Supply Chain Management and Competitive Advantage of Kenya Power and Lighting Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya

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Kirwa, Allan
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Kenyatta university
Kenya Power and Lighting Company, a state-owned power company in Nairobi City County has striven to cut down, increase profits to gain competitive advantage and aims to analyze the strategic supply chain of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. The objective is to identify areas for improvement in the company's supply chain and recommend strategies to enhance its competitive advantage. This study involved conducting a thorough review of Kenya power and Lighting company’s current supply chain processes and identifying key issues that negatively impact its competitiveness. Th general objective of this study will be to investigate the effect of strategic supply chain management on competitive advantage of Kenya Power and Lighting Company in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to establish the effect of strategic Supply Chain Responsiveness, supply chain integration, customer focus and supplier partnerships on competitive advantage of Kenya Power's and lighting in Nairobi county Kenya. The resource-based view was the study's anchor theory, which was strengthened by value chain theory and competitive advantage theory. A descriptive research design was used in this study. Employees of selected Kenya Power and Lighting in specific functional divisions, such as information technology, human resource, finance, sales and customer service, and marketing, were surveyed using standardized questions. The study's target population was 1004 people, with a sample size of 100. Stratified simple random sampling was used in the investigation. Before the questionnaires were delivered, a pilot study was done with 10% of the respondents. Content, construct, expert opinion, and pre-testing were all utilized to determine the dependability of instruments. The questionnaire’s reliability, on the other hand, was evaluated using the Chronbach's alpha reliability test. SPSS version 26.0 was used to analyze the qualitative data. Data was presented in tables, graphs and pie-charts. Majority of the respondents indicated that the level of competitive advantage was moderately used in Kenya power and lighting company. It was clearly indicated business's advantage over competitors was moderately as a result of differentiation and cost savings. The KPLC business was capable of adapting quickly to the rapidly changing environment and was market-sensitive. KPLC business has informational system that include clients and suppliers, raises knowledge and competence, and enables participants to broadly access and use information systems and has spent money on product design. The study results indicated that KPLC has a policy in place that regulates its business partnership. The findings also indicated that there was information exchange between suppliers and the company. The results indicated that at KPLC, strategic firm-supplier integration has been established, and the company was always open to learning and applying more successful integration strategies. Based on statistical results the study concluded that strategic supply chain responsiveness had no significant effect on competitive advantage. Strategic supply chain partnership, strategic supply chain integration and customer focus had a significant positive effect on competitive advantage the study recommended that regardless of a product's quality, a slow or frequently interrupted supply chain may limit a company's ability to wow clients and save costs. Businesses must create a flexible supply chain, regardless of whether they handle their own logistics or rely on third-party providers. Monitoring the response-required elements is the initial stage in developing a responsive supply chain.
A Project Submitted to the School Of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management Option) at Kenyatta University
Supply Chain Management, Kenya Power and Lighting Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya