Multi-Agencies Cooperation and Border Security along Kenya-Somalia Border Wajir County - Kenya

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Kenyatta University
Securing their boarders has become a concern for all countries globally. This is because unsecure boarders pose a serious threat both to national and international security of states. For instance, the porous Kenya-Somali boarder continues to pose a serious threat to the security and development of Kenya as a country. This study therefore sought to examine the nexus between multi-agencies cooperation and border security along the Kenya-Somali border in Wajir County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess how coordinated multi-agencies patrols affects border security along the Kenya-Somalia border, to determine the influence of multi-agencies intelligence gathering on border security along the Kenya-Somalia border, to examine the influence of resource sharing among multi-agencies on border security along the Kenya-Somalia border and to examine the challenges to multi-agencies cooperation in securing the Kenya-Somalia border. The study was guided by systems theory. It adopted a descriptive survey research design that used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Stratified and simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to collect data for the study. The tools utilized to get data were, questionnaires and interview schedule. Both qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated to provide robust illustrations of the key findings. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented as percentages, pie charts, and bar graphs. Qualitative data on the other hand was analyzed thematically and presented as quoted verbatim. The study found that joint coordinated patrols, joint intelligence gathering, sharing and analysis and sharing of resources among the various multi-agency teams played a crucial role in border security management. The study found that challenges such as inter-agency rivalries and turf wars for dominance of resources, effective coordination challenges in operations, cultural and institutional differences, inadequate resource allocation and operational discrepancies in the procedures, protocols and readiness negatively impacted on border security. The study concluded that, the Kenya Police Service, the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF), and local administrative bodies have made significant stride in enhancing boarder security along Kenya-Somali boarder in Wajir County. Also, by fostering a unified approach, these coordinated efforts have strengthened national defenses and enhanced responses to criminal activities. The study among other things recommended establishment of one command center for multi-agency teams and enhanced resources to bolster multi-agency efforts in boarder security.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of Masters Degree in Security Science and Management of Kenyatta University, November 2024. Supervisor George Oyombra