Assessment of Water Quality in Aquaculture Ponds in Tigoni , Kiambu County, Kenya
Mbuthia, Milkah Gathoni
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Kenyatta University
Fisheries and aquaculture is an important source of food, income and livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people around the world. Aquaculture production has increased
fro m 29.5million tonnes in 2010 to 37.5 million ton nes in 2014 in the world and 1.3
million tons in 2010 to 3.8 million tonnes in Africa. There is no sufficient information
suitability of water quality in aquaculture ponds in Tigoni . The aim of the study was to
determine the suitability of aquaculture ponds for fish farming based on their water
quality The specific objective s of the study were; t o find out quality of water in
aquaculture ponds , t o identify the type of algae in aquaculture ponds and t o evalu ate the
relationship s between water quality and algae in the aquaculture ponds. The study area
was Tigoni in Kiambu County. Stratified random sampling design was used to select 8
sample ponds which water samples were collected twice a mont h for four months .
Parameters were temperatures, pH, conductivity, dissolved Oxygen (DO), secchi depth,
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrates, phosphate and algae identification was also
done. The mean values for the physical parameters ranged from 19.69±0.48 0 C to
22 .54±0.57 0 C (water temperature), 7.57 ±0.52 (pH), 190.25±127.86 to 416.50±168.93
µS/cm (conductivity), 14.13±3.36 to 28.38±7.13cm (transparency) and 4.03±1.39 to
6.63±1.37 mg/l . Chemical parameter 1.99±0.52 to 2.82±0.48 mg/l (BOD), 5.06±1.05 to
57.57±15.84 mg/ l (phosphate) and 0.38±0.10 to 8.86±1.20 ( One Way ANOVA
indicated significant difference between pond F and H (P=0.001) (temperature), pond A
and G (P=0.001) (pH), pond A and C (p=002) (conductivity). Pond D from G (p=0.000)
(Secchi depth), pon d C and G (P=0.001) (DO). Pond D and G (p=0.001) (BOD) Pond F
and H (p=0.001) (phosphates) and pond A and H (0.000) (nitrates). Mean temperature
were in the lower range with pond D and H bein g below optimum range. DO t test, pond
G had a significant differ ence (t=7.500, α=0.05, p=0.00) and there was no significant
difference in BOD in all ponds. A total of 12 genera of algae were identified.
Composition per pond was; pond A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H recorded 6, 10, 7, 6, 6, 7, 10
and 11 genera respectively. Temperature, lowest Pond H 6 genera identified, highest
mean pond 7 genera were identified. Phosphate, Pond H highest mean 11 genera pond F
7 genera. Nitrates highest in pond H 11 genera while lowest was in pond A 6 genera were
identified. In conclusion , water quality in most aquaculture ponds did not vary
signific antly from one pond to another and the quality in most aquaculture ponds met
quality for fish farming . Ponds high in phosphates and nitrates had more genera of
The study recommends wate r management intervention be practced to manage water
quality and control algae growth also water and soil conservation to control nutrient load
in water sources . R esearch on suitability of water used for aquaculture in the area , a
comparative study for wa ter quality in liner and earthen ponds and the algae composition
and abundance in the aquaculture ponds
A Thesis Submitted in Partialfulfillment of the Requirementfor the Award of Degree of Master of Environmental Sciencein the School of Environmental Studies of Kenyatta University, January, 2020
Qualityin Aquaculture Ponds, Tigoni, Kiambu County, Kenya