Enhancing Market Access in Kenyan SMEs using ICT
Ofafa, G. A.
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Global Business and Economics Research Journ
Small and Medium Enterpr
ises (SMEs) are perceived as the engine of growth in Kenya yet
face formidable constraints that hinder them from realising their potential. Limited market
access remains a critical constraint to their growth and competitiveness whereas Information
and Comm
unication Technology (ICT) presents enormous opportunities for improved market
The aim of this study was to explore opportunities offered by ICT in enhancing market access
in Kenyan SMEs and the various ICT tools and applications that can be harnes
Exploratory research design was used based on desk research that involved a review of
relevant literature and studies. Findings of the study identified limited access to information,
poor access to physical markets, stiff competition due to liberaliza
tion of markets and
globalization, limited market research and analysis, narrow product diversity, weak capacity
for e
commerce and high transaction costs as constraints to market access by Kenyan SMEs.
Findings also indicate that opportunities exist for S
MEs to apply ICT to facilitate
communication and access to information, identify markets, for production of innovative
quality p
roducts, product promotion, to
improve transactions, for market research and
analysis, to access international markets, for on
ine selling, for networking and to lower
transaction costs. The study recommends awareness creation for ICT use, improvement in
ICT literacy levels and infrastructure, development of user friendly relevant ICT programs
for SMEs, development of databases fo
r SMEs, use of popu
lar social sites for marketing
nclusion of ICT in SMEs marketing strategies
globalization, information and communication technology, market access, small
and medium enterprises
Globalization, Information and communication technology, Market access, Small and medium enterprises
Global Business and Economics Research Journal Vol. 2 (9 ): 29 - 46