Collaboration challenges facing information literacy programs in Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Library
Wanjiru, Samuel Muthami
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This research project was to investigate the information literacy collaboration challenges
in JKUAT library. Information literacy (IL) is a critical pillar in all libraries. It ensures
optimal usage of all forms of information resources acquired. It demands collaboration
between the library, teaching departments, administrators as well as users to achieve its
purpose. The challenge is that this IL partnership is often missing in many information
centers. This investigation was therefore geared to unearthing insights into why there is
lack of IL collaboration; poor IL evaluation practices; the potential areas for IL
collaboration; and strategic outcomes of partnership in information literacy training
(Montiel-Overall, 2008).
The study investigated the collaboration challenges hampering information literacy
initiatives in JKUAT library. The target respondents were librarians, lecturers and
masters’ students. Questionnaires were used to gather information from lecturers and
masters students owing to their big numbers. The senior library staff and especially the
ones in-charge of the department, user instruction or subject sections were purposively
selected and interviewed by the researcher. This was to enable the researcher probe and
unearth more pertinent research details of qualitative nature. The librarians were fewer in
number, knowledgeable and experienced in the IL subject hence the interview was apt.
Out of 35 lecturers 32 (91%) responded. Only 31 (53%) of the 58 masters students
responded to the questionnaire. All the targeted senior library staff (100%) were
interviewed. A total of 73 of the anticipated 98 responses were received from both
questionnaires and interviews representing a percentage return rate of 74%.
The overall purpose of this study was to unearth the factors hindering effective
collaboration in IL in JKUAT library. The study’s main objectives were: to establish the
current IL programs and policies prevailing at JKUAT library; to establish the extent of
collaboration in JKUAT library’s IL programs; to identify the factors hindering IL
collaboration in JKUAT library; and to find out whether information literacy programs
are cooperatively evaluated and assessed in the said library.
Data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively inferences were
made from the opinion of the respondents in the open-ended responses. The responses
were categorized as data was edited to sift most relevant to the objects of the study.
Quantitatively descriptive statistical methods were used. Statistical data was coded and
analyzed with the help of a statistician using the computer-based statistical package for
social scientists – SPSS. The raw data was then saved in the spreadsheet Ms Excel. It is
in Ms Excel that the researcher generated percentages, pie charts, tables and graphs used
to present the data. This forms chapter four of this project.
A major concurrence with previous findings elsewhere is that there is very little
collaboration between librarians, lecturers, users and administrators in information
literacy. The stakeholders agree that more needs to be done and propose approaches to
redress this inadequacy. As Amunga (2007) had observed, this study confirmed that IL
training is still an unestablished and uncoordinated effort.
The study to a great extent corroborates previous findings on the challenges which hinder
IL collaboration in university libraries in the west. Generally, these impediments to IL
collaboration in Jomo Kenyatta university library and elsewhere are negative attitude of
lecturers towards IL, collaboration and library generally; negative attitude of library staff
towards IL efforts hampers its development; the attitude of users towards IL and the
library in general; lack of clear IL policy across the university which would nurture IL
partnership; poor evaluation and assessment tradition on IL; issue of academic status for
librarians and ensuing remuneration disagreements; inadequate IL training time and
timing of programs reduce its impact; unmanageable or large groups viz a viz space
constraints in the library.
The IL collaboration challenges strongly emerging from this investigation are (a) poor
public relations in the library which puts off users and other potential IL partners. The
way the library projects itself when dealing with other potential collaborators determines
relations in other aspects. (b) lack of leadership or initiator of IL collaboration. Other
stakeholders look upon the library to propose and lobby for such partnership since the
bulk of IL content is centered on the library and information services. Nothing has been
initiated so far towards this end. (c) poor planning of IL initiatives. There are pockets of
IL aspects that are uncoordinated. The communication skills course, electronic resources
training, Orientation and research methods ought to form the basis of IL collaboration
with a view to a formal partnership. (d) lack of or reluctance to acquire or share
skills/knowledge on IL by both the trainers and trainees. Some members across the
stakeholders are not ready to participate in IL training either for lack of confidence, skills,
embarrassment or avoid workload since IL is involving. It demands continuous skills
updating if one is to remain relevant in the fast evolving information field. (e) low
frequency of IL training sessions inter alia, delinks the ardent information seeker from
the potential collaborator offering the IL training. This cements attitudes exhibited by
One sphere that would promote IL cooperation was found to be missing. The study found
that there is seldom any evaluation and assessment of IL programs at JKUAT. This is an
ideal area to promote tripartite collaboration between librarians, lecturers and users if
they formulate objectives and content, mount training and evaluate together.
Respondents agreed that it is imperative to work in partnership to make effective apt IL
training albeit with shared roles. Such concerted efforts would yield the identified
benefits of IL: research skills; critical skills; problem solving skills; IT skills; evaluation
skills; synthesis skills, searching skills and information usage skills. These skills are vital
to survive the information society and sustain lifelong learning.
The study concludes that the identified collaboration challenges facing IL initiatives must
be addressed through concerted efforts and in tandem with the CHE and ACRL standards
on information literacy. Information literacy is everybody’s business and not just
A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of education in library and information sciences of Kenyatta University, September, 2009