Pattern of epidemics monitoring data reporting among health facilities in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Muturi, S.G.
Otieno, G.
Ngatiri, G.
Muhoho, N.
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Kenyatta University
Background: Weekly epidemic monitoring data reporting was adopted in Kenya after the Ministry of Health embraced Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy from WHO - Africa region to facilitate timely detection and response to disease outbreak. The government has a reporting target of 80% but this has not been achieved by many counties including Nairobi County. Underreporting put counties at risk of untimely outbreak detection which can, in turn result in epidemic menace. There is no adequate data to explain under-reporting in Nairobi County. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with poor epidemic monitoring data reporting among health facilities in Nairobi County. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study targeting 318 health facilities in Nairobi County, Kenya. A stratified sample of 169 health facilities was selected using simple random. Health facility records were checked for compliance to quarterly submission of reports. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to data focal persons in the health facility in order to understand background characteristics of the participants, data transmission methods at each health facility, adherence to policies, personnel and availability of data collections tools. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17.0. Relationships among study variables were tested using Chi-square, (P < 0.05). Results: Complete reporting was recoded in a total of 47% of the health facilities within the period under review, 36% partial reporting and 17% had not reported at all. Complete reporting was higher in public facilities (74%) than in private facilities (40.8%). Non-reporting was similarly higher in private facilities (25%) particularly the clinics (33%). Among institution related factors, supervision, presence of data focal person
in a health facility and data transmission methods were significantly associated with poor data reporting (P<0.001). Training and awareness of data reporting days were important individual factors which were significantly associated with poor reporting (P<0.001). Rapid response to disease outbreaks is important for control of the disease and its spread to other regions. However, with only 47% of the health facilities in Nairobi County complying with the data reporting requirements, the City is at risk of delayed response in case such outbreak occurred. There is need to streamline the system to realize, exceed and maintain the government epidemic monitoring data reporting target rate of 80%.
Disease, Epidemics, Reporting