Intergroup cohesion and its effects on employees performance in schools in Nairobi city county, Kenya
Mukhwana, Mildred Nasimiyu
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Kenyatta University
Most organizations have been reporting their inability to achieve the set objectives. Several factors have been pointed out to be the major cause. Apart from other external factors such as adequate finance, political goodwill and conducive environment, there seem to be other factors related to the intergroup cohesion that affect goal achievement. With most members in various groups being diverse, Various studies done prior shows a significant positive interrelationship between group performance and intergroup cohesion, yet limited research has been published about intergroup cohesion on employee performance in schools. Little has been published regarding Lang’ata Sub County despite having 209 primary and secondary schools as per the year 2021. This study sought to establish the intergroup cohesion on employee performance in schools in Lang’ata Sub County. The study had three objectives: To access how intergroup cohesion affects members’ commitment during performance of duties in schools in Lang’ata Sub County. To examine the effects of intergroup cohesion on task performance in public primary schools in Lang’ata Sub County. To evaluate various effects of training on employee performance in Lang’ata Sub County. Randomly selected sample of 265 employees in government owned primary schools in Lang’ata Sub County was used in the research. Data was collected using both interview guides and semi-structured questionnaires and employees in government owned primary schools in Lang’ata Sub County were also respondents. Semi structured questionnaire was used because the researcher aimed to explore the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs of respondents. Objectivity was considered during data analysis. The use of (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyze the data collected. Qualitative analysis used inferential and descriptive statistics while quantitative analysis made use of content analysis. Data presentation was done using tables. The research also applied the group process and relational cohesion theories during the study. Pilot testing was also conducted in 45 randomly selected employees. After the study, it was found that intergroup cohesion and its aspects like training, commitment and workload affect employee performance. It was then recommended that there is need for institutions to have an elaborate plan which will work towards to improve cohesion if maximum performance is to be realized.
A research project submitted to the school of humanities and social sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts of Kenyatta University. October, 2021