Application of Audio Visual Resources in Teaching and Learning Pronunciation in Kiswahili Language among Secondary School Students in Kiambu County, Kenya
Osore, Joy Lodenyi
Ondigi, Samson Rossana
Miima, Florence Abuyeka
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Teaching pronunciation entails how a sound or a word is pronounced or how a person pronounces words.
Teaching pronunciation enhances students’ ability in listening and speaking. Use of audio visual resources in teaching
has been regarded worldwide as an appropriate method of facilitating lesson delivery. Teaching and learning
pronunciation is also a pillar for transforming language learning in schools. Teachers within and outside Kenya have
been criticized for failing to include audio visual resources in teaching and learning. It is against this background that
this study was designed to investigate how application of audio visual resources facilitates teaching and learning
Kiswahili language pronunciations among secondary school students. This study was guided by two objectives as follows:
to examine how audio visual resources are applied by teachers and learners in teaching and learning Kiswahili language
pronunciations and to examine the attitude of teachers and learners towards use of audio visual resources in teaching
and learning pronunciations in Kiswahili. This study was anchored on the constructivism theory advanced by Bruner
(1990). Quasi experimental research design was applied and the participants were divided into experimental and control
groups. The targeted population comprised of 108 Kiswahili teachers and 2150 students who were taken from 36 schools.
Data collection tools included questionnaires, observation schedules, and students’ examinations. Piloting of the research
tools was done and the tools were confirmed to be valid and reliable instruments for collecting data. Data analysis was
done with the aid of SPSS program. Findings indicated that application of audio visual resources in teaching
pronunciations in Kiswahili positively impacted the performance in Kiswahili examination among students who were in
the experimental group. Teachers and students were found to have a positive attitude towards use of audio visual
resources in teaching and learning. The necessary recommendations are given.
Osore, J. L., Miima, F. A., & Ondigi, S. R. Application Of Audio Visual Resources In Teaching And Learning Pronunciation In Kiswahili Language Among Secondary School Students In Kiambu County, Kenya.