Relationship between Personal Resilience Factors and Management of Occupational Stress among Public Secondary School Teachers in Kiambu County, Kenya
Kambura, Jonahs Rael
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Kenyatta university
Occupational stress continues to affect teachers in the learning environment. Despite
its critical implications, most teachers cope with the various stressful situations in
their work, although some succumb to it. However, limited studies have examined the
association between personal resilience factors and management of occupational
stress precisely on teachers in public secondary schools. This research purposed to
ascertain the association between personal resilience factors and management of
occupational stress among public secondary school teachers in Kiambu County. Ellen
Pollidore’s (2003) theory of adult resilience in education was utilized for the study
and literature reviewed according to the study. Personal resilience factors and
management of occupational stress were the independent and dependent variables of
the study respectively. This study employed a correlational research design. The study
targeted a population of 4753 teachers from which a sample of 342 teachers was
selected through multistage sampling. Self-administered structured questionnaires
were used data from teachers whereas interview schedules were used on for the
principals. Instrument reliability was established using split-half method where items
that reached a threshold coefficient of 0.7 and above, which is acceptable, were
retained. The study made use of face, content and construct validities which employed
expert opinion, rigorous literature review and adherence to study topic and objectives
respectively. The instruments were piloted in Nairobi City County among 28
participants. The reliability coefficient for Teachers’ Occupational Stress Scale
(TOSS) was 0.82, and for emotional, social and intellectual resilience; 0.712, 0.701
and 0.891 respectively. Data collection was conducted online by distributing
questionnaires and telephone calls used to book for interviews with principals.
Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics where mean alongside
standard deviation were used and inferential statistics involving Pearson correlation
method used in testing the study hypotheses. Duly analysed quantitative data was
presented in tabular form. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
26 was used for the computations. Thematic analysis was applied in analysing
qualitative data according to the study objectives which was then presented in a
narrative form. The researcher sought permission from relevant authorities, that is,
Kenyatta University and NACOSTI. A response rate of 84.5% (n=251) was realized
in this study. The study found a statistically significant positive relationship between
emotional resilience and occupational stress (r[222] =.317**, p=.000) social
resilience and occupational stress (r[222]=.407**, p=.000) and intellectual resilience
and occupational stress (r[222] = .343**, p =.000) and suggestions for enhancing
personal resilience in managing occupational stress suggested. The study concluded
that personal resilience factors are positively correlated with management of
occupational stress. The study recommended that teacher’s resilience be strengthened
through training to ensure that they can withstand adversity in stressful times. Other
studies may focus stressors like family, finances and so on using different designs and
other populations of teachers. Others may also compare resilience according to
demographic characteristics and include other aspects of resilience like spirituality
A Research Report Submitted to the School of Law, Arts
and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Arts
in Counselling Psychology of Kenyatta University
Personal Resilience Factors, Management of Occupational Stress, Public Secondary School Teachers, Kiambu County, Kenya