Career Planning, Training and Development for Middle Level Manarges: A Case Study of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
Liyokho, Scholastica Khakayi
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Kenyatta University
Middle level managers consist of a very important sector of the administrative workforce
of the university and any other organization. This group of workforce is faced with
problems in their daily duties which will be addressed in this study. There is need for
organized laid down procedures for them to follow as they execute their daily duties.
Lack of job descriptions, elaborate career paths, upward mobility in time cause worry to
this cadre of employees.
This study is therefore geared towards establishing the extend to which the university has
tried to develop careers of middle level managers and how career planning has been
effected. The researcher used questionnaire to gather information for this study .During
the administration of the questionnaire, the researcher interacted with the respondents to
gather more information from them and how their problems could be solved. The
questionnaire was administered to the forty-five middle level managers of which majority
concurred that further training was required. Most middle level managers experienced
support from their immediate supervisors. They also expressed the need for rewards to be
linked to performance to heighten motivation towards working environment.
Indeed, the" results of the findings indicate that the middle level managers should be
exposed to : job rotation, seminars and workshops, further training both on- job and offjob
The researcher concluded that the managers should be exposed to further training,
semmars, job-rotation within a span of five years and gets the next promotion .
This Project is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters in Business Administration (HRM), Institute of Open Learning of Kenyatta University, Department of Business Administration, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. September 2005
Career Planning, Training and Development, Middle Level Manarges, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology