Project Administration and Project Implementation: A Case Study of Kenya Power Pension Fund
Kimani, Amos Muregi
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Kenyatta University
Implementing a project calls for various stakeholders to partner together in order to deliver
the project on time, within the set scope and budget so as to accomplish the requirements
of an organization. Projects in Kenya Power Pension Fund (KPPF) mostly focus to ensure
members are served effectively and efficiently as well as reducing costs for the Pension
Fund. Nonetheless, several pension industry projects in Kenya indicate that the projects’
administration is questionable. Consequently, when such projects fail, it causes negative
effects on the members since they can no longer obtain that which they are entitled to from
the pension fund, resulting to major business failure as well as inconveniencing the
customers. Unless the desired project administration practices are employed in project
management, project objectives may not be realized, and the institution will not be able to
exploit its future opportunities as well as combat its threats effectively. Successful project
accomplishment is reflected by majority of the expectations been achieved. This research
sought to assess the relationship between project administration and project
implementation success in KPPF. Particularly, it investigated the influence of project
readiness, shareholders participation, monitoring and evaluation influence on successful
project implementation. It applied the descriptive design. Population targeted consisted of
4 projects undertaken by KPPF where respondents comprised of project managers and 8
project team members in each of the projects. A census approach was applied where all the
36 respondents were targeted. Questionnaires were used to collect data and descriptive
statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis used to analyze it. Data analysis was
done in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. From the findings,
respondents strongly agreed that project readiness ensures realistic resources are put in
place and their allocations. They also strongly asserted that successful implementation of
a project requires project follow up to be effectively carried out. The respondents further
agreed that shareholders participation in project decisions enhances project success and
that shareholders participation ensures necessary resources are committed and monitored
towards enhancing success of the projects. The research concludes that project readiness
and shareholders’ participation significantly influence project success positively while
project follow up independently insignificantly influence project success. The research
recommends that project management team in KPPF should ensure that they enhance
project readiness in the various projects they undertake by streamlining their human
resource management and planning for the projects. They must also ensure that project
follow up is organized alongside other project administration practices to ensure overall
project success.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economic and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Project Management), Kenyatta University, November 2022
Project Administration, Project Implementation, Kenya Power Pension Fund