Politics of Solid Waste Management in Bauchi State, Nigeria:1976-2015
Mohammed, Saidu Umar
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Kenyatta University
Environmental politics and governance studies the ideas and theories related to
environment, examined the view point of environmental social activist and political parties
as well as analyzes the public policy making and implementation. The precautionary
principle and the integration of environmental considerations into environmental policy.
Policy making enhances the participation and deliberations among communities, actors and
institutions. This will also encourage democratic procedures to enhance policy
performance at multinational, national and local level. Thus, environmental politics is
examined through the precept of accountability, inclusiveness and deliberation by private
and public actors in decision making for maximum policy outcomes. The rapid rate of
urbanization and increase in population in Bauchi city like other cities in Nigeria have led
to solid waste being dumped on streets and open spaces. This study examines the history
of Solid Waste Management (SWM) in Bauchi between 1960-1983. It analyzes the politics
by state and non-state actors in solid waste management in Bauchi from 1983-1997, and
finally interrogates the changes in the politics in solid waste management in Bauchi 1997-
2015. The study used a qualitative research method based on a descriptive research design.
This approach is appropriate because it describes the state of affairs of a phenomenon as it
is. Data were collected from the primary and secondary sources using semi-structured
interviews and focus group discussion (FGD); similarly, journals, books, theses, articles,
and reports, both published and unpublished, were utilized as secondary sources of data.
The target population for the research was people from various agencies, boards,
politicians, NGOs, private waste management actors, and inhabitants of Bauchi city and its
environs. Purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents. To analyze the
data, the study adopted the thematic approach for analysis. Data collected was subjected to
processing, categorizing, evaluation, and interpretation, based on the study objectives. This
process was achieved through transcribing, editing, and evaluating evidence to ensure the
validity of the data collected through in-depth interviews, documents, records, and archival
materials. Ethical issues were observed by the researcher. The study adopted the tragedy
of the commons and actor-oriented theories. The theories have explained the reason for the
environmental crisis based on population increase, and how to solve the crisis through the
interplay of different stakeholders. The findings of the study concluded that despite
government allocation of hundred and millions of naira annually 85 percent of the
traditional community dump spaces (Bingi) within Bauchi city were converted to personal
and or public use such as schools, Banks, shopping malls, residential areas, and mosques
leading to indiscriminate dumping of solid waste on major roads and streets causing health
issues as well as road obstructions. Corruption, lack of environmental civil society
involvement, over population, poor policy making and implementation are the major
challenges in SWM in Bauchi. It was established that SWM was politicized; the
appointment of top SWM staff and contractors is influenced by politicians. The study
recommends that solid waste management policy should be included in all environmental
domains. Political parties should include SWM as part of their manifesto in to order to save
the environment and the society.
A Research Thesis Submitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Arts (Political Studies) at Kenyatta University. May, 2021
Politics, Solid Waste Management, Bauchi State, Nigeria, 1976-2015