Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency of Passion Fruit Producers in the Kenya Highlands
Karani-Gichimu, Charles
Macharia, Ibrahim
Mwangi, Maina
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The importance of passion fruit in livelihood improvement has been a key driver among rural
households production participation in Kenya. The frequency of harvest and income flows
compared to other farm enterprises in the fruit growing regions has been high. However, the
productivity of the fruit remains low; an indicator of low technical efficiency. Using a semi-structured
questionnaire, cross sectional data from 123 randomly selected passion fruit producers was used in
the study to assess factors that contribute to purple passion fruit production efficiency in the
Kenyan highlands. The study established a mean technical efficiency of 58.66%. Orchard age,
credit amount used, non-passion fruit income and County variables significantly and positively
influenced TE at 5% level. The level of education, extension advice use frequency and market
access positively and significantly influenced technical efficiency at 10% level. In order to amend
the current efficiency status upwards, passion fruit producers and support institutions should
incorporate innovative measures towards resource use efficiency for increased productivity.
research paper
Factors, efficiency, purple passion fruit, smallholder
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 5(3): 126-136, 2015; Article no. AJAEES.2015.046 ISSN: 2320-7027