Attitudinal Training and Employee Perfomance in Devolved System of Governance in Kenya: A Case of Nyamira County Assembly
Atunga, Onduko Gilbert
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Kenyatta University
Public organizations seek to improve on the performance of their employees so that they
can provide public service both effectively and efficiently. This study examined the use
of attitudinal training to enhance employee performance at the Nyamira County
Assembly. The objectives of the study included establishing how attitudinal training
methods influence employees’ performance; investigating the factors necessitating the
adoption of attitudinal training to enhance employee performance, and establishing how
the content of attitudinal training influences employee performance at the Nyamira
County Assembly. The Kirkpatrick model was used to generate a framework for
examining the effectiveness of the attitudinal training at the County Assembly concerning
the enhancement of employees’ performance. The descriptive research design and
correlation research designs informed date collection and analysis in the study. The
research target population was 124 staff at the County Assembly. Stratified sampling was
used, dividing the target population of 124 staffers at the County Assembly into two
strata based on their contractual and non-contractual status. Purposive sampling was be
used to determine 12 participants were interviewed. A total of 112 questionnaires were
distributed to the rest of the staff at the County Assembly. The quantitative data was
analzyed using the descriptive and inferential statistics, while the qualitative data was
analyzed using the thematic analysis process. Logistical and ethical considerations
regarding budgeting and research timeline were taken into consideration, while ethical
considerations included confidentiality, anonymity, and informed consent. The study
found that the performance of the employees is evident by considering their contribution
to quality service delivery, productivity, teamwork and innovation. This, therefore,
implied that organizations could improve the performance of their employees by adopting
attitudinal training methods including job rotation, coaching, job instruction, and
mentoring, and role-playingThe study also found that the attitudinal training in the
organization was contingent upon factors such as human resource policy, managerial
support, the provision of the required infrastructure, the development of training based on
skills needs, and the development of training that advances career prospects of the
employees. The findings revealed that attitudinal training content and employee
performance were statistically significant. The study established that the training content
that contributed to employee performance includes content on customer service,
communication skills, ethics and integrity and leadership skills. The study, therefore,
recommended the adoption of job instruction, job rotation, coaching and mentoring, and
role-playing attitudinal training methods in a bid to advance staff performance in public
organizations. The study noted that to yield the required employee performance, the
development of training programs should consider factors such as human resource
policies, managerial support, provision of the required infrastructure, and involve the
employees in the processes of designing and developing the training programs. Besides,
to enhance employee performance organizations should ensure that the training programs
inculcate attitudinal training content including customer care, communication skills,
ethics and integrity, and leadership skills.
A Project Report Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Public Policy and Administration of Kenyatta University, April 2023.
Attitudinal Training, Employee Perfomance, Devolved System, Governance in Kenya, Nyamira County Assembly