Environmental and social-economic constraints to sustainable development in upper Ewaso Ngiro basin

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Kayi, Calvine O.
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This study is an overview of the environmental and the socio- economic constraints to sustainable development in the Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Basin. The harsh physical environment characterizes a substantial portion of the basin. The elements of such unfavorable environment include; shallow, infertile and erodible soils, low erratic and intense rainfall, high evaporation rates and low ground water levels. The human factors on the other hand consists the ever increasing human population, poor infrastructure, overgrazing, tenure systems, poverty and apathy among developers and the community just but to mention a few. Most of the regions in the basin have harsh conditions for human inhabitation, but inspite of these, people still continue to live in these areas. In view of this fact, this work also examines how humans, animals and plants have responded to these situations. It addresses the reactions that have been put forward towards solving these problems, their degrees of success and failures. To crown it all, a number of suggested solutions and recommendations have been offered as a way head to sustainable development in the Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Basin.
The HC 79.E5K3
Environmental policy--Upper Ewaso Ngiro Basin//Sustainable Development--Upper Ewaso Ngiro Basin