Strategic planning and implementation of constituency development funded projects in Njoro constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya
Rukwaro, Samuel Kimani
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Kenyatta University
The Njoro constituency fund caters for six wards namely Mau Narok, Mauche,
Kihingo, Nesuit, Lare and Njoro Wards. The CDF project implementation has had
diverse challenges. For example, the auditor general noted that the failure to utilize
budgeted funds during the financial year negatively impacted on the project
implementations at the constituency level. This study aimed at examining the impact
of strategic planning on the project implementation in Njoro constituency. Amongst
the aspects that were examined included monitoring and evaluation, stakeholders’
participation, risk management and financial resources aspects. The specific
objectives included examination of influence of monitoring and evaluation,
stakeholders’ participation, risk management and financial resources on the
implementation of CDF project in Njoro Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya. The
study was done using stakeholder theory, resource based view theory and dynamic
capabilities theory. The study was based on the descriptive research design. The target
population was all the project managers, committee members and community
representatives that were involved in the ongoing CDF projects in Njoro constituency
for the 2016/2017 financial year. The data collection was a questionnaire. The pilot
study was undertaken in Naivasha constituency with a view of not contaminating the
final study population. Both the descriptive and inferential statistics were undertaken.
The descriptive statistics that were used include means, standard deviations, and
frequency distributions. The inferential statistics for this study included multiple
linear regressions and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The multiple regression
model was deemed viable as the p value was 0.000 which satisfied the p<0.05
threshold required for viability in this study. The study found that a unit increase in
monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder participation, risk management, and financial
resources each on its own with other variables kept constant would result in 0.096,
0.128, 0.021, and 0.357 increases in the implementation of CDF projects respectively.
It concluded that monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder participation, risk
management, and financial resources on their own have no significant influence on
implementation of CDF projects. It further concluded that monitoring and evaluation,
stakeholders’ participation, risk management, and financial resources positively
influence the implementation of CDF projects. The study recommends changes to the
CDF management implementing policy so as to improve the monitoring and
evaluation framework including enhancing the supervisory role of the Member of
Parliament in project implementation. It also recommends that stakeholder and
community participation in identifying viable projects be enhanced so that the
projects that are implemented have impact to the community. It further recommends
that sufficient amount of funds be allocated to projects, and the budgetary plans of the
allocated funds include an appropriate estimate for purposes of examination of the
project implementation.
A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of masters of business administration (strategic management) to the school of business Kenyatta University July 2018