Socio-cultural and psychological factors influencing clothing selection of kenyan adolescents in Nairobi province
Migunde, Susan Anyango
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Kenyatta University
This was a survey research whose main purpose
was to determine socio-cultural and psychological
factors which influence clothing selection among the
Kenyan Adolescents.
The data used in the study were collected using
a questionnaire which was given out to a sample of
120 adolescents in four secondary schools in four
divisions in Nairobi Province. The data were
ana Iyzed us ing frequenc ies , pe rcen tages, means and
t-tests. The results showed that most adolescents in
Nairobi schools stay in town and therefore, have the
town influence. Most of the respondents' parents had
at least secondary education and understood the need
to allow their teenage children to participate in
clothing selection. This they did by accompanying
their parents to 'the shops. The parents also
understood what their teenagers are exposed to,
therefore, were more flexible when deciding on what
their children should wear. It was also found that
most adolescents select their clothing items in
shops se 11 ing new ready made c lot hes and open-a ir
markets selling second-hand clothes. The results
also showed that tailored clothes are not popular
among the Kenyan adolescents in the sample
On the sources of information, the study showed
that the most popular sources of information are:
clothing displays, fashion magazines, fashion shows
and what other people wear. The least popular
sources of informat ion were found to be videos and
newspaper adverts.
On the socio-cultural factors, the results
showed that the Kenyan adolescents are influenced
more by their school authorities, parents, society,
their age mates and social activities they are
engaged in. The results also indicated that
religious norms or beliefs are the least influential
factors when it comes to decisions on clothing items
to be selected.
On the psychological factors, the aesthetic
value was found to be the most influential factor
among the Kenyan adolescents. Other factors which
were also very influential were: one's own interest,
one's own values, attitude towards the style of the
item and cost of the item. The least influential
factors were prestige and popularity of the items
brand name, shop or store in which the item is
available and to impress others, respectively.
There were significant differences between male
and female adolescents in only one source of
information, i.e fashion magazines where females
were influenced more than the males. There were also
significant differences on
namely: what is accepted by
religious norms or beliefs
influenced more than males.
socio-cultural factors
parents, siblings and
with the females being
The t-test results also
showed that there are no significant differences
between male and female adolescents
selected psychological factors
Department of Educational Foundation, 120p. 1993