Factors affecting completion on housing projects: survey of prisons housing projects in Nairobi county

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Omwenga, Mosembe Archmond
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This study was to assess factors that affect completion of housing projects based on key project factors. The indicators of project success are cost, time, technical performance and customer satisfaction as used in previous studies and are essential to all types of projects. Meanwhile, project managers frequently ignore such general rules, because they are convinced that their particular projects pose entirely unique kinds of problems. This study, based on responses to an extensive questionnaire, explores factors that can affect completion of prisons' housing projects in Nairobi County. This research study adopted a descriptive research design that describes the existing conditions and attitudes through observation and interpretation techniques. The target population for this study was seven (7) prisons having one hundred and seventy five (175) ongoing housing projects. The respondents were officials from the Prisons in Nairobi County and Officers from MoPW & H. The data will be both qualitative and quantitative. Semis structured questionnaire will be used to collect data in order to investigate factors that can affect completion of prisons' housing projects. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and results on average percentage and variability will be presented through tables and graphs. It also included simple statistical methods of data analysis like frequencies, mean, mode, median; distributions, rankings and standard deviation. Qualitative analysis involved content analysis of data to find patterns, and understand the respondents' perceptions, opinions, and views of the study. The study concludes that the staffs were not directly involved in making decisions on what type of houses were to be built. Funds disbursed were not sufficient. Challenges faced in the process of financing the project was poor planning and long procurement procedures. Monitoring and evaluation involves all stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation is well done by outsiders. Project finance and other monetary benefits can be used to improve project completion by timely release of funds. The study concludes that the prison used Government of Kenya Act. The study recommends the staffs to be directly involved in making decisions on what type of houses were to be built. Monitoring and evaluation should be an ongoing process that ensures targets are met. Management affected the utilization of funds allocated for housing projects. The study recommends that the Government of Procurement Act of Kenya should be reviewed to shorten the procedures.