Innovation and Realization of Universal Health Care Coverage in Kenya by the National Hospital Insurance Fund.

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Kenyatta University
The National Hospital Insurance Fund fulfills the function of health funding, serving as a fundamental component of universal health care coverage in Kenya. In 2014, the Universal Health Care index in Kenya was at 52%, but in 2019, it increased to 55.0%. This signifies a modest 3% enhancement in health accessibility over a period of six years. Therefore, it is imperative to undertake significant measures to provide universal access to inexpensive and high-quality healthcare services for all individuals. While the concept of innovation has significance, there is a limited body of literature and empirical data that establishes a connection between innovation and the achievement of universal health care coverage within the economy. This study aimed to investigate the impact of innovation on the achievement of Universal Health Coverage by the National Health Insurance Fund. The study aimed to assess the role of product innovation, process innovation, technical innovation, and organizational innovation in the achievement of Universal Health Coverage by the National Health Insurance Fund. The investigation was guided by the theories of diffusion of innovation and the technology acceptability model. The research study utilized an explanatory descriptive survey approach, with a sample size of 155 respondents. A total of 112 respondents were picked utilizing a stratified random approach. Primary data were collected via the utilization of a questionnaire, including semi-structured elements. The questionnaire underwent a pilot testing phase with a group of 12 respondents who were chosen independently from the research population. The collected perspectives were subjected to both descriptive and inferential analysis. The studied results were presented using tables and figures. The findings of the research indicate a strong association between innovation and the achievement of universal health care. The research suggests that marketing managers at the National Hospital Insurance Fund should enhance their efforts in raising awareness among a larger portion of the population who are currently not availing themselves of the benefits offered by products such as Supa Cover. It is recommended that policymakers at the National Hospital Insurance Fund engage in frequent evaluations of current policies and the level of premiums paid by members, particularly those who are self-employed, to ensure affordability. Furthermore, it is recommended that information and communication technology managers employed at the National Hospital Insurance Fund allocate resources toward the acquisition of contemporary and advanced technologies while simultaneously phasing out outdated and obsolete systems. The top management team of the National Hospital Insurance Fund should reduce the number of bureaucracies, making it easy for new members to join and access cost-effective health services.
A Research Project submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) of Kenyatta University, November 2023