal responsibility in academic matters. Parents and teachers should step up efforts and commitment in all student academicendeavors.Item An Investigation of Guidance and Counselling Needs of Secondary School Students in Kasikeu Division, Makueni District, Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2005-08) Mwanthi, Andrew NdaisiModern technology and scientific discoveries have contributed to the current sophistication of behaviours our adolescents exhibit today. Understanding the biological, psychological, sociological and philosophical nature of adolescence suggests a need to focus on the problems that the stage often brings and to attempt to find solution to them through the methods of guidance and counselling. Many of the problems that a typical adolescent faces are new, but they may be surmounted if a successful adjustment is made. This study sought to delineate the guidance and counselling needs for secondary school students of Kasikeu division, Makueni district.The sample comprised of four schools out of the eight secondary schools in the division which have guidance and counseling services. All were mixed public schools. Four form three classes were purposely sampled and eight teachers. The researcher drew a sample of 160 students, 40 from each school with equal ratio of boys and girls. A pilot study was conducted to test validity and reliability of the research instrument to be used before the actual study. The main research instrument used were questionnaires administered to the teacher-counsellors and students both developed by the researcher. Tables, frequency, percentages and qualitative descriptions (discussions) were employed for analysing and reporting the responses from the subjects. The study revealed that students have behaviour problems that need to be addressed. The teachers are also aware of the life facing students in schools, the common maladaptive behaviours, .modes of punishment and their impacts on the students. Further information revealed that guidance and counselling by teachers played a very important role in readjustment of the maladaptive behaviours. Based on the findings, the study concluded that the Ministry of Education should establish a strong guidance and counseling division in the Ministry to co-ordinate all guidance and counseling activities in the country. Further research in this area should be carried out to help find and place a clear policy and legal framework for provision of effective guidance and counseling services in our secondary schools to help the youth.Item A study of in school factors' contribution to primary school girls' drop out in Rumuruti Division, Laikipia District Kenya(Kenyatta University, 2007) Muchemi, Lydiah NjokiThe purpose of the study was to investigate the extent of in-school factors contribution to girls' drop out. Research findings have shown that, upper primary schoolgirls drop out of school more than any other school going children. Factors contributing to this situation are in and out of school. The current study looked at the extent of in-school factors contribution to girls drop out. Specifically the study tried to answer the following research questions: -To what extent does inadequate classroom space contribute to girls' drop out? -To what extent does inadequate number of toilets contribute to girls' drop out? -To what extent do inadequate number of textbooks and desks contribute to girls' drop out? -To what extent do negative teachers' views on girls' education contribute to girls' drop out? -To what extent do teachers' and girls' social relationships contribute to girls' drop out? The population of the study was primary schoolgirls in Laikipia District.The study sample comprised of 143 class 7 and 8 girls from 10 primary schools in Rumuruti Division, Laikipia District. 20 teachers males and females took part. 10 primary school dropouts within the same locality also took part. Three instruments were used to collect data, a questionnaire for the pupils and another one for the teachers. An interview schedule was used for the school dropouts. The researcher administered both questionnaires and the interview. A pilot study was conducted in order to revalidate and revise the research instruments. The researcher collected data through the two questionnaires and the interview schedule. Data in this study was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively where applicable. Qualitative data was processed through categorization of data and content analysis. Computer analyses for relevant quantitative data utilized Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Chi-square tests and cross tabulation were also used where necessary, specifically, descriptive statistics involving frequencies, percentages, and means were used. The study came to a conclusion that for girls learning to be enhanced in the semi-arid areas, school facilities should be provided in all schools. Teachers have to be sensitized on gender streamlining of the teachers were socialized by the society to look down at girls as people who could not perform well in school, hence the importance of gender training to teachers in order for them to be sensitive in order to be able to positively reinforce the girls to perform in academics. Most to girl issues.Item Investigation of Employee Counseling Needs among Non-Managerial Staff of Kenya Revenue Authority(Kenyatta University, 2011-03) Nyamache, Esther KerebiThe major purpose of this study was to investigate the specific counseling needs of employees in organizations. This meant to establish the necessity to integrate professional counseling at work places in order to solve work-related issues, personal problems and other problems. The study also aimed at investigating the relationship between counseling needs and personal characteristics of age, gender, marital status, educational level & professional qualification and length of service. The study utilized a survey research method with an application of descriptive research design. The study sample comprised of 60 employees from the five departments of Kenya Revenue Authority, Nairobi head office. The study targeted a total population of 1000 and the selection of the sample was done using stratified sampling techniques. The research used a questionnaire technique in data collection where a self developed 25 item inventory of KRA employees counseling needs was designed and used to gather data. The study made use of descriptive design where both qualitative & quantitative data was collected in order to determine correlate of counseling needs among the employees of KRA. Secondary data was sourced from organization records. The grouped data was analyzed through statistics package for social sciences (SPSS) which was used to generate both descriptive and inferential statistics where percentages and frequencies were used to describe variables; this helped to arrange, summarize and present variables as well as relationships among them. The chi-square test was used to establish whether there is a relationship between employees counseling needs and their personal characteristics of age, sex, marital status, academic & professional qualification and work experience. A 95% significance level (probability of 0.05) was utilized to determine the significance of the relationship. Results were discussed in relation to the research questions investigated. Their applications for counseling were thereafter drawn. The study had various findings; there were different types of counseling needs among the employees of KRA. The five main categories included; family/ marital problems; work related problems; health, safety and welfare; alcoholism and substance dependence; and finally, personal issues and challenges. Each type of counseling need was defined by the employees’ age, sex, marital status, academic and professional qualification and work experience it was established that all employees require counseling services. Further results showed that personal issues and challenges ranked highest among others. Most employees were also concerned about remuneration and general welfare. In general, all types of counseling needs were found to be a requirement by all employees. From the findings of the study it was concluded that there is a great or urgent need for the employees to receive professional counseling services. Further research should aim at establishing how best counseling programs can be offered to employees at workplace. It is hoped that these findings will generate information that aims to create understanding of counseling needs of employees to assist employers, HR managers and counselors to improve on employee wellbeing hence improve performance at workplace.Item The Effects of sex education on adolescents' sexual behaviuor in secondary schools in Thika District, Kenya(2011-08-01) Kalinga, Mary KolaWith the achievement of puberty, the adolescent becomes sexually active and competent. This maturity involves the whole process of physical development, emotional feelings and social conditioning. It may well be for the adolescent a period of turmoil and awkward adjustment of mystery and exchange of wrong information with other adolescents. Adolescents, therefore, need the best possible preparation to enable them to cope well with their sexual development and avoid the most obvious pitfalls. Proper sex education can correct misconceptions and hell) achieve the desired sexual behaviour among the adolescents. Most Studies in Kclwa have generally concentrated on identifying the major sources of sex education for adolescents. It is less clear, however, which sexuality outcomes are influenced by different sources, and which sources have greater general influences on adolescents in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of various Source of education about sexual topics (family, peers, media, school and religion) on teen,, sexual knowledge and behaviour among public secondary school students in Thika District. The study used ex-post facto design to determine sources of sex education and its influence on secondary school adolescents' sexual behaviour. Data analysis was both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis considered the inferences plat were made from the opinions of the respondents. This analysis was then systematically presented in narrative form and where possible tabular form. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency counts and percentage. These data were further subjected to significance tests using Chi-square test. The study established that the main sources of sex education were peers and the mass nledi.'l Parents and school were rated among the lowest with sources of sex education. Basel on the findings of the Study, the researcher concludes that adolescents in secondary schools in Thika District do not have adequate information about sex. This can be attributed to overreliance on peers for information about sex, and, because informal ion from peers can be unreliable, most of the information that the adolescents have often misleading. Consequently, most of the sexually active students do not use any form of protection during sexual intercourse, and this exposes them to the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, or getting unwanted pregnancies which can result to school dropout or health complications as young girls attempt abortion. Other adolescents practice unreliable protection methods such as the withdrawal method due to lack of information. Therefore, the researcher recommends that parents should be sensitized about the whole question of adolescents' sexuality so that they can be more involved in teaching them about the same. The education system Should put into consideration the idea of incorporating sex education into the school curriculum; the community should work hand in hand with community-based organisations and NGOs to educate the adolescents on responsible sex behaviour the church Should play a more active role in educating the adolescents/youth on sex education and since most peers prefer getting their information concerning sex from their fellow peers, all the parties should make effort to train the adolescents in order to ensure that they give right information to each other.Item Relationship between students' fear of self discosure and help-seeking behaviour among secondary school students in Nakuru District(2011-08-09) Ngumi, Macharia BrunoThe study sought to find out whether students in the selected schools in Nakuru District feared revealing information to their teacher counsellors and whether there was a significant relationship between students' fear of self disclosure and help seeking behaviour. It further investigated factors that lead to fear of self disclosure like content of disclosure, fear of lack of privacy/confidentiality, vulnerability avoidance, fear of perceived negative feed back and fear of change in teacher counsellor's perception. Hence leading to fear of seeking help from the teacher counsellor by students. The study targeted form two and three students in Nakuru District. Using stratified random sampling, a sample of 240 form two and form three students were obtained from public schools in Nakuru District. The instrument used for data collection was a 2-part questionnaire. A pilot study was carried out to ascertain the validity of the instrument. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics, correlations and the t-test was used for the gender differences. The statistical procedures were done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study revealed that 61.7% of the interviewed students didn't utilize the Guidance and Counselling programmes in their schools. Fear of self disclosure to the teacher counsellor was found to exist among the sampled students. A significant relationship was found to exist between fear of self disclosure and help seeking behaviour. Gender differences were also observed as far as self disclosure to the teacher counsellor is concern. It was also revealed that the nature of the problem, fear of lack of confidentiality, fear of negative feedback and fear of change in teacher counsellor's perception influenced students' decision to seek guidance and counselling. The study recommends that teacher counsellors should reassure students seeking counselling of their privacy, it also recommends that teacher counsellors should hold public meetings with their students and demystify their roles as counsellors. A separation of the teaching and counselling roles to encourage students to seek help is also recommended by the study.Item Conflict management styles and their effect on teacher performance in secondary schools in Bomet district, Kenya.(2011-08-12) Cherono, Margaret KiruiThroughout the centuries, conflict has been observed as, a major problem in educationa organizations. With the coming of the 21st century, conflict became one of the most important tools in the development of organizations when it is carefully managed. The purpose of this study was to investigate conflict management styles in secondary schools and their effects on teacher performance. It also sought to identify constructive methods of managing conflicts amongst teachers. The researcher used descriptive survey and was carried out in Bomet District. The target population was 77 schools in the district. Purposive sampling was used to select the best seven performing schools and the seven poor performing schools in the district. Stratified sampling was used to select five teachers from the following five departments namely; Languages, Sciences, humanities, Technical and Creative Arts and Guidance and Counseling. Purposive sampling was employed to pick the headteacher for each selected school. Headteacher Conflict Management questionnaire, Teacher Conflict Management and semi-structural interview schedule were used to collect data. The instruments were piloted using a sample of two best performing schools and two poor performing schools in the district to pre-test them. Headteacher and Teacher Conflict Management Questionnaires were served to the headteachers and teachers respectively to elicit their opinions on conflict management styles and their effects on teacher performance. Semi-structured interview schedule were applied to ten 1306 chairpersons chosen randomly from the selected schools. The researcher used test-retest technique to determine the reliability of the instrument. A persons product moment formula for the test-retest was employed to compute the correlation coefficient. A correlation coefficient of about 0.8 was considered high enough to judge the instrument as reliable for study. The study used content validity to measure the relevance of the research instruments. Data collected was coded and analyzed manually using qualitative analysis. The study identified five conflict management styles used in secondary school. It found out that cooperative problem solving was the most effective conflict management style in secondary schools in Bomet District. Finally, the researcher recommends that further research be clone to investigate conflict management styles and their effect on teacher performance in other schools within the District. A comparative study could also be carried out between schools from another district and from Bomet District.Item Matumizi ya masimulizi na malumbano katika tamthilia ya kiswahili(2011-08-12) Wakesho, Mwambi PhoebeUtafiti huu umeshughulikia matumizi na malumbano katika tamthilia ya Kiswahili. Tamthilia zilizoshughulikiwa ni Wingu jeusi(1987) na pango(2003). Utafiti huu uliongozwa na nadharia mseto za uhakiki wa mwingilianomatini. Nadharia hizi zilifaa katika utafiti huu, hasa ikizingatiwa kwamba tmthilia hizi zilizotafitiwa zimesheheni matumizi ya masimulizi na malumbano. Tasnifu hii ina sura tano. Sura ya kwanza ni utangulizi wa utafiti. Hapa mtafiti ameshughulikia mada ya utafiti,sababu ya kuchagua mada na yaliyoandikwa kuhusu mada hii. Pia amejadili upeo na mipaka ya utafiti huu na misingi ya nadharia zilizoongoza utafiti huu. Mwisho, mbinu za utafiti zimeelezwa. Sura ya pili imejadili asili ya fasihi, fasihi andishi sifa za tamthilia na mikondo yake, tofauti simulizi na andishi na maathiriano ya fasihi andishi na simulizi. imebainika kwamba waandishi wengine huathiriwa kifani, kimaudhi na kidhamira. Katika sura hii imebainika kwamba fasihi andishi haijavumbua dhamira mpya. Pia imebainika kwamba michezo mingi ya redio ambayo hupendwa sana na wasikilizaji ni fasihi simulizi. Utafika ulidhamiria kuhakiki jinsi fasihi simulizi inavyoiathiri tamthilia ya kiswahili katika kutumia masimulizi na malumbano kama mtindo wa uandishi. Sura ya tatu imechunguza jinsi wa masimulizi ulivyotumiwa katika tamthilia ya kiswahili. Pia sura hii imejadili historia fupi za waandishi wa tamthilia za wingu jeusi na pango ambao ni chacha na wamitila. Vile vile mihtasiri ya tamthilia za wingu jeusi na pango imeonyeshwa ili kumpa mtafiti mwelekeo kuhusu falsafa ya waandishi hawa. Sura ya nne imechunguza matumizi ya mtindo wa malumbano katika tamthilia za wingu jeusi na pango. Utafiti umebainisha kwamba malumbano huweza kusababishwa na maswala ya kijamii, kisiasa,kiuchumi,kidini na kadhalika. Pia imebainika kwamba malumbano huweza kuwa na athari hasi kama vile kukasirika,kutukanana,kudharauliana na kadhalika. Sura ya tano imejadili muhtasari wa utafiti huu. Pia imeonyesha matokeo ya utafiti, matatizo ya utafiti, mchango wa utafiti huu na mapendekezo ya mtafiti. Mwishowe kuna marejeleo ya utafiti huu. Utafiti huu pia ni miongoni mwa kazi chache ambazo zimewahi kuhakiki tamthilia za wingu jeusi na pango kwa kuzihusisha na vipera vya fasihi simulizi na pia kuzihakiki kwa kuzingatia nadhria mseto za uhakiki wa kimtindo na mwingilianomatini. Utafiti huu utawasaidia wahadhiri na wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu,n pia wanafunzi wa shule za upili,kwani somo la kiswahili linahusisha fasihi simulizi na andishi. Pia mtafiti anaamini kwamba utafiti huu utawafaidia wapenzi wote wa lugha ya kiswahili.Item An assessment of public secondary school teachers preparedness in integrating ICT for instruction: a case of Ruiru division, Thika district(2011-08-12) Migwi, Catherine NjeriThe purpose of this study was to assess the preparedness of secondary schools teachers in Ruiru Division of Thika District to integrate ICT for instruction. The objectives of the study included, i) determining the state of infrastructure necessary for teachers to successfully integrate ICT in schools, ii) finding out the attitudes of teachers towards use of ICT for instruction, and iii) determining teachers' preparedness in terms of ICT literacy to effectively integrate ICT for learning, iv) to find out the challenges faced by secondary school teachers in the integration of ICT for instruction. The literature reviewed covered the use of ICT in developed countries, strides made by developing countries, and finally status of ICT in education in Kenya was examined. The study was conducted using descriptive survey research design. The target population was 27 head teachers and 300 teachers. Twelve schools which were 44% of the target population were selected using proportionate sampling. Simple random sampling was used to select 5 teachers from each school giving a total of 60 teachers. All the 12 head teachers from the schools selected participated in the study. Two officials from the DEO's office were selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and key informant interview. Quantitive data was analysed using the statistical package for social sciences and tabulated into frequencies, ratios, tables, and percentages. Qualitative data was analysed by organizing it into themes, and according to the research questions and objectives. Findings indicated that 61% of the schools studied were connected to electricity, while 39% had no electricity. However computer laboratories were only available in 52% of the schools. Only 18% of the schools had computers purposely reserved for teachers' use. A mere nine percent of the respondents have had training on the use of computers for instruction. The remaining 91% had never received such training but were interested in learning how to use computers for instruction.84% of the respondents reported that they thought schools were not ready to integrate ICT for instruction, citing the major reason as lack of teacher training in ICT. Challenges faced by secondary school teachers in integration of ICT for instruction included insufficient teacher training and lack of teachers' awareness on the need for Integrating ICT in learning. The study concluded that teachers in the district were ill prepared for integration of ICT for instruction and learning. Recommendations were on increasing access to computers and supportive infrastructure, as well as intensifying teachers training on ICT.